Global Evolution

Chapter 60: praying mantis


These eyes are well hidden, they are as green as two leaves in these two "plants", and these strange eyes don't even have pupils, they are just connected to the body without moving, if Liu Chang didn't know in advance Their existence, it is estimated that walking by them, they will not find that these two leaf-like things are "eyes" - let alone find that this plant-like thing is a well-hidden attacker.

And if you walk past them without finding them, there is only one ending—death. At that time, no matter how much the opponent's risk value is, even if it is much lower than yourself, if you are attacked without defense, you will die.

But now that the two hidden attackers have been found, Liu Chang is no longer afraid of them. Seeing that the soldier companion is getting closer to them in confusion, Liu Chang hastened to remind him.

"Hey, be careful!" Liu Chang jumped out from the bushes and shouted, "There are attackers behind you."

"What?" The soldier heard the voice of the human being, his worry was swept away, and he hurriedly walked towards the source of the sound.

"Be careful behind you, there is something behind you." Liu Chang reminded again.

"Is there something?" The soldier looked back and found nothing but grass and saplings. "What is it? Where are you? Are you alone?"

The man asked as he walked, but he didn't know that a "sapling" behind him had already moved, and it moved as fast as the wind, and moved silently.

Quiet as a virgin, moving like a rabbit is to describe that "plant" - one second it was a harmless "dead thing" to humans and animals, and the next moment it suddenly turned into a murderous monster. As soon as the "plant" moved, a green light flashed, and the soldier who had just turned his head lost the connection between his head and neck forever - just one click, his head was chopped off by the monster's sickle-like arm - and Maybe it was because the speed of beheading was too fast, the soldier's head that flew out in the air did not die instantly, within this second, he could still make an expression——

The original surprise of finding a companion turned into a frightened expression in an instant!

And after this moment, the expression was also frozen there forever - "Plop" - the expression stopped, and the head fell to the ground - a body that was still alive just now, also completely lost the breath of life.

"Fuck!" Seeing this scene, Liu Chang instinctively uttered a strong interjection, and what was more instinctive and quicker than his interjection was the crossbow arrow he shot with his bow.


The crossbow arrow shot quickly, across the distance of less than ten meters in an instant, and nailed into the monster's body.


The sharp arrow tip pierced through the monster's bark armor-like skin with a strong force, and penetrated into its body, causing a lot of damage to the monster.

After receiving this injury, the monster immediately turned to Liu Chang's side, as if trying to find out what was attacking him. And when it moved its body on all fours, it lost the camouflage it had just fiddled with, allowing Liu Chang to see clearly what the two monsters were.

They were two praying mantises, two mantises that were not very huge but seemed to have exceptionally smooth body lines. The two "knife handles" of the body are stretched forward on all fours. Even if it stands up now, it still looks like a sapling, and although the praying mantis is only half the size of a person, it looks particularly vigorous.

"What's going on?" Standing beside Liu Chang, Shen Mingyi followed him all the time, unable to see the situation clearly. First, I saw him whispering to the little girl, and then heard his yelling and the response from the other side. Just when he thought he had found his companion, he heard him shouting about some monster, and then he shot an arrow.

"Two monsters attacked that soldier." Liu Chang pointed to the direction deep in the fog, describing the scene inside, "Two monsters that look like praying mantises, although they don't look big, they should be very difficult to deal with. Do them well." Ready for battle."


Before Liu Chang finished speaking, the tentacles on the heads of the two praying mantises moved together, as if they had caught the direction of the source of the sound, and then jumped and flew towards Liu Chang's hiding place at an extremely fast speed.

"It's coming." Seeing the monster flying, Liu Chang pushed the little girl away, and then plunged into the bushes himself.

As Shen Mingyi couldn't see what was three meters away, he moved a beat slower, and was swept towards his head by a wild praying mantis.

"Damn it!" After the two praying mantises came into Shen Mingyi's field of vision, the first thing he saw was a giant pincer like a sickle swinging at him. He yelled and hurriedly dodged , avoiding this attack at a speed almost twice as fast as that of the mantis, and then he also instinctively swung the machete in his hand, and with one stroke, he slashed the chest and abdomen of the mantis, which was not protected by armor, and cut open the area. Soft parts.

After cutting open the praying mantis' abdominal cavity, Shen Mingyi then patched it up with one foot, followed the cut with a "click" and kicked the praying mantis into two pieces, and green mucus immediately "snorred" from inside. Huh" spewed out.

"So strong, so fast." Seeing this scene from a distance, Liu Chang couldn't help admiring.

However, the admiration is the admiration, the work under his hands did not stop, another shot of a loaded crossbow arrow prevented the second praying mantis from launching another attack on Shen Mingyi.

With Liu Chang's attacking gap, Shen Mingyi had time to free up his hand again, and with his backhand, he cut another praying mantis in two - just as easily as Liu Chang killed the mosquito just now.

Life and death struggle is sometimes really a very simple matter of an instant, life or death, all in an instant. Fighting in the jungle does not have the so-called "one move, one style" in martial arts novels, let alone the three hundred rounds of battles in romance novels, such as a tiger attacking a sheep, an eagle fighting a rabbit, the fight is faster than you and harder than you, nothing more , and nothing else.

"It's really powerful. I thought there would be a fierce battle." Putting away the bow and crossbow, Liu Chang emerged from the thick fog, walked up to Shen Mingyi and looked at the two bouncing praying mantis corpses. Pulled out his crossbow arrows.

"It's nothing, I react faster than them, and my strength is much stronger than them, and you can restrain them from the side, so it's not difficult to hit them." Shen Mingyi looked at the two praying mantis corpses on the ground, frowned and said: "These things are not too many. Powerful, but the camouflage technology must be top-notch. Look, how much they look like saplings! In the past, I have always heard that the camouflage technology of mantises is very good. When lying on a branch, it is a branch, and when lying on the grass, it is a piece of grass Ye, now it seems that this monster has much better camouflage skills than the previous praying mantis. Even if it is dead and lying in the grass, it can still see things without looking carefully. If I am accidentally attacked by them, I will be better than them. You have to die too!"

"Yes, sometimes a strong person may not win a battle." Liu Chang recalled the scene of the soldier whose head was cut off by a "knife" just now, and knew that even if it was him or Shen Mingyi at that time, he would be so close from behind. A sneak attack from a distance can't be avoided.

"Where's that soldier just now?" Shen Mingyi asked after seeing the two on the ground no longer bouncing.

"Dead, the body is over there." Liu Chang pointed to the location of the soldier whose name he didn't even know.

"I'll go and see, are there any monsters around?"


"Oh." As soon as Shen Ming spoke, he walked to the place Liu Chang pointed out, and then he saw blood all over the ground and a corpse with a different head.

Perhaps it was these days when the end came, and he was used to seeing life and death and all kinds of corpses, so he didn't react too much when he saw this bloody scene. After silently collecting the food and magazines from the corpse, he turned and returned to Liu Chang's side.

"Do you know him?" Seeing that Shen Mingyi didn't have any emotional fluctuations, Liu Chang pointed to the corpse over there.

"It's not considered acquaintance. I don't belong to the same company. I have met a few times before. It seems to be called Cao."