Global Examination

Chapter 106: Ball machine ┃ This is two humanoid ball machines!


"Quick, quick! Open the door!"

"Don't rush, don't rush, the more you urge, the more your hands will shake!"

"I'm going to see another entrance."

When the door was smashed, You Huo was counting the number of arrows and divided them into three parts. Qin Jiu sat on the bar and reassembled the crossbow, the metal springs switching between his nimble fingers.

You Huo heard the sound and raised his head, the door lock on the side door rattled, and someone tried to pick the lock.

"Don't bother! The windows can climb here!" another man shouted.

"The new teammate is finally here?" Qin Qiu put the last piece of metal into the slot and raised his eyes calmly.

You Huo shoved the last arrow into his backpack, turned around and saw a head poking in from the window, the flat hair with thorns and thorns was very familiar.

At the same time, there was the sound of hurried footsteps on the stairs.

Before he could show his face, Yu Wen's voice came over: "Brother - good news and bad news, which one do you listen to?"

"Slow down, I'm holding something." Di Li's voice followed closely, and he complained and shouted, "Brother You, Brother Qin, the bandits who were bound upstairs ran away, but they I ran too fast, and I didn't take the arrows I stash away."

Yu Wen: "… "

The two boys ran down one after the other: "Brother, the bandit upstairs—eh?"

The voice stopped abruptly, because they saw Xiaopingtou who came in through the window.

He turned too quickly, jumped in and staggered for several steps, staring at the people in the room with dismay.

"Xueba, am I face-blind?" Yu Wen bowed to Di Li: "Why does this person look like a robber?"

"It's not blind, it's him."

Di Li hugged the arrow tightly, and asked Xiaopingtou blankly, "You didn't run? Why didn't you run so hard to get out?"

Xiaopingtou was almost bleed by him.

You Huo sneered: "Be familiar with the structure of the building."

Xiaoping scolded silently.

"I fucking want to run!" He didn't shy away, "What should I do if I encounter a mirror image person as soon as I go out?"

"Then you'll go back the same way and turn yourself in?" Yu Wenchong gave him a thumbs up and said, "It's awesome."

"… "

Damn, this group of people is more poisonous than the other.

Xiaopingtou just wanted to go out again, but the situation did not allow it.

He didn't want to talk nonsense with these people at all: "Where's the crossbow?! Give me the crossbow, and I'll go out and kill it myself! Otherwise, the mirror people will turn in and you won't be able to escape! Hurry up! Don't waste your time!"

This man couldn't speak without his mother, and he listened impatiently: "Do you think I will give it to you?"

After he finished speaking, he handed a pack of arrows to Qin Qiu, and grabbed a crossbow and a pack of arrows.

"Where's Chu Yue?" Qin Jiu took the arrow and turned to look around, "She can come out and loosen her muscles."

Yu Wen said, "They were going to the bathroom, and Sister Chu went together."

Without saying a word, You Huo threw the third crossbow and quiver to Yu Wen: "You take one."

Yu Wen was taken aback: "Me?"

"Aren't you great?"

Youhuo remembered what Lao Yu said, Yu Wen was very active when he was a child, and he always worried that the child would be frizzy in the future, so he often taught him some things that needed to be calm and steady. Not to mention anything else, this kid has always been good at aiming, and he played very smoothly with ropes, darts, slingshots, and archery.

"Do you know how to use it?" You Huo was about to teach a sentence, but Yu Wen had already raised his crossbow decently and said, "Yes, I have been learning when you guys are using it."

When You Huo finished dividing the crossbow, Xiaopingtou was anxious on the spot.

The persimmon picked up softly, and with a fierce look on his face, he was about to pounce on Yu Wen, only to hear three swish swishes in unison.

Qin Jiu and You Huo buckled the spring at the same time.

An arrow flew past his stomach to block the way, and an arrow hit the hand he stretched out towards Yu Wen...

Another arrow grazed his ear, nailed to the window frame with a thud, humming.

This arrow comes from smell.

The other people being chased were startled by the arrow as soon as they turned in.

They raised their hands and said, "Don't get excited, don't get excited! We're fine, we ran after him."

They pointed to Xiaopingtou and said.

Xiaopingtou stood a few steps away from Yu Wen, covered in cold sweat.

As long as one of the three arrows was slightly off, he would have to kneel here today. He stared at the crossbow in Yu Wen's hand, unwilling.

Yu Wen straightened his neck and said to him, "Persimmons are soft, right? When I have something in my hand, it's best not to treat me like a weak chicken."

When the newcomers saw that, Xiaopingtou was also in an embarrassing situation, and immediately added: "We are not a group, but we are all being chased by mirror people, so..."

Qin Qiu raised his eyebrows: "So much grass?"

Those people were embarrassed.

Wandering the corner of the light, guarding Xiaopingtou, he looked at the person who came.

There are a total of 6 people who have come in, and it can be seen from their standing positions that they are divided into three groups.

The person who was talking when he entered the door was a thin man in his early thirties, wearing a fluorescent green jacket and washed white jeans.

Next to him stood a woman with shawl hair, about the same age, wearing fluorescent powder.

With this dress, it looks like a couple or a couple.

Fortunately, the skin of the two is white enough, otherwise this couple's outfit would be a disaster.

Behind them, stood a dark-skinned middle-aged man with a broken sleeve and strong muscles on his arms.

On the other side are three boys who look like students, two of them are white and one is from Southeast Asia.

The middle-aged man was obviously fighting alone. Seeing so many people in the room, he turned around and turned out again.

He sprinted for a while and disappeared into a shop opposite in a blink of an eye.

The students hesitated and seemed to want to leave, but they shrank back when they looked at the fog floating outside.

They were chattering.

Youhuo vaguely heard some words—

"Too many people."

"Then get out of here?"

"What if the other houses don't have weapons?"

"Yes, they at least have crossbows."

Qin Qiu got down from the bar, walked to the window and looked out: "After talking for a long time, where is the mirror person? Isn't he chasing you?"

"You don't get so close to the window." Fluorescent Green looked at him, then hesitantly followed.

There is still fog floating in the town, and the nearby buildings are fine, and the buildings farther away are engulfed in gray color.

Everything seemed so quiet, as if it was just some foggy morning.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps in the distant street, like a child pulling his shoes and running, and there was an echo in the empty street.

You Huo held the crossbow and looked sharply in that direction.

There was no shadow in the fog.

The next second, the clattering footsteps sounded again, this time in a completely different place.

Youhu frowned.

The two places are separated by three alleys, and it will take a while to run through.

Di Li shuddered, leaned over and said to You Huo, "It was like this before."

The environment was too quiet, and he unconsciously lowered his voice.

"Those mirror people are scary. When they walk slowly, they are no different from ordinary people, but when they accelerate suddenly, they can move a lot forward from one place in an instant."

Di Li said, "Brother You, have you ever played a game? Wooden man. He was standing alone facing the wall. Behind him was a row of buddies who started from the starting point, counted three times and then turned back. Everyone was close. I That's what it feels like to look in the mirror."

"It felt like there was no one around, and in the blink of an eye—"

He had just finished speaking when a slender shadow suddenly appeared in the fog not far away.

One by one, densely surrounded by a circle, it makes the scalp numb.

Youhuo made a "tsk" and raised his crossbow.

As Di Li said, in the blink of an eye, those slender shadows suddenly came close and appeared on the edge of the fog.

Without the foggy package, they look like the most ordinary people, and they are almost no different from the wandering people in the house.

Another blink.

The group of people had reached the entrance of the cinema, staring at the people in the room without saying a word.

Their eyes were numb with excitement.

That's not looking at people's eyes, it's looking at a steaming table.

In the blink of an eye, the window glass shattered into pieces.

The mirror man has been pasted to the door.

The moment they climbed in, the arrow of wandering had already shot straight in the past.

The reaction took two seconds, but the attack only took a split second.

The wandering crossbow pointed at the entrance, loaded arrows, snapped the springs, loaded the arrows, and buckled again at great speed.

But even so, it doesn't take care of everything.

There was chaos in the house, and figures were flying around.

Those people in the mirror seemed to have no pain, with an arrow nailed to their forehead, they just leaned back numbly and continued to climb the window.

Like a swarm of locusts entering, it is hard to prevent.

Fortunately, You Huo and Qin Zhuo cooperated tacitly.

Whoever he attacks, Qin Jiu's arrow will always be nailed to the opponent.

Yu Wen didn't keep up with the rhythm at first, but he responded quickly.

After coming down three times, he started to follow his brother.

In an instant, the three of them almost reached a state of high agreement.

The first mirror image person was shot three times, and the pale face quickly flattened, like a gasped doll, from three-dimensional to two-dimensional, and then fell lightly to the ground.

Then the second, the third...

It didn't take long for seven or eight thin people to spread out on the ground.

This kind of change is really disgusting, and the people in the room can't settle down.

Suddenly, someone screamed, followed by a groan of pain.

You Huo turned around and looked-

I don't know where the door opened on the side, and there was an additional entrance to the house.

The two mirrored men rushed in, grabbed the two white students, pressed them on the ground and bit their necks greedily.

The student struggled for a moment, his eyes widened.

Youyou immediately transferred the crossbow.

Whoosh whoosh—

Three arrows nailed one, and the mirror image froze suddenly, slipped to the ground in the next second, and collapsed instantly.

"Get up!" Yu Wen shouted.

The student was dazed for a moment, sat up with his neck covered, and rolled and crawled to hide behind Youyou.

Another Mirror Man suddenly learned to be clever, and just before the confusion was aimed at him, he picked up the student and rushed out of the door, like a beast trying to take its prey back to eat.

Such an episode instantly disrupted the rhythm of the three of them.

At the same time, there were mirrored people crawling in on both sides, even with eight hands.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded upstairs: "Are there any arrows!"

Youhuo looked back and saw that Chu Yue had turned down halfway down the stairs.

Without thinking about it, he threw the crossbow and arrow bag to her and said, "Come on! I'll block people."

The next second, Qin Qiu also came over empty-handed.

You Huo looked up and found that his crossbow and arrow were in Lao Yu's hands.

The two of them each brought a bundle of waste wires and a switch knife, and turned over.

Youhuo raised his head and squinted his eyes to estimate where the mirror image would land in the next moment, and the circle of wires swung out without hesitation.

In the blink of an eye, the mirror image person happened to appear there, was slapped straight, staggered, and the student on his shoulder rolled down.

There were a few footsteps on the roof, Qin Qiu had already run there ahead of time, and grabbed the unlucky student.

The mirror image turned around in anger and chased after him again.

You Huo pinpointed the position, and all the attacks were against Qin Qiu's heels, and he just stopped the mirror image person.

The student was placed behind the pillar by Qin Qiu, and finally recovered from his panic after being at a loss for a while.

He hissed, turned his head to look, and saw a dazzling, wire-like thing being thrown out of the wind.

At first, he didn't understand what was going on, why the two people always slapped the wires against the empty space.

After a few reincarnations, he was stunned.

Because he found that it wasn't the two big bosses, You Huan and Qin Qiu, who took the time.

But the speed of the mirror person is too fast, the two people react faster, and each time they are drawn on the next drop of the mirror person in advance.

Five minutes later, those mirror images were unable to leave the street for half a step.

This is like a large spinning top scene. You Huo and Qin Jiu didn't need to take half a step to control them in the open space at the entrance of the cinema, in a dilemma.

The students thought that this was the limit of the show.

Too bad he was wrong.

When the mirror image people in the house were cleaned up, Chu Yue came out and waved a hand.

The two bosses immediately changed their tactics.

One of them is responsible for controlling the group, and the other is targeting a certain mirror person to draw. He had to turn into the house, and was sent to the west by three arrows that had been waiting early.

If one dies, the boss will take the second one.

so back and forth.

The students opened their mouths and said nothing.

The operation of the two bosses made him think of one thing - the ball machine when playing tennis.

This is really two humanoid ball machines!

People feed the ball, they feed the people.