Global Evolution

Chapter 64: Step into the flowers


Just when the two were worried about their future, another person sat up from the ground - it was Li Qingshui.

Although he hadn't lost his sanity before, all the muscles in his body including his tongue were convulsed, so he couldn't move or speak. At this moment, after he sat up, he first rubbed his sore muscles, and then looked at the two who were sobbing. A young man: "Don't be so pessimistic, the road, after all, we still have to go on."

"You're awake." Liu Chang saw that Li Qingshui had completely woken up, walked to his side and pulled him up from the ground, "How is it? Do you feel any sequelae?"

"It's okay, it's just that the muscle spasms have consumed a lot of energy for a long time, and there's nothing serious about it." Li Qingshui smiled wryly, "It's just that it really hurt just now!"

"Yeah, you should be in more pain than me, because your mind is fully awake, and you can feel it more clearly." Liu Chang knew that the pain for himself and these people on the ground was actually pain, but because he lost part of his mind, he actually felt pain. Has covered up most of the pain.

"How are these people?" Li Qingshui stood up, walked to the crowd lying on the ground, looked at the fat man and the little girl, "Are they all right?"

"Fortunately, the injury is not the most serious." Liu Chang squatted on the ground to check the cut on the little girl's body, "Is there any disinfectant in the backpack? No matter what, let's disinfect them first."

"Well, I have some." Li Qingshui went to the side and took some iodine from his bag, and poured it on the little girl and the fat man. As soon as Shen Ming saw the actions of the two, he also hurriedly took some iodine from everyone's military equipment. The same thing was found in the backpack, and the soldiers were given medicine.

In the process of taking the medicine, the three people found out sadly that two more people had died—due to excessive blood loss. Those two people scratched themselves too hard, not only broke the skin, but also injured blood vessels and muscles—and these two people were unlucky, and injured the main artery in the muscles, so in just a few minutes, due to blood loss Too much and died.

"Oh, two more dead, we are only eleven left." Seeing the death of his companion, Shen Mingyi shook his head helplessly at Liu Chang.

The latter sighed in response.

Then, in this silent atmosphere of death, the three silently waited for the others to wake up. A few minutes later, first the little girl and Doctor Huang, then the soldiers and the fat man, and everyone who did not die from the poison woke up one after another and saw the sunshine of life. However, after everyone woke up and saw the situation around them, there was a long silence.

The morale of the team was at its peak, and everyone had a thought at this moment—"Can we still go out?"

"Everyone, don't be so depressed, we should be glad that we are still alive!" Seeing everyone like this, Li Qingshui uttered words of encouragement for the first time: "Cheer up, don't let everyone be downcast, don't you?" Do you all want to sit here and wait to die? Or do you think that we should observe half an hour of silence for our dead companions, and another half hour to sort out our emotions, and finally return to Zhengzhou before dark?"

"Don't be like girls one by one, stand up!"

Hearing Li Qingshui talk about the time issue, the soldiers who woke up really raised their eyelids—after all, although the bloody reality is in front of them, the bloody future is still chasing after them—if it gets dark and Zhengzhou cannot be reached, They are all going to die—even if they get up and start now, there may not be enough time, and every minute wasted now may be their own lives.

The matter has come to this point, and the soldiers dare not be sad anymore, because everyone knows-it is not time to express their feelings! One by one stood up from the ground helplessly but resolutely, picked up the weapons and backpacks on the ground, and one by one got ready for life again.

"Doctor Huang, first go and do some simple hemostasis for those with excessive wounds, and we'll set off right away."

"Okay." Dr. Huang did not confront Li Qingshui this time. Li Qingshui shouted to the other side of the line when Dr. Huang treated the soldiers' wounds: "Shen Mingyi, is there a compass in the line?"

"No, even the company commander took that one. He wanted to walk along the Zhengkai Avenue. He didn't use a compass at all, so we didn't have a spare... We..." Shen Mingyi suddenly realized something when he was talking. In the direction of the flowers on the other side, he shouted: "No, when the company commander was poisoned just now, he brought the compass to the flowers."

Hearing Shen Mingyi's shout, everyone's pupils shrank suddenly.

"Fuck!" Fatty's painful voice came from the team, "Then what should we do? There is no road, no compass, and we can't find our way out of this land, which is even worse than a tropical rainforest!"

"It's okay, everyone, don't panic, calm down and deal with the wound, I'll look for the compass." Li Qingshui was speaking, and pulled Liu Chang, "Come with me."

"Why?" Liu Chang looked in the direction of the bright flowers in fear, "Where do you want to seek death?"

"It's not necessarily looking for death!" Li Qingshui pulled Liu Chang to a dead soldier, and took off the dead soldier's clothes, "The flowers are only pollen poisonous. Covering it can completely prevent poisoning. I think as long as the pollen is not inhaled too much, it will not be life-threatening. But if we can't find a compass, we will all die!"

Li Qingshui put on the tall soldier's clothes while he was talking. After putting on two layers of clothes, he tore a few strips of cloth and tied up his trouser legs and cuffs.

When Liu Chang heard his words, after thinking for a while, he decisively put on another set of clothes. In the end, the two tore off two pieces of rags from other people's clothes, soaked the rags with the juice from the trunk of a big tree, and wrapped their mouth and nose.

A few minutes later, the two men were fully armed, and under the fearful and expectant eyes of everyone, they went to the brightly colored death zone again.

Returning along the same road, the two of them found the bright flowers, and stopped at the edge of the bewitching death.

"You have good eyesight, help me see where the company commander's body is?" Li Qingshui stared at the red patch under his feet vigilantly, and asked: "It shouldn't be far away, look for it."

"En." Liu Chang nodded, and searched for a while around the flowers around the incident, and then saw the corpses of soldiers in the dense flowers.

The corpses were so damaged that their skin and flesh were scratched and turned into fertilizer for these flowers, and the damaged body made it difficult for Liu Chang to tell which company commander was the company commander.

However, relying on the memory of the previous incident and his familiarity with the company commander named Zhao Yue for a long time, after a while, he still found the familiar figure in the broken bodies.

"That seems to be it." Liu Chang pointed to a direction in the fog.

"Over there?" Li Qingshui calibrated the direction along Liu Chang's fingers - because he couldn't see what was three meters away, so he could only find the right direction.


"Okay, you stay here, I'll get the compass."

"Are you going?" Liu Chang wondered, "The flowers are not necessarily poisonous as an attack method. Are you not afraid of danger if you go inside?"

"Of course I'm afraid." Li Qingshui patted Liu Chang's shoulder, "But I can't let you do every dangerous thing."

After saying this, Li Qingshui ignored Liu Chang, turned his head forward, and stepped into the gorgeous flowers.