Global Examination

Chapter 110: Familiar stranger ┃ You Huo called out a photo and asked Do you know her?


Di Li almost stopped breathing.

He suddenly remembered something while suffocating - he knew where he had seen this fluorescent green!

in the photo.

The reason why he was not impressed by this gentleman was not because he had a bad memory, nor because the other party behaved badly. It's because he's only seen each other in the photo.

It was the first stage of the exam, in the small building of Shirley's house.

There is a cardboard box in the glass cabinet in the study, and there are piles of sundries in it. Broken gadgets, dials, tennis balls, rolled up post-it notes and a bunch of photo albums and frames.

Most of them are old things of Shirley's parents, which have little to do with the questions at the time, and many candidates did not read them carefully.

But Dili is different.

This little classmate has a problem unique to high school students in science - he brushes too many questions, likes to read conditions word by word, and is afraid of missing hidden conditions.

He was like a search dog when he explored Shirley's house. He had to look at everything, no matter if it was important or not, anyway, he had to have a relationship tree of one, two, three, four in his mind.

It should be a group photo of Shirley's family and the fluorescent couple, taken in the backyard of Shirley's house.

They are neighbors.

There should be words on the back of the photo frame, but Di Li can't remember the content of the words now.

He took pictures of everything with his phone at the time, just in case.

Now you can just pull out your phone and watch, but…

The fluorescent green fingers had already opened the window a crack, and the tightly fastened lock was deformed, unable to close him at all.

He's coming in!

Di Li jumped up and swooped over.

He grabbed the hand that came in and smashed it hard against the sliding window, jamming the fluorescent green wrist.

The other party did not enter, nor did he come out. He hung from the window on the fourth floor to compete with him.

Fluorescent Green didn't seem to be annoyed, and slowly grinned at him through a layer of glass. Only then did Di Li see clearly that his teeth were also fine and dense.

my day.

In an instant, goosebumps shot up to the sky.

Di Li screamed at the loudest volume in his life: "Brother - Mirror Image!!! Live!!!"


At the same time he made a sound, the door was knocked open.

So fast? !

Di Li's eyes flashed, and two figures had already swept over.

A fluorescent green smile solidified on his lips.

He wanted to shrink his hands, but it was too late.

The next second, his hand was grabbed with even greater force, and he yanked it inward.


He was dragged head-on against the windowpane, his face deformed.

Fluorescent Green glared at the expressionless face of upstream confusion. He struggled again.


Bump again.

green:"… "

He earned three times and was dragged and bumped five times! My head was dizzy, and my temper was gone.

The unfortunate window was finally fully opened, and the fluorescent green was forcibly dragged into the room. Fuck... more powerful than him!

He turned his head and shouted out the window, "Leave me alone! Run!"

Qin Research leaned out and saw the phosphor powder tightly clasped between the third and fourth floors, looking up at this place.

"Run!!! Why are you standing still! Could he be able to chase you up the wall!" Fluorescent Green stretched his neck and yelled at his wife again.

As soon as he finished yelling, he saw Qin Qiu turn out.

Fluorescent green: "… "

You Huo glanced back and sneered: "He can really chase after the wall."

The fluorescent green face turned red with anger.

Moments later, he and his wife were reunited.

The two were tied tightly and sat in the middle of the screening room. There was a circle of people around, each holding an arrow in his hand, and the arrows were aligned with them.

It seems that as long as you say one wrong sentence, you will be stabbed into a hedgehog.

Everyone's faces were very nervous, and they looked at the door from time to time.

After a while, the door opened.

Chu Yue stepped in and said, "Bring it back, all three of them are alive. Xiao Wu said that the blood loss is not too big, and the wound will be fine after treatment."

After she finished speaking, she turned around to help You Huo and Qin Qiu.

After a while, the three unlucky students next door were all lying in the corner of the room.

Wu Li came in with the medicine box and squatted on the ground with Yang Shu.

Di Li said, "Isn't it bad to lie on the carpet? There is a bed or sofa in the lounge next to it."

"It's right here." Qin Jiu walked to the window, opened the curtain and looked out: "These three little ghosts smell too much blood, and I don't know if they have attracted anything along the way, maybe they will come again. Back to the window."

After he finished speaking, he picked up a chair and sat far away in the corner with You Huo.

Di Li was wondering when he heard the sound of chairs in the room. Except for the two doctors, everyone else moved away consciously.

"Why is this?" Di Li asked.

Yu Wen pinched his nose and said, "There is a smell of blood over there. If you smell it for a long time, you will be hungry. Stay away from it so that you don't lose control."

Di Li: "Oh..."

Just after saying this, Fluorescent Green whimpered excitedly.

"Wow what?"

Youyou leaned forward, reached out and took off the glove from his mouth: "Speak."

Fluorescent Green dropped the thread in his mouth and said, "You are also mirror people??? Then why are you arresting me?"

It's really a hammer that can't be opened and lifted.

You Huo stuffed the gloves back again.

Fluorescent green: "… "

Di Li slapped his forehead, took out his phone and started flipping through the photo album: "I almost forgot. The two of them were originally townspeople here, and then they became mirror people, not candidates. They are Shirley's neighbors, I remember Shirley. My parents mentioned in their diary that there was a pair of Asian neighbors and a group photo. I took them all, wait for me to find them…”

He grabbed the phone and walked in front of You Huo and Qin Qiu, his thumbs flipping over quickly.

Others followed, and Yu Wen pointed to his mobile phone and said, "My God, why did you even take a picture of the socks under the bed?"

Di Li said of course: "As soon as I entered the house, I photographed every corner, including the order and position of some things, just in case. There are also some things that I think are special, and I will focus on them. I don't think about it. Be thoughtful, how did you live so long? Do you rely on Meng?"

Yu Wen, who had been blinded for eighteen years, was ashamed.

"Lawn... Lawn..." Di Li muttered, his eyes suddenly lit up: "I found it!"

It was indeed a group photo, with the Sydney family standing on the left and the fluorescent couple standing on the right, with a simple lawn and a corner of a small building in the background.

The moment he saw the photo, Youhuo frowned.

The fluorescent couple in the photo is not dressed so casually, they are wearing white lab coats, like what a doctor or an experimenter would wear.

Maybe he was overly sensitive, he suddenly remembered his mother.

Di Li gave an "ah" and said, "I know why I focused on taking this photo at that time."

"Why?" Yu Wen asked.

Di Li: "Because the two of them are the only ones with a status symbol."

Yu Wen: "?"

"I've seen all the photos of Shirley's house, the useful ones are useless, all kinds of group photos." Di Li said: "Everyone else is wearing sweaters, T-shirts, jeans, skirts, anyway, those are the ones that everyone will wear. Looking at the pile of photos, I don't know the people in the photos, and the information of each of them is vague. You nod your head if you understand what I'm talking about?"

Yu Wen scratched his head and said, "Well, keep talking."

"Let's put it this way, the townspeople are irrelevant NPCs. Shirley's diary says that Zhang San is a carpenter, so he is a carpenter, Li Si is a teacher, and Li Si is a teacher. All the information is from Shirley and Shirley's parents. The ones obtained here are indistinguishable, they are all passers-by, do you understand?" Di Li said.

"But this couple is wearing a white coat, which can define their identities. They are different from other passers-by and townspeople, so they are very special." Di Li muttered: "I thought they were some key figures at the time, but they passed the test. It didn't work in the end."

At the beginning, his focus was on the white coat, but he ignored his appearance.

So the fluorescent couple changed their clothes and reappeared, but he couldn't recognize them immediately.

He swiped back again, flipping to the next photo.

I saw the words written by Shirley's parents behind the frame, saying that this photo was taken with Lee and Lee's wife.

"They've recently been here on vacation from work, and Lee seems to be on his mind and always unhappy. Maybe it's the work that worries him or makes him unhappy? But they're very nice."


Fluorescent green whine twice.

You Huo took off the gagged gloves, and Fluorescent Green took a few breaths.

There is still a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, other than that, it is difficult to associate him with those mirror images who are neither human nor ghosts. As Di Li said, this couple is out of tune with other mirror people and this small town, like throwing a real person into a cartoon.

"Are you from here?" You Huo asked.

Lee's eyes were blank for a moment: "Here?"

Qin Qiu added his name: "Brandon Town."

Lee was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Oh, yes, kelly and I moved here, and we took a long vacation."

He paused, then added: "It was a long vacation, I was too tired before."

"Then what did you do before?"

"Before I..." Lee got stuck, he turned his head to look at his wife and said, "Can you take that thing out of her mouth? We're not in the same group as the other mirrors. We don't hurt anyone."

"Doesn't hurt anyone? The three of them did it?" Yu Wen pointed to the three students in the corner and said.

Lee murmured, "We were so hungry, very, very hungry. But we really didn't want to hurt anyone, so we only drank a little each."

Di Li said, "Then why are you climbing on my window?"

"Because it's not enough." Lee said. "Have you seen other mirror people? They can suck a person dry when they are crazy. We can restrain ourselves, but we have to eat enough, or we will lose control if we are hungry for a long time."

He glanced at the people in the room, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said, "I originally thought that with so many people, just a small mouthful of each would be enough for us to last for a day, and you will be fine. We can get along very well. Who Know… "

Who knew that the Muzzle of the Plague was hit.

Qin Qiu suddenly asked him, "Why don't you want to hurt people?"

Lee didn't know what to think, and looked disgusted: "Because we are different from the people here."

He was pale and morbid, but he spoke in an orderly manner: "When it first turned out like this, Kelly and I drank each other's blood, to say, we think this is actually a very private thing. But it turned out badly , it is useful for the day after drinking it, but the hunger will be multiplied the next day, and at that moment I feel like I am going crazy! It is so uncomfortable that I can't bear it, so I can only find ordinary townspeople."

He glanced at the three students and said regretfully, "This is the best way we can think of, eat less and eat more."

God eats less and more meals.

Everyone was speechless.

Youhuo's expression is not very good-looking. According to Lee, he will suffer more tomorrow.

"Eating less and eating more is not a long-term solution, right?" Shu Xue said.

"Of course not, but at least until we become normal people," Lee said.

"Can you change back???"

The sudden excitement of the crowd startled Lee.

"Okay," Lee said. "There's a special mirror in town that makes us change back."

Youhuo is not convinced: "Are you sure?"

"Sure," Lee said. "But the mirror placement is always changing."

"Is there any special mark on the mirror?"

"There is a hexagram carved on it. I don't know the specifics, I haven't seen it. But it must be special, and I will recognize it when I see it." Lee said.

It is good news to be able to change back, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Youhuo asked him a few words about the past and found that he was very confused.

I don't know if the exam room didn't set the past for him, or... just like many invigilators, they have been affected by the system for too long and have forgotten the past

Everyone discussed at length, and each went back to the room where they stayed before, and went to the mirror when they were ready to clean up.

Confused but did not move.

He summoned a photo from his phone, handed it to Lee and Kelly, and asked, "Do you know her?"

In the photo, his mother was sitting on a hospital bed, seriously ill.

Lee was stunned.

He twisted his bound body and asked Youhuo: "Do you know her? Who is she? I, I seem to have worked with her. But I don't remember... "

"I don't remember..." Lee murmured a few words blankly, and suddenly said: "My wallet! Yes, help me get my wallet!"


"In pockets, in pockets inside clothes."

While speaking, Qin Qiu had already reached in through the neckline of his casual clothes and took out a brown wallet.

There is a photo hidden in the back of the wallet, which is a very old photo, taken many years ago.

"How old are you?" Qin Qiu asked and handed the photo to You Huo.

Lee said, "Forty... more than forty."

He couldn't even remember how old he was, and he didn't realize it. Because people in this town never ask those questions.

If he hadn't met these young people, if he hadn't been interrogated, he might have continued to wander around here, drinking blood, living, and spending an unknown amount of time looking for a mirror.

Youhuo looked at the photo in his hand. There was a row of people in the photo, all wearing the white coats that he was familiar with.

Besides Lee and Kelly, who are more than 10 years younger, he also saw two familiar faces.

One is his mother, and the other is Dr. Wu, the uncle of Wu Li, who was in charge when he was recuperating abroad.

You Huo's whole body's blood was cold.