Global Evolution

Chapter 438: ending



The place where the willow tree was first born, for some unknown reason, did not destroy it when the first wave of willow tree came, making this place almost the only surviving city in Henan today.

It's just that the dilapidation here is also obvious. The end of the world is close to ten years. When the first wave of the end of the world hits, the number of people here has decreased by more than 75%. After ten years, this place has reached nearly a million people. In this city, there are only two or three thousand left.

Those who survived were lucky. The winter was nearly four years, and nothing could be grown in the city. Everyone was forced to eat the fruits of the willow trees helplessly.

On this day, a man who was nearly thirty years old was picking the willow fruit outside—if Liu Chang was here at this time, he would naturally recognize that this man was actually his high school classmate ten years ago—Wang Bin.

One was repeating high school, with hundreds of students in four classes, and now only two survived—one Liu Chang and the other Wang Bin.

In the ten years of the last days, he lingered on every day. His family was okay, and his relatives died one after another. He had been in the southern suburbs military region since the first day of the last days, and he didn't want to stay for ten years. He was an ordinary person, so ordinary that he couldn't be more ordinary. Without transportation, it was impossible for him to pass through the dangerous forest. Therefore, he was very peaceful and never left the city.

He had seen the overwhelming willow tree storm six years ago, and the scene of landslides and ground cracks has always been imprinted in the depths of his memory, causing deep fear.

But even if the fear is still there, in the face of the pressure of survival, he is still eating willow fruit for four years.

After eating the fruit for four years, there was no reaction. Just when he was already used to the current life, the accident happened without warning.

Wang Bin, who was picking fruit today, suddenly felt a change in the willow tree, which is usually peaceful. Just as he was picking the fruit, the willow tree suddenly went crazy without warning, which shocked Wang Bin—he knew that willow trees can move, but The willow tree hadn't been moved for several years, and this time it twitched violently. Just as Wang Bin was about to run away in fright, the branches of the willow tree wilted again.

As if water and nutrients were sucked away by something, the whole wicker, including the fruit growing on it, shriveled together, and then Wang Bin suddenly felt as if there was an electric current passing through his surroundings, and his whole body became numb, and then the electric current Gradually intensified, reaching a point that is visible to the naked eye, turning everything around into a scorched mess.

"Have you started yet?"

The place where the electric current is generated is not only Kaifeng, but the entire Eurasian and African continents, including Henan and China, are shining brightly at this moment, and the light is flickering so that the entire Eastern Hemisphere can be seen—because at this moment, at this moment, the entire Eastern Hemisphere erupted. The light of the sun has changed the brightness of the sun, as if turning the entire Eurasian and African continents into a bright incandescent lamp, telling everyone with an undisguised gesture that something big has happened.

"The willow tree has started!" Li Qingshui put his fingers in front of his eyes to avoid being hurt by the light from the willow tree from the other side of the Bering Strait.

"are you ready?"

"It's been four years. I've prepared everything that needs to be prepared. God has helped me so much. Isn't everything waiting for this day?" Liu Chang smiled, and strange changes began to occur in his body.

For four years, his body has not stopped the pace of super-mutation every minute and every second-for four years, as the pronuclear elder said, he is extremely lucky, and the speed of his body evolution is also surprisingly fast, so fast Dare to imagine—any medicine has no side effects to him. With the help of the pronuclear elders, in the past four years, Liu Chang has also evolved to a situation that he could not even imagine.

Huge wings with plump feathers grew slowly behind him. The pages on the wings were covered with veins like plant veins, which seemed to be able to carry out photosynthesis. Liu Chang's body surface gradually became the hard material of ants. The muscles have completely turned into arthropod-like tissues like miniature generators, and the skin is constantly wriggling, as if each cell has its own life.

"Go and see if you can occupy the source of consciousness of the big willow tree." Li Qingshui said, sending brainwaves into Liu Chang's mind, allowing the consciousness of the two to be carried together.

"You have this thing, too?" said the Great Elder of the Pronucleus, and handed Liu Chang a long stone of strange material. Not to mention fully quantizing thinking, but invented this conductor, which can be used to carry our consciousness and all thinking energy, you hold it, and the brain waves of our 500 people can be transmitted at any time - surpassing all electric waves speed. When you carry it, it is equivalent to bringing us by your side at any time."

The Great Elder Yuannuo was talking, and handed the long stone to Liu Chang.

Then everything was ready, carrying Li Qingshui's consciousness, Liu Chang's wings shook, and before the sound of breaking through the sky, he plunged into the sky.

It seemed as if the sky and the earth were cooperating with his movements. After Liu Chang plunged into the clouds, the whole sky seemed to be poked into a hole, and suddenly became clear.

"What's going on?" Entering the sky, the scene in front of Liu Chang's eyes gradually brightened, the surrounding thick fog seemed to come so quickly, and then suddenly receded, Liu Chang only felt that his field of vision was getting wider and wider.

Before the red mist came, human beings could see the mountains thousands of meters away. After the red mist came, human beings could only see the scene three or four meters in front of them; It was 600 meters away, and now the dense fog suddenly receded, Liu Chang only felt that the whole land was within his vision.

"The world is really beautiful." Stuck at an altitude of several thousand meters, the red mist suddenly receded. Liu Chang's first reaction was not to find out the reason - because the reason for the arrival of the red mist is still a mystery, but the field of vision suddenly widened, Keeping the whole land in front of his eyes, Liu Chang discovered that after the red mist receded and the gray clouds in the sky receded, the whole land turned out to be so charming.

The sun was no longer obstructed, and everything seemed to come back to life at this moment. The surrounding temperature began to rise gradually. Liu Chang looked into the eyes and saw the two sides of the Bering Strait. Whether it was North America or Russia, what he saw was no longer high-rise buildings, but the competition for survival of all things.

Biological prosperity, flowers, trees, grass, fish and insects are a hundred times more abundant than the land in the past. Looking under the ice, the interior of the ocean he saw was even more fascinating.

It's just that all of these are covered up by another radiant thing. It's like the most beautiful landscape painting. A sun is added suddenly, and the consequence of destroying the balance is that everything is no longer so beautiful.

"Why did the red mist retreat suddenly? Didn't the first Cambrian period last for two million years?" After being shocked by the beautiful picture with a panoramic view of the world for a minute, Liu Chang woke up and pulled his thoughts back Reality.

"I don't know." Li Qingshui responded to Liu Chang in his thoughts, "For the first time in the Cambrian period, no one knows whether the super-evolved red mist in the middle exists intermittently or always... maybe Probably the sky has changed. Willow has touched some things in the rules. These things cannot be answered correctly by analysis and guesswork. You will know the specific situation when you see Willow. He is over there... "

Following the direction guided by Li Qingshui's consciousness, Liu Chang saw something like a ball of thunder in the sky. The energy of the thunder ball came from the ground below. The giant body of the willow tree on the ground, which spanned the three continents of Europe, Asia and Africa, was like a moth. Like a cocoon, it continuously sends energy to the thunderball in the sky, causing the energy in the thunderball to increase continuously, and then Liu Chang sees what you are decomposing inside.

No more hesitation, he shook his wings and flew towards the thunder ball. He had been waiting for this moment for four years. This was the only possibility for him to deal with Willow, and time did not allow him to think about why.

Liu Chang, who was in the air, approached the thunderball at a speed several times faster than the speed of sound, and then he followed his own feeling and plunged into it without hesitation.


There is nothing in the mind.

Liu Chang entered that mysterious world again—the surroundings were surrounded by patches of white mist, and inside the white mist was a huge ball of light. There was a thin line on the ball of light, connecting to the unknown sky above the horizon.

Having entered this place several times, Liu Chang is quite familiar with it—this is the world of the source of consciousness—he didn’t understand why he came here after entering the willow tree’s body. He just looked around in a daze, and he knew that since he came here , he will definitely be able to meet the opponent who made him despair.

"Hello, Liu Chang." A deep voice sounded in the air, and then the image of an old human being was generated in the space of the source of consciousness—the image of the old man was vague, because any image was not his representative, because this was just an illusion— Because he is a big willow tree.

"Hello." Liu Chang didn't know what to say to this enemy who hadn't really masked his face for ten years, but wanted to see it every day for ten years.

"Is it strange why you came here?" Willow said, there seemed to be no hostility in his voice.

"Well, you are changing outside, I broke in to destroy you, of course, you pulled me in to talk, what do you want to say?"

"I didn't pull you in, after all, this is the core of my source of consciousness, and you, as the only person in the whole world who can see the source of consciousness, letting you in is like putting my heart on your dagger, am I right? Might do it."

"Who are you? Teacher Li? He obviously doesn't have this ability. Or the pro-nuclear elders? If they could do this, I think they would have done it a long time ago. Why don't they wait until today?" Liu Chang also had doubts.

"It's not Li Qingshui, and it's not the original core, it's the Gaia you speak of." Da Liushu's voice was still thick.

"Rules don't actively attack people, wisdom passively counterattacks, or rebound under pressure." Liu Chang said what Li Qingshui once told him.

"But what if Gaia is not the rule?" Big Willow laughed.

"It's not a rule?" Seeing that the big willow tree didn't have any emotions before the war, Liu Chang seemed to be driven by him, and followed his thoughts, "You mean, Gaia is a creature?"

"Well, the creature that really touches the source of consciousness, the thing that binds all life, is the master of the marionette on our heads." When Liu Shu said this, he pointed to the light ball above the source of consciousness that was linked to the sky. Wire.

Seeing this thread, Liu Chang once again thought of the scene he saw after touching the crystal tree on the mysterious island of the lake of fire when he entered the sea for the first time—that day he saw a piece of red energy, the energy was like a cloud in the sky. The white clouds were condensed together in groups, and there were lightning flashes inside, which seemed to contain endless wisdom.

"Gaia is a creature. I don't know if it was a super life that was born in the last two million years of the Cambrian period. It is more likely... After all, two million years is too long. Even if the base of life is lower, there will always be super-mutated creatures, and judging from the fossils of those advanced creatures excavated in our later generations, the birth of that era The level of life is not low, but the best species are inexplicably extinct... "

"Is this all done by Gaia?"

"should be."

"What's his purpose?"

"Fight the rules." Willow said: "My opponent is Gaia, and Gaia's opponent is the rules. You are the second creature that can see the source of consciousness. I think, if you don't target me, we will unite , can become Gaia's true opponent."

"I don't believe you."

"You don't need to believe me. I said these words just to let your consciousness know the existence of this point." After Liu Shu finished speaking, the energy of the ball of light exploded in the white space...

Epilogue - Hymn to life!

At the moment when the energy of the light sphere exploded, Liu Chang felt that his consciousness was sucked into a vast space. In this space, he saw the whole process of the birth of life—

4 billion years ago, the Earth, which was originally hot, suddenly dropped in temperature like a dead night for unknown reasons, causing the surface temperature of hundreds of degrees to drop to tens of degrees in an instant. The low temperature caused the water vapor on the earth to fall into rain, and the rainwater Immediately gathered into the ocean.

The temperature of the sea water is very high, and the water temperature seems to be at the boiling point at any time, and then one day, the sky thundered violently, and the violent thunderstorm brought a strange ball of light into the sea water—making the ocean, which was completely lifeless, Organic molecules - formic acid and acetic acid - are produced.

This is the most primitive life...

Then the most primitive organic molecules, after more than three billion years of slow evolution, slowly gave birth to the rudiments of life—then the sky seemed to see the progress of life being too slow, and the red mist descended under the impatience.

Afterwards, Liu Chang saw a splendid feast of life...

The Cambrian period lasted for two million years, and Liu Chang was dazzled by one batch after another of bizarre creatures—life in the Cambrian period entered the city not much slower than the current Second Period, and two million years is too long ——Liu Chang has seen the rise and fall of countless life species during these two million years, as brilliant as the ocean outside—it seems that new species are produced every day, and new species are extinct every day, one batch after another Batch, life is constantly perfect and excellent - until one day, the birth of the first batch of intelligent creatures.

They were a group of worm-like races, born by the riverside. When Liu Chang saw them, he felt as if he had seen the people on the seabed—the first batch of intelligent creatures on the earth did not have the extraordinary wisdom of the people on the seabed. Liu Chang saw that not long after they were born, several splendid ethnic civilizations were born on the earth.

They made tools on the earth, and even started industrial manufacturing. He even saw a detail, a detail announced in 1938 by Dr. Shoe prints, Liu Chang saw a bugman wearing shoes stepped on a trilobite, and then the trilobite died and turned into a fossil, which was excavated by humans 500 million years later. Shoe lines are caused by the pressure on the human body.

Liu Chang saw many things—some very general, some very detailed, some with ordinary life, and some with more civilized creatures—the nuclear reactors left on the earth hundreds of millions of years ago came from these civilizations, and those countless people had headaches and puzzling " "Extraterrestrial civilization relics" also come from these creatures.

In the end, Liu Chang's gaze changed—to another ethnic group.

It is said that it is an ethnic group, but it is actually a person.

A person is a group, just like the birth of a willow tree, a hypermutated individual, his group can no longer be called the same species as he - that creature is extremely powerful, without plundering the wisdom of others, he can only It took ten years to complete the semi-energy transformation of the body—faster than the willow tree.

Afterwards, the astonishing mutation speed of this creature continued. He kept trying to fully energize his body, thinking, and perception. He was moving toward the deepest part of life at a speed that completely surpassed any other intelligent species...

Then at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

The sudden change of the climate, the movement of the earth's crust - the landslides, the cracks and the roar of the sea, in the face of the power of nature, several civilizations on the earth were destroyed overnight.

Then the earth returned to peace again...

There is only one intelligent creature that escaped this catastrophe.

Already half-energized, he appeared in the air—surrounded by thunder, his eyes were full of incomprehensibility.

But the Cambrian period had enough time for him to think about all of this—two million years, at the rate of biological mutations in the Cambrian period, was enough to give birth to countless wisdom and civilizations, and then the sparks of these civilizations were destroyed in a blink of an eye. The light of nature was extinguished, and between birth and death, the man surrounded by thunder finally shed his biological body—becoming a thundercloud spreading in the sky.

The bright red thunderclouds are surrounded by lightning—the electric current is like the hand of God at the beginning of the birth of creatures, and it is also like the electric waves generated by the brain when human beings produce thinking knowledge, beautiful and full of wisdom.

As a pure energy creature, he can absorb all external energy—theoretically, he is already infinitely powerful.

The Cambrian period of two million years seems to be very long, but compared with the billions of years of earth history, it is only a blink of an eye. In the following hundreds of millions of years, only the birth of dinosaurs gave birth to sparks of wisdom, but it was Then came an extraterrestrial stone and destroyed it—hundreds of millions of years seemed to be an extremely long test for that red energy life—finally one day, it could no longer bear to wait, and chose to live on Earth. A primate with the most intelligent potential, and then passed the things collected in the last Cambrian period to this species...

"This is Gaia, the mother of mankind." Liu Chang heard the thick voice of the willow tree again inside the source of consciousness. Liu Chang felt that his consciousness was constantly assimilated by the willow tree in the process of watching all this. I feel that the most original part of my life is constantly fused with another thing, and it seems that the fusion of the two phases will gradually become the same biological body...

"You are the spokesperson of the rules, and Gaia wants to truly achieve freedom and detachment, that is, he wants to dissociate from the rules. He doesn't have this ability, and he can't even do it because he is too powerful, or he dare not show up. , can only continue to experiment with intelligent creatures, and even connect their own consciousness source with the consciousness source of all life on earth, manipulating life in an attempt to find loopholes in the rules... In fact, I was thinking that the loopholes in the rules should be in the rules. For the spokesperson, if I become you and I am the spokesperson, then as a rule itself, I will naturally not object to myself. Is this the only refutation established? It seems that Gaia cannot do things, I may not I can't do it, but to complete the real detachment, I can take the lead... "

Willow's voice gradually became thicker and clearer, and Liu Chang's consciousness gradually blurred—but between being awake and dying in a coma, Liu Chang thought of Li Qingshui, and he entered the consciousness of the big willow tree together with him in his own mind Within the source, I don't know why there is no response after calling several times. Just when Liu Chang was a little desperate, there was another light outside.

"Is it the transmission of consciousness fluctuations? Half-energy transmission with the help of objects? Haha, I'm really overwhelmed, and I still want to get a share of the pie..."

The generation of this fluctuation is an aggregate of stream of consciousness—the brainwaves of 500 people with brain mutations gather together to form a special energyized consciousness body, which is the 500 smartest people on earth. The aggregation of the brain waves, in terms of energy quality alone, is not much weaker than that of the willow tree. After the consciousness bodies of five hundred people broke into this area where the lightning gathered, they directly devoured the source of consciousness of the willow tree and Liu Chang—they saw I can't see the existence of the source of consciousness, but I can feel the energy source of willow's thinking, and then directly occupy it regardless of other people's life and death—wanting to form a dominant position here.

Subsequently, three consciousnesses competed for dominance here—to be precise, two consciousnesses fought, and the other was just waiting for the opportunity of his own destiny.

Because he is the spokesperson of the rules, he knows that what he possesses is neither strength nor wisdom—he is able to fight here because of unparalleled luck, the right time, place, people, and other external factors, so he does not believe that he will be so die.

Sure enough, when the two groups of energies were vying for dominance, another consciousness swept over with an unparalleled advantage, completely overshadowing the two "half-energy bodies" both in terms of quality and energy intensity. The gesture of veto comes into play here.



"Teacher Li?"

The three consciousnesses reacted differently after the fourth person broke in. Afterwards, everyone saw the red cloud and the figure standing in front of the cloud.

The arrival of the figure made time seem to stand still, and the energy clusters of willows and pronuclei in front of this person were as ridiculous as the static electricity on the head of a child in winter.

"How dare you come out?" Willow was surprised for the first time when he saw the person coming. This kind of surprise is like a person who is always in control of everything and suddenly finds that all his calculation theories suddenly collapsed one day. — It seems that one plus one is no longer equal to two, and there is obviously a sense of loss in the surprise.

"Because I gave up." The voice was Li Qingshui's, but what he said was not Li Qingshui's words.

"It's been 500 million years, and I've never wanted to admit or understand that I can never be beyond the rules. I thought that hiding myself was another kind of balance, but what's the difference between this and death?" Li said. When Qingshui spoke, it seemed that he was speaking to others, and it seemed to be a summary of his "own" life.

"I am also stupid. I didn't know why the rules are so against the existence of intelligent creatures until today. In fact, the rules have never been against anyone, but wisdom will make people's desires infinite, which will affect the greatest balance of the universe. People get It’s just the rebound from oneself! This is not the reason why one’s arms can’t twist the thigh, but the reason that people can never lift themselves up. How can one be detached from the world when one is already in the world?”

"You want to be detached from me, I want to be detached from the world, and human beings want to regain their freedom—but they never know that freedom is the most extravagant slogan!"

When "Li Qingshui" was speaking, three things happened thousands of kilometers away at this time.

One thing is that in the south of the Bering Strait, on an endless ice surface—the sky is very clear after the red mist has dissipated, and at the same time, the reflection of the earth is very clear—three children and an adult appeared on the ice at this time Busy with your own affairs.

Each of the three children has delicate features and looks about seven or eight years old, and they look very similar to each other. But that adult was extraordinarily tall, his height like a basketball player seemed so out of tune with the three children.

"This is it, right?" Lao Liu calibrated his position, drove a strange giant machine from a distance, and fixed it on the ice.

The giant machine is like a cannon, but the muzzle is facing downwards, and there are fixed brackets at the four corners, which can be installed stably on the hard ice.

"That's it, Li Qingshui calculated it." The boss also looked around.

"Well, it's good to be right, after all, if you make a mistake, there is no chance of recovery." Old Liu said.

"Yes, if we don't succeed, we'll probably all die." The boss sighed, "I don't know what the outcome of the dispute between Liu Shu and Liu Chang will be, but even if Liu Chang wins, it won't let the first one win." Two willows exist!"

"Yes, the five hundred guys under the ice are not much less of a threat to humans than the willow tree. When the willow tree is around, we are allies. After the willow tree is gone, they are the second willow tree. With their existence, human beings will eventually die." There is still no room for survival. These guys don’t have any good intentions, maybe they are dealing with Liu Chang with Liu Shu.” Old Liu was talking, lit a cigarette he rolled himself on the ice, and smoked. A few mouthfuls said: "Eliminate them. Although they have completely stalemate with the sea people, they have finally left some hope for the future of mankind. If they are not eliminated, mankind will probably die soon. But having said that, those pronuclear elders People are so smart, why can't they figure out what we are going to do? This imitation amber stone made by Li Qingshui is even better than the original one? It stands to reason that each of the five hundred guys is no worse than him, plus Together, we shouldn't be inferior to him."

"I don't know, maybe this involves the issue of the source of consciousness, which is a field that the pronuclear elders have not set foot in. In the last two years, Li Qingshui has been feeling the source of his own consciousness, and what he said seems to be not The source of consciousness is the line connected to the source of consciousness..." the boss said while debugging the machine.

"What thread? Whose thread?"

"I don't know." The boss finished debugging the machine, and asked Lao Liu: "The yield of this nuclear bomb can really overturn the seabed? It won't cause a nuclear winter, right? Such a large-yield weapon!"

"It's not powerful enough to kill the shells of the protonuclei. This is the only chance. I don't believe that their bodies are unprotected." Lao Liu said, looked at the sky, and then said with peace of mind: "Don't worry, originally I was also a little worried about the yield of the nuclear bomb, but now it seems that there is no need to worry at all, and I even regret that the warhead is not big enough! Now that the weapons and the haze layer in the sky have disappeared, without the obstruction of these things, the earth’s burden The power should be ten times stronger. Don't worry!"

"That's good." The boss said, and pressed the launch button on the machine, and then the machine drilled a large hole in the ice, and a giant nuclear warhead popped out, and then, a The dial entered the countdown.

At the same time, another thing happened in mainland China.

In Zhengzhou, which is the core area where the willow trees are entrenched, and also the area where the amphibious people were born, a group of uninvited guests came.

This time, the visitors looked the same as the aborigines here—the same appearance and origin, so that these uninvited guests were treated safely—and did not make other people here draw their swords.

"Who are you?" The amphibious people in Zhengzhou looked at the group of less than a thousand people, who were obviously much stronger and better than them.

"Amphibious man who disappeared in Beijing four years ago." The visitor introduced himself.

"Aren't you killed by a nuclear bomb?"

"No, we ran away."

"How could Willow not know of your existence?"

"We have a special method." The leader of the amphibians is more calm than four years ago, "Come with us, we have been hiding for four years, and we dare not develop the scale, but it is obvious that we can grow faster without the shackles of the willow tree With the willow tree, we will always be just puppets. We have a group, and I have also studied the self-reproduction ability of the group. We should have our own territory. We don’t need to be attached to the willow tree, and we can reproduce by ourselves. We are the best As long as the willow trees are destroyed, the living space of the earth and the freedom that should belong to us will all come back.”

"Destroy the willow tree?" After hearing the words of the amphibious people from outside, those ethnic groups in Zhengzhou changed obviously. Obviously, this idea had been buried in their hearts for a long time, but no one dared to say it out.

"It's impossible to kill him."

"Yes, but it is the only chance now." The leader of the amphibians pointed to the huge thunderball in the sky and the withered branches around him, "Did you see that he has successfully transformed, so we have no use for them?" Yes. Think about freedom and our own living space, even if there is only a slight chance, we should try!"

"In four years, we have built hundreds of large-scale nuclear reactors in secret. I think you can also find some truly lethal heavy weapons. While he is transforming now, while the dead winter night is over, and while the earth bears The ability has returned to its original state, let us use the largest equivalent weapon that the earth can withstand, and make a desperate attempt in the air!"

"Really?" Looking up at the thunder ball like a second small sun in the sky, the amphibious people in Zhengzhou nodded, thinking that the successful transformation of the thunder ball would only end in "eternal enslavement".

"Okay, let's do that!"

Coincidentally, many things in the world are so coincidental and so inevitable. The third thing is still in mainland China, and it is still about nuclear weapons.

Jinan Military Region.

Leihuo looked at the thunderball in the sky. As a soldier, he knew the reason why the fighter plane was fleeting, and naturally knew that this was what Liu Chang had repeated for four years—the last chance.

"Whether it's useful or not, we should help him." Lei Hu looked at the thunder ball in the sky, and then at the huge willow forest outside the city that had emerged from the fog.

"Notify the troops to carry out a maximum-equivalent nuclear sweep against the willow trees in all surrounding areas, even if it can weaken him by a minute and a half. This is our last chance for human beings!"

Three locations, three things, same nuke.

Whether it is Lao Liu, the amphibious man or Thunder Tiger, they don't know how long it will take for the thunderball in the sky to transform. Therefore, in order to seize the only opportunity to fight, their attacks and launches are very decisive, almost within three minutes. Today, they made the same decision, and then the weapons that had been prepared a long time ago exploded at the same time in the three aspects of sea, land and air.

"Listen, the sound of explosions outside."

The nuclear weapons of the largest equivalent level exploded in the sea, land and air, and the earth could no longer bear this pressure, and the landslides and ground cracked instantly...

"People can never lift themselves up, who can achieve true detachment?" Gaia's last voice sounded in the thunder ball.

Subsequently, the energy of the nuclear explosion completely turned the earth into a horrible hell.

The earth's crust is moving violently under the pressure. At this moment, with China as the core, all parts of the world gradually feel the horror of earthquakes above magnitude 8 from near to far. First, the land in China cracked, and then the glaciers on the sea collapsed, mixed A tsunami of huge ice blocks set off hundreds of meters high—horrific smoke and dust filled the air, covering the sky and the sun. At this moment, the smoke and dust completely blocked the atmosphere, allowing the darkness from a point of origin to expand rapidly.

The beautiful world that people saw just after retreating from the red mist has turned into a mass of darkness. Where the darkness passes, there is nothing else. To the real despair.

People who always thought that their living environment was bad enough realized that in the face of the wrath of nature, the competitive disaster brought about by biological evolution is as ridiculous as playing house wine. Terrified.

Thunder Tiger was the first to bear the brunt of the earthquake and was buried hundreds of meters below the ground, and then the explosion wave and darkness spread around, spread across China, Russia, and reached the Bering Strait...

Standing on the strait, He Zhizhi was looking at the thunderball in the sky from a distance, but the darkness swept away in such an instant, looking at the constantly bursting ice layer and the marine research institute that was about to collapse, pulled Holding Xiaojing's hand, he wanted to escape, but the other party was indifferent.

"Is it over?" Xiao Jing looked at the completely darkened sky, and she carved the last touch of the small wood carving in her hand with her feeling—the eyebrows and eyes were formed, and the wood carving turned into Liu Chang's appearance.

"Brother, I have been very happy in the past ten years!" Another four years later, Xiao Jing has become a 21-year-old girl, with daisy eyebrows, ponytail and shawl, she finally came in the dark At that moment, I touched the scar on my face, and there was an expression on my face that was different from that of people all over the world. There was no trace of fear, and there was a smile on my face, as if I had returned to the summer ten years ago...

The college entrance examination results are released, and it is a scorching summer.

A well-meaning but tangled high school boy, a cowardly and brave teenager, appeared in front of her and said "come with me".

As a result, the world has never been a little colder...

Thus, she ended the doomsday of one person and walked into the heaven of two people.

"In the world, who can achieve true detachment."

(End of the book)

[He let out a long breath. So far, "Global Evolution" is all finished. From sitting at 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon to more than 4 o'clock now, except for going to the toilet, my buttocks have never left the stool. After ten hours, I lost my hair all over the place. I am very satisfied with the last chapter. At the moment when I finished the book, I finished it in tears. What I wrote was very immersive. I don’t know how you feel when you read the last chapter. Anyway, I seem to have fallen into an endless darkness. In the hole, and then suddenly raised his head, he saw a glimmer of light. Very touched. The title of the chapter was originally called The Elegy of Life, because in the whole book, Liu Chang did not transcend, Li Qingshui did not transcend, Pronucleus did not transcend, Willow did not transcend, Amphibians did not transcend, Gaia did not transcend...

The world ends, and when we are alive, we are led by fate, as if falling into a cage that is constantly being chased, running away, and after death, we enter endless darkness and cannot wake up again... Life seems to have never had a hymn, Only sad tunes - but fortunately there is someone who brought us a warm light in the end, a commonplace and easy to satisfy person, sometimes I am very paranoid to think that some of the glory of humanity is that we are still alive in this world The greatest joy, losing these, is no different from death. So, although this is an end-time essay, between the lines, I have never written about the most disgusting darkness in human relations. Because I yearn for the light.

So, in the title of the last chapter, I changed a word—let it become a hymn to life. Then the whole book is also in the brightest place, and it is finished.

Some people may be a little hasty in finishing the book—some details are not explained, but I think the whole book must be finished now. I don't want to write something like a war between demigods. In the category of science fiction, the most exciting part of this book lies in the sinking of the world and the novelty of creatures.

Everyone can recall how many interesting species have appeared in this book (in terms of the richness of species, I dare say it exceeds any movie or novel, these species are based on evidence, not made up randomly. Or compare, when you watch the blockbuster "Avatar", how scarce are the creatures in it? But in this book, it is a rich and colorful world when you close your eyes), and how many characters have appeared that make you feel real... and those creatures Theoretical knowledge, I found out bit by bit. Throughout the book, it is inevitable that there will be bugs in the book, but I have checked the knowledge as much as possible and wrote it after taking it seriously. I believe you can also see from the lines that this book is absolutely amazing. The seriousness of most online novels.

At the end of the book, I can pat my chest and tell everyone that after the whole book, there is not a chapter that is watery, and there is no nonsense, and it is worth every penny everyone spent.

Finally, "Global Evolution" is finished. This is a magical fantasy in Biting Dog's heart, a magical fantasy about biological evolution, and a magical fantasy about global mutations. It starts from a small, small person around us, and has been written all the way. To the end of the world, what I hope to bring you is a wonderful adventure.

Sincerely thank you all for accompanying me all the way to the present!


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