Global Evolution

Chapter 51: light


"Damn, I really don't know what you guys think." The fat man curled his lips in dissatisfaction, "But you got the meat, and I have no right to speak. If you really want them to eat it, then let them eat it."

"Sigh." Liu Chang sighed, and looked at Xiaoyong's mother and son with weird eyes, and found that after he decided to kill them, they didn't look so obtrusive anymore.

He greeted the two of them, grinned and showed a helpless smile: "Come and eat together."

"That's right, this little brother is still sensible!" Hearing Liu Chang's words, Xiaoyong's mother showed the complacent eyes of a shrew who scolded the street after winning. He pulled her son to stand up from the bed and looked at the fat man and said, " No matter how big it is, we will all be in the same dormitory in the future, shouldn't we help each other?"

"Hehe, I'm so obedient here, why did you go so early? I've lived here for so many days, and I haven't seen you helping us except seeing you looking for trouble on purpose. You won't talk to me in the future, I don't need to talk to you." The fat man turned his head away, and his attitude naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of the mother and child. Fortunately, Liu Chang interrupted the embarrassing atmosphere in a timely manner.

"Forget it, don't say a few words, let's eat together. You're all hungry, and I'm hungry too." Liu Chang sat on his bed, took a deep breath, and said, "Xiao Jing, go and lock the door."

"En." The little girl nodded obediently and inserted the latch of the dormitory into the door latch.

And Li Qingshui also silently took out the frog meat soaked in formalin from the bucket, put it in the bucket with clean water, and scrubbed it vigorously, trying to dilute the formalin residue as much as possible, Handed each person a portion of frog meat.

After receiving the meat, the dissatisfaction between the mother and child disappeared immediately, they stopped talking, and lowered their heads to gnaw on these fresh and tender things. And Liu Chang also picked up the meat in his hand and started to eat it.

This is the first time he has eaten raw meat in his life. The taste is not bad, and the taste is stronger than that of cooked meat. The shit soup that I had on my first day was a hundred times better.

And looking at the gluttonous eating of the mother and child, Liu Chang can also judge that this meat is also a hundred times more delicious than tree roots.

But I don't know if it's because of the burn or what, but today he doesn't have much appetite. He only ate half of a piece of meat in his hand, and he felt that he couldn't eat any more. Soaking the leftover meat back into formalin, Liu Chang sat on the bed and stared blankly at the air, his eyes unfocused.

"Are you feeling unwell?" Seeing his appearance, the fat man asked with concern: "Are you sure the burn is healed? Why is it still bloody? Do you want Dr. Huang to take another look? Take some anti-inflammatory later medicine?"

"It's okay. I don't feel anything other than pain. I'll take some medicine and I'll be fine in a few days." Liu Chang turned his head away and stopped looking at those meat-eating people.

"We've finished eating, is there any more?" But the voices of the mother and child could still be heard.

"Eat, eat, eat, you all have eaten more than a catty, do you still want to eat?" followed by Fatty's voice.

"Let them eat. They must have been hungry for many days, and it's not easy to get enough." At the end came Li Qingshui's voice. After his words fell, there was the sound of scooping up meat in a water tank.

These voices made Liu Chang's thoughts a little disturbed, and then the words that the fat man said just now that he didn't care about jumped into his mind again somehow, and he suddenly thought that the female doctor in the same dormitory was also here, so he turned his head to look Arrived at that dull back.

"Doctor Huang, thank you for visiting me today, don't you want to eat together?" Liu Chang shouted towards the back of the wall.

"I'm not hungry." The woman turned around and looked at this side vigilantly, as if feeling a little strange.

Seeing the woman's eyes, he was silent for a while.

Or it could be said that there was a moment of silence in Liu Chang's mind. Before the night completely fell, except for the sound of the mother and child swallowing food, there was no other sound in Liu Chang's mind. He was leaning on the back of the bed with his mind blank. on, until the world grew dark again.

"Xiao Jing, I can't cuddle you to sleep today, my entire chest and abdomen are burned here, and it hurts when I touch it." After the night came, Liu Chang took a breath of the cold air, got up and hugged the little girl to the empty space. On the upper bunk, he grinned reluctantly and showed a smile: "You will sleep by yourself today, won't you be afraid?"

"It's okay, brother get better soon." The little girl nodded to express that she would not be afraid, and then lay down obediently. Although she couldn't sleep, she still closed her eyes.

"There is so much blood on this woven bag, it stinks. It smells too bad if you don't throw it away. Let it sit overnight, shall I throw it away?" Before going to sleep, the fat man found that the bag containing frog meat was covered with blood stains today.

"Let's put it away first, I'll throw it away tomorrow." Li Qingshui stopped the fat man, "Go to bed and sleep."

"Oh." The fat man didn't say much, and lay obediently on his bed.

After Li Qingshui settled everyone, he took out the pills that he took to the hospital today from his pocket, walked to Liu Chang's bed and handed them to Liu Chang: "Anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics, don't think that you don't need to take medicine because you are strong. Yes, take the medicine and go to bed early."

After explaining this sentence, Li Qingshui also climbed onto his bed.

But Liu Chang stared blankly at the pills, didn't read the instructions, swallowed a few pills randomly, lay on the bed, and began to look at the world without a view outside the window.

Until the night falls completely.

The nights of those who can’t sleep always seem very long. Liu Chang counted silently in his heart, while killing the boring time, until his biological clock told him that it was almost morning, until his hearing told him the time of the people around him. After his breathing and heartbeat calmed down, he quietly got off the bed, took out the hidden scalpel, and walked barefoot towards the two sleeping figures.

Liu Chang's footsteps are so light that he can't even hear them, and he can approach the animals within a few meters without being noticed. Therefore, under the cover of this dark night, he didn't think that there would be any possibility of being discovered when he approached a sleeping person.

But he was still very nervous. Although the ability he had cultivated in the past few days had allowed him to control his heartbeat smoothly, the sour saliva in his mouth still told him that he was very nervous.

It was his first time to kill someone in a calm state. The last time he killed a little girl was when he was saving the little girl. After the gang of villains scratched the little girl's cheek with a dagger, he couldn't help the anger in his heart before he killed him. There is no special feeling when killing, and there is even a little bit of pleasure, because in a state of anger, any violent thing a person does will not be judged by the brain.

But it was different now. Although he was very nervous, his mind was calm. He knew what he was going to do - use the sharp knife in his hand to kill two people who were helpless.