Global Evolution

Chapter 42: first cycle


"Yeah." Ling Kong caught the biscuit, and Liu Chang put it in front of his nose and sniffed it carefully, and said, "It doesn't have a musty smell, but even the original smell of the biscuit is gone, so it's probably about to go bad."

"It seems that we really have to find another way." Li Qingshui glanced at the box of biscuits, and said, "The military's food is almost running out, and they have noticed us, it seems that the way to change biscuits The channel is completely broken."

"Didn't you hear that someone is going to try to grow food recently?" Hearing that the food was about to run out, the fat man said anxiously: "Those plants outside are growing so luxuriantly, some people suggested planting some old food varieties. Calculate according to the growth speed of other plants outside." If so, the grain production cycle can be shortened to less than 10 days."

"It's not that simple. You can't eat many things that you could eat before, so you can guarantee that the food is edible? You know, it is also a kind of plant, and it will also evolve and mutate." Li Qingshui said: "And Even if you can eat it, what will you do within ten days? Do you want to eat tree roots and weeds like those people outside?"

"Then what should we do? If you don't eat the stuff you bring in, it will go bad. Even if there is a ton of meat, if we can't finish it in one meal, we will throw it away!" The fat man cried anxiously.

And his words also caused a moment of silence here.

"It seems that we can only use that method." After a while, Liu Chang broke the awkward silence. He glanced at Zhu Lin and said, "The only way to do it is to use the method she said before, to give meat a more powerful antiseptic treatment." !"

"You mean..." After being reminded by Liu Chang, Li Qingshui immediately thought of a suggestion made by Zhu Lin ten days ago, "You mean to use the formalin that soaked the corpse?"

"Yes, if there is formalin, even now, the meat can be preserved for two or three days. As long as the meat can be preserved, the meat we collect will be valuable, and we will not completely run out of food." Liu Chang squinted slightly said the eyes.

"Where can I find formalin?" The fat man asked again.

"There are so many hospitals." Liu Chang couldn't help but think of the first time he went to the hospital to find medicine, "It's just that a place like a hospital sounds a little scary."

"This method is feasible." After Li Qingshui said this, he patted his buttocks and stood up from the small bench, and said, "Let's go, it's getting late, let's talk as we walk."

After Li Qingshui stood up, Liu Chang and the others also stood up with him, discussed this issue, cleaned up the kitchen, left here, and returned to their dormitory.

The dormitory for the few of them looked much more relaxed than when they first arrived. The death of a person in the barracks made the originally crowded barracks vacant.

Originally, Liu Chang's dormitory was for eight people, but there were twelve people living in three families, and there were not enough beds. But after only ten days or so, the beds were not in high demand at all—because apart from Liu Chang and his group, more than half of the other two families died.

Xiao Gang, a family of four, was dismembered by tentacle monsters the second day he moved in. During the mass death a few days ago, his father failed to resist the bacterial attack, and another one died. Now only Xiaoyong and his mother are left.

As for the miserable family of three, long before the "time of death" came, there was only the quiet young woman left. Moreover, since the death of her parents, this young woman's spirit has almost collapsed, and she lives on weeds and bark every day. Although she has been tortured to the point of being inhuman, she survived surprisingly.

Seeing that she survived, even Li Qingshui had to lament the "tenacity" of human life.

And now, after four people died, the dormitory for eight people finally had enough beds. Even because the little girl likes to sleep with Liu Chang, there is an extra bed in this dormitory—here, there is no more dispute about the bed.

However, although there is no dispute over the bed, the atmosphere here is not much more relaxed. On the contrary, it is much more depressing than before—because of the dead and extreme hunger, the air here has become as dignified as mercury, and the weird atmosphere makes this place like a mortuary. Generally lifeless. If a human being who hadn't experienced the doomsday entered this room, he would definitely feel chest tightness and nausea due to the heavy atmosphere.

And after entering the room, Liu Chang and his party chose to remain silent as they did a few days ago—their small group of five people is a very rare small group of "no one is injured" since the end of the day. , since there is no dead person, the atmosphere is extraordinarily relaxed, and it looks so out of place with other people.

Therefore, after they return here, they usually choose to remain silent as if they were in the countryside, so as not to irritate other personnel.

The five people will do what they want to do in tacit understanding, and then fall asleep at the same time when the darkness covers the earth.

Another night of silence.

Early the next morning, everyone opened their eyes at the same time when the first ray of sunlight ignited the blood-colored thick fog, and immediately sat up from the bed in order to survive after opening their eyes.

Liu Chang and the little girl are an eternal hunting combination.

And Fatty and Zhu Lin will always follow Li Qingshui to find various edible plants-these plants are life-saving things when Liu Chang doesn't get meat, and they become edible ingredients after he gets meat in exchange for biscuits. Vegetables—their existence significance, in a sense, is no worse than the meat that Liu Chang ordered.

Therefore, after a clear division of labor, the few people merged into the embrace of nature against the first ray of light in the morning, just like those ancient primitive people, struggling for food and survival.

"It is said that good luck and bad luck will appear in pairs. This is also the reason that good luck and misfortune never come singly." Walking out of the dormitory, Li Qingshui patted Liu Chang's shoulder and said, "You were very lucky yesterday Chicken, today I wish you another victory!"

"Thank you!" Hearing Li Qingshui's blessing, Liu Chang smiled "haha", squatted down and picked up the little girl and put it on his neck. After waving to everyone, he completely melted into the deep Among the blood.

Walking out of the compound of the military region and walking through the dense grass, Liu Chang carried the little girl on his back. His footsteps were not only steady, but his speed was also extremely fast—the second evolution of his body made him much stronger. The little girl was already light on his shoulders. If there is nothing, the wide line of sight can also take a panoramic view of the surrounding scenery within 15 meters—with a viewing distance of 15 meters, he has never felt that things are so clear in a world of dense fog.

"Xiao Jing, how much has your perception distance increased in the past two days?" Liu Chang asked while sneaking with a military crossbow in his hand.

"It's about 130 meters, and the growth rate has slowed down in the past two days."

"Well, Mr. Li said that the first large-scale mutation cycle of human beings has passed, and I don't know when the next time will be. What is my current risk value?"