Global Examination

Chapter 123: Old Road ┃ But he wanted to deceive the other party's lead


Soon, a delicate dividing line appeared between the old and new invigilators.

They have different names, different clothes, different living habits, and even different attitudes towards the system, so it is difficult to integrate them together.

In the initial period, this distinction became almost their daily talk.

Qin Jiu often hears colleagues talking about this in small talk. Most of the time, he is always lacking in interest, listening lazily and not participating. Only when they talked about Examiner A would he turn his attention to it.

Qin Jiu had heard a lot about examiner A.

Said that he has quite a relationship with the system and is a special existence among the invigilators.

To say that he always does things is inhumane, like a piece of ice that never melts.

He said that even his residence was a little less flamboyant than others, and he also set up a confinement room to punish candidates with special circumstances.

Said he was like the anthropomorphism of the system.

When he heard some descriptions, Qin Jiu would be stunned for a moment.

Even though it was a normal description, he would feel a little unpleasant, but he couldn't explain the reason for this emotion.

Once, when a colleague stopped chatting halfway, the group of people looked at him and asked, "What's wrong?"

Qin Qiu turned the cup's hand for a while, then raised his eyes and said, "What's wrong?"

"You kept frowning just now, and I thought you said something wrong."

"Am I frowning?"

He wouldn't even realize it if his colleagues didn't mention it.

Everyone at the table was waiting for him to write, and he lightly scratched his eyebrows twice, and his expression returned to normal.

He smirked, and casually continued what they said: "I just think that the examiner doesn't like me very much, and I don't know anything else."

Two clubs actually followed suit and said, "It's a bit... I think so too."

Qin Qiu was not happy when he heard this echo, but it was indeed a fact in the eyes of many people.

There is little overlap between the new and old invigilators in the examination room assignment, but there is not a lot of intersection, especially within the scope of the invigilation area.

Qin research has cooperated with many initial invigilators, but there is no examiner A.

Once or twice is enough, but it takes a long time for more times... that's too unfortunate. So much so that he had an illusion, as if Examiner A deliberately avoided those occasions and avoided having too deep contact and cooperation with him.

He really couldn't find the reason, he could only blame Examiner A for not liking him.

Not long after, the newly added invigilators became more and more aware of the system's out-of-control, which made the line between them and the original invigilator wider and wider.

By the time they realized it, they had become two distinct factions.

The initial invigilators advocated a gradual, step-by-step correction and adjustment to the system, belonging to moderates. The new group of invigilators advocated drastic measures and scrapped the entire system if they couldn't do it. They belonged to the hardliners.

Of course, the so-called factions are not on the bright side, no one will shout how to deal with it under the all-round monitoring of the system, but everyone knows it clearly.

The concepts are different, the problems between the two camps are increasing, and meetings have become commonplace.

They need an occasion where conflict and opposition are thrown out.

The intersection between Qin Jiu and Examiner A finally increased, but each time was accompanied by contradictions and disputes.

The conference table was very long, and they sat at opposite ends of the table, surrounded by fierce quarrels.

It's very strange, the previous cooperation is actually very interesting. If Qin Jiu and A get along and get to know each other in that kind of environment, they should be very happy and even become friends.

But A all avoided.

But now these meetings, the atmosphere is always intense and chaotic, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the worst environment to get along with, but A comes every time.

Many times, Qin Jiu would suddenly feel that A was looking at him.

He looked up and sometimes saw Examiner A looking down at the documents on the table, and sometimes he really met A's gaze.

The eyes of the other party passed over the confusion and quarrel, and fell silently. Qin Qiu had a hard time seeing what was in his eyes, what he was thinking...

The light is too dazzling, and the table is too long.

At some very occasional moments, Qin Jiu will suddenly have some illusions. He felt that this kind of intertwined conflict and confrontation seemed familiar. He seemed to have stared at someone for such a long time, but he couldn't remember it, maybe it was in a dream.

I don't know when, he saw Examiner A more and more times.

Sometimes they each took a group of people and passed each other in the corridor of the conference room or outside the Twin Towers.

Sometimes he would see the black car. Through the car window, he couldn't see the other's face, and he didn't know why the other party was parked on the street.

Once, it was getting dark, and the street lamps on the street were lit up.

Qin Jiu and a few colleagues came out of the Twin Towers and were about to go to their residence. When they were about to enter the door, they glanced into the distance as if they were inductive.

A familiar car parked on the corner, casting a long shadow.

When his colleagues saw that he suddenly stopped, they stopped and asked him what was wrong.

He said, "It's nothing, you go back first, I have something to do."

The colleague was at a loss for a while, no doubt he was there, a few people greeted him, chatted and laughed and entered the gate of the residential area.

The voices went away, and the surroundings became quiet again.

Looking at the silent blackness on the street corner, Qin Qiu suddenly felt an impulse.

He wanted to walk over and chat with the people in the car, anything.

They were in opposite camps, and their mouths always smelled of gunpowder. Such chatting on the side of the road has never happened before. In fact, there is nothing to say.

But when Qin Jiu reacted, he was already standing by the car door.

With one hand on the roof, he bent over and knocked on the window.

Examiner A was sitting in the driver's seat, and he could vaguely see the outline of his profile. His hand seemed to move, as if to lower the window.

Suddenly, a red light flashed twice at the top of the white lamp post of the street lamp, a small one, like the warning light of an instrument, and like an eye, directly facing Qin Qiu.

He raised his head and glanced, and suddenly there was an indescribable sense of disgust.

And when he turned around, Examiner A seemed to have just withdrawn his gaze from somewhere, and the corner of his mouth pursed into a straight line.

In the end, examiner A still did not open the window.

The horn rang, Qin Jiu straightened up, and saw Examiner A shake his phone. Then the car drove away without looking back.

He took out his phone, and a newly received message appeared on the screen.

The message came from an unfamiliar number, and it contained a cold sentence:

"I have something to say, what to say at the meeting tomorrow. 』

Qin Qiu raised his eyes against the lamp post.

The night light fell from the top of the head, reflecting a bright yellow and white intertwined light in front of him, which was a bit dazzling.

He blinked and squinted to the end of the long street, the black shadow of the car had already slipped into the night...

He pondered the indescribable taste, and suddenly realized that he might be in love with someone.

He likes Examiner A, but opposes the opponent's position, so they are still enemies.

They will still sit at both ends of the long table, with people from both sides fighting, confronting, and fighting each other...

But he wanted to trick the other party into taking the lead.