Global Evolution

Chapter 78: Infinitely vast


"Oh, this person's metaphor is really vulgar!" Hearing Li Qingshui's words, Liu Chang curled his lips and said, "Are you saying that God is a woman? How come amniotic fluid is involved?"

"In modern theology, there is no distinction between God and gender." Li Qingshui continued his "page-turning" reading, "This USB flash drive is full of things, and there are still books about Hongwu in recent years." Research data. You see, within this year, some countries have been able to purify the red haze."

"Purification of the red mist? Isn't this red mist the amniotic fluid of God? What are the ingredients?"

"I don't know. Modern science cannot thoroughly analyze it. I only know that there are more than a dozen kinds of unknown rays in it, and there are also various unknown combinations of chemical elements." Li Qingshui stayed on the e-book page on a set of pictures , the picture is a laboratory, there are various equipment for collecting mist, and a series of concentration compression equipment, and the staff are busy inside.

"Two years ago, the American who called the red mist God's amniotic fluid discovered some of the ingredients and functions of the red mist. In recent years, the high-level world has set off a wave of life genetics. After all, the effect of the red mist is amazing. Whether it is for life exploration, life extension, genetic engineering or medical and weapons research, it will have a great effect."

"Look here, Russia, after a year ago, the pure red mist preparation was used in animal and human experiments, and a group of super soldiers were transformed."

"Super soldier?" Liu Chang suddenly showed great interest when he heard this word. He knew nothing about life and science. Those things were too far away for him, but he was very interested in body modification, because it fit him. the most fundamental interests now.

"Can this red mist purifier be injected into the human body?"

"Yes." Li Qingshui nodded, and then clicked the mouse lightly, and the picture on the computer changed again, replaced with a miserable scene, "It's a pity that these soldiers only survived for less than a week before their genes collapsed and died."

"Ah." Seeing the dead people on the picture, Liu Chang sighed heavily. "So, there's no play?"

"Not necessarily, these people are just ordinary people before, without any enhancement by the red mist, they are just some ordinary soldiers. But now people, especially mutated humans like you, have the same physical strength and endurance as theirs. They are all very different, and modern people have undergone Hongwu's primary genetic modification, and may have adapted to this mutation mode. Look..." Li Qingshui changed another picture, the architectural style of this picture Liu Chang finally got acquainted with it—the standard Chinese architectural style—exactly the same as the architectural style of this science park.

"In fact, the purification, modification and research of Red Mist in various countries has never stopped at all, and some progress has been made. This is our science park in China, and the data show that there is already a precedent for Red Mist to successfully transform mice—although the test The success rate is only 3 out of 10,000."

"Three out of 10,000??? That's really a high mortality rate. If I'm asked to inject this kind of thing, I won't do it." A survival rate of less than one percent or even one in a thousand, this kind of No one would do anything worse than a narrow escape.

"This is just a direction, or the information I got is all from the past. It remains to be seen how far this technology has progressed." Li Qingshui leaned on the back of the chair and rubbed his hands. The sore eyes continued: "After all, I am still a newcomer here, and there is still a long way to go here. Although this information is comprehensive, it is still to be investigated whether it is the latest. Of course, in the not-too-distant future, this The research institute is the stage for both of us in the future. I have to finish the basic courses quickly in the next few days, and then finish writing my new ecological theory, so as to attract the attention of the upper management as soon as possible and truly enter the upper management of this experimental area."

"And you, you have to take a step forward in physical evolution." Li Qingshui rubbed his eyes red, he stared at Liu Chang and said seriously: "This research institute is not peaceful, in fact, it is more dangerous than other places .Human beings will breed a lot of extreme emotions in extreme environments, and the final result of the battle of different ideas must be attributed to force. Therefore, whether we will be smooth sailing on the road ahead depends mainly on you."

"From what you said, it seems that I really have a great responsibility, but..." Liu Chang also looked at Li Qingshui seriously and said, "But I'm just a person, no matter how high the degree of mutation is, I can't be here with a live ammunition. What is there to do in the army group... ”

"No, no, you are wrong. You must know that the path of life evolution is as vast as the path of technology. Think about that strange big willow tree..."

"You mean, I can evolve to that level?" Liu Chang suddenly became energetic.

"It's possible in theory, but it's impossible in reality." Li Qingshui immediately interrupted Liu Chang's excitement with plain words, and then added: "But don't be discouraged. We have entered a dead end. The complex biological structure and extremely high differentiation of social functions have made it difficult for us to progress on the road of natural evolution. This is also the most important reason why human beings have been slower than other biological evolution since the end of the red mist. "

"But what does it matter? From the perspective of natural evolution, we are one beat slower than others, but in terms of the ability to interfere with nature, we are one beat faster than others. Using technology to interfere with the pace of evolution, Because we have a perfect social division of labor, so we have the ability to do this, success or failure, we human beings will not be eliminated so quickly." When Li Qingshui said this, his eyes remained calm. For the first time, there was a light so bright that it could sting Liu Chang's eyes, as if deep in the depths of this person's eyes, he had seen the magnificent scene of human beings bravely fighting the waves in the future natural waves.

"So, believe me, I will turn you into a super creature with the dual blessings of technology and nature. Before that, you have to help me clear the obstacles on our way."

"Okay." Liu Chang looked at Li Qing's crystal-clear eyes, and his eyes were also full of light.

"Don't underestimate the strength of your own body. Starting tomorrow, take care of your body first, and then exercise. Your body has never had time to exercise systematically, and many potentials have not been brought into play. Even in the previous era, a A boxer can also beat a few ordinary people, so before I get the key to the evolution of technology, practice it yourself."

"Understood." Liu Chang nodded again.

"Well, today's chat is over, you sleep first, and I will read a book."

"En." Liu Chang patted Li Qingshui on the shoulder, stopped disturbing him from reading, turned around and lay down on the simple bed in the dormitory, glanced at the little girl whose face was gradually rosy, and thought for a while about life science and evolution After asking the question, he fell asleep in a daze.

In the next three days, Liu Chang gradually recovered from his injuries, and Li Qingshui also absorbed a large amount of knowledge in front of the computer day and night. Xiao Jing, who had lost too much blood in the past three days, gradually recovered, while Liu Chang's burns, scratches and other wounds gradually healed. At the same time, the three days of living in the park also allowed him to understand some basic conditions here.

This morning, Liu Chang had just woken up and was about to find a place to exercise when someone knocked on the door of the dormitory.

He opened the door suspiciously, but what he saw was an old acquaintance whom he hadn't seen in three days——Shen Mingyi.

"Long time no see." Shen Ming stood at the door with a plate of plant leaves and two cups of thick paste made of unknown origin.

"Shen Mingyi, why are you in charge of delivering meals today?" Seeing this comrade who had experienced life and death come looking for him, Liu Chang still felt very kind in his heart. I don’t know where you went after that, how did you find it today.”

"Oh, it's a long story. After I sent Mr. Li here, my superiors praised me very much. They gave me a first-class merit, and even jumped several levels at once, and promoted me to a positive company level." After the food was placed on the table in the dormitory, Shen Ming took a look at Li Qingshui who was still turning the pages of the book with a blank expression.

"Don't worry about him, he's been like this for the past few days, he's gone crazy, and sometimes I can't hear him when I talk to him." Liu Chang was afraid that Shen Ming would disturb Li Qingshui's reading, so he hurriedly said, "Don't pay attention to him, just keep talking about your business." .”

"Well, later on, Mr. Xie of the fifty-seventh division attached great importance to me. After hearing that my body had evolved a lot, he even assigned me a task directly under the research institute—domesticating pets." Shen Mingyi sighed as he spoke. Tone, "The rewards for this task are very good, and three meals are enough! But those pets after evolution have long since returned to wildness, and it is difficult to tame them at all! Even the dogs that were very obedient before are now full of wildness, and I also No way. Even if they can’t beat me, they won’t listen to me, no matter what method I use to tame them, they still won’t obey me even if I clean them up.”

"That can't be helped, take your time." Liu Chang also sighed, "You haven't said how you found it yet."

"Uh, this is also arranged by Mr. Xie, who told me to get closer to Mr. Li and his family. So, today I will be the delivery man."

"That's right." Liu Chang nodded, "Hey, by the way, do you know where there is a place to exercise in this park? My injury has healed in the past two days, and I want to exercise. Anyway, I can't be hungry here now. I just want to train my body well, after all, this is the guarantee of survival.”

"Ha, you're asking the right person." Hearing that he could help Liu Chang, Shen Mingyi's "close" task has made some progress, and a smile appeared on his face, "The military has selected a small group of evolved Soldiers with a high range form a team to train in an equipment room every day, and I think in your capacity, you will definitely be able to enter."

"Select a group of highly evolved people for training?" Hearing this sentence, Liu Chang somehow suddenly thought of the "Red Mist Purifier" that Li Qingshui showed him three days ago, and asked immediately :"What is this for?"