Global Examination

Chapter 118: Colleague ┃ A thing that can be called faith and tacit understanding


The stalemate lasted only a few seconds, but it seemed like a century.

Suddenly, the stalemate was broken by a few light clicks of the spring, and someone put new arrows on the crossbow.

You Huo glanced at the source of the voice, and three people raised their weapons, turned their backs to them, and faced the two candidates who were about to move.

One of them choked in disdain: "Damn it!"

The scolding man was wearing a sallow chicken feather, had a hoarse voice, and was medium in height. He had no distinctive features just from the back, and he had no sense of presence in the crowd.

It wasn't until he just rolled up his sleeves, revealing his two-striped arms that he was somewhat recognizable.

Youhuo looked at his tattooed zoo arm, and suddenly felt a little familiar.

He quickly realized that he knew this person.

Not only him, but Yu Wen, Shu Xue, and Lao Yu could recognize them if they had a better memory—this was their teammate in their first exam, that rascal-like tattooed man.

He moved his neck to adjust the alignment, and You Huo saw the left side of his face.

Truly a tattooed man.

It has not been seen for a long time, and there is a long scar on his face, from the forehead to the cheek, all the way to the left eye.

The faces of the two walls were flushed, their hands gripping the crossbow were clenched tightly, and their joints were stretched white.

"I... I think the flat head is..." One of them swallowed and said nervously, "But the words are not rough."

"Your mother's reasoning is not rough." The tattooed man continued to speak swear words.

Without turning his head, he curled his lips toward Youyou and them: "I've seen these people before, they are arrogant and arrogant, and they have a bad temper. I'm particularly annoying them. There are beasts in suits everywhere, and they are still a rarity. In good conscience, there would be so many mirror people dying without them, and I should have been cold yesterday. "

His intact right eye stared at the grass on the wall, and at the same time stared at the small flat head opposite: "I am a stinky hooligan, but there are mixed rules, so I will put it here today! Who wants to be a beast? When, I want a face."


The sound of the machine spring sounded again on the rooftop.

One figure after another set up a crossbow, with their backs facing the "mirror man" who should have been shot, and the arrowheads all pointed at the same kind of small flat heads.

Among them, some are sincere and some are conformist, and no one can tell apart from the skin.

But that's okay. At least at this moment, all they left to You Huo were the backs.

There are also a large number of people who do not know how to choose, they simply put their hands down.

In the blink of an eye, the wind direction of the entire sky changed instantaneously.

The two grass on the wall murmured, and put away the crossbow under the group pressure.

Xiaoping couldn't get down on a tiger and silently cursed "Fuck".

Crazy, fucking crazy!

He cursed inwardly, and his eyes began to look around, trying to find an opportunity to change the situation.

At a critical moment, out of the corner of his eye, a slender shadow appeared in the gray fog—the last wave of mirror images had just died, and those farther away had already rushed over.

Just in time!

The dense figures came in an instant, and Xiaoping shouted: "Be careful downstairs!"

As soon as the crossbow arrow on the opposite side made a "crawl", Xiaopingtou slumped, and crawled back to the corner with the help of the fence.

Selfish people treat everyone the same.

When he was hiding, he did not greet his companions at all. So the next second, he heard the muffled sound of his companion.


While loading arrows quickly, Xiaopingtou calculated in his heart: the group of people on the opposite side will immediately turn their spear heads when they encounter the mirror image person, and shoot the first wave of arrows first, and then load the second arrow, there will be a gap in the attack. , and the rhythm will be chaotic.

He just needs to pinpoint this time and give the opposite side a shot, and maybe it will be done.

At the same time, there will not be too many mirror people left, so many candidates will definitely be able to win it smoothly after taking some time. On average, he still has a chance to get a higher score.

Xiaopingtou counted in his heart: 3, 2, 1.

He leaned out from behind the cover and pointed his head straight ahead—

The result was an arrow in the head!

He saw the sharp tip of the arrow so close at hand, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he didn't have time to react!


The tip of the arrow brushed against the skin.

All the blood poured into the arteries, beating wildly on the side of the neck. It was as if someone had yanked his collar, and he fell to the ground in an instant.

Xiaoping stared at the sky, breathing desperately.

It was only then that he realized that the arrow had a tricky angle, pierced through his collar, and dragged him to the ground in embarrassment.

The archer did not intend to give him pleasure!

He whimpered a few times, and suddenly heard a soft sound.

Like something fell on the roof.

His scalp went numb and he struggled to lift his neck.

As far as the corner of the light went, he saw You Huo unload the crossbow from his shoulder, opened his half-squinted left eye, and shoved the weapon to the person beside him.

And close by...

Qin Qiu is already on the roof!

"How did you come up?!" Xiaopingtou's voice cracked.

Qin Qiu had two arrows hooked in his hand. One second he was on the edge of the roof, and the next second he was in front of Xiaopingtou.

He squatted down, picked up the collar of Xiaopingtou, hummed and said, "Scared stupid? Didn't you say, we are mirror people."

Xiaopingtou curled his fingers and was about to grab the fallen crossbow when he heard a click.

The moment the pain struck, he realized that Qin Qiu had simply removed his wrist neatly.

There was another soft sound on the roof, and You Huo also came up.

Qin Qiu picked up Xiaoping's crossbow, loaded the arrow and turned to ask You Huo, "Dear, where is the arrow in Miss Yang?"

"Right arm."

Qin Qiu nodded, pointing at Xiaopingtou's right arm with an arrow.


Xiaoping screamed.

This kind of crossbow is specially made by the townspeople, and it is more than enough to deal with the suddenly drawn mirror people, let alone ordinary people.

The tip of the arrow was nailed into the flesh, and blood poured out instantly.

You Huhu covered the tip of his nose and drew a crossbow from Qin Qiu's hand.

He didn't even bend his waist, tilted his head against the crossbow edge, and shot another arrow at Xiaopingtou's collarbone: "This is Lao Yu."


Xiaoping rolled on the ground, scolding the person closest to him with a dirty mouth: "Fuck your mother! Fuck your mother! Hiss-"

Qin Qiu looked at him and said, "I'm sorry, I really don't have one."

The next second, Xiaopingtou was punched in the face.

The hard bones hit his cheekbones, and he knocked his head to the ground, his mind buzzing and spinning.

He blinked hard, and the blurred vision became clear.

Seeing You Hu fling his hand, he said coldly, "This is an extra."

The blood is gurgling, meandering on the ground, and the smell is sweet and pungent, but it is the most tempting meal for the mirror people.

You Huo frowned, patted Qin Qiu and said, "Let's go."

Xiaoping struggled to raise his head.

Several heads suddenly appeared on the edge of the roof, and five or six mirrored people didn't go to join in the fun on the opposite side, and they came up with the smell of blood.

"No... No!" Xiaoping's head was cold, struggling to attack Qin Jiu and You Huo's legs: "No, you can't go... Help me! I can't run away from them! What you hurt is all yours!"

Qin Qiu paused, turned his head and said, "If I remember correctly, we seem to have rescued you once in the movie theater? It seems that you didn't take your life seriously."

Xiaopingtou widened his eyes and opened his nose.

"Then forget it."

Xiaopingtou heard him say.

In the next second, the two figures turned over from the roof and jumped down.


Two lunatics!

Xiaopingtou cursed in despair and silently.

Those few mirror images have already climbed up the roof, and rushed over with their hands and feet, like madly hungry lizards...


The last group of mirror people were frantically besieging the building where the candidates gathered, arrows falling like rain.

Qin Qiu landed to avoid the tip of the arrow and said to You Huo, "Call 154."

"Have you figured out a way?"

The eight of them are really troublesome, as long as they are still standing here, the group of candidates can't finish this exam.

For candidates to be sent out safely, they must be cleared out of here.

It's like a dead end.

"There's a way that doesn't count." Qin Qiu said, "It's a bit troublesome for us, but at least it can send the irrelevant people away."

154 came faster than ever. In just two minutes, he appeared at the bottom of the building.

"The restaurant was screened dynamically by the examination room. How many points did you lose? Have you seen it yourself?" 154 pulled the hem of his clothes to hide the traces of rushing, forcing me to be meticulous: "If you continue to brush like this, you're going to get a bug!"

Qin Qiu said, "Isn't that good?"

154: "...I haven't been able to enter the core area, can you be a little more low-key, boss?"

He was used to calling him the boss, and he couldn't change it for a while.

"So why did you call me? I've been nervous all the way these days, just waiting for you to call."

Qin Qiu said, "Isn't there any additional questions in this exam room?"

154 nodded and said, "Yes."

Qin Qiu: "Help us open it up."

154: "???"

"No, what are you doing?" He looked up at the platform, and as far as he knew, the candidates in the entire examination room were gathered on it: "You haven't had enough of the test yet? There are conditions for additional questions, and the number of people is limited, no. Maybe pull it all in."

"What are you pulling in? I'm not a system." Qin Qiu said angrily.

154: "…"

"Just pull the eight of us in."

The topic is about clearing mirrored people. Under normal circumstances, this clearing means killing them all. But special circumstances can also take advantage of loopholes, because this examination room has additional questions.

Judging from the current situation, candidates for additional questions have not been able to open them. Then the additional examination room is equivalent to another space.

It's like a house. Their current exam room is the master bedroom, and the additional questions are equivalent to a storage room outside the door, not included in the scope of the master bedroom.

Drag the 8 of them into that space, and for the second-stage exam room, they just don't exist.

In other words, it was cleared.

"You don't need to actually open the test room." Qin Qiu said, "Forcing the trigger condition is too much movement and it's a bit troublesome. Just put us in for a while, and the system will determine that the end of the test is an instant thing. As long as we can guarantee that at that moment, we Just not here."

154 hesitated.

Youyou asked: "It's difficult?"

"Theoretically, it works." 154 said: "There will be a buffer of about half a minute for the official start of the exam at each stage. The boss's idea is no problem. You can take advantage of that buffer time to let you avoid it there. As long as the timing is right, you don't really need to ask additional questions. But…”

Confused: "But what?"

154 said: "The stakes are high."

Confused: "Risk?"

154 said: "One is the speed problem. After a little delay, it is possible to trigger a notification procedure. All invigilators in this exam will realize that you have forcibly opened additional questions. As long as there is one person who clicks the confirmation, the system will It can be dealt with logically.”

He paused for a while, then added: "This is not the biggest, and there is still a risk to life. Think about it, the process of switching people from one examination room to another in an instant is a very fast process. You can find the risk by literally understanding it. How big. It's just a little bit wrong in the middle—"

He used his fingers to compare the gap, and said with a serious face: "You are finished, there may be a situation where half of the body is here and half of the body is there. I have never tried it, but I really can't rule out the possibility. ."

Qin Qiu said, "It's a little ugly."

154: "…"

Is this a fucking ugly question? ?

Youhuo said: "Try and talk."

Seriously, who are you going to talk to? ?

154 really served these two.

But after thinking about it, there are only three options in the current situation: exhaust all the candidates until a certain part can't bear it anymore and raises arms against them. Or they consciously kill themselves.

Compared with these two, opening additional questions is actually the safest way!

154 nodded helplessly.

If the additional examination room appears, it will only be at the moment when the second stage of the examination is about to end, and the time is extremely urgent.

He returned to the invigilator and dragged 922. The two went to the information center and stared at the dynamic details of the examination room.

At 14:28 in the examination room, the third arrow flew away from a certain crossbow machine and pointed directly at the last mirror image person.

922 said as if electrocuted: "Now!"

154 simulates the system ontology and issues a command.

At that moment, the system seemed to be aware of it, and the command stalled for a while. Although the stall was less than 1 second, it still brought great risks.

154's expression changed suddenly, and he suddenly looked up at the invigilator's message processing screen.

On that screen, the messages and processing methods on each invigilator's mobile phone will be displayed clearly.

In a room in the proctoring office, 021's cell phone dinged, and a message popped up:

"It is suspected that some candidates illegally opened additional questions. 』

There are two options at the bottom:

"Confirmed to be false information. 』

"Verified and dealt with immediately. 』

021 was stunned.

The big screen in the restaurant has been swiping the news for a few days, and all the invigilators know who is most likely to cause trouble in this examination room. Not to mention 021.

She understood in an instant, and her finger quickly tapped on "Confirmed as false information".

The message was delivered to the trash, and she was a little uneasy.

More disturbing than her are 154 and 922.

They worry about other proctors.

Back then, A and 001 secretly cooperated to try to destroy the system. It failed because it was detected by the system at a critical moment. At that time, 154 was still in the state of being cleared by the ontology system, and I don't know the specific situation.

But he has always believed that it is not the system itself that is really aware. Because some details between people are not perceptible by the program, and the perceptible must be people.

Only human beings can grasp those emotions and capture those subtleties.

Moreover, in the process, the system has had a special upgrade, which must be carried out under human operation.

154 once suspected that someone had reported the secret, or that someone had suggested the system.

He was worried that it was one of the proctors.

Although the invigilator of this exam has been screened, it is just for emergencies. But at this moment, he was still a little nervous.


The sound of information sounded almost at the same time in every corner of the invigilation office.

The invigilators all looked down at their phones.

154 stared at the screen, barely daring to breathe.

In the next second, the screen refreshed with a new dynamic:

『The invigilator 172 confirmed that the information was false and had been handed to the trash. 』

"The invigilator 066 confirmed that it was false information, and it has been handed to the trash. 』

『The invigilator 115 confirmed that the information was false and had been handed to the trash. 』

More than 30 pieces of information were swiped in an instant, and the content of each piece was similar.

154 was stunned for a while, then let out a long breath.

He suddenly felt that people are really amazing.

Obviously a completely independent individual, when encountering some things, they will react in exactly the same way.

This may be the reason why they were able to become colleagues back then—

A thing called faith and tacit understanding.