Global Descend, It All Starts With The Sage Eyes

Chapter 90: The entrance to the hall is completed and the housing war begins!


Although we can't bear to part with each other, we still have to separate when it's time to separate.

Leaving the western boundary of the northern boundary and heading back and forth to the center, Wang Lu, who originally came in high spirits, also fell silent.

The little demon dragon did not appear. He went to play somewhere, and no one paid much attention to it.

More than a month has passed, and people have gradually become familiar with the wasteland. Most of those who cannot survive have turned into bones in the wasteland, and time will eventually erase their traces.

The remaining humans have mastered basic survival abilities, and the better ones have even begun to pursue a higher standard of living.

From this time period, human beings gradually formed classes, and some who needed the help of others to survive inevitably became the lower class.

Although no one brought this up.

Returning to the territory, Erwa still stood quietly at the gate waiting.

Everyone is used to this, Erwa has such a personality.

"Lord, during your absence, the construction of the third hall has been completed. Please take a look." Erwa said, leading everyone to the territory.

Wang Lu's territory was built against the mountains, with a circular shape to distribute the buildings. The cemetery villa is located in the center, and various buildings dotted around it surround the central boundary.

If the central villa is on the first ring, then other buildings such as farms are on the fifth ring.

The entrance to the third hall is approximately at the third ring.

The building at the entrance of the hall is also built in the style of Wanglu Villa, but it is larger and connected to each other.

The entrance of the hall has a combination of traditional Western architecture and Chinese style, which is in line with Wang Lu's aesthetics.

With the completion of the three main halls, there are some extra things in the third ring, and the entire territory will no longer look so empty.

This is the beginning of Wang Lu's third major strategy. After solving the food problem, the next step is to solve the housing problem. We can't always let farmers sleep on the ground waiting every day.

The style of Wutang is biased towards combat, with sharp edges and fiery red building exteriors full of majesty.

Since the central hall is directly under Wanglu, it has the largest area among the three main halls, and the appearance of the building is basically the same as that of the villa, without too much unique style.

The middle hall was beyond Wang Lu's expectation. The entire building at the entrance of the hall was completely pink, full of strong girlish feelings.

Erwa also noticed Lord Lord's expression and said awkwardly: "Lord Lord, the construction of this hall may be because the architect thought that the hall owner was Teacher Ye Tong, so he made it more girlish."

"Are you sure?" Wang Lu was stunned for a moment, "Is Wang Jianyi okay now?"

Would Ye Tong like this style of architecture

The corners of Erwa's mouth twitched and she said, "Jianyi should be completing the endless homework assigned by Teacher Ye Tong."

"I knew it."

Wang Lu waved his hand. The building has been completed. At most, the exterior has been painted with paint, but those cute sculptures and the like cannot be demolished.

Otherwise, it is better to rebuild it.

With the construction of the three main halls completed, Wang Lu was able to start his next step of construction. First, he had to strengthen his team of architects.

Arriving at Wang Jianyi's workplace, Wang Jianyi was sitting on a stool with a miserable look on his face. In front of him was the fierce-looking Ye Tong, and on the other side were a lot of white papers.

Some of them were left over from the village chief's supplies, but they are probably almost used.


Wang Lu pretended to cough, put on a smile and walked in.

Ye Tong raised his head and saw Wang Lu coming in. He said angrily: "Hey~ isn't this Lord Wang? How come you have time to come back and visit your territory?"

Wang Lu smiled awkwardly, "I have something to do with Wang Jianyi."

As soon as Wang Jian heard the Lord Lord's words, his eyes that had lost their light lit up again, as if he had seen his savior.


Ye Tong twitched the ruler he got from nowhere and said, "Wang Jianyi still needs to study. No one can let him go until the task is completed."

"Also, Wang Lu, don't think that you can escape while you are out. I have also arranged your tasks for you. If you see that there is no stack of paper on the table, it belongs to you."

"Holy shit?"

Wang Lu was stunned for a moment, that thing turned out to be his homework

"Emmm, Jianyi, study hard and I'll come back to you later."

When something bad happened, Wang Lu hurriedly walked away from here. The air pressure where Ye Tong, the great demon king, was was so low that he could hardly breathe.

Ye Tong squinted and looked in the direction where Wang Lu was escaping, and suddenly turned his head and looked at Wang Jianyi fiercely, "What are you looking at? You like pink so much, have you copied it ten thousand times?"

Wang Jianyi: “·······”


On the summoning platform, Wang Lu mobilized the zombie spirits in the warehouse and merged them into the summoning platform one by one.

Wang Jian, who looked desperate in the audience, finally regained his composure when he saw this scene. The lord wanted to strengthen his team of construction workers!

In a square formation under the field, figures descended one after another. The originally small team of architects suddenly surpassed the largest number of guards and entered the ranks of a team of 300 people.

The construction workers who had just arrived were still looking at the scene in a daze, and then they saw Wang Jianyi.

"Foreman, you are here too."

Those people looked at Wang Jianyi with excitement, and immediately ignored Wang Lu who was standing on the high platform.

Wang Jianyi responded with a smile and said: "Don't look at me, turn around and look at our lord, he is the one who summoned you."

Upon hearing this, many construction workers turned around and looked at Wanglu on the high platform.

"Greetings to the lord!"

The construction workers knelt on the ground one after another. After all, this was the lord among humans.

Wang Lu smiled and nodded, but he didn't expect that boy Wang Jianyi to have such appeal in the underground world. However, is the contractor the kind of contractor on earth

"I summoned you today. Please continue to follow Wang Jianyi. My territory will enter a very important stage next. You are all important beings. I hope you can work well. This lord will definitely not let you down."

"Obey the Lord, and you will not disappoint the Lord!"

Wang Lu nodded with satisfaction and said, "Jianyi, I'll leave this group of people to you. I need to see qualified housing appear in the Fourth Ring Road in four days."

"I obey, Lord!" Wang Jianyi saluted.

The construction workers picked up their belongings one after another, carrying boxes of materials in front of the four-ring boundary. When they saw the various building materials in the boxes, the serious ones even cried.

Lord Wang smiled at this group of simple migrant workers and didn't say much.

"Wang Lu!! Have you completed all the tasks I arranged for you? Without your approval, it will be difficult for me to work here."

Ye Tong's voice came from behind, frightening everyone in the territory to tremble.

Wang Lu turned his head awkwardly and looked at Ye Tong. The other party's beautiful face was full of anger at the moment, and his eyes were staring at Wang Lu with murderous intent.

"I will take care of it quickly. Didn't I just summon a group of construction workers to prepare to complete the housing construction in the territory?"

"Have you finished it? If it's done, hurry up and take a look at the resource usage arrangements I gave. Or you can directly give me the right to use the resources, or you can be the leader of this statistics hall yourself!"

"I was wrong."

Wang Lu hurriedly lowered his head. The pressure in the Statistics Hall is indeed the greatest recently. Various systems have just been proposed. Ye Tong needs to think about the improvements. In addition, with the daily update of resources, Ye Tong and Erwa really have what they need. Too busy at times.

Looking at Wang Lu's lowered head, Ye Tong sighed heavily and said nothing more.

"After reading this, please give me an answer as soon as possible. There are still a lot of resources that need to be arranged."

Ye Tong showed a smile and walked away slowly.

Wang Lu also sighed, suddenly feeling a little sorry for Ye Tong.

"The primitive people with the ability to handle affairs seem to be the rat race, but that race also needs a recruitment order, so we have to find a way to get one quickly."

Wang Lu also made up his mind.


To the west of the western boundary is the Shuilin boundary.

This wasteland is very different from other wasteland boundaries. The air is full of moisture, and the ground is affected by this environment, turning dark yellow in color.

Because the water is more abundant, the forests and vegetation here are far greater than those in other lands. It may be the best place for development among the five lands.

Shuilin Realm is the largest joint territory in the Western Realm. The owner Lu Zhanyuan relied on his own strength to establish this joint territory in a short period of time, and defeated many opponents, becoming the well-deserved overlord of the Western Realm.

Similarly, it is a famous and large territory throughout the wasteland.

Lu Zhanyuan's residence and cemetery were built like a palace, and the aqua blue background looked very majestic.

If Wang Lu saw this scene, he would definitely criticize the other party and leave a lot of resources to himself to build his own residence. He just didn't know how to build other infrastructure.

Typically the emperor lives in the palace and the common people live in pig cages.

At this moment, Lu Jin'er was sitting on the chair, looking at her father, the man who single-handedly created the Shuilin World.

The pride of the entire Western Border is also his own goal.

"Jin'er, tell me all the information you know about Hongyuan Dragon, and I will make a decision."

Lu Zhanyuan said, a pair of brown eyes filled with strange water.
