Global Evolution

Chapter 96: The place of duels


Liu Chang ran away quickly, in addition to being afraid of the soldiers shooting and the bugs chasing him, there was another reason—he was afraid that the synthetic humans trapped by the bugs would come back to their senses.

After all, the group of predators he attracted this time was not very advanced, and the biggest threat to him—synthetics, could only disturb, but not cause any harm. So he ran very fast, he was afraid that those strange people would catch up with him at the fastest speed after throwing off the swarm of insects - he was no match for those people at all - his only advantage now was the Lin Zi's familiarity and deep understanding of the dangers of animals. Because he has experienced all these things once, he also knows how to use animals to defend himself.

As for the others, he can only hope that the commander's impulsiveness and the beast-like low IQ of the gene man will bring him unexpected surprises.

So running in the jungle, he didn't stay any longer, and disappeared into the depths of the jungle.

On the other side, groups of soldiers also faced a terrifying hell after the flying insects came.

Although the flying beetles did not cause any substantial damage to the synthetic man, they were a real disaster to these ordinary soldiers.

There are so many small beetles, all of which are poisonous, that one bite will cause local paralysis, and ten or eight together can immediately poison a healthy young man to death. But what this group of soldiers have to face now is not as simple as ten or eight. Thousands of beetles make them have no direction to attack at all. The smart soldiers immediately abandoned their guns and turned to run away the first moment they saw the swarm. . Those who reacted slower were immediately overtaken by the buzzing noise, bitten by thousands of insects, and immediately turned into a pool of blood.

Just such a simple swarm of insects easily dispersed these so-called regular armed soldiers. Facing an enemy that had never fought before, the inexperienced soldiers showed the panic that is unique to human beings when facing the unknown—some In desperation, some queens surrounded by bugs tried to shoot this "dark cloud" in desperation, but to no avail.

To deal with these small groups of things, maybe a flamethrower is a good choice, but this kind of thing that is not easy to carry and not suitable for urban combat is equipped with none of them-because their mission this time is to hunt down two people in the city —No one thought that the final battlefield would be transferred here.

Therefore, this group of people was immediately torn apart by the swarm, running and dying, the scene was chaotic, like Shura hell.

But in the chaotic field, because they were far away from the troops, the woman with the hooked nose and his adjutant escaped a difficult situation. After getting away from the bug swarm, they found three synthetic humans who also threw off the bug. Then the woman with lingering fears led the remaining four people far away from this right and wrong place.

"Damn, a small trap can almost wipe out our large army, how dangerous is this jungle?" After getting away from the swarm, the adjutant cursed in a low voice, "With so many soldiers dead, those deserters must have died too!" We won’t go back and return to life, so we will count according to the death list, we are really killed this time!”

"Well, yes, even if the man is caught this time, he will have to face trial when he goes back." The woman also showed a sad look on her face, "What's more, the man doesn't know where he is hiding?"

"In this case, why don't we..." the deputy commander said, and suddenly lowered his voice: "Why don't we give up the mission and become deserters? With your ability, it will be very difficult for the military to arrest us... Anyway, that man …”

Boom! ! !

Before the adjutant finished speaking, a swift fist hit him on the head. The powerful blow directly smashed his head, making his syllables completely disappear into the air, and his brains shot out. Underneath, the headless corpse flew more than ten meters away before hitting a tree and falling to the ground.

"What are you doing?" Seeing that the synthetic man around her suddenly got into trouble and smashed her adjutant's head to pieces, the woman howled loudly: "What are you doing, Zhao Zhuo didn't tell you, this mission is under my command Command? What on earth are you bastards trying to do?"

The woman looked at the brains splashed out on the ground, her eyes were slightly red. It was obvious that he had a very good relationship with that tall adjutant.

"... mission... give up... die..." The three synths seemed unable to hear the woman's roar, and at the same time showed ferocious expressions, and three pairs of ferocious eyes looked at her.

"Didn't say give up, no!" Seeing these three pairs of fierce eyes, the hook-nosed woman immediately felt a chill, fearing that these monsters wouldn't understand her words and would do the same to her, so she hurriedly waved her hands and said: "I didn't say give up, did you understand? No! Yes!"

When the three synthetics heard the woman's words, they gradually put away their ferocious expressions, and then stood there in a daze, like three wooden stakes.

Seeing that the three synthetics stopped moving, the woman breathed a sigh of relief and sighed helplessly: "How many strong instructions did Zhao Zhuo pour into your heads? Why did you suddenly understand those words?"

After sighing, she turned and went back to the direction where the adjutant's corpse flew out. After finding the corpse, she mourned for a few seconds. Later, he was afraid that the blood would cause more trouble, so he left here.

Leading the three monsters, the hook-nosed woman is like a hunting dog all the way looking for Liu Chang's trail, and the latter keeps making troubles for the former.

The jungle was very dangerous. Liu Chang was afraid of getting lost and didn't dare to go too deep, let alone slow down, so he kept circling around the edge of the jungle.

But the woman was not as fast as Liu Chang, so while she was leading the three synthetics to identify the direction, she still couldn't catch up with the shadow of the person in front of her while she was driving with all her strength.

The two just chased and fled like this, and the whole afternoon passed quickly.

And in these few hours, the hooked-nosed woman also thoroughly experienced the horror of the jungle. In just one afternoon, she almost died several times—she was penetrated by schistosomiasis, sneaked by vines on branches, The nameless poisonous insect that came out had stabbed his ankle, and once he was almost cut off half of his head by a strange animal that hid like dead wood.

The whole afternoon of tracking left me exhausted and scarred. If it weren't for the presence of three synthetic humans by my side, I would have died several times.

And Liu Chang was also having a hard time. During the escape, he also encountered danger several times. Fortunately, his precision calculation ability is still there, and the combination of calculation ability is not bad luck, so he was lucky to survive until dusk.

But at dusk, it was already his limit—the jungle during the day made it difficult for him to walk, and the hope of surviving at night was even more slim—Liu Chang knew that he could not drag on any longer, and he believed that he would not be able to survive if there was no decisive battle. This long night.

And after running away all the way, he also made his own plan—a plan for a duel—another place he was familiar with—in the nests of those spiders who had just been trapped—he was thinking, maybe those spiders that can trap even millipedes, can A pleasant surprise for those low-IQ synths.