Global Evolution

Chapter 53: frank


Watching Li Qingshui and the two go out, Liu Chang felt his stomach no longer twitching, wiped the residue from the corner of his mouth and stood up from the ground.

After cleaning up his vomit, he went back to bed.

"Don't be afraid, I won't kill you." Rubbing his blood-stained hands, Liu Chang comforted the shivering female doctor.

"That's right, he won't kill you." Seeing this situation, the fat man got off the bed a long time ago. While controlling his volume, he tried to make his voice sound bold: "They are too cheap , Threatened us to be treated like this. I just said I can’t figure it out, why let them eat meat today, I can’t think of it, you can do it!”

The fat man walked up to Liu Chang and patted him on the shoulder.

"What are you doing, I'm not used to it." Shaking his head, after completely shaking the expression of the middle-aged woman before dying out of his mind, Liu Chang went to the water tank and cleaned his blood-soaked hands and knife.

Just as he was washing his hands and knives, Li Qingshui also came in from the door. After carrying the little girl to the bed, he also walked over and started washing his hands in the water tank.

"What happened just now, I'm sorry, I was a little emotional." Liu Chang forced a grin at Li Qingshui.

"It's okay, you've done much better than I thought." After washing his hands, Li Qingshui shook off the water on his hands, and smiled back at Liu Chang: "This is not the first time I've seen blood."

"No, the second time." Liu Chang rubbed the blood stains on his hands vigorously, "But the last time was not so calm, and I didn't think so much this time."

"What are you thinking about so much. But having said that, you've really done a great job!" Li Qingshui praised again.

"But it still woke up that doctor." After rubbing his fingers, Liu Chang began to rub the back of his hands.

"In this world, people sleep lightly, and even the slightest movement can wake her up. There's no way you won't wake her up." Li Qingshui said with a smile: "Even if you didn't wake her up, the sound of me moving the corpse would definitely be able to wake her up." Wake her up, there are so many things going on, it's impossible not to make a sound. And in these days, even the slight sound of blood spurting from the main artery can wake up a sleeping person. Don't think too much, you are a love thinker."

Li Qingshui meant something.

"It's not that I like to think too much, it's that some things have come to my mind and I have to think about it." Liu Chang finally washed his hands, turned around and prepared to go back to the bed.

"Then I'll just tell you one thing—to live!"

To live!

For some reason, Liu Chang suddenly felt very at ease after hearing these four words, which seemed more useful than any general reasoning. Lying back on the bed, Liu Chang tasted these four words, not caring about Li Qingshui who was still discussing "confidential transactions" with the female doctor, and not caring about the little girl who had been looking at him, unexpectedly fell asleep, and Sleep well.

I fell asleep until it was bright the next day.

When he opened his eyes, Liu Chang realized that this was the first time that he slept so brightly. Looking at the bright red mist outside, Liu Chang knew that he slept almost until noon.

After sitting up, the first person he saw when he opened his eyes was Li Qingshui.

"you're awake?"


"There seems to be something wrong."

"what's up?"

"That woman is going to inform you!" Li Qingshui pointed to the door.

"How do you know?" Liu Chang was startled and jumped up from the bed.

"I can feel it." Li Qingshui sat on the bed and tapped her fingers, "Since last night, something has been wrong with her. Just after she left with a smile on her face, I suddenly realized that these days, this seems to be She laughed for the first time."

"It's definitely a fake smile!" Li Qingshui rubbed her head, "And as long as there is something fake, it means that she wants to hide something!"

Before Li Qingshui finished speaking, the door of the dormitory was pushed open again, and several soldiers with live ammunition came over - and it was indeed the female doctor who led them over.

"Someone reported that you killed people, and we also found blood-stained rags and some hair and nails outside the yard." The leader was the company commander Liu Chang had met several times, and he stood and said, "You don't have to argue whether the person is you or not. Killed, because we are soldiers, not police, let alone judges. The person was in your dormitory last night, we have confirmed it, and it is true that the person disappeared this morning, you are very suspicious."

The company commander said helplessly: "Please forgive me, we don't have much time to investigate this kind of thing. Since you have been reported and there are serious suspicions, then I can only expel you temporarily. If you I was wronged, please don't blame me."

"Well, we understand." Li Qingshui nodded after listening to the company commander's words, did not answer his words, but turned to look at the female doctor, "Why?"

"No reason, I'm afraid you'll kill me too while I'm sleeping." The female doctor returned that dull expression again, but this time there was a bit of ferocity on her face.

"I said, we won't kill you." Liu Chang looked at her puzzled.

"Haha, why should I believe what you say? Seriously, I don't trust you at all, and I don't believe what you say at all." The female doctor stepped forward, "One of you is better than the other, and you can eat meat together during the day, and eat meat together at night. You can use a knife to kill people, is there anything you people can't do?"

"Hehe, your name is Liu Chang, right? Don't look at me with such innocent eyes, you are not a good person. From the first day, I knew that you are not a good person." While talking, the female doctor Gradually amplify his volume, as if he was venting his unhappiness and anger for the past few days, and it seemed that he was just venting his fear, "Since the first day, you have taken the bed. There are four people in their family. You are more than they are, five people occupy four beds. Have you ever thought that one of your beds should be ours?"

"Hehe, five of them occupy four beds, and they still sleep peacefully. What qualifications do you have to pretend to be good people here? When my parents died, did you ever think about giving up a bed for them to sleep in?" The doctor's voice was almost hysterical, "Hehe, you may have thought about it, and after thinking about it, you may use some other reason to tell yourself that it is right not to make the bed, and use the excuse you found to make up for the vacancy in your conscience. People It's all selfish, I don't blame you, so don't blame me for today's decision."

"I don't feel safe sleeping with you, so I reported you, maybe you have no place to sleep after going out, and you were eaten by monsters on the first night, of course, maybe you can survive the first night with your abilities , what about the next night..." At the end, the woman's voice gradually decreased, and her expression gradually returned to a dull and rational expression, "But who cares what happens to you? I just want to sleep here with peace of mind. it's..."

Before the woman finished speaking, the door was opened again, and the little girl, the fat man, and Zhu Lin were escorted back from the outside by three soldiers.

Seeing how these three people were escorted back, Li Qingshui frowned and said: "Company commander, can you continue to let us live in the military area? We have meat, and those meat can save other people's lives, and maybe it can offset us. Part of the guilt…”

Li Qingshui pointed to the three big barrels of meat, but the company commander still shook his head coldly in return.

"Then, we have the ability to hunt. If you let us live here, we can hand over some food to the company every month..."

The company commander raised his eyebrows when he heard Li Qingshui's words, but he still shook his head resolutely.

And from his attitude, Li Qingshui also judged how important the military region is to the matter of "maintaining stability". Seeing this, he heaved a long sigh, took a deep breath, and finally broke down helplessly. Spreading his hands, he said, "Okay, I'm a brain mutant."