Global Examination

Chapter 12: Foreign languages ┃ Deprivation of choice means that you are everywhere?


Confused: "Yu Wen."

"Huh?" Suddenly being called, Yu Wen immediately responded, "What's wrong?"

You confused: "Is there anyone at the intersection you see?"

Yu Wen looked around blankly: "People? Who?"

Wandering eyes fell into the distance: "For example, some ghostly invigilators."

Yu Wen: "...don't tell ghost stories!"

The subjects haven't been selected yet, what is the invigilator doing here? ?

When the others heard Youhuo's words, they all turned their heads and glanced around. The four intersections were empty except for the signs.

"Forget it, it's okay." You Huo said, "I only have foreign languages here, and I have no other choice. Are you sure you want to follow me?"

Yu Wen said, "In fact, foreign languages are my weakness."

You Huo glanced at him.

Yu Wen added: "But after thinking about it, it doesn't seem like there is any weakness."

Confused: "… "

Yu Wen folded his hands and bowed to the boss: "Brother, I'll go wherever you go! You can be a cow or a horse, bless me and live a long life."

Confused: "… "

A group of people looked at him eagerly.

Youhuo let out a "tsk", pulled the zipper of his jacket to the end, covered his chin and lips, and mumbled lazily, "Trouble."

"Brother, what did you say?" Yu Wen didn't hear clearly, and came over.

The confused face is almost mixed with the snow: "I said, where is your foreign language?"

Everyone pointed to the left.

You puzzled and walked away.

Inside the security booth, the small speaker began to urge again:

[Friendly reminder, there are 5 seconds left in the selection time]

Everyone was startled and ran away.

The intersection with the "foreign language" sign is the same as the other three, and the fog is full. No one knows what will be waiting there behind the fog...

【4 seconds】

【3 seconds】

【2 seconds】

【1 second】

[Autonomous choice is closed. 】

At the moment when the countdown was cleared, the last person also stepped into the thick fog.

Qin Qiu was wearing a black coat with a dove-grey cashmere scarf hidden under the collar. With one hand in his coat pocket, he held a black umbrella with the other, waiting for someone to come.

The tall figure wandering through the thick fog.

His face was pale and lazy, and he had a black backpack hanging loosely over his right shoulder.

Even though the distance is still far away, Qin Jiu can see all the details clearly. The light brown eyes of the other party always seemed to be covered with a thin layer of brittle glass, like the one-sided earrings, containing a cold light.

Qin Jiu lifted the edge of the umbrella slightly, and the white snow slid down the tight umbrella rib.

Seeing You Huo approaching, he politely threw his hand, caged You Huo under the umbrella, and said in a toned tone, "What a coincidence, we met again, Mr. Huh, have you slept well these days?"

Confused: "… "

I know the name, but I have to call it a nickname. Is it sick

He looked at Qin Qiu for two seconds, and said coldly, "Depriving the right to choose means you are everywhere?"

Qin Qiu narrowed his eyes and smiled: "You can't say that. The so-called deprivation of choice means that the candidates who violated the rules, that is, you, have no right to choose the exam subjects when you enter the next exam. What you should take depends on the master. The invigilator, that is, me, what is the next invigilator. Can you understand this explanation?"

Confused: "… "

His tone was as if he was reasoning with a sloppy little devil.

This was obviously a deliberate provocation, and when I heard it, I was so angry that my face was frozen.

Qin Qiu looked at his face and smiled even deeper: "As for what the invigilator will invigilate, generally speaking, you can choose, but I'm a little lazy, so it's always random, and this time it's a foreign language. However, it seems like you look at your face. I'm not happy, next time—"

You Huu interrupted him with a stinky face: "Is there a fucking next time?"

Qin Qiu: "It's hard to say, after all, you have a lot of criminal records."

Confused: "… "

Qin Research: "You can tell me in advance which door you want to go to randomly. If you perform well, you can consider it."

Youyou want to say that I want you to die randomly, can you think about it

But he thought about it, and according to the sickness of the system, he might have to die along with it.

So he was full of anger, put on a mourning face, and waited by the thick fog without saying a word.

After a while, Yu Wen dragged Lao Yu out of the fog, followed by Yu Yao and Mike.

"Brother!" Yu Wen hurried over, and when he saw Qin Qiu, he slammed on the brakes: "You, why are you here?"

The strong desire to survive made him change his honorific title, but it couldn't hide his ghostly expression.

Qin Qiu said slowly, "I will wait for you with your brother."

Yu Wen saw a ghost even more, and looked at You Huo with a horrified expression.

Confused: "… "

If his eyes could turn into knives, Qin Qiu would be cold.

Yu Wen pretended to be brave and said, "Will the full monitoring of the last round still be brought to this round?"

Qin Qiu glanced at him.

Yu Wen: "Oh."

In the eyes of classmate Wen, this 001 invigilator is also a big boss. Big bosses are always arrogant, and only the same powerful characters, such as his brother, can make the other party take a second look and say a few more words.

He is very self-aware, so he doesn't dare to talk more.

"Zhou Jin and the others haven't come yet?" Yu Yao and Mike also came over.

Lao Yu said, "Just follow me, just wait."

As a result, they waited for a while, waiting for two strange faces.

A face with a Chinese character, he is not tall, but his muscles are knotted, and he is carrying a sports bag.

The other was thinner, wrapped tightly in his coat, hissing and sighing on his hands.

"What's the matter? Are there other people?" Yu Wen said in surprise.

You Huo looked at Qin Qiu.

Qin Jiu tilted his head and asked You Huo, "Did someone say that exam members are always fixed?"

Confused: "...No."

Qin Qiu said: "If you choose the same exam, it does not mean that you will be divided into the same exam room. For example, the invigilators of No. 922 and No. 154 also randomly received a foreign language this time, but they are not in this one. What does it mean?"

Wandering: "It means they don't want to see you either."

"… "

Yu Wen glanced at Qin Qiu, fearing that his brother would piss off the invigilator on the spot.

Unexpectedly, Qin Qiu just squinted his eyes and smiled: "Wrong, it means that the number of people in this exam is small, and only one invigilator is needed."

"Few people?"

Youhu frowned.

Sure enough, they waited for another five minutes beside the thick fog, and they didn't wait for the previous one.

It turned out that Zhou Jin and the others were all sent to another exam room.

Although the original team has all the five poisons, the old, the weak, the sick, the disabled, and the five poisons, but they have gotten along with each other and know a little bit.

Now there are two more strangers, and a new run-in is needed.

I don't know if it's good or bad.

"It's fortunate that Yu didn't lose it." Yu Wen said fearfully.

The two strangers were not surprised by their new companions.

Guozi's face and brows were always wrinkled, looking fierce, he nodded at everyone and ignored them.

The skinny one was more enthusiastic: "My name is Chen Bin, I'm from Chongqing. His name is Liang Yuanhao, he's from Hebei, right?"

He turned his head and asked Liang Yuanhao a question, Liang Yuanhao glanced at everyone, and answered with a "Yes".

"Chongqing? I used to be a soldier there for a few years, so I'm also a fellow." Lao Yu, as a social genius, recognized another fellow in a roundabout way, and quickly became acquainted with Chen Bin.

"Liang Yuanhao and I were in the same exam room before, and this time we were assigned to the same exam. This is my third exam." Chen Bin mentioned this very dejected, "The first two were only by luck and survived. The grades are horribly low, and there is little hope of passing."

When Lao Yu was about to comfort him, You Huo suddenly interjected, "Do you know how many marks you pass?"

Chen Bin was stunned: "60, don't you know?"

Lao Yu shook his head and said, "I don't know, the perfect score for our last course seems to be... 24, right? What are the extra additions, subtractions and subtractions, I don't understand. It's not an integer anyway, and I haven't heard how many points in other courses. , can't calculate the passing line."

Chen Bin asked, "Have you never met a veteran?"

Lao Yu: "No, everyone in the last game was the same as us, this is the first time."

Chen Bin: "Oh, that's no wonder. I happened to meet an experienced brother, he said that the scores of each exam will be slightly different, but the five exams together are exactly 100 points, so our total score is over 60. Just do it."

"60 ah..." Lao Yu snapped his fingers with a sad look on his face.

Chen Bin was even more worried: "I only got 10 points for the two subjects, what will I get in the remaining three subjects!"

Liang Yuanhao's face was ashen, and he walked a few steps away a little irritably.

Chen Binchong explained to the crowd: "He's not bad, but after finishing the three subjects, the scores are not ideal, so I'm in a hurry..."

After all, this is a fatal thing, and it is normal to have a bad temper.

People are very understanding.

Yu Wen pointed to Mike and comforted him: "Don't worry! Look, we have a secret weapon, big baby! In this foreign language test, we have a foreign friend Mike!"

Chen Bin said euphemistically: "I saw it, and we saw it as soon as I came. But I just found out that this friend doesn't seem to speak Chinese very well? It's as bad as chickens and ducks..."

Yu Wen pointed to You Huo again and comforted: "It's okay, my brother has lived abroad for a while, so he can. But... He doesn't like to talk much."

Chen Bin came to life at once: "It doesn't matter, as long as you understand!"

Even Liang Yuanhao lived a few times with him.

Mike and You Huo seemed like a shot in the arm, and the atmosphere of the team was instantly relaxed.

"So... where are we going now?" The people who chatted for a long time finally began to face business.

Youyou pointed to the left with a blank expression.

Only then did everyone realize that there was a bus stop sign three meters away.

The stop sign is the simplest kind, supported by an iron rod.

Fortunately, the words on the sign are in Chinese, and it says "Intercity Bus", which is politely translated in English below.

As for where the bus was going and where it was going, it was blank and there was no information at all.

Just when everyone was stunned, the sound of horns suddenly came from the heavy snow.

A car came out of the thick fog and stopped tremblingly in front of the stop sign.

The car was so dusty that the original paint color was barely visible, and the wheels were splattered with mud. Using the word "bus" to describe it really lifts it up. It's more like the swaying CMB in the 1990s, the kind that panted around corners.

this car

Taking a foreign language test

Everyone looked weird, and they were muttering in their hearts.

Even the invigilator Qin Qiu's expression was not very good.

Seeing that 001 is not happy, Youhuo is relieved. Carrying his backpack, he was the first to get into the car.

The inside of the carriage is not so shabby, and the seats are fairly clean.

You Huo sat down in the last row by the window.

Seeing that Qin Qiu also got into the car, he took out his mobile phone and fiddled with it, then plugged in the white earphones, and started to sleep by the window.

The driver was a dark middle-aged man who didn't speak from beginning to end. I don't know if he was dumb.

When he saw everyone getting into the car one by one, he stepped on the accelerator and set off.

Just when You Huo was about to fall asleep, the radio in the car began to announce the funeral again.

[It is now 6:30 Beijing time. 】

[There are still 30 minutes before the official opening of the test, and the test discipline will be read below. 】

The familiar examination room discipline is repeated one by one.

With the reassurances of Mike and You Huo, everyone's mood was generally stable, not shaking as much as the first time.

【If you find any irregularities or frauds during the exam, you will be expelled from the exam room. 】

[Other test requirements, subject to specific questions. 】

Like a prank, the broadcast stopped here for a while, until everyone digested all the content, it slowly choked out the last few words.

[Due to the special event, the exam information will be broadcast in advance. 】

[Time for this exam: 10 days. 】

【Exam subject: foreign language】

【Foreign language: Gypsy】

【I wish you all the best of luck. 】

Everyone: "… "

Can you say that again? ?