Global Examination

Chapter 27: New candidates ┃ sexy examiner, tragically dismissed


Yu Yao said a lot later, and everyone learned some information from it.

She said that the exam content is varied, both ancient and modern, all over the world.

Each game is based on the corresponding subject knowledge. The knowledge point itself may not be difficult, or even very simple, but the system always has a way to make it kill you.

The number of candidates that can be accommodated in different test rooms is different, so whether they can become teammates or not depends entirely on randomness.

As a bug, Yu Yao is the only free candidate, she can choose the exam room by herself.

Therefore, she was able to take the physics exam with the bald head who harmed her, and she could take the foreign language exam with Yu Huo and Yu Wen who helped her.

She will use her identity to help her companions, but not too obviously.

For example, in Chasu Village.

"Those ghosts looking for people have their own characteristics." Yu Yao said.

If both the customer sewed the doll and the other customer did not, they will give priority to the customer who has sewed.

After Yu Yao was resurrected by the black woman, she was half of Chasu Village. As long as she was there, Ghost Hand would subconsciously ignore her.

So on the first night of the exam, only Liang Yuanhao and Chen Bin sewed the doll, and only the two of them were alone. Of course, the ghost hand went straight to the house.

And the next night, Ghost Hand should have looked for Chen Bin first, but Chen Bin and Yu Yao were together at the time, so Ghost Hand retreated and turned to You Huu to die.

As for the third day... You Huo sewed 16 dolls by himself, and was full of hatred, while Yu Yao followed the others. The ghost hand has a clear goal, so he is completely crazy.

Chen Bin didn't know until now that he actually escaped from death again.

He expressed his gratitude to Yu Yao, and couldn't help but ask, "Why don't you say these things directly?"

Yu Yao's voice was soft and whispered: "I look like a pregnant woman. If I act too abnormally, I know too much. The first reaction of my companions is often not to do as I say, but to be suspicious, vigilant, and even put me on the line. to the opposite."

The crowd fell silent.

They tried it for a while, but they couldn't refute it.

"But you are very special, really." Yu Yao said seriously: "From the moment we first met, all you released were good intentions. You don't blame me for giving me a red envelope, calling my sister, and being punished for me. He also borrowed my clothes to wear. I used to be unhappy, I felt like a wandering ghost, and I wore it in the exam room. Now I occasionally feel like I’m still alive, thank you for that.”

"That's why I made up my mind to follow you, and I can help a little bit." She twisted her hair and added, "But this is what I thought before, and now you shouldn't be too happy. It doesn't matter, I can understand it. If it were me, I'd be a little nervous."

You Huo always leaned against the door of the room.

As soon as Yao finished speaking, he suddenly broke the silence and said, "There is nothing I am happy or unhappy about. I am the same as anyone in the examination room."

Yu Yao was stunned for a moment.

Lao Yu's father and son also said repeatedly: "Just follow if you want! Anyway, we don't disagree, and you haven't hurt us."

"That's right, sister." Yu Wen couldn't help but ask, "Isn't Yu Yao your real name?"

Otherwise, in the first exam, how could that bald man not respond when he heard this name

Yu Yao really blushed this time, she said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I didn't tell the truth at that time. This name was made up on a temporary basis, because I felt you were very kind, and I borrowed your surname."

As she spoke, she opened the room card in her hand and pushed it forward with the back facing up.

It says:

Name: Shu Xue

Admission ticket number: 860575-02091318-1127

Subjects taken: foreign language

Cumulative Score: 12

"This is my name."

"Mathematics?" Yu Wen was amused: "Sister, your parents' names have the same taste as mine. It seems that the different surnames don't matter. It must have been one litter eight hundred years ago."

Yu Yao... Oh, it should be called Shu Xue.

Shu Xue laughed along and said, "I've seen names with homophonic sounds like physics before, so let's make three sworn swastikas."

"But... why did you only show one? The accumulated scores didn't stack up." Everyone wondered again.

"It's always been like this. Every time I go to the rest area, only the subjects and scores that have just been taken are displayed."

"oh, I see… "

Before everyone could react, Yu Huo pointed at the key point: "Then you can never finish the test?"

"Yeah." Shu Xue was silent for a moment, then smiled again and said, "But I'm also very happy to be able to send you out smoothly."

You Huo lowered his eyes and thought for a moment, then put the doll in front of her.

The villagers are relieved to get the doll, so what about Shu Xue? Will it also be liberating

"Thank you." Shu Xue said warmly: "Actually, I used to live in Chasu Village. I picked up this doll every day, but nothing happened. Maybe it's only useful to the villagers..."

Youhuo said, "It's not the same."

"Huh?" Shu Xue was taken aback.

"The title has been mentioned, it must be sent by the examinee." Youhu bent over and pushed the doll in front of her again, "I will send it to you now."

Shu Xue was stunned, and her eyes fell on the doll representing her without blinking.

At that moment, she actually felt very nervous.

Youyou glanced at her tightly clasped fingers, picked up the backpack on the table and said, "It's up to you to decide whether to take it or not. I'm sleepy and I'm going to bed."

"… "

People say why are you sleepy again, again, again...

As soon as you wandered away, the others also felt that it was inappropriate to watch, and they went back to their rooms after saying hello.

In the days after that, except for three meals a day, Shu Xue never went out of the house.

Others are about the same.

For the first two days, they went for a walk around. Later, I found that this resting place was really deserted, there were no people in the streets and alleys, and many buildings were lit at night, but they never knocked on the door. It was probably just a pretense.

They can't afford restaurants, and the only department store they can visit is currently limited in discounts.

You Huo was dragged around a few times, and finally got impatient.

He directly locked the door, and hung a "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door, so he felt sleepy.

The five-day break is over in the blink of an eye.

Before 7:00 in the morning on the fifth day, a bunch of people gathered in the hotel lobby.

Youhuo slept enough this time, and it was rare that he didn't get up.

He plugged his headphones downstairs and saw Shu Xue as soon as he entered the lobby.

The girl was bored for five days, and when she reappeared, there was no change.

You Huo glanced at her stomach and took off the left earphone.

Shu Xue said before him, "I thought about it, and I want to take another test with you, so I asked Yu Wen to put the doll away first. I've heard people say before that the difficulty of the test fluctuates every game. The third test will probably be a little more troublesome, and I'm a little worried... After you finish this test, it won't be too late for me to collect the doll."

Youhuo doesn't like to interfere in other people's decisions. After listening, he nodded and plugged the earphones back.

At 7:00 sharp, they entered the department store on time.

The building has a total of 8 floors, and has everything, similar to the specifications of general shopping malls.

"My mother, and jewelry?" Yu Wen looked at the rows of counters and sighed, "Why put these things out? It's not good for taking up space. Which two fools would buy them."

As soon as he finished speaking, his brother took a men's watch from the counter and threw it into the shopping cart together with the box.

Yu Wen: "… "

He immediately remedied: "Watches don't count, watches are especially useful!"

If the exam room clock smashed...

This day, the department store finally had a bit of a bustling shadow, and there were quite a few people visiting, even the hotel waiter and the owner of the restaurant next door.

A long banner hangs from the top of the building and reads:

On a weekly discount day, the event starts from 7:00 to 10:00, and half of the products are 50% off. Today is December 13th. The 12th and 13th checkout customers can get additional lucky draw chances. The winning rate is as high as 90%, which is highly likely to be discounted.

Wandering this life has no luck with the lottery.

So he didn't even read the banner, and went up the escalator to the second floor.

The down jacket he bought before was scrapped by the coffin board. He walked around the second, third, and second floors and took three coats.

Yu Wen was startled when he saw it, and couldn't help but say, "Brother, take it easy, why do you need so many coats?"

Confused: "Just in case."

What if it breaks again? Who can say for sure.

After buying clothes, he turned around and went into the supermarket again to get some fast food and canned food.

Although there are a lot of discounts today, for most candidates, it's okay to have an eye addiction, but it's impossible to buy it!

So very few people actually need to check out.

You Huo glanced from upstairs and saw that the cashier was empty and there was no need to line up, so he pushed the cart up the escalator.

His car was very eye-catching.

Wherever he rolled, a candidate stared at him.

When he rolled from the 7th floor to the 1st floor, the empty cashier actually became lively.

Wandering over in confusion, he suddenly understood.

At this time, there was a customer standing in front of the cashier. The man was wearing a smoky gray shirt and had long legs. When the hand is on the table, the shirt fabric outlines the outline of the shoulder and back.

You Huo took a step and rolled his eyes.

This back is so recognizable, who is it if it's not the invigilator 001

Around the invigilator, a circle of candidates stood not far or near, their mouths wide open, all looking at his shopping cart.

This big guy didn't have enough one car, so he pushed two...

The cashier closed his mouth and counted the contents of the car with a sullen face.

You Huo walked over slowly, and heard the cashier ask, "...Are you sure you want four sets of underwear and two coats?"

Qin Qiu: "Well."

"… "

"Do you want these cans of beef too?" the cashier emphasized "some."

Qin Qiu: "Well."

"… "

"This watch—"

Qin Research: "Yes."

The cashier's face was paralyzed: "Then this suitcase..."

Qin Jiu patiently told the chime, and tapped his fingers on the table to urge: "No need to confirm, all of them, please settle the account."

When the cashier tapped the keyboard, Qin Zhuo glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw the confusion behind him. He raised his eyebrows and smiled, and said to You Huo, "Morning, did you wake up today?"

Youyou: "...Why are you here?"

Qin Qiu said, "Buy some test supplies."

You Huo glanced from top to bottom, and said casually, "Do you need test supplies for the invigilator? Don't you have a building?"

Qin Qiu said "Oh": "Of course you don't need to be an invigilator, you will inevitably have to prepare when you are a candidate."

You Huo snorted coldly.

Two seconds later, he suddenly raised his head again: "I repeat that last sentence, who is the candidate?"

Qin Research: "I."

Youyou replied: "..."

Youyou asked, "Why?"

Qin Qiu said: "The system thinks that the battle for me to help is a little bigger. According to the punishment regulations, I have to be a candidate for one round."

This punishment stems from the help card, which has something to do with You Confused.

He thought for a while, and then asked another question: "How long is a round?"

Qin Qiu said: "The current test system is five subjects. Just like you, only passing the test counts."

Confused: "Oh."

He thought for a while, but he didn't know what to say, and he had to plug the earphones again.

As soon as he raised his hand, Qin Jiu spoke again: "During the punishment period, there is no right to choose subjects. According to the regulations, they must follow the candidates. Candidates can choose independently. I am lazy... So I chose the default."

You Huo held the headset: "Who is the default?"

Qin Qiu laughed: "Don't be stinky, that's the rule. The help card I gave you is now being ousted. Of course you can't run away."

He took off his gloves and reached out his hand casually: "Please take care of this candidate?"

"… "

Youhuo wanted to slap the shopping cart in his face.