Global Evolution

Chapter 33: chase


Clenching the iron spear tightly in his hand, Liu Chang suddenly felt a bit like a cheetah in the jungle, lurking among the weeds, waiting quietly, just waiting for the moment when the prey relaxes its vigilance.

This time his luck was not bad, after only lurking in the grass for a moment, he ushered in his first good chance to attack - two wolfhounds were fighting with each other, and turned to the other side at the same time, turning the black back and the thick His tail was left to him.

"A good hunter knows how to lurk, and knows how to seize every fleeting opportunity to attack."

At this moment, the words Li Qingshui said before flashed through his mind, Liu Chang didn't hesitate any longer, took advantage of this opportunity, and approached the two wolfhounds with the most careful steps from the grass seven or eight meters away. Four meters, then shouted loudly, exerted force on his legs, accelerated his acceleration to the limit, and jumped up with the fastest speed.

"Ha!" Liu Chang shouted so startled that the two wolfdogs turned around at the same time, and they didn't choose to run away at the first time - this is also the natural reaction of animals. The roar of lions and tigers before hunting is also to scare their prey. Effect.

Liu Chang's shout gave him the best opportunity to attack. He leaped into the air without any hesitation, and picked the fatter one of the two wolfhounds, piercing down with the iron spear from top to bottom.

There was a muffled sound of "噗", this blow concentrated all of Liu Chang's weight and strength, allowing his iron spear to directly pierce the fur of the wolf dog, piercing its internal organs, and then from the belly of the wolf dog at the bottom of the body. The tip of the spear pealed him firmly to the ground.

"Woo~~~!" The impaled wolfhound screamed, instinctively counterattacked frantically under the iron spear, and was about to bite Liu Chang's ankle with its big mouth spurting blood.

The battle between trapped beasts was especially terrifying. Liu Chang hurriedly abandoned his spear and jumped back, leaving the injured wolfhound in place. After pulling away from it, Liu Chang no longer looked at it, but took out the scalpel on his body, and stared at the other dog.

"Wow, woof, woof!!!" The uninjured dog watched Liu Chang's long jump and did not pursue it. Instead, he stood beside his companion and barked wildly, trying to drive away the aggressor with this threatening tone.

But this invader has known its strength for a long time, and is not affected by this threat at all, just holding the scalpel and thinking about how to take this prey into his hands.

As if understanding the meaning in Liu Chang's eyes, the wolfhound barked threateningly, glanced at his companion, and ran away. This made Liu Chang very surprised, abandoning his companions and running away, which is not like the habit of dogs. But he didn't think too much about it, too much meat would rot if he couldn't finish it. The weather is so hot, the microorganisms are still so powerful, and the meat is rotten, which is a matter of two or three hours.

The wolfhound he had already hunted weighed over a hundred catties, which was definitely enough for the five of them to eat.

So, thinking of this, he was overjoyed. The desire for meat made him forget everything for a while. He took the scalpel and walked to the wolf dog that was weak due to excessive blood loss, and then stabbed the sharp knife into the wolf dog. The wolfhound's neck.

One second, two seconds... More than thirty seconds later, the wolf dog suffocated to death, and did not bleed out too much blood to contaminate Liu Chang's arm.

And just after he finished all this, Li Qingshui rushed to the scene with the little girl on his back.

"Just now, the little girl told me that one living body other than you left, and the other living body disappeared, so I knew you had succeeded!" After Li Qingshui arrived, he put the little girl on the ground, and took the little girl from the backpack. He took out a large plastic bag from the inside, took Liu Chang's scalpel, and said, "Come on, let me dissect it. You will put the meat in the bag later, and be careful not to get blood on your body."

"Okay." Liu Chang said, picked up the plastic bag, and watched Li Qingshui skillfully dismember a wolf dog into several large pieces of flesh and blood. The whole process of Li Qingshui dismembering the wolf dog was very short, and what was even more amazing was that he didn't waste a single bit of blood during the whole process.

"Hurry up and put it in a bag. The smell of blood is too strong. I'm afraid it will cause danger." After the dismemberment was completed, Li Qingshui wiped his sweat.

"Oh." Admiring Li Qingshui's skill, Liu Chang put the stumps into the huge black plastic bag that Li Qingshui brought, and then the two of them stuffed the plastic bag into the backpack that the latter was carrying. Middle—stuffed slowly a package.

"Come on, jump on my back!" After finishing all this, Liu Chang wiped his hands with the juice of the plant next to him, picked up the iron spear, and let the little girl jump on his back. After that, the three of them left here happily.

"I didn't expect to be so lucky today." On the way back to the barracks, Li Qingshui, Liu Chang and the little girl all had joy on their faces.

"It's really lucky." Li Qingshui said: "I didn't expect to be so successful when I hunted with you for the first time. We couldn't finish eating so many portions of meat. After being hungry for such a long time, overeating will ruin it." physical."

"But, if you don't eat it, it will go bad in two or three hours, so you can't eat it." Liu Chang felt very sorry.

"Well, there is no way, it can't be refrigerated, otherwise it can be stored for two or three hours. Why don't I go back and see if I can exchange some biscuits with the military with the meat, that is easy to store. Anyway, they have a lot of people, so don't worry I can't finish it." Li Qingshui squeezed his chin while talking, his eyes revealed a look of deep thinking.

"If you exchange things with the military, they will check a lot. Is it troublesome?" Civilian people, as a last resort, generally don't like to deal with official people in terms of interests-because the disadvantaged groups and the powerful groups exchange interests. Sometimes, it will always be the one that suffers.

"I'll try my best to avoid trouble..." After saying this, Li Qingshui fell silent, obviously thinking about how to "avoid trouble".

The three of them walked in silence for a while again, and the pace was very fast. When they were getting closer to the military area, the little girl behind Liu Chang suddenly bounced violently.

"It's not good, something is chasing after it, and it's very fast. A danger value of 8, uh, followed by a danger value of 1, heading towards our direction." The little girl finished speaking in a hurried voice. This palpitating remark shocked Liu Chang and the others, and they were about to speed up their escape, but not long after her words fell, Liu Chang heard the sound of the grass behind him.

How fast is a person's 100-meter speed? Before the apocalypse, there were people who could run within 10 seconds. After the apocalypse, there must be more than this number.

How fast can a dog run? Before the doomsday, it must be more than 10 seconds. After the doomsday, the speed of 100 meters in five or six seconds is absolutely normal.

So when the little girl's voice fell and Liu Chang was about to speed up and flee, he felt that the sky was dark, and a huge wolf dog jumped from behind him to the ground in front of him.

The road ahead was blocked, Liu Chang hurriedly stopped, and carefully looked at the chasing enemy with an iron spear.

This is a big dog.

But how big

Standing on all fours, it is three points bigger than a giant bear. It may be because cats are stronger than canines in the same size. This dog is bigger than the big white cat that Liu Chang met before, and its face is extremely ferocious. , the limbs are thick and powerful, and the teeth stand tall, all of which are as long as Liu Chang's fingers.

At a glance, Liu Chang knew that if he fought this dog - he would definitely die!