Global Evolution

Chapter 67: Vole's signal


"Yeah, monsters won't reason with you. In the face of real danger, no matter how high IQ is, it's futile." Standing up from the ground, Liu Chang stepped on the ground and twisted his ankle back and forth to test his injured right arm. After exerting some force on the foot, I found that apart from the tearing pain that should be due to the injury, it didn't affect the exertion much.

Seeing that it would not affect his actions, Liu Chang showed a relaxed expression, and continued: "As for fighting monsters head-on, it is always the most thankless and helpless choice. Therefore, Shen Mingyi and I only appeared as a last resort It is really a big loss to the team to be able to avoid the dangerous Xiaojing coma now!"

After trying a few times and found that there was no problem, Liu Chang did not delay the trip: "Go on, you can go."

"En." Li Qingshui nodded, and led the team to move forward again, "Did you see what that thing bit you just now?"

"No, the speed is too fast, it got into the tree hole with a whoosh." Liu Chang said bitterly, "I hope it's not poisonous."


The team continued to move forward. In the next hour or so, everyone finally bypassed the bright flowers and returned to the "road". And within this hour, the team also suffered from monster attacks several times. Fortunately, these scattered attacks did not cause casualties to the team members. The animals and plants in the forest obviously have a certain ability to judge danger. Some weak groups, when seeing this human team from a distance, Just walked away, and did not carry out a senseless suicide attack.

"There is a group of voles in the back, which seem to have been with us for a long time." After walking on the "Zhengkai Avenue", Liu Chang looked back at the pairs of scarlet eyes hidden in the forest.

"How many are there and how big are they?" Li Qingshui asked while walking.

"I don't know, maybe seven or eight. Anyway, I can only see four or five, but there should be more than that." Liu Chang looked back again, "I don't know how big they are, they are hiding, but at least they are as big as wolf dogs. Bar."

"Um, that's okay. We still have ten people and guns, so don't be afraid of them. I guess it's because we smell too much blood. They followed us greedily after smelling it, but they probably didn't dare to go up." Li Qingshui quickened his pace, "As long as they don't call for their companions and their numbers don't increase, we won't be in danger."

"Hmm. Should we startle them away?" Liu Chang asked.

"You can give it a try. Anyway, the smell on our body is strong enough now, and we are not afraid to shoot to expose the target." Li Qingshui said, then turned to a soldier: "Shoot a few shots into the bush behind us, there is something follow us."

"Well, good!" The soldier got the order, picked up his assault rifle and fired a dozen rounds behind him. The "chug" gunshot was accompanied by the chirping of insects and birds in the summer forest, and with the howling bullets, he shot into that place. Deep in the shadows of the woods.

creak creak...

Sure enough, the voles were frightened by the gunfire, and ran out one by one.

"Okay, keep going." Hearing that the voles were scared away, Li Qingshui led the team and continued to walk quickly.

But before walking more than one kilometer, Liu Chang found the familiar movement behind him again.

"Damn it, those mice are coming around again, don't give up, is this?" Liu Chang frowned and listened.

"Forget it, there's nothing we can do. They're hiding and tucking away, what can we do?" Li Qingshui pouted, "Under the trend of desire, no matter how many times you frighten them away, those voles will still They will be surrounded again. Now they are like a man who has been dazzled by sexual desire, facing us meat-smelling 'beauties', no matter how they refuse, they will go forward and not be discouraged."

"Then leave it alone?" It's really not good to be "tailed" by someone. The atmosphere in the team is already depressing enough, but being followed by a group of bloodthirsty and cowardly things would be unbearable.

"Then what should we do? Go back and fight them?" Li Qingshui said: "Forget it, when you go back, they will probably run away, and when we get on the road again, they might come over again. Sometimes That's how lions hunt."

"It's fucking disgusting." Liu Chang spat on the ground with a "poof" and stopped talking.

But the team still maintained the fast speed.

After walking forward for more than half an hour, surrounded by the group of mice, Liu Chang's brows finally relaxed.

"Hey, those mice seem to have dispersed all of a sudden." Liu Chang moved his ears a few times as he walked, with a relaxed expression on his face, "They are all gone. We must have left their activity area, right?"

"Maybe, after all, most mammals are territorial." Li Qingshui also heaved a sigh of relief, but just as he breathed out halfway, the air he exhaled was sucked back again, "They are Are they walking slowly one by one, or are they all scattered all at once?"

"It scattered all at once, and ran away in a few seconds." Seeing Li Qingshui's expression, Liu Chang frowned and asked, "Is there a problem?"

"This vole's reaction doesn't seem like a reluctance to give up food, but a reaction of running away in a hurry when encountering danger." Li Qingshui waved his hand to stop the team behind him as he spoke, "You still Remember when I told you that the nose of a mouse is ten times sharper than that of a dog?"

"Remember, you mean..." Liu Chang picked up the crossbow and drew the bowstring.

"There seems to be danger ahead!" Li Qingshui turned around and shouted at the team: "Everyone take your weapons and protect your comrades. The team spread out in a semicircle."

After receiving the order, the well-trained soldiers of the elite squad opened up the battle formation immediately. Although the team members were close to each other due to the problem of vision, which violated the conventional formation, they still carried out the order very well and showed a good performance. military literacy.

"Mr. Li, what's the danger ahead?" After the formation was dispersed, a soldier in the team shouted.

"I don't know either. Those voles who have been following us suddenly ran away. I judge that this is the signal they will send out when they encounter an invincible and dangerous enemy!" Li Qingshui said, hugging him The seriously wounded man behind Shen Yi said, "I'll help you carry it first, and you are ready to fight."

"Yeah." Shen Ming nodded.

"Which direction did the field mouse run just now?" After carrying the wounded on his back, Li Qingshui turned to look at Liu Chang again.

"It's right behind."

"Then go straight ahead to check the situation and see what it is?" Li Qingshui was talking, then freed his hand to pat Shen Mingyi's shoulder, "Can you go with him?"

"Okay." Shen Ming nodded.

"Then let's go." Liu Chang stopped talking nonsense.

With the bow and crossbow loaded, he and Shen Ming, one or two of the most physically strong members of the team, ran forward at an extremely fast speed. After running about tens of meters, he heard the "rustling" sound from the breeze in front of him.

"There's something!" Hearing the sound, Liu Chang hurriedly squatted behind the big tree on the "road", and took cover with Shen Mingyi. Listening quietly to the sound of "rustling" from far to near, a head emerged from behind the bushes, and he saw that as the sound became clearer, a colorful big guy came into his field of vision from the depths of the thick fog within.

"Oh, what is this, it's so fucking disgusting!" Seeing the monster appearing in his sight, Liu Chang's stomach immediately twitched.