Global Evolution

Chapter 77: God's amniotic fluid


But fortunately, Chen Xudong was a scholar and a doctor after all. Although he would show a childlike undisguised expression when he was extremely shocked, the duration would definitely not be too long. After a while, he restrained the expression on his face and put on another businesslike look.

"Uh, you will be a researcher of our third group in the future. I will find someone to handle your ID card for you." Chen Xudong was talking to Li Qingshui, then turned to look at Liu Chang and him The little girl in her arms, "These two are your family?"

"Well, it's my family." Li Qingshui nodded.

"Well, all our researchers here have their own rooms, and your family can live with you." After Dr. Chen Xudong finished speaking, he paused for a while, organized his words and continued: "You have just entered the research So, there are a lot of things that need to be understood and learned. Although you have a very high degree of brain mutation, you are hundreds of times smarter than us old guys. But after all, the amount of knowledge you have is still somewhat lacking. When you entered the institute, you still Focus on accumulating biological and genetic knowledge to lay a solid foundation for future scientific research. When I do experiments and lectures these days, you can follow me... "

"Okay!" Li Qingshui nodded again.

Just as he nodded, and Dr. Chen was about to continue speaking, there was a burst of sonorous footsteps at the end of the corridor of the research institute.

Approaching with the sound of footsteps were three figures, a middle-aged man in military uniform and two scientific researchers in white coats.

Walking in the middle of the three is the middle-aged man in military uniform, who looks to be about fifty years old, considered middle-aged and elderly, and has no distinctive features. The first time Liu Chang saw him from a distance, he didn't pay too much attention to his face, but was attracted by his epaulettes at the first moment—the lieutenant general.

This is an existence with real military power. The rank of lieutenant general should be the highest level even in Zhengzhou.

And the two researcher-like people who followed behind him also seemed to be of high status. They both walked side by side with him. It seemed that there was no clear relationship between the three of them. One of them seemed to be only in his twenties—about the same age as Li Qingshui.

"Dr. Chen." After the lieutenant-level soldier walked over from the end of the corridor, he smiled at Chen Xudong. He didn't seem to have the airs of an army chief at all, and he didn't have the "tiger and tiger" spirit of walking like a tiger. , only the kindness on the face.

Seeing this person, Chen Xudong forced a smile, and greeted him with a familiar look.

"Chief of Staff Zhang."

"Well, Old Chen, I heard people say that a brain mutant came over from the military area today? I came here specially to congratulate him. What direction is the brain mutant?"

"Uh, it's about ordinary intelligence and analysis, and the degree of mutation is not high." Chen Xudong smiled and patted Li Qingshui's shoulder, "Here, it's just this young man."

"Hmm." After listening to Chen Xudong's words, Chief of Staff Zhang stared at Li Qingshui for a long time and said, "You are a very energetic young man. The institute needs fresh blood like you!"

"Thank you Chief of Staff for your compliment." Li Qingshui bowed.

"You are polite. Young man, there are not so many rules here." Chief of Staff Zhang said, pulling the young man in his twenties next to him, "Let me introduce you, this is Comrade Xiao Zhao is also a young man. You two should be about the same age, and you are both talents with brain mutations in our military region! He is a native of Zhengzhou, and the only brain mutation person that our research institute unearthed before you .In the past few days, I have seen how smart this young man is, and you should communicate more."

"Hello, my name is Zhao Zhuo." With the introduction of the chief of staff, the young man named Zhao Zhuo extended his hand to Li Qingshui friendly.

"Well, my name is Li Qingshui." Li Qingshui also held hands with him with a smile.

"Uh, I forgot to introduce, look at my brain." Seeing that the two had finished shaking hands, the chief of staff pulled an old guy on the other side to him, "This is Dr. Zhang Xilin, our China Biological Gene Research Institute A master in the field, if you follow him, you will definitely learn a lot of useful things!"

"Hello, Dr. Zhang!" Li Qingshui still greeted politely.

"Uh, hello, young man." Zhang Xilin is an old man in his sixties, but surprisingly, he has a sword eyebrow that is straighter than that of a young man, which makes him look a little less gentle than an old man should be. , and a little more rigid, the combination of this contradictory temperament made him look a little weird.

Seeing that the two of them had finished greeting each other, Chief of Staff Zhang said to Li Qingshui again: "This time, we all know each other. If you have any questions in the future, you can ask Dr. Zhang Xilin. If you have any ideas, you can also discuss with Zhao Zhuo." comminicate… "

"Chief of Staff Zhang, you are nakedly pulling people from me!" Hearing the Chief of Staff chattering endlessly, Chen Xudong, who was next to him, couldn't help but interrupt him. First come, first served, this is the rule you said when you discovered Zhao Zhuo, have you forgotten?"

"Hahaha... I see you, an old guy, is nervous." Hearing Chen Xudong's words, Chief of Staff Zhang didn't think it was disobedient, and changed the subject with a haha, "I'm not afraid that newcomers won't adapt here, so that they will be more young Let's communicate! Let's not talk nonsense, I never meant to pull people, in order to avoid suspicion, I will go to the head office first!"

Chief of Staff Zhang was talking, and finally patted Li Qingshui on the shoulder: "Young people are always welcome to come to a group to have a look. Although the five groups in our experiment are all equal, in a socialist society, the working people are all equal. , the division of labor in society is always a little different!"

After saying this, Chief of Staff Zhang continued to smile kindly, and led the other two out of here.

Seeing their backs walking away, Liu Chang looked at Li Qingshui suspiciously: "Why do you talk about socialism suddenly?"

"What he wanted to say was that among the five groups in the experiment, one group was far stronger than the others, so I should think more about where to go in the future." Li Qingshui remained expressionless.

"Then what is the result of your consideration?" Chen Xudong looked at Li Qingshui's profile.

"If I can say the above sentence, it means I'm on your side." Li Qingshui said.


"There is no reason, it depends on my own feeling." Li Qingshui looked at Dr. Chen Xudong, "By the way, just now you tested my comprehensive index of brain domain variation, what is the value?"


"Where was that Zhao Zhuo just now?"

"134, slightly weaker than you."

"Understood. Has he been here for a few days?"

"Yes, he has been here for eight days. In eight days, he has completely learned all the courses of genetic engineering that others have been unable to complete for decades. Now he has fully participated in the direct research team on Red Mist. " Chen Xudong was talking, and took out a prepared USB flash drive from the pocket of the military uniform, "This is what Zhao Zhuo used for learning before, and it contains a lot of content. Read it within a week."

"Thank you, Doctor." Li Qingshui nodded his thanks after taking the USB flash drive.

"Then let's end here first for today's business. You must be tired after overcoming obstacles all the way. I'll ask someone to arrange a room for you and your family later." Chen Xudong looked at Liu Chang and Xiao Jing while talking, "This brother is covered in wounds, and the little girl seems to have lost too much blood. I'm going to ask a military doctor to come over and show you. I'll talk about other things later! You guys wait here for a while!"

After Dr. Chen finished speaking, he left here.

Afterwards, the day's affairs became logical. The doctor invited the military doctor and arranged the house. After Liu Chang and Xiao Jing received simple treatment, the day passed.

In the evening, Liu Chang carried Xiao Jing, who was already asleep, from the military doctor's office back to the dormitory he had arranged before, and saw Li Qingshui who was looking at the computer.

"It's great that there is electricity here, and I'm back in a civilized world." Walking into the house and turning on the light, Liu Chang suddenly had a feeling of returning to his previous life.

"It's a pity that the civilized world is not necessarily much safer than the wild jungle." Li Qingshui sat in front of the computer, looking at the pages of information on the screen and reading them at a glance, each page "book" "It never stays in his eyes for more than three seconds.

"I really don't understand why human beings still have to fight back and forth in such a critical moment. Isn't it better to be united?" Liu Chang put the little girl on the bed in the dormitory, and then lay next to her, " All of them are still smart people, their ideological consciousness is really low!"

"It doesn't necessarily mean that fighting back and forth is due to low ideological awareness, it may just be a battle of ideas." Li Qingshui focused on two things, talking to Liu Chang while reading a book, "For example, facing this kind of red mist-shrouded In this world of species evolution, some people will advocate using extreme nuclear energy and biochemical means to transform nature and destroy nature to defend the inherent dominance of human beings. But some people will advocate that human beings should be integrated into nature in a relatively peaceful way. These two Opinions cannot say which is right or wrong, nor which side is evil, it is just a difference of faction and direction of experimentation.”

"You directly rejected that group's invitation today, is it because of disagreement." Liu Chang stood up from the bed as he spoke, and came behind Li Qingshui.

"Yes, they are too aggressive, obviously they belong to the radical group. Moreover, everyone's eyes are full of contempt for nature, and they are still immersed in the fantasy of human invincibility, which is obviously not in line with my philosophy. " Li Qingshui sighed, stopped turning the pages, pointed to a line of words on the computer screen and said: "Look, it's like what the first person who discovered the composition of the red mist said—human beings can never be in harmony with each other." Natural competition is just like it is impossible for man to defeat God. The origin of all life sciences ultimately points to theology, and this magical red fog is actually God’s amniotic fluid.”