Global Examination

Chapter 120: At the beginning ┃ Qin Jiu, a student who violated the regulations, follow me to the invigilator office


The key prepared early solved the biggest permission obstacle, and 154 rushed to the console in one stride.

Here, there are a lot of things that are systematically classified as garbage.

"Memory block... Historical operations..." 154 muttered as he flipped the pages, "There are too many amnestic and adjustment operations for insiders."

Over the years, the system has done too much interference for too many people, ranging from clearing the entire piece to the blurring and adjustment of a detail. It is very difficult to accurately pick out the parts of You Huo and Qin Research.

It's not that it doesn't work, it just takes time.

Right now, what they lack most is time.

"I'm too easy to be warned here." 154 said: "A little bit too much and I'll be pegged by the system."

He paused as he spoke, because he suddenly realized that he was infinitely close to the central core, but did not arouse the system's error response.

Is it because the system is busy self-testing and is getting sluggish

154 murmured suspiciously.

Now that the time is pressing, he has no time to think about it, and he pushed back the guess as soon as it appeared.

"How long will it take?" Qin Qiu asked.

154 kept his fingers: "About 5 minutes. The system should have done anonymity and obfuscation processing. The first rough sieve just didn't catch you, so I have to fine sieve again."

He looked up at the screen and said, "Your key level is very high, and the permission is valid for 30 minutes. Don't worry, it's enough."

Qin Qiu nodded.

Less than a minute after these words were spoken, a red light suddenly flashed twice in the room, and a line of words popped up on the screen:

"warn! The operation involves sensitive items, and the permissions will be locked within 10 seconds! 』

154's expression changed.

"Sensitive items?"

"It means that you are in the group of targets I am screening." 154 said.

"How many targets for this group?"


There was silence in the house.

This would have been a good thing, but now it has no consoling effect. To find a precise target within 10 seconds, and to withdraw from here, is simply impossible.

"Don't look for it, just withdraw all with one click." You Huo said.

154 raised his head suddenly: "All withdrawal? Everyone?"

This is a plan so vast that he has never thought of it. One-click cancellation means that all memory interference operations done by the system will be cancelled, no matter who it is.

It's exciting to hear!

"warn! Permissions will be locked in 5 seconds! 』

154 looked at Wandering like a devil, and then slapped the "Undo" button.

Countless large and small records scroll frantically on the screen, so fast that you can't read the words at all.

"warn! 4! 』

The warning bar has turned into the most dangerous crimson, shocking.

"Come on!" 154 yelled.

The three went straight to the metal door.

"3! 』

154 hung his fingers on the sensor lock, but did not press it down immediately.

Youhuo kept counting the seconds in his heart, knowing why he paused.

Because the cleaning program that starts every 10 seconds outside the door has the last 2 seconds left, they can't open the door until the program ends, otherwise they will also die.

"2! 』

154's hand is still hanging firmly, but his face is already ugly.

A time difference of 1 second is like life and death, and it can drive people crazy.

"1! 』

The warning counted down to the last second, and 154 pressed the sensor lock.


The metal door swung open.

A little red light suddenly flashed in the wandering earrings, and then went out in the blink of an eye, indicating that the key authority has expired.

In the house behind him, black round pipes protruded from three walls, like a hundred muzzles suddenly raised.

A column of fire spewed out of the round tube, drowning everything in an instant.

The three stepped on the flames and rushed out.

The console and screen were wrapped in a safety cover. Under the reflection of the sky-high fire, the last piece of information scrolled across the screen, and a prompt box popped up quietly—

"The execution of the undo command is completed. 』

"The memory bank trash area is all cleared. 』

At that moment, too many people in the system reacted similarly—

922's hand to open the door stopped, and a momentary daze appeared on his face.

Chu Yue was talking to Yu Wen when she opened her mouth and lost her mind.

Shu Xue suddenly stopped while rubbing her arm, and made a soft "ah" sound.

Next door to them, the old gatekeeper who was transferred from his post had just rushed back to the punishment passage. He was about to look at the verification screen, but his footsteps suddenly slowed down. After taking two steps, he stopped blankly.

And farther, more people...

Of course, there are You Huo and Qin Qiu.

At that moment, Qin Qiu suddenly looked back.

The golden-red fire was tumbling and burning, and the heat wave came straight, dry and hot.

It feels the same as the memory flooding into the mind in an instant.


In the winter of the year You Huo was born, there was an accident on a remote mountain road in the southwest. A car rushed out of the fence and turned down the mountain road. There were four people in the car—a couple with an old man and a young man who had just turned two years old. 's son.

Some people say that it was the former anti-narcotics police who were seeking revenge; others said that it was just the unfortunate self-driving tour that encountered a snowy day, and the mountain road slipped in an accident. Different rumors have the same ending. People say that no one survived.

Actually not.

It was not easy to live on that day when the col was covered with snow, wet and cold. But the fire burning in the front seat of the car continued to heat up, and it actually became a kind of shelter.

Under this alternative shelter, the two-year-old survived by luck.

Soon after, he was sent far away. Changed the surname, changed the place of origin, changed all the information related to it, and has nothing to do with the three people who died in the car accident.

Sometimes, not paying too much attention is a form of protection. This protection brings with it a corresponding problem, loneliness.

This surviving child is a bit of an exception.

It is said that people born in winter are firm, restrained, and quiet, while those born in summer are fiery, romantic, and arbitrary.

He was born at the end of midsummer, but his real life began in that deep winter. Perhaps because of this, he combines two almost contradictory personalities.

He is not alone, only alone. Crazy and alone.

Like lighting a fire in ice wine.

He studied, grew up, entered the military school, entered the army... Maybe he didn't realize that he was walking a path similar to his parents.

Until one day, he volunteered to join the death squad and chained his life to his waist. At that moment, the two roads finally had traces of overlapping.

This may be engraved in the blood and blood.

Some people say that memory generally begins at the age of 3, and the earlier events are too long to leave any impression.

But he remembered that winter.

He had forgotten the looks, voices, expressions, and smiles of the three people in the car, leaving no trace. But he remembered that winter in the Col.

A long time ago, I don't remember who I met. A friend insisted on pulling him to cooperate with a game, which is similar to the quick question and answer of no-brainer. The other party said a word, and he answered the first word that came to his mind.

He lacked interest and answered perfunctorily.

I just remember that the man said "home", and he suddenly remembered the appearance of that mountain col covered by snow—

Frigid snow on one side and fire on the other.

This is the beginning of all his memories.

After he joined the death squad, he got a known information about the system. Half of that document was about the dangers of the mission, and the other half was about the objectives of the mission.

His tasks are strictly two:

One is to test the bottom line of the rules of the system, which is equivalent to drawing a circle for everyone, where he is, the limit is.

The second is to interfere with the core of the system.

In his task list, the system core also has a double meaning. It refers to both the cold machine and the core-related people.

According to the data, there are two people who are closely related to the system, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are part of the system.

The position of the two people is marked as "not optimistic", the danger level is marked as "S", and the authority level is also "S".

His task is to keep an eye on these two, strip them from high positions, seize authority, and even monitor and control them when appropriate, commonly known as "house arrest", and then shut down or destroy the system from them.

There are not many people in the death squad. Based on the principle that eggs cannot be in the same basket, everyone has different mission goals. Only one team member named Wen Yuan had a mission directly related to him.

Before entering the system, he changed his surname back to the original Qin.

Because according to the data, the system is intrusive and confusing, and people who enter the system can easily forget real things. After a long time, they may even have an illusion that they are people in the system and part of it, just like a game. NPC in .

This surname is the most important connection between him and reality. As long as he still bears this name, he can finally remember who he is.

Facts have proved that the warnings in the data are not alarmist.

The members of the death squad enter the system as candidates and are scattered in various examination rooms. For a long time, he hadn't seen those people again, and he could only guess the progress of his teammates' tasks from other candidates, resting places, and other things.

Compared with other people, Qin Jiu is much more crazy.

In fact, it is safer and more cautious to test the bottom line of the rules of the system, but it will take some time. He chose the most dangerous and arrogant one.

Each of his trials was earth-shattering, not to mention the entire examination room, I am afraid that everyone in the entire system has heard more or less. This actually has an advantage - no matter where the other members of the death squad are, they can know his progress and information.

Qin Zhuo violated the rules for the first time, and a subordinate invigilator was in charge of handling it.

It didn't take long for him to commit a second crime.

This time, the affiliated invigilator did not hold back and invited the chief examiner.

That was the first time Qin Qiu saw You Huo.

At that time, Qin Zhuo was standing on the sloping roof of a small two-story building, throwing away the monster corpse blocked by the skylight, and the cries of several candidates in the room finally became less disturbing.

He heard footsteps not far away. Someone stepped on the dry leaves and the stump of a monster walking towards here, so the calm pace was not a candidate.

Qin Qiu threw off the blood on his hands, stepped on the brown-red roof tile and turned to look.

A tall young man stood not far away, wearing a shirt and an "A" arm badge, his long straight legs wrapped in military boots, and showing a chill and indifference among the bloody stumps and dead leaves. the scent of...

It's like snow falls on a cold mountain.

At that moment, for some reason, Qin Jiu suddenly remembered the mountain col in that winter.

The rust-like smell of blood is wrapped in snow, life and death, ice and fire, cold and scorching heat, all contradictory things are in that scene, and the danger is unforgettable for a lifetime.

"Qin Jiu, a student who violated regulations—" The person under the roof folded the notice in his hand and looked up at him: "Follow me to the invigilator office."

Qin Zhuo glanced at his arm badge and thought casually: Chief Invigilator A, the "S" level dangerous person who needs to be cleaned up, my mission target.

Chapter 144 Turning ┃ Qin Qiu suddenly discovered that he actually missed this examiner a little bit.

Because of the words "task goal", candidate Qin Zhou was eyeing examiner A. However, he soon discovered that the other party was not that good to watch.

In the examination room of this system, if a candidate wants to see the invigilator, he can either ask questions or foul. People with normal brains will prefer the former because it is much simpler.

At the beginning, Qin Jiu also tried this. Make up an innocuous question and write the name "A" on the exam room.

Invigilators are always quick to give feedback. In a few minutes, the person in charge of answering the question will appear in front of Qin Jiao, but it is not the one he is looking for.

"It doesn't seem like what I wrote is F." At that time, Qin Qiu leaned against the door with his arms folded, and glanced at the other's arm emblem.

Examiner F also had a headache when he saw him: "I know, you are writing about the chief examiner. He has something to do now, so I am here. What problem did you encounter?"

Qin Qiu threw out the casual question, and Examiner F felt that he was finding fault.

But he was not the only candidate to find fault.

There are too many people who are resentful by the exam questions, and it is normal to vent. Examiner F was not surprised, and ran away after answering.

In view of "examiner A has something to do", Qin Zhuo waited for a long time that day, until the sun in the examination room went from east to west, and day turned into night, he made up another question and wrote the name "A" again.

As a result, a few minutes later, he and F met again.

It's hard to tell who he or F is more upset, anyway, he understands that the so-called "A has something to do now" is pure fart, and the examiner is just too lazy to care about such trivial matters as answering questions.

Since then, the candidate Qin research has embarked on the road of professional violation.

This is exactly the same as his method of testing the bottom line of the rules, and it is not a delay.

At that time, there was no "three violations, the invigilator will supervise the whole test". After all, before Qin Zhou, no one would be so careless and lawless.

So strictly speaking, he violated the rules more times than any of the subsequent candidates.

At first, he was unilaterally looking for trouble for the purpose of the mission, but Examiner A was always able to get the trouble back without hesitation.

It is actually a very pleasant thing to meet an evenly matched opponent, which can make life less boring. After a long time, you may even get a little addicted to it.

It's hard to tell when the tit-for-tat between them started to become subtle. The only thing that can be said is probably the turning point.

That was Qin Jiu's third exam, which was mathematics, and he met Zhao Wentu in that exam.

But to him at the time, Zhao Wentu was just a good candidate, just like countless passers-by.

During that exam, Qin Jiu often sat at the corner of the table by the window, fiddling with a small sheet in his hand, pondering how to get to the core of the system—the proctoring area.

As a candidate, under normal circumstances, he has no chance to enter there, and no other candidates can provide him with reference.

There was a little girl of four or five in the examination room, she was well-behaved and quiet, and occasionally rubbed against him and asked him a few questions in a milky voice.

The little girl pointed to the thin slice and asked him, "Is this transparent one a fish scale?"

Qin Qiu said, "It's the eyes."

The little girl originally wanted to touch it, but she snorted when she heard the words, and lost her interest.

The sheet is not really transparent, but the surface coating is special, and it will change color according to the surrounding environment.

Before taking the math test, he met Wen Yuan from the death squad at the resting place, and he gave this sheet to Qin Qiu.

This young man's skills are inferior to the other team members, and he is far worse than Qin Jiu, and his personality is a bit blunt. But to be able to enter the death squad, there is always something special about him.

He is in charge of technology in the team.

Of course, Qin Jiu had limited contact with him, and only knew that he looked frizzy, but he was actually quite delicate. He was very good at everything that required hands-on work, which meant that he knew everything.

Wen Yuan said: "I modified this thing and added a little coating. It can be understood as a pinhole camera with poor performance."

Qin Qiu asked him, "How much worse is the performance?"

Wen Yuan: "Well, anything over 10 meters may become a mosaic."

Qin Qiu raised his eyebrows, and he added: "The material is limited, please understand! And it has an advantage. The reverse material has a self-melting effect. If it is pasted for more than a week, it will disappear, and the risk of being discovered is lower. ."

"What does this self-melting mean? It's a little corrosive?" Qin Qiu asked.

"You can say that."

"Isn't there a spot where it was pasted?"

"Um... I can't rule out this possibility."

For the sake of understanding Long Live, Qin Qiu took this thing.

He didn't intend to use it, but changed his mind halfway through.

It was the third day of the math test, and they encountered a rather troublesome monster. If you have to describe it, it is like a hot plate of loose sand, which can flow, and often no one notices where it slips.

It gathers in human form and imitates the appearance of any candidate. At first glance, it is difficult to distinguish between true and false, and it is extremely confusing.

On that day, the monster turned into the little girl, deceived the sympathy of a candidate in the team, and almost burned the test life to death.

Qin Qiu chased it all the way to the woods on the outskirts of the city, and turned against an army and burned it to death.

The invigilator office naturally received the notice, and the examiner A came over with the subordinate invigilator Q of the field.

When they entered the woods, the burned monster happened to disintegrate into loose sand.

The wind in the forest blew unreasonably, and scattered sand rushed to my face.

Examiner A closed his eyes and turned his head, raised his hand to block it. Just heard Q beside him "Bah ah" twice.

Q's footsteps were a bit chaotic, with dead branches crackling, obscuring the rest of the movement.

When A reacted, a gust of wind swept the back of his neck, and someone hooked him with an elbow.

In the blink of an eye, he was pinned on dead leaves all over the ground, and the one who rebelled was the violating candidates he wanted to arrest.

"What are you doing?" Examiner A raised his head slightly and asked with a cold face.

Qin Qiu pressed his knees against his legs, with one hand on his neck and his thumb against the vital point.

Taking advantage of the chaos, he stuck the sheet given by Wen Yuan to the belt of Examiner A's military trousers. During the movement, his fingers accidentally touched the other's thin waist through the shirt.

At that moment, he could clearly feel the other party's waist and abdomen tense.

Qin Zhu paused, then raised his eyes to look into Examiner A's eyes.

The examiner Q next to him opened his eyes and saw such a scene. He took a deep breath: "Are you crazy?"

Zhao Wentu and another candidate came over to help, and they were stunned when they saw this scene, and they didn't dare to breathe.

Qin Qiu withdrew his strength, let go of both hands and said, "I'm sorry, I took our examiner as a weirdo."

Examiner A frowned and threw him to the ground, and the two almost exchanged positions: "Where's the liar?"

Qin Jiu let him press down, pointed to Sansha not far away, and said, "I didn't lie to you, the ability to imitate the topic of this game is too strong, I can become whoever I want to become, and it took me a lot of effort to burn it. got it."

He looked back at Examiner A's light-colored eyes, and his low voice contained a hint of laziness and a joke: "The scene just now looked too much like a resurrection of a monster. It's really unfortunate that you came here."

Zhao Wentu was beside him to help explain, and talked in a hurry for a long time.

Examiner A pressed Qin Jiu's elbow heavily, then stood up and patted the dead leaves on his body coldly.

"Want to help?" Qin Qiu pointed at his back and lower back.

"No need." Examiner A stepped aside, turned his head at him and said, "Go to the invigilator, you go ahead."


The whole process of confinement was in charge of the examiner Q. A entered the invigilation office and went into the rest room with a cold face.

This is the reason why Qin Jiu sticks the sheet on the belt. The clothes have to be changed every day, but the belt doesn't.

Examiner A is the core personnel, and entering and leaving the core area of the system should be a common occurrence. Although the thing that Wen Yuan made is a bit "inborn", he can still see some useful information.

However, this "congenitally deficient" flake ultimately did not come in handy.

Because at the end of this exam, he violated a rule by stepping on the spot and was taken into the proctoring area by mistake.

That was the first time Qin Jiu entered the Twin Towers.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or a coincidence, when he was waiting for the elevator, the elevator next to him had just reached the first floor, and two people came out of it. One half of his shirt was covered in blood, and the other was holding him.

Judging by the clothes, those two should be proctors.

Examiner A glanced at the backs of the two, and took it back after a while.

Seeing him lower his eyes, Qin Qiu frowned slightly, and then he returned to his usual cold look in an instant.

"What happened to that person just now?" Qin Chen asked.

Examiner Q's face was also a little pale: "He, he violated a little rule and was a little negligent, so he was fined."

Qin Qiu was a little surprised, he glanced at examiner A, although he didn't know why he was looking at A at that moment.

"You also break the rules?" he asked.

"Of course, you have your rules, we have ours." Examiner Q said.

Qin Qiu smelled the residual blood in the air and said, "Why does your punishment seem heavier than the candidates?"

Examiner Q said: "Look at the degree of violation, small punishment for small things, big punishment for big things."

At that time, Qin Jiu didn't have any extra trouble, and only learned about the situation of the Twin Towers. Because he was a little distracted.

Occasionally he thought of the bloody proctor who was punished, and then suddenly thought of Examiner A and the thin sheet on his belt.

On the day when the cleaning of the examination room ended, the examiner Q who was supposed to send him did not show up, but the examiner A came.

He drove a black car and waited in front of the Twin Towers, rolled down the window and said coldly, "Get in the car and take you back to the resting place." He didn't seem reluctant.

The atmosphere in the car that day was very subtle, so subtle that when I look back on it after many years, I still remember the feeling of being in the car.

The two sharp-edged people are in a closed environment, but they are very close. It was a kind of rattling of swords in a quiet atmosphere, and at the same time it had a little other meaning.

The car finally stopped at a corner of the resting place. Qin Jiu got out of the car. To his surprise, Examiner A also got out of the car.

The weather in the examination room that day was very good, and the wind in the late autumn was still a little cold.

Qin Research stood by the newsstand and looked at examiner A. For a moment, he felt that A seemed to have something to say.

He waited for a few seconds, but the other party did not speak.

So he said something in a ghostly way, and he said, "I will try to be quiet in the next exam, so as not to bother the examiner."

Because he suddenly didn't want to borrow Examiner A's hand to approach the core of the system, he wanted to change the method.

Examiner A listened with his eyes down, his usual expressionless expression.

He wiped Qin Qiu's shoulder and walked back to the car. He stopped when he opened the door, and turned to Qin Qiu, holding the roof of the car and said, "Borrowing your auspicious words, it's best to say goodbye."

But listening to that voice, he probably didn't intend to believe it.

Qin Qiu's fourth test was surprisingly good, and the invigilator was not an A. He only accidentally dropped his grade to "C" at the end and was taken to the invigilation area to start over.