Global Evolution

Chapter 29: Desire


"You can't even eat shit, that's an unimaginable world!" Hearing Li Qingshui's words, Liu Chang picked up an empty bowl and filled it up for the little girl.

"Come on, cheers to the fact that we now have shit to eat!"

"Your joke is really vulgar." Fatty stood aside and sighed in a low voice, and then filled a bowl for himself.

After that, the three of them took their own bowls one after another, smelled the vegetable soup one after another, and then frowned at the same time.

After a while, the little girl mustered up the courage to take the first sip of the soup. As the thick soup entered her mouth, her pale face became completely pale, but she still swallowed it with trembling cheeks. After taking the first bite, she tasted the taste, and then, like those patients who swallowed traditional Chinese medicine, she pinched her nose and swallowed the soup and vegetables in big mouthfuls, hoping to shorten the painful time to a minimum.

Seeing the little girl drinking soup like this, Zhu Lin seemed to want to imitate it. She first pinched her nose, then took a deep breath, closed her breath, and gulped down a few mouthfuls of vegetable juice. But at the same moment when she gulped down the vegetable soup, her bowl fell to the ground with a "crack", followed by a strong sound of vomiting.

"Uh!" The vegetable juice she just drank was accompanied by gastric juices gushing out of her mouth and nasal cavity, which made the already unpleasant smell of the dormitory even more strange.

"I'm sorry." After Zhu Lin vomited, she wiped the residue from the corners of her mouth and gave the other four people an apologetic look. Then she weakly supported her stomach and picked up the broom in the dormitory to clean up the "wreckage" she had caused. .

"Sigh." Looking at the reactions of the other two, the fat man mustered up his courage several times towards the soup bowl, and after taking a small sip, he gave up.

"No, I can't eat." The fat man put his bowl aside, expressing that he would not eat any more.

"They are really fragile people." Seeing the reaction of the two of them, Li Qingshui didn't force them to continue eating. After finishing the food in his bowl, he put down the bowl and chopsticks and closed his eyes to meditate.

And Liu Chang didn't speak, and after silently finishing the food in his bowl, he ate it together with the remaining vegetable soup in the pot.

Afterwards, a strange warm feeling appeared in the abdomen, and the stench in the mouth seemed not so strong—human pain, no matter what kind of pain it is, is not considered pain after enduring the labor pain period. Because the human body has evolved very well, excessive pain equivalent will cause the brain to automatically cut off the connection with the body, which is the so-called fainting. And if a person is unable to faint under the stimulation of a special situation, the pain will gradually fade after the labor pain period, and some people will even help them transform the pain into an alternative pleasure after the pain reaches the extreme.

So, people are really amazing creatures.

So is Liu Chang. After drinking a stomach full of stinky water, the only thing he can feel now is the warmth in his stomach, which makes him no longer hungry and feels very comfortable.

"How can you eat so much food?" Seeing Liu Chang eat up a pot of soup, Zhu Lin's pale face showed admiration, "I can't eat a single bite."

"Hard the first bite, it's not so bad." Liu Chang replied truthfully.

"But I can't take a bite."

"Is there anything you can't bear? I can bet that in three days or less, you will definitely be able to eat these things, and they will definitely feel delicious." Hearing Zhu Lin's words, Li Qingshui opened his eyes , said with a smile: "Humans have never been delicate animals, and their desire for food will overwhelm everything else."

"I don't believe it, I won't eat these things even if I die." Zhu Lin retorted, "I'd rather die than let me eat these."

"You don't want to eat these things because you have never tried real hunger when you grow up. People who have experienced famine know how terrible people's desire for food is. Sexual desire is derived from human reproduction. Appetite It is derived from the desire to survive, and the desire to reproduce is also a branch of the desire to survive, so appetite is an equivalent order of magnitude higher than sexual desire, and the pain of hunger is a thousand times that of hunger and thirst.”

"The desire of a really hungry person is ten times the sexual desire of a person who has been fed strong aphrodisiacs - the latter will not let go as long as there is a opposite sex, while the former is, as long as it can be stuffed into the stomach In the age of hunger in ancient times, people who ate tree bark and soil were everywhere. When people were hungry, even if there was poison in front of them, they would have to fill their stomachs before talking." Li Qingshui lay down while talking. I got on my bed and closed my eyes: "So, if you don't eat these things today, I won't rush you. Tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow at the latest, you must eat."

After saying this, Li Qingshui closed his eyes again. Obviously, he is a person who is very good at saving energy in his body.

And Liu Chang was doing the same thing. While Li Qingshui was talking, he lay back next to the girl and closed his eyes—although he ate a full stomach of vegetable soup, after all, he just drank a "full of water" "With no carbohydrates and no protein, the energy his body needs has not been replenished at all.

Therefore, for physical strength, if you can save a little, you have to save a little. This is the basis for ensuring survival.

As Li Qingshui and Liu Chang closed their eyes, the little girl curled up next to Liu Chang and did not speak. The fat man and Zhu Lin also stopped making a sound because of Li Qingshui's lecture. In the room, their area was trapped. There was a short silence.

The other two families in this dormitory also remained silent from beginning to end. The family had just died, and there was no way to "redress grievances". Apart from casting a vicious look at Liu Chang's area from time to time, the dull and depressing atmosphere made them unable to speak.

As for the other family, it was even more tragic. The two old people in his family seemed to be sick. Hunger, sleeping on the floor, high nervousness, and being too old made the faces of the two old people look sick. The daughter gave up a bed for them to squeeze together. In the middle of the single bed, she watched them silently beside her.

And Liu Chang, who was sleeping at their feet, obviously knew about this scene long ago, but he still had no intention of giving up his bed. In such a world, he really felt that he was in danger. Today he fully understood how difficult it is to find prey and food. Now, lying on a relatively soft bed was the only thing that helped him regain his strength. Physical strength means survival, and it is impossible for him to give up his chances of survival to others—even if the pair of dying old people really make people look sad.

that's all.

Three "families", eleven people, one room.

fell silent.

The sky also completely darkened in the silence—everyone who is familiar with the law of the jungle knows that the danger of the jungle at night is ten times that of the jungle during the day, so no one dares to go out at this time.

Finally, he opened his eyes and looked at the black and red world outside the window. Liu Chang closed his eyes, hugged the little girl in his arms, and slowly fell asleep.

"Will the teacher accompany me to hunt tomorrow?"


This is the last line of dialogue in the quiet room.