Global Evolution

Chapter 119: Three big things


"Yes, a species that does not follow the laws of nature, a species that is not in the natural ecosystem. Tigers and lions will not kill after eating, and all animals and plants will not destroy others as the ultimate purpose of survival." Li Qingshui raised his hands The bottle in the middle: "But it will, it is a destructive creature produced by artificial metamorphosis gene synthesis and chemical weapons, it should not be produced in nature..."

"Is it scary?" The last time Liu Chang saw Li Qingshui speak in such alarmist words was when he met the big willow tree.

"It's scary. If you give it a certain base number and let it multiply, the data I got is that within 180 days - it can sweep the entire earth - and where it passes, there will be no grass. !"

"In other words, give it one hundred and eighty days, and it can destroy all other races on the entire planet."

"Including humans."

"Fuck!" After listening to Li Qingshui's words, Liu Chang opened his mouth wide in surprise, looking at the contents of the bottle, he felt that his current mood could no longer be described. "The good times are over?"

When He Zhizhi heard Li Qingshui's words, he also showed doubts and fear in his eyes.

"Basically, moss is a pioneer in the natural world, with strong vitality, and now this devil moss has no weakness." Li Qingshui put away the small bottle, and then continued: "So, I'm going to drink it. One step is to ban the re-planting of Liangdou in the whole Zhengzhou city to limit and eliminate the breeding base of this devil moss."

"Is it useful?" Liu Chang asked.

"should have."

"But in this way, 80% of the people in the city will be unable to eat again. The people who cannot eat are the craziest. They will try their best to find you, and it will really mess up now." Liu Chang opened his eyes wide. : "This will be even more chaotic than when the red mist first came four years ago, because at that time everyone had nothing to eat, and it was all natural reasons, and everyone had no one to vent their anger on. Now you don't let them eat Liang beans, many people They will starve to death, they don't care about devil moss or not, before they starve to death, there will definitely be chaos."

"Just mess around, I will find a way to deal with it." Li Qingshui sighed, and he also knew that this was already a very difficult matter. "I'll release more seeds of new species. Although it is not as good as Liangdou, and it can only be planted for a few generations before it becomes inedible due to re-mutation, but it can be relieved."

"Ah." Hearing Li Qingshui's words, Liu Chang sighed.

"Of course, this is the first thing I want to say today." Li Qingshui's words became more and more deep.


"There are two more things, one is worse than the other." Li Qingshui rubbed his head: "The first one, the species that watched me I said four years ago, do you remember?"

"Well, super life, what's wrong?" Liu Chang asked, "Have you given birth to a child?"

"It should be, it came back after more than two years of disappearance, this time three came."

"Fuck!" Liu Chang patted his forehead, "Super life forms are so strong, they can become invisible, they are smarter than humans, and they can reproduce. This is a species that is completely superior to humans!"

"So, they can't exist in this world." Li Qingshui rubbed his head, "Just wipe them out before they become popular. You don't have to worry about this, just pay more attention to your surroundings when you go to the jungle gone."

"And the third thing I want to talk about is the real thing—that big willow tree appeared again." Li Qingshui looked at Liu Chang, with fear showing in his eyes for the first time, "The place where it appeared is Wuhan City, As soon as it appeared, the entire city was destroyed. I heard that almost all the people there were extinct. Moreover, according to the news that everyone who died, even if the body had not been transformed into nutrients, all the brains were gone. It seems that The willow tree finally has self-awareness, and can obtain the wisdom of others without restriction."

"The real doomsday is coming..." Liu Chang closed his eyes, as if he saw the scene of willow branches all over the sky pounced on the ground, and then all the human beings were powerless to resist and their brains were eroded. to the whole world.

"How did the news come?" He Zhizhi, who had never said a word, temporarily let go of his fear of Li Qingshui when he heard the news, and interjected.

"Uh, after several years of hard work, we have found a communication band, but we can only communicate in rainy days when the fog is not so dense. This news came when it rained a few days ago." Li Qingshui said Then, let out a long breath, "Wuhan has now become a city of elf trees!"

"Can we stop the big willow tree?" Liu Chang asked.

"Probably not."

"What about nuclear weapons?"

"Probably not." Li Qingshui smiled wryly, "Don't forget, the wisdom of the willow tree belongs to human beings. It already has millions of human brains. Does it know the power of nuclear bombs? If it dares to appear, it means Don't be afraid. What's more, maybe one of his millions of brains has a nuclear code."

"Then let's wipe our necks and commit suicide. This is not a species we can fight against." Liu Chang heaved a sigh of relief and gave up asking about this matter. "Let me live happily for a few more days."

"Hehe, that's right. Anyway, it is now rooted in Wuhan, and it must be stable for a while." Li Qingshui said with a smile: "And those people's thinking is still there, maybe they are still alive in another way in the body of the big tree. "

"Stop talking, it's scary." Liu Chang looked at the sky outside, "It's getting dark, how about it, I won't open the door for business today, let's have a drink together, anyway, I don't know how long everyone can live. "

"Okay, but let's open for business. Drinking is only lively when there are many people." Li Qingshui stood up, "Let's go to a place over there where there is no one to drink."

"Okay." Liu Chang walked to the side of the bar and said to He Zhizhi, "Just say hello tonight, I'll have a drink with Teacher Li."

"Call out that fat man and Xiao Jing to drink together. Xiao Jing is 16 years old and can drink." Li Qingshui added.

"Haha, I'll call." Liu Chang smiled, walked to the inner room, pulled out Xiao Jing who was pouting inside, and called out Mo Sanpang by the way.

"Let's have a drink together today." Liu Chang held Xiao Jing's arms that were kicking and beating her and lifted her out, "Haha, don't be against me today, just today, can you make me happy?"

Liu Chang raised Xiao Jing above his head, looked into her eyes from below and asked.

"I promise, I will never give you away to anyone else in the future."