Global Examination

Chapter 32: Qin Jiu's confinement room seems to be... this kind of memory is right


As soon as the violation announcement came out, You Huo dropped the wooden board in his hand and said to Di Li who flew out: "Put this pile in first."

After speaking, he took the dagger and turned his head away.

Directly facing the entrance of the stone cave, a system ship was moored pitifully there. Judging from several gaps on the side of the ship, it was the one that was dismantled miserably.

And Youyou is walking towards it.

Di Li was dumbfounded for a moment, then quickly shouted: "No wait, what are you doing?"

Youyou didn't hear it at all.

"What do you mean?" Di Li asked his companion: "The invigilator is coming, shouldn't they be waiting here? Write a check and admit something wrong, and see if you can be lenient? Run to the boat. What are you doing? Apologize to the boat?"

"I don't know, I can't keep up with the thoughts of these two young people." The companion was much older than him, and said, "Let's see if the invigilator will come later, can you talk about it."

Di Li said, "That's right, Uncle Li, aren't you a law enforcement officer? You can live even if you die."

The companion said angrily: "I just passed 35, who should I call uncle?"

Di Li: "I'm used to getting used to it, I don't mean to say you are old. I used to call my uncle and auntie when I saw my elders. When I entered the university, I suddenly stopped calling me. I need a process of adaptation..."

The companion didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Who gave me an adapted - what voice?"

The clattering of the plank to the ground interrupted him.

Everyone was stunned for a few seconds, then looked at the sound.

On the system ship not far away, You Huo stood by the side of the ship and threw a few wooden boards to get off the ship.

Behind him, the tall mast tilted suddenly, and fell to the side of the boat with the canvas. With a bang, everyone closed their eyes in shock.

When they opened their eyes again, they saw Qin Jiu straight up from the cut, took the dagger from You Huo's hand, neatly cut the rope, and raised his foot to the mast.

It just rolled down.

Youhu bent down and disappeared for a while. When he got back to the side of the boat, he started banging things again.



wooden box…

There are also cupboards.


Thirty candidates were stunned into a row of emperor penguins.

This is not a repentance to admit mistakes, this is a violation of the rules anyway, just tear it all down!

As long as it can be burned, it can't escape.

The invigilator's little white boat came from the sea at this time, and the four invigilators stood at the bow.

In front of everyone's eyes, Qin Jiuchong greeted the invigilator, turned his head and threw a rudder down.

Candidates: "..."

Di Li turned to look at his companion: "Brother Li..."

Brother Li: " uncle, this time eight mouths can't speak."

On the little white boat, 922 looked ahead, his lips moved: "I'm seasick."

154: "…"

922: "I feel very dizzy and uncomfortable. I can't stand anymore. Can I go to the cabin for a rest first?"

154: "Shut up, I'm dizzy too."

New 078: "?"

922 said: "Don't look at us, we're not sick. You don't know it yet, you'll know in a while."

Around 078, he moved his neck, held up his sunglasses, and said calmly, "What kind of candidates have I never seen before?"

922 glared at him.

078: "001 doesn't mention it, it's an accident, I mean other than him."

922 "Huh" sounded.

Another new invigilator, 021, was a tall woman with shoulder length hair, which was pulled behind her ears, and her huge earrings swayed and collided in the sea breeze.

She wore sunglasses that were bigger than 078 and said, "I heard that 001 was going to be arrested and who was the person who shook his legs in the cabin for ten minutes?"

078: "…"

The bow of the little white boat met with You Huo and Qin Zhuo.

You Huo dropped the last thing, clapped the dust on his hands, and squinted at the little white boat.

A ladder stretched out from the boat, and the four invigilators were walking here.

Wandering: "What material is the invigilator ship made of?"

Qin Qiu chuckled: "What? You dare to tear it down?"

"I won't accompany you if you want to dismantle the invigilator boat." Qin Qiu stepped aside from the damaged deck, stepped on the place where he could walk, and said, "After all, there are still subordinates."

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed to the four invigilators not far away and said, "Come to send new wood?"

"… "

Three of the four invigilators were green on the spot.

021 The sunglasses are too big to be green or not.

"The four are yours?" You Huo's pale eyes glanced.

Qin Qiu shook his head: "That's not true. The two wearing sunglasses followed No. 009."

"So many chief proctors?"

Qin Qiu said: "Let's talk about a lot less, there are 10 001 to 010, with ten groups, and the invigilator at the back is randomly assigned to one of the groups. However, in China, it is mainly me and 009, and others are in charge of other things. area."

"Is there a problem with your reputation?" You Huo said suddenly.

Qin Qiu raised his eyebrows: "Who said that?"

Dazed eyes fell on the only lady and said, "That one seems to have a bad opinion of you."

Not to mention 154 and 922, 078 took off his sunglasses after getting on the boat, and nodded to Qin Qiu. With the restraint and seriousness that the invigilator should have, he showed a little courtesy.

Only 021.

She didn't mean to take off her sunglasses from beginning to end, and there was no sign of being polite.

Qin Qiu looked at 021: "She has an opinion on me? Why can't I see it."

Wandering heart said maybe you are blind.

"But even if there is, it's not because of my reputation. It is said that according to the initial group, she should have become A's subordinate. Before she joined the group, A was gone. Later, she almost became my group, but I was resting for a while. So she went to 009. Maybe she heard those rumors and subconsciously contradicted me?"

Qin Qiu thought for a while, then smiled and said, "I don't know much, so feel free."

Almost became a member of the group without even bothering

You Huo felt that Qin Jiu was really strange.

As the chief invigilator of No. 001, he is an inseparable part of this stupid system, but from his words, he can feel that he does not like this system, nor does he like to be too involved in the system.

Including with the system itself, but also with other invigilators.

154 and 922 stood opposite Qin Jiu and You Huo, their faces held back like two melons.

Who would have thought...

Thirty years of Hedong and thirty years of Hexi.

The old boss of the past is now a prisoner...

The prisoner was still laughing.

154 Heart said that in my last life, I had shaved so much of the people's fat and people's cream that I was punished to be an invigilator in this life.

Silence remained for several seconds.

078 stood for a while, and finally couldn't stand anymore.

He looked to the left, the mouths of colleagues 154 and 922 may have been sewn.

Look at the right again, he can't afford to offend 021.

So he cleared his throat and said with a sullen face: "Ten minutes ago, we received a notification from the system that the two of you dismantled the boat that the system used to pick up the candidates and damaged part of the deck... furniture, mast, rudder, stairs... "

The corners of his mouth twitched, then he tensed up and continued, "Please two of you go to the invigilator boat."

You are confused: "What is the punishment this time?"

078: "???"

He turned to look at his colleague, and 922 lip-synched, "Old customer."

078: "…"

He thought for a while and said, "This is the first time I violated the rules in this exam. According to the rules, I will be locked up for 3 hours. This is not the first time, right? You should know the process, so be prepared."

After 078 finished speaking, he urged several people to go up the horizontal ladder, and he pushed the tail at the last one.

Just a few steps away, 078 saw the old customer starting to prepare. He asked 922, "Is there anything to eat?"

078 Staggered and almost fell into the sea.

"No, I didn't eat anything, I didn't bring beef! Am I in the cafeteria, so I'll order food as soon as I come?" 922 was afraid of the plague, and went down the horizontal ladder in three steps.

He threw a sentence, "I'm seasick enough to vomit," and ran off like his butt was on fire.

154 finally couldn't stand it anymore, he said: "Boss, to tell you the truth, just an hour ago, I swore to 922 that with you there, he... a certain candidate can't violate the rules. Boss, look at my face, it He was beaten so badly that he was about to swell up."

Qin Qiu said, "Those who are close to the ink are black, and a certain candidate has broken me."

A candidate: "… "

Can you say such shameless words

154 glanced at his boss in amazement and ran away with a sullen face.

Two of the four invigilators slipped away, and talent withered.

078 can only take the illegal candidates off the cabin together with 021.

The invigilator boat adheres to the tradition, except that the exterior is painted with white paint for easy distinction, and the interior layout is consistent with the style of the entire examination room.

The cabin has three floors.

The first floor is the same as the system ship. There are two opposite compartments. Each compartment has beds, tables and chairs. It is a bedroom for the invigilator to rest. After all, like candidates, they have to float at sea until the end of the exam.

Now the two rooms marked 154 and 922 are locked, which vividly expresses the desire to "stay away from the plague god".

The floor below the bunk is the dining room and kitchen.

The fire was burning brightly in the fireplace, and the whole cabin was warm, even a little hot.

Qin Qiu took off the scarf around his neck and held it in his hand.

"Do you want to help you put it away?" 078 began to chat awkwardly.

Qin Qiu said, "That's not necessary."

The chat is over.

078: "…"

He glanced at 021, who was still wearing sunglasses and raising his chin, without any intention of making a sound.

078 sighed in his heart, and continued to walk down with You Huo and Qin Qiu.

The bottom floor of the cabin is very cramped, with only a few closed rooms and a narrow corridor.

078 opened the first door and said to You Huo: "Go in, 021 will come to open the door for you when the time is up."

The layout of the confinement room is no different from before, it is still a table and a stool, and there are not many sundries. There is a row of mirrors on the wall, which expands the infinite space in disguise.

You are familiar with the door and know the way, and after entering, she also took the initiative to close the door.

078 stared at the door, then silently opened the second room and said to Qin Qiu, "Well..."

Without him speaking, Qin Jiu went in.

078 coughed awkwardly and said, "I'll open the door in three hours."

Then the door creaked shut.

The light source was cut off, and the room was pitch black.

The darkness only lasted for a moment, replaced by a patch of sunlight.

Qin Jiu narrowed his eyes to get used to it, and when he opened it again, he found himself standing in a rubble.

The ruins are huge, at least much larger than the confinement room, surrounded by curved and broken protective nets, hooping around them. There are rusted cars, scattered machines, broken cables...

Ah, and the long metal pipes and steel bars, right next to it.

If he sat with one leg bent on the pile of metal pipes, took off his coat, and splashed blood on the front of his shirt, it would be exactly the same scene as he remembered...

Qin Qiu stood in front of the metal tube with his eyes lowered, his fingers moved twice unconsciously, and he wrapped the scarf again.

He tucked into the collar of his coat in a gentlemanly manner, covering the front of his shirt.

At that moment, a thought flashed in his mind.

It seems... that's the right thing to do.

In that distant blurry scene, he should be wearing a scarf. Black or gray, just covering all the blood on his chest.

The man was standing in front of him, and he was sitting on the metal tube, looking like he was unscathed except a little tired.

As if... this memory is right.