Global Evolution

Chapter 87: old friend


"All the people in the community have gathered for me!" Along with the sound of a broken gong, the voice of a middle-aged woman with a loud voice entered Liu Chang's ears. He leaned over the window and looked down, and vaguely saw a lot of dark figures with moving heads gathered there, summoned by the woman's voice.

"Brother, what's the matter?" The little girl also lay beside Liu Chang, looking at the scene below. However, with her eyesight, she couldn't see anything except the fog.

"It should be something like an assembly here. Now there are small autonomous groups everywhere. They must be talking about something." Liu Chang opened the window and listened to the chaotic voices below.

Sure enough, after the woman had summoned everyone, a man's voice spoke on the spot.

Liu Chang couldn't hear the content of the words very clearly, but the faint syllables let him know that this was a conversation about assigning tasks. Everyone living in this community has their own related work under the leadership of this small group. Some are responsible for planting, others for collecting, and no one seems to be independent from this small group.

After listening for a while, Liu Chang didn't hear what he was interested in, and because he was currently avoiding the research institute and didn't want to contact people too much, he simply closed the window.

After closing the window, he and the little girl rested on the sofa for a while, and when Liu Chang picked up the small wooden box and was about to go out to pull some grass to feed the insects, there were clear footsteps in the cave.

"Someone is coming." Hiding the little girl behind the sofa, Liu Chang put down the small wooden box in his hand and hid it in a corner of the sofa, unloaded the military crossbow on his back, and pointed it in the direction of the door after winding it up.

After he finished this series of actions, a man with an iron rod opened the door.

"Is anyone there? I heard something just now?" After the visitor opened the door, he called out twice vigilantly, but he didn't come in at the door.

Hiding behind the sofa, Liu Chang used the super long sight distance to look at the man who was a little nervous, and at the armband on his cuff - Shunhe Garden Community Guard.

Seeing these words, Liu Chang let down his vigilance. "Shunhe Garden" is the name of the community he lives in, which he saw this morning. As for the members of this guard, they should be the armed forces of small spontaneous groups that are vigilant about safety.

Putting the crossbow in his hand behind the sofa, Liu Chang stood up from his hiding place.

"Someone, I'm passing by and temporarily staying here."

Seeing someone appear, the guard first gripped the iron rod tightly, then put the iron rod on his chest, and walked into the room with a posture ready to fight at any time.

"Don't worry, I have no malicious intentions." Liu Chang raised his hands slightly, "I'm passing by."

"Oh." After the man walked into the room, he saw Liu Chang's movements, relaxed a little, and asked, "Where did you come from? I hope you can answer my question. This world is not peaceful, and many people who smashed and smashed Small groups of robbers are looting everywhere, our community is relatively stable and self-sufficient, and we don’t want to be destroyed by outsiders.”

"Uh, I understand." Liu Chang said, and pulled out the little girl hiding behind the sofa, "We came from Jinshui District, looking for relatives, this is my sister."

"Oh." After seeing the little girl, the guard relaxed most of his vigilance—after all, if someone with malicious intent came, he would never bring a little girl who looked less than ten years old—because this It will seriously delay the itinerary and combat effectiveness.

"It turned out to be passing by. Are you planning to leave today, or are you planning to stay here for a while?"

"We want to stay here for a while and look for relatives." After thinking about it, Liu Chang said, "It's nothing else, I just want to settle down in this generation. Our relatives live in this generation, and we want to look here first."

"Oh, if you want to stay here often, you have to register with me, and check your identity by the way." The man held the iron bar and said: "We don't exclude outsiders, after all, more people means more strength." .But you have to follow me to the community to register, and at the same time introduce a few people to you."

"It should." Hearing what the man said, Liu Chang pulled the little girl and walked up to the man.

"Come with me, keep a little distance." The man saw that Liu Chang was not malicious, so he led him out of the unit building and came to the community outside.

Leading him all the way to the original property management office of the community, the man pointed at the property management building with an iron rod and said, "That's it."

"En." Liu Chang nodded.

The three of them then walked into the management floor. When they entered, they saw a muscular middle-aged woman and a thin-looking woman who was in charge of registration next to her.

After seeing the woman, Liu Chang was taken aback, and blurted out the words "Doctor Huang".

When the other party heard this familiar voice, he also raised his head in surprise, and looked at the old man who had been reunited for a long time.

"It's you!" Doctor Huang looked up with doubts in his eyes, "Why are you here?"

"He came here in a daze." Seeing this person who came here all the way from Kaifeng, Liu Chang was a little emotional, "You didn't die, we all thought you were dead!"

"Hehe, I didn't die. I was very lucky. I ran all the way that day, and a millipede chased me and a soldier. Later, we split up. The bug seemed more interested in the bigger soldier, so he gave up on me and chased him. , I ran all the way here." Dr. Huang recalled the scene that day, and fear still showed unconsciously in his eyes.

While the two were talking, the guard who brought Liu Chang and the burly woman also looked at Dr. Huang.

"Huang Yin, do you know this person?"

"Yes." Dr. Huang nodded.


"It's my half relative." Dr. Huang looked at Liu Chang.

"Uh, then I'm relieved. I didn't believe this man at first when he said he was looking for relatives." The man in the guard completely put down his weapon when he heard Dr. Huang's words, "Now that everyone knows each other, then I won't bother you, I will go to patrol the community again."

"Yeah." The burly woman also nodded, greeted Dr. Huang, and stood up from the desk, "Since it's a reunion of old people, I'll let you talk for a while."

After the burly woman finished speaking, the man who pulled the guard went out, leaving the house to Liu Chang and the others.

"Sit down." Seeing that there were only three people left, Dr. Huang pointed to the bench in front of him, "I'll get you a glass of water."

"Oh." Liu Chang sat on the bench with the little girl in his arms and asked, "How did you get to this place? When we went out that day, we obviously waited at the entrance of the forest for a long time, why didn't we see you come out of it?"

"Well, I ran off the road, and I didn't want to go with you, so after I ran out of the forest, I went straight to the main road." Doctor Huang put the water in front of Liu Chang, "It's just that I didn't expect to hide in this place. Li Qingshui still won't let me go. Are you here to take me away?"

"No, no, it was really an accident that I came here." Seeing that Dr. Huang misunderstood, Liu Chang quickly waved his hand, "I also separated from Teacher Li, and I came here to stay overnight."

"Really? It shouldn't be. Although I have never been to the Jinshui District, even here, after so many days, I fully understand how powerful the Institute is. With the help of that guy Li Qingshui Your IQ shouldn't be too bad, why don't you go there for delicious food and drink, but you come to this slum-like place?"

"Oh, I don't know what to say. There is a political storm going on now, so I escaped." Liu Chang laughed and said, "I hope you don't tell me the secret again!"

"There's no need for that. I really didn't understand you in Kaifeng, and I was a little scared that day, so I made that decision, and I regretted it later." Dr. Huang also smiled, "Originally I I thought Li Qingshui would kill me on the spot if he took me into the jungle, but he took good care of me and didn't show any malice. It seems that he really pulled me here because he was worried about that girl named Zhu Lin safety."

"Well, Teacher Li is not bad, but sometimes he is cold." Liu Chang nodded, "Tell me about you, you seem to be doing well here, and you are already sitting in the office."

"Well, it's just that everyone takes care of me." After Dr. Huang came here, he looked a lot more cheerful than when he was in Kaifeng, and he talked more. Liu Chang guessed that she was really doing well. When I came out, I didn’t want to go far, so I lived here under a pseudonym. A few days after I entered this community, I happened to treat a person, and they took me in.”

"Because I am a doctor, and doctors are quite popular in this era. Even without high-end equipment, I can still treat some common diseases, and there are people here who are poisoned and injured every day. They need me more, so they take care of me more. I am. I usually do personnel records and financial records here when no one is injured, and when someone is injured, I will go back to my job without delay.”

"That's good. Can Xiaojing and I stay here for a while? I can be a security guard." Liu Chang said, "You should know my abilities."

"No problem, I'll greet them later, you can just register." Dr. Huang said: "It's really a coincidence that I met me, otherwise I would have to conduct a strict investigation."

"Is it very chaotic here now?" Liu Chang asked after hearing Dr. Huang's tone.

"Chaotic, very chaotic. You can imagine how chaotic it would be in a world without police and laws. Every day there are incidents of fighting with weapons, murder and rape, scrambling for the bean seeds distributed by the military, everything. This is different from the military. The military is not chaotic, and the world is turned upside down when it is chaotic. But here, it is chaotic every day, everyone is fighting for small things, and nature is giving people Putting pressure on. If you don't understand, you will know after staying here for a while... "