Global Evolution

Chapter 437: biggest thing


Willow's expansion continued, and time passed.

It seems that everyone who is hostile to Willow is waiting for an opportunity, but this opportunity has been delayed.

"What is the biggest limiting factor for a huge living body?" Li Qingshui asked a biological researcher.

"It's the nerve conduction velocity. The nerve conduction velocity of human beings, even the type A fibers from the body with myelin, is at most 130 meters per second. The thicker the nerve fibers, the faster the conduction velocity, but there should be an extreme value. ’ said the researcher.

"Well, then you said that the current body of the big willow tree has spanned the three continents of Asia, Europe and Africa, and the body length should be measured in thousands of kilometers. Therefore, after the instructions from his brain are sent, the feedback to the body should be It will take quite a while. Therefore, his current body looks a little bloated... Even if there are multiple command sources, it is a waste of time to coordinate them separately. No wonder there were many biological Experts have said that when the physical body evolves to the extreme, it is bound to transform into a pure energy form—the hindrance of the body, after reaching the level of the willow tree, becomes too burdensome." Standing between the Bering Strait of the Pacific Ocean, Li Qingshui looked at the ground under his feet.

It has been four years since Qingdao parted in the blink of an eye, and another four years.

In the first four years, Willow kept a low profile, seized the gap in the first four years, and changed from a Willow who could only devour other people's memories to a super life with its own imagination.

Then, after the second four years passed, he almost regarded the earth as his own small potted plant, and he himself became a huge planetary life that was heading towards the sky. No one knows what his next plan is, whether to use the earth as his own "spacecraft" to explore the depths of the universe, or to continue to use his own wisdom to reach a higher acme of life.

No one knows.

But as an ordinary human being, what Liu Chang saw was that the living space of human beings was squeezed again and again. The willow tree turned the earth into a potted plant, and human beings were like ants on the piranha in the potted plant, small and humble.

The ocean is the territory of the sea people and many marine creatures, and the Pacific Ocean is the territory of the prokaryotic elders. The body of the willow tree has already spanned the three continents of Europe, Asia and Africa. If it wants to extend its branches to North America across the sea, the shortest and closest distance is naturally from Beringia. Pass through the strait, but if you want to pass here, naturally you have to ask the owner here whether he agrees.

As the original nuclear allies, Li Qingshui and Liu Chang traveled all the way from Qingdao to Japan in the past few years, then to Australia, and finally came to the Bering Strait to settle down—because of the four-year mentality change, everyone thought that The willow tree is already big enough, and if it wants to expand further, it must solve the problem of nerve conduction.

And to solve the problem of nerve conduction, it is necessary to carry out a transformation of the essence of life—from the physical body to the energy life. No matter how fast the nerve conduction speed of the physical body or plant body is, there is a limit speed, and this speed has long been satisfied. Not the volume of the willow tree.

Not only that, according to the people of the pronuclear elders, not only the speed of nerve transmission, but even the wisdom reached a certain extreme value, the body can not bear it - because they are trying to do this - 500 wisdom is equivalent to Li Qingshui When the brainwaves of the level brain mutants are fused together, the ordinary brain can't bear it at all. It needs a pure energy carrier, or simply aggregates the waves themselves into a pure energy form of aggregates, but the prokaryotics have tried many times Failed.

"But the willow tree should be able to succeed." The members of the pronuclear elders appeared on the ice of the Bering Strait and walked to Liu Chang's side.

"A life in the form of pure energy, I think this should be a god?" Liu Chang looked at the other side of the Bering Strait—it was completely surrounded by willow trees.

"It should be a god, with a pure energy mind and a pure energy body." In the words of the pronuclear elders, there was an envious tone.

"First convert the nerve conduction into energy, then condense the thinking aggregate completely, and finally get out of the body to become a real god. This should reach another level of life." Pronucleus also looked at the other side of the Bering Strait, "And what we have to wait for is this moment. The big willow tree will eventually transform, and when it transforms, it is our only chance. The energyization of the body is a complicated process, just like a snake molts its skin and a tiger gives birth. I guess there will be a possibility. Take advantage of this opportunity, and when the time comes, you will aim at his source of consciousness and give him a fatal blow."

"How to attack the source of consciousness?" Liu Chang asked.

"I don't know, I don't even know what the source of consciousness looks like, but when the time comes, you just have to get close, I believe your luck will help you solve all this." The elder of the pronucleus said, revealing to Liu Chang A smile, "As you Chinese say, God will teach you how to do it."

The Great Elder of the Pronucleus had an extremely ugly smile, and his face, which looked like a folded worm, was crowded together, making Liu Chang feel a little uncomfortable.

Everyone is waiting for an opportunity.


graduate School.

"You said, this institute is not lively without Lao Zhang." Four years later, Leihuo's strong body did not look old at all, and the third wife stood beside him, watching the drowsy sky outside with him.

"Are you thinking of a little tiger?" The third lady's appearance was no longer there, her burnt cheeks were still red, but her voice was still rational and gentle.

"I miss the little guy a bit." Lei Huo smiled, and then gestured at the position of his chest with his big hand, "I haven't seen you for four years. I guess the little guy can grow to my height, right?"

"How can a seven-year-old child grow so tall?" The third lady laughed.

"My Leihuo's child grows faster than other children's!" Leihuo also laughed. He laughed for a long time, finally closed his mouth, paused for a long time, and finally said: "You said we can still How long do you live?"

"I don't know, didn't the kid who claimed to be the boss who came here a few days ago say that? The willow tree is about to transform."

"That is to say, he has successfully transformed, will other creatures on the earth become captive chickens?" Lei Huo smiled, "I hope the child will have a happy life."

After Lei Huo finished speaking, he looked straight up. The layers outside were all heavy weapon launchers.

North America.

United States of Intelligent Creatures Alliance.

The little tiger has grown into a strong and strong child with Leihuo's chest height. If people who don't know him see his height and strong body, they will definitely not know that he is only a seven-year-old child.

The little tiger at this moment is not as happy as when he first left China. At the age of seven, he has experienced the accidents of leaving his hometown, and he has experienced several disturbances in the North American continent. He has established the most basic worldview.

"Little tiger, what are you thinking?" Milan appeared next to the little tiger and patted his head.

"I miss my dad, I miss him." The little tiger grinned at her, "I don't know how my dad is doing now."

"He should be doing well." Milan thought for a while, looked at this strange city, and said, "It should be considered good in China."

"I heard from Uncle Zhang that something big is going to happen over there."

"Well, it's time for something big to happen, in the history of mankind or the history of life on Earth."

"The biggest thing."