Global Evolution

Chapter 46: super life


"That's great." Liu Chang smiled, and glanced at the direction where Li Qingshui and the little girl left.

The destination of Li Qingshui and the little girl was the City's Fourth People's Hospital, which was the nearest large hospital, where they would definitely find what they were looking for.

Carrying the little girl on their backs, Li Qingshui and the two of them didn't speak a word along the way. After walking for about half an hour, they finally came to a hospital. There is a huge plaque in front of the gate of the hospital courtyard. If you look closely, you will clearly see a line of big characters "Kaifeng Fourth People's Hospital" made of neon lights.

"That's it." Li Qingshui put down the little girl, looked at the neon lights that were no longer lit, then looked at the deserted hospital entrance, and asked with some doubts: "Have you detected any dangerous life forms? "

"No." The girl shook her head.

"That's a bit strange." Li Qingshui rubbed his chin, and continued to ask: "Does it have a human breath?"

"No." The girl shook her head again.

"This is even more wrong." Li Qingshui looked around the surrounding environment, and said: "According to reason, there are medicines in the hospital, even if the period of death has passed, it shouldn't be so deserted. Besides, you said There are no traces of monsters, isn't that too weird?"

"I don't know, just be careful anyway." The little girl closed her eyes, felt the atmosphere around her carefully, then shook her head firmly and said, "There really is nothing."

"That's fine, your detection ability hasn't made a mistake yet, let's be careful, move forward slowly, and turn back immediately if there is any situation!"


After the two made up their minds, they slowly moved into the hospital gate step by step, and walked in the courtyard. Almost every few steps the two of them moved, the little girl carefully checked the surroundings—but there was still nothing. Discover.

And Li Qingshui's eyesight was no different from that of ordinary people, so he could only see things about three meters away. In his world, the surroundings were blood-red, and he still couldn't see anything except the small piece of land under his feet.

However, following the gravel traces on the ground, the two of them would not go in the wrong direction even if their eyesight was poor. They just walked step by step along the "road" in the hospital compound. The two walked into the center of the courtyard unhindered, very quiet, and very safe—it went so smoothly that it was almost weird.

"No." After reaching the middle of the courtyard, Li Qingshui stopped, "If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. It's too quiet here. Let's go back."

"Yeah." The little girl was very obedient, "What about that thing?"

"Change another hospital. There are many hospitals in the city." Li Qingshui turned around and prepared to take the little girl away after speaking.

But at the moment when he lifted his feet, he suddenly found that his feet were already as heavy as a thousand ounces, and he could no longer lift them. Looking down in horror, Li Qingshui saw a lot of root-like vines suddenly sprouting on the ground, silently and extremely quickly wrapped around his feet, and were climbing towards his calves. .

Without further ado, Li Qingshui hastily pulled out the knife at his waist, and bent down to cut the vines, but after a few cuts, there was no result - the seemingly soft vines turned out to be as tough as a rope made of steel bars.

In just three or four seconds, the crazy vines wrapped around his lower body, and then stopped growing. Together with the little girl next to him, they were fixed in place.

"What's going on?" Li Qingshui looked at the little girl in a panic.

"I don't know, I can't feel the life breath of this vine at all." The girl's expression was even more terrified, and the failure of the spiritual detection made her feel a little strange in addition to being terrified.

Until the appearance of a voice, the strange atmosphere here was completely sublimated——

"Hello, human."

A very ordinary sentence, like the usual sentences used by aliens when they invaded the earth, the voice is very old, like the echo in a tree hole. The tone is Mandarin Chinese, so that the two people present can clearly understand what he said.

"Who?" Li Qingshui looked around, and then saw a huge phantom in front of him.

The phantom stood tall, with Li Qingshui's eyesight, he couldn't see how tall and wide he was, and he couldn't even see what he looked like. If it wasn't for the phantom being too huge, blocking the sunlight piercing through the thick fog above his head, he wouldn't even be able to see this shadow.

"Hello human, I'm a tree." The huge phantom moved without making a sound, and when it stood in front of Li Qingshui, it completely blocked the sunlight above his head. And after he stood still, he spoke again: "According to what you humans say, I am a willow tree, a mutated willow tree."

"Willow?" Li Qingshui suddenly thought of the huge plant root that he saw in the sewer a week ago, the plant root that penetrated the entire underground world, that reminded him of the word "world tree". Let him have more doubts about this new world. He also cut off a piece and took it back to study, and even now, the tiny root is still in his trouser belt.

"Yes, a willow tree." The huge phantom spoke again, "You should have seen me, you have the roots I used to have on you."

The hollow sound continued to echo, and then Li Qingshui saw a wicker slowly extending from the air, extending into his line of sight, and then passing through the vines wrapping him and getting into his trouser pocket, and then Roll out the root that has dried up.

"This is what I used to have." Xuying said, the wicker was rolled and wrapped, and the roots were crushed by it. "But I don't need it now."

"Are you really a tree?" Seeing the tough roots as flexible as human fingers, and hearing the very human voice of Xuying, even Li Qingshui, who has studied biology, even Li Qingshui, who had experienced this "great evolutionary era" and was familiar with it, couldn't believe this fact at all.

"Yes, I am a willow tree, there is no need to lie to you." The voice in the air seemed very patient.

"Then why do you talk?" Li Qingshui yelled, as if trying to cover up the more hysterical facts with a hysterical voice, "Even if a species has evolved intelligence, it is impossible to fully learn the human beings in such a short period of time. The language, even if you learn it, it is impossible to understand the meaning of each word so deeply. Your tone and tone of speech are not like a beginner at all."

"It's like... like a living person!"

"Because, in essence, my wisdom is the wisdom of human beings, and my language is naturally also the language of human beings." As Xu Ying spoke, another branch extended down from a high place, but this time the branch was bigger than the one just now. That one is dozens of times thicker, and tens of thousands of times more precise than that one—it is a precision instrument-like combination of rattans composed of countless small branches.

In this combination of rattans, the thick ones are as thick as a human finger, and the thinner ones are thinner than a human hair. They are wrapped in a transparent resin film the size of a sea bowl, and wrapped in the middle of this transparent film is A human brain.

The brain is alive, and the blood vessels in the brain seem to be still flowing with blood. They are connected with countless bright red willow branches that are smaller than hair and look like blood vessels. They are constantly running and transporting blood and energy.