Global Evolution

Chapter 84: the best genes


After saying this, Zhao Zhuo directly pulled the trigger of the rifle in his hand. In an instant, the sound of the "chug" gun resounded throughout the test site, and under the propelled gunpowder, metal bullets sprayed out from his muzzle, all pouring towards the hairless weirdo.

Puff puff! ! !

The bullet pierced his skin with a dull sound. At the same time, the gunfire stopped, and when Zhao Zhuo put down the gun, Li Qingshui also walked up to look at the hairless monster.

"Hmm!" The strange man saw Li Qingshui approaching, and made a strange noise. After that, he slowly picked out one by one from his own skin that was stuck in his skin folds, or had just penetrated his skin. Rifle bullets.

"How?" Zhao Zhuo laughed loudly, "Armor skin that can't even be pierced by assault rifle bullets, and this skin looks tough, but it won't affect his mobility at all."

"Come on, continue!" Zhao Zhuo said, Ling Kong threw the military rifle to the strange man, and ordered: "Tear it up!"

"Hmm!" The weirdo received the order, caught the flying gun in the air, held the barrel of the gun with one hand, and the stock of the gun with the other hand, and folded the military rifle in half. The rifle was pulled by him suddenly, and the sawdust of the parts flew down. A steel rifle that was just fine turned into scrap metal all over the place.

"This is a powerful force!" After Zhao Zhuo finished speaking, he roared again: "Come on, let Mr. Li see your speed and reflexes."

After Zhao Zhuo said this, the wrinkled-skinned monster immediately started to run on the spot in the experimental field, at a very fast speed. With every step, a footprint was made on the hard laboratory floor tiles. At the same time, Zhao Zhuo walked to the place where Li Qingshui was, picked up the parts on the ground, and threw them at that place from different angles. wack.

Due to the different shooting angles of these parts, the flight trajectories are also different. After flying for a period of time, each part is staggered from each other. When it flew to that strange man, there was a difference of several meters between the parts.

However, the running weirdo completely ignored these distances. During the running, he showed strong nerve reflexes and physical coordination. During the rapid running, he turned back and forth several times in the air, and switched between extremely static and dynamic speeds. Before the gun parts fell to the ground, he grabbed them all in his hand.

"Come back!" Zhao Zhuo ordered, and the man ran up to him obediently, and handed over the parts in his hand.

"Excellent, isn't it?" Zhao Zhuo showed the most unscrupulous pride at Li Qingshui seeing that his scientific research achievements did not discredit him.

"It's very powerful. If a company's field army is not very lucky, it will not be able to subdue him at all." Li Qingshui moved closer to look at the artificial monster again, carefully observed his head and pupils and said: "But , he seems to be very low in intelligence, far from reaching the level of normal people!"

"Yes, it's combined with animal gene fragments!" Zhao Zhuo didn't shy away from this statement, "While getting their powerful bodies, part of their intelligence was also dragged down by them."

"It's impossible. It's said to be the extraction of gene fragments, but it's not possible to be so pure, but it's okay." Zhao Zhuo patted the hard folds on the man's skin, and said with a smile: "As an experimental product, I can understand In human language, as long as you can understand orders, why do you need such a high level of wisdom? Too high level of wisdom is actually a drag on me! Don’t you think so, monster?”

Zhao Zhuo looked at the strange man with a smile.

"Hmm!" The other party nodded in understanding.

"Besides, he will never be able to undergo natural evolution again." Li Qingshui continued to observe the strange man, "The artificially synthesized gene is a broken product after all, and the weak gene chain cannot be changed in the slightest!"

"Yes, infertility, low intelligence, and even further evolution." Zhao Zhuo said: "These are all flaws, but except for the last one, the other two are meaningless to me. I only need combat power, and , said that they cannot be further evolved, but they are only the first generation of products, and they will have good genes in the future, and I can replace these defective products with artificial renewal."

"Haha, the slow pace of natural evolution... well, well, it's not slow now. But no matter how fast it is, how can it be as fast as my artificial synthesis?" Zhao Zhuo's eyes showed a hint of madness, "As long as the natural world I can extract any better animal gene and inject it into the human body. What is simpler and more direct than this method? Human beings are creatures at the top of the earth, and those inferior species, no matter how fast they evolve How can it compare to the thousands of years of human technological civilization?"

"Thank God for giving us those who yearn for science such a good era, haha, an era of global evolution, an era of chaos. Scientific research that could not be done before can now produce corresponding results. There is nothing better than this A better time? Join me..." Zhao Zhuo stretched out his hand to Li Qingshui, "Join me, only you can really help me with my research. There is no difference between us, we only talk about science, the future, It belongs to our era!"

"Let those stupid pigs die, human beings only need elites like you and me to continue the best genetic inheritance, don't they?" Zhao Zhuo said with bloodthirsty madness in his eyes. "How about it, Mr. Li, if you think it over, answer me, I just want your answer!"

"En." Li Qingshui nodded and also smiled, "My answer is yes! Even if I can refuse you, can I refuse the temptation of science?"

"Then what do you mean?"

"I'll join!" Li Qingshui looked at Zhao Zhuo and the strange man beside him, and said with a smile: "Also, do I have the right to refuse?"

"Haha, I don't mean to threaten you. I sincerely invite Mr. Li to join my team." Zhao Zhuo waved his hand to get the weirdo to step aside, and at the same time extended his right hand to Li Qingshui sincerely, "Welcome Join an elite team!"

"It's an honor!" Two young but powerful palms held together.

Sixteen days later.

Special forces training ground.

"Teacher Li left after saying something to study more than ten days ago, and I haven't seen anyone until now." On the temporarily remodeled training ground next to the Science Park, Liu Chang complained to Shen Mingyi next to him: "Until now I didn't see anyone, and I don't know what happened?"

"Mr. Li is so smart, what can happen?" Shen Mingyi, wearing a military uniform, fiddled with his pistol. "Now everyone has food and drink, and the outside is peaceful. Everyone is preparing for urban reconstruction. Can there be any trouble?" What's the matter? Besides, didn't he entrust the relationship of the research institute to get you here a few days ago?"

"Well, but I haven't seen anyone else, so I'm not at ease." Liu Chang looked at the military pistol in his hand that he was gradually using skillfully, and said, "Although he brought me over, he didn't even say hello, just said Let me familiarize myself with the use of all individual weapons, but with so many weapons, how can it be so easy to learn?"

"I didn't tell you to learn well, just know how to use it. Isn't that easy?" Shen Ming smiled and said, "It's like a pistol and grenade. It's difficult to use it well and accurately. But pull the trigger and pull the mine Acupuncture is not easy, you can learn it in two or three strokes!"

"That's right." Liu Chang continued to fiddle with the pistol with his head down.

In this way, Liu Chang practiced with Shen Mingyi on the training ground until dark, and then he dragged his exhausted body back to his room. When he opened the door, he saw the little girl who had been waiting for him all day.

"I'm back." Liu Chang entered the room, closed the door, and looked at the only person who had been with him for more than ten days.

"You're back." Seeing Liu Chang's return, Xiao Jing showed a different look than usual with her kindness.

"Teacher Li came just now." The little girl said to Liu Chang in a low voice: "He looked very flustered, as if he was avoiding something. After coming for more than ten seconds, he explained a word and left."

"What did he say?" Liu Chang felt the tense atmosphere.

"I told you to go to the third district laboratory where he was before at twelve o'clock sharp tonight to find him."

"What happened?"

"No, I just told you to be careful not to let others find out." The little girl said, "But with me here, don't worry, I won't let you be found out."

"En." Liu Chang nodded, and together with the little girl, waited quietly until the night fell completely.

There was something on their minds, so they checked the time for a while, and they waited until 11:50 on time.

"Let's go." After confirming the time for the third time, Liu Chang walked out with the little girl on his back.

Walking out of the room and walking to the corridor, Liu Chang, with the help of the little girl, bypassed all kinds of night guard soldiers all the way from the dormitory area through the courtyard of the Science Park to the third experimental area. When he arrived, he found Li Qingshui who was already waiting for the two of them inside.

Arriving at Li Qingshui's office, after sixteen days of separation from him, this was the first time Liu Chang saw this teacher who had fought side by side with him.

"You look like you haven't slept in three or four days." Looking up, Liu Chang saw that Li Qingshui was still the same Li Qingshui, not much changed, but his mental state seemed to be very bad, and in his calm eyes It was bloodshot.

"It's almost the same. I came here specially today to ask you something." Li Qingshui looked at Liu Chang with bloodshot eyes, "Would you like to become me? Or, to have my most The good part?"

"Become you? What good parts do you have?" Liu Chang asked.

"Have my gene fragment!" Li Qingshui said, and took out two small bottles, one green and one red, from the white coat he was wearing, and pointed to the red bottle and said, "This is my gene fragment that I extracted. Genes, of course, are the best part!"

"And this bottle." Li Qingshui pointed to the green bottle and said: "This is a repairing ingredient that I separated from the red mist. It is a special substance that Zhao Zhuo has not discovered. The success rate of gene synthesis, and it will not leave any sequelae to the person who undergoes gene synthesis surgery. Of course, based on the particularity and fragility of genes, this kind of surgery can only be done once per person, and even if this preparation is available risk of failure."

"What are the consequences of failure?" Liu Chang asked.

"It must be death." Li Qingshui said: "So I came to you today to discuss whether you would like to have my genes."

"How sure are you?"

"Seventy to ninety percent, I'm not sure." Li Qingshui said.