Global Examination

Chapter 121: The second time, Examiner A, who had not seen him for a long time, suddenly appeared again.


The re-examination that Qin Qiu was drawn to was a marine examination room, and he had to go by boat.

As soon as he sat down in the cabin, he heard the trapdoor above his head being pulled open again.

He thought it was the nagging boatman, but when he raised his head, he saw that familiar and indifferent face.

He fiddled with a pack of cigarettes on the boatman's table, raised his head and asked with a smile, "What did I do again, please bother the examiner to arrest him in person?"

Examiner A looked down condescendingly and said, "Not yet, it's hard to say later."

"Then why are you here?"

"The system rules are adjusted. Candidates who violate the rules more than three times in a single test will need to be monitored by the invigilator throughout the whole process. You can count the number of violations in the first three games."

"But I've been very peaceful in these two games." Qin Qiu was still smiling: "Is the punishment going to be retroactive?"

Examiner A said, "You can ask the system about this."

He said, and went down the long ladder.

Above the square trapdoor, there is a dark blue night sky, a bright gas lamp rests on the table, and the light shines on examiner A's light brown eyes...

Qin Qiu suddenly realized that he actually missed the examiner a little bit.