Global Evolution

Chapter 9: first night


Body heat caused by wound infection is normal. In fact, people and animals always die most from diseases. Even those carnivorous animals in the jungle, unless they were extremely hungry, generally would not regard aggressive animals as their prey—even if the opponent was much weaker than him.

For fear of getting hurt.

Injury can lead to wound infection, and death can happen.

Because they have no antibacterial drugs, large laceration wounds are basically equivalent to death.

This is the situation Liu Chang is facing now.

Although he has medicine, it seems that he can't control the mutated bacteria group at all. He feels that his body is getting colder and colder, his brain is getting more and more painful, and his eyes are blurred.

Another hour passed, and the people nearby had already started to prepare food. Liu Chang gritted his teeth and walked over to the crowd, took a canned eight-treasure porridge from the counter, and forced himself to eat it.

He understands that no one in this world can take care of him, and if he wants to live, he must eat—even if he has no appetite at all.

After finishing the eight-treasure porridge, Liu Chang continued to lean against the wall, curled up, feeling the cold surrounding.

"What's the matter, buddy." Seeing Liu Chang curled up, Fatty and the others came over.

"I said your feet really stink!" Liu Tao also walked over, holding his nose.

"Hey, according to the general setting, not many people will get sick and die in the apocalypse!" Glasses also walked over half-jokingly, hoping to ease the tense atmosphere.

"Hehe, when the most people get sick and die." Leaning against the wall, Liu Chang sighed.

"Do you have a fever?" After a few people got closer, they realized that Liu Chang's expression was not right.

"It's okay."

"Take some antipyretics." Several people took out antipyretics from their bags and fed them to Liu Chang.


The bitter pill was swallowed into the abdomen along with the mineral water, and Liu Chang nodded his thanks.

At the moment when Liu Chang's pills entered his stomach, a miserable scream suddenly came from the direction of the toilet in the convenience store. The scream was truly "heart-piercing". Halfway through, it was blocked by thick blood and turned into a "cuckoo" sound.

"Mom!" Hearing this voice, Fatty's face changed drastically, his fat body jumped up from the ground like a nimble elk, and rushed towards the toilet of the convenience store at the fastest speed.

Some other people, also out of curiosity, followed the fat man towards the toilet.

Liu Chang also stood up reluctantly, and walked towards the inner room in the direction of the flow of people.

Someone had already lit a candle there.

Then, walking in the direction of the light source, as soon as Liu Chang stepped into the inner corridor, he smelled a strong smell of blood, and then saw some people in front of him vomiting against the wall, and the various things he had just eaten This kind of dinner turned into a viscous thing, accompanied by the smell of gastric juice, permeating the entire corridor.

Through the moving heads, Liu Chang saw the scene that also made his stomach churn.

A mutilated corpse.

No part of the corpse was complete except for the head. The whole body was lying there, and a large hole the size of a bowl was cut out from the buttocks, and then the hole penetrated through her internal organs and chest, allowing the broken internal organs to flow smoothly. It flowed all over the place with this big hole. Apart from this big hole, there are similar holes in other parts of her body, but none of them are as deep as this one.

And what's even more disgusting is that probably because the fat man's mother was too fat, there was a lot of yellow fat flowing out of the pieces of meat on the ground, and the yellow fat was mixed with red blood plasma and internal organs. Looking at this picture, I can't stop my stomach from twitching.

But fortunately, Liu Chang's body is weak now, and his body reaction is also extremely slow, but he resists the feeling of gastric juice churning.

Turning his head away from this scene, he turned his gaze to Fatty, and he saw a grieving and angry face.

He knew that it was useless to say words of comfort at this time.

So he took two steps back and leaned against the wall.

"Huh!" With a slow breath of hot air, Liu Chang's heels softened and he knelt down on the ground.

However, no one paid attention to him at this time. People were all attracted by the bloodier scene, except for the fat man, everyone showed a look of insecurity.

"What exactly attacked her?" Someone in the crowd asked in a low voice.

But he won't get an answer, maybe only the first fat man who ran in saw the figure of the attacker, but now he won't talk to anyone.

Even so, this sentence is not completely useless. When someone in the crowd asked this sentence, all the twenty or so people began to pay attention to the surrounding things.

But the surroundings are too dark, and only relying on the light of the candle, people can only vaguely observe the things around them—but if this is not the case, then there should be more people who vomited just now.

People carefully observed the surroundings, and no one wanted to die tragically on the spot. Some wise people have pulled their family members away from this place silently, they are afraid that the smell of blood will attract more strange things.

For a while, the scene was very tense.

It seemed that no one would notice Liu Chang curled up in the corner again.

Liu Chang felt that his body temperature was getting higher and higher, his consciousness gradually became blurred, and he entered a semi-comatose state.

This situation lasted until the middle of the night before he was discovered—it was still the biology teacher wearing glasses who discovered his abnormality.

He saw Liu Chang curled up at the foot of the wall, and reached out to touch his forehead.

"It must be more than forty degrees!" Li Qingshui exclaimed as soon as he put his hand on it.

Then he found a thermometer from nowhere and put it in Liu Chang's mouth.

Five minutes later, Li Qingshui took out the thermometer and looked at it carefully by candlelight - the thermometer showed full scale, which was 42 degrees.

"He didn't die?" Generally speaking, thermometers rarely have a mark above 42 degrees, because a person's body will die of heart failure when the temperature reaches 42 degrees.

And obviously, Liu Chang's current body temperature has far exceeded this figure.

"How is he?" Liu Chang heard another voice approaching him vaguely, and the voice should be Liu Tao's.

"I don't know, logically speaking, he should be dead, but he is still fine now." Li Qingshui's voice came out again.

"Is there help?"

"According to this situation, he is dead, because his body temperature was caused by the bacterial infection of the wound. If the bacteria are not killed, even if he does not die now, he will definitely be burned to death soon."

"Then what to do?"

"If there are antibiotics, there is still help!"