Global Examination

Chapter 36: Death liability ┃ So, it took them away


The most wooden ones are Chen Fei and Huang Rui.

The turn of the peak and the circuit took a moment, and Sao caught people off guard.

Fade Chen is planning to cry for himself, so it is inappropriate to cry, and it is even more inappropriate to be happy.

He was stuck on the expression with his mouth open, and looked blankly at the two bosses.

In the afternoon, everyone also sighed that these two are living hopes. It has only been a few hours, and hope is about to kill themselves.

Under the eyes of more than 30 candidates in the whole hole, You Huo squeezed out a whisper from his lips: "When did the mentally retard learn to deduct points?"

"You said it was mentally retarded in person, and you always have to deduct points to save face." Qin Qiu seemed to find it interesting to whisper, and suppressed his voice, "It's not uncommon for you to deduct your face in the first game. Minute?"

Confused: "Only 2 points will be deducted."

Fortunately, his voice is low, and if other candidates hear the word "only", it may cause physical discomfort and dizziness.

After all, people work so hard that they can float within three minutes in an afternoon. That is "climbing", and these two have to be called "flying up and down".

Qin Qiu said: "There is a difference in severity between untidy rolls and ship demolition."

"Is the death of Hunter A serious?" You Huo said, "Not only did it not deduct, but it was added."

Qin Qiu wanted to laugh a little.

A demoted official is also an official.

He looked at the confused and calm profile, and waved his hand to signal for the other person to come over: "I think it is necessary to open a small stove for the deviant top students to learn about science."

You Confused: "...Say."

"Here, the dynamic problem and the dynamic system are completely different in nature." Qin Qiu said: "Of course, it is best to have neither of them."

"… "

You Huo looked at him blankly.

As an invigilator who dares to do anything, I don't know where he came from and said this sentence.

Seeing his expression, Qin Qiu paused and added: "In theory, don't move either. But if you want to compare, there is no doubt that the latter is more serious, it's not even a level problem... Because you are challenging its authority."

Hearing the word authority, You Huo sneered: "Authority."

A system that pulls people into exams for no reason, a thing that arbitrarily decides life and death, has the face to say authority

"Don't sneer at me." Qin Qiu pointed casually a few times and said, "It's everywhere in the exam room, you can spit it a few times against the score wall or any corner of the open space, including the rabbit."

Dead Rabbit: "… "

"Two points and then deduct ten points?" You Huo said: "It's okay, it's not a loss."

Dead Rabbit: "..."

"That's not true." Qin Qiu said with a deep smile: "You touched the crow's head in the last round, did the crow deduct you points? So just scold you."

Dead Rabbit: "..."

He gave Qin Qiu a bewildered look: "Are you talking for it?"

After he asked, he felt that this was very problematic.

As a member of the invigilator and part of the system, it is only natural for Qin Jiu to help him speak.

But his words... unknowingly put Qin Research on the opposite side of the system and on his own side.

And he is completely unaware of when this transition started...

Youhuo frowned slightly, and said almost immediately, "Forget it, when I didn't say it."

Qin Qiu: "I heard it."

"… "

The confused face gradually became paralyzed.

"If you are really curious about some things, you can find another opportunity to discuss them in the future. If you are invited to the proctoring office again, you can leave some topics to pass the time." Qin Qiu blinked his right eye when he said this.

You puzzled slightly.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Jiu has continued to say: "In short, the system has its own rules. The content of provocation is far less serious than provocation of the system. Therefore, killing Hunter A will only be punished by violation, and the points that should be awarded are not less. But it’s different when the system ship is dismantled. The system is very precise.”

You Huo looked at him for a moment, and then raised another objection: "Destroying the examination room is more serious than breaking the ship, but only five points were deducted in the last round."

"...It seems that the nobleman forgets things a lot, so I have to remind you." Qin Jiu pointed to himself: "The reason for only deducting five points is because there is another person who bears at least half of the punishment, and this person is talking to you at the moment."

Confused: "… "

Qin Qiu: "To be honest, I have been waiting for a thank you gift, but some candidates seem to have no self-awareness in this regard?"

Confused: "… "

"But it doesn't matter." Qin Qiu added: "I'm very patient in certain things, and I don't mind waiting a few days."

You Huo's beautiful eyes finally moved. He thought about it for a few seconds, and replied calmly, "It's a coincidence, I don't mind either."

Qin Research: "..."

Not far away, Di Li said with a bewildered expression, "Are those two discussing their own life and death? They said it with a smile on their face."

Brother Li, who was on his team, identified it carefully and said, "It's mainly one of them who is laughing..."

Di Li: "...Is there a difference?"

Brother Li: "No."

Everyone is worried about what is about to happen, but the two parties are calm and unusual, and they are in a mood to chat.

At this point, Di Li finally understood how these two scores came about.

As an old test taker, he is extremely sensitive to scores. Usually, it hurts to take one less distraction, but now looking at You Huo and Qin Qiu, his whole body hurts.

He even had a little urge to send two points if the system allowed it. But he turned to think that no matter who it was given to, there would always be someone who would stand at the bottom of the list.

There is always someone who cannot escape that punishment.

Watching You Huo and Qin Qiu dive straight to the last place, he would feel uncomfortable.

Would it be more comfortable to switch to Chen Fei and Huang Rui

The same will not.

In any group, any one standing on the road to death, he will be uncomfortable.

After all, the human heart is made of flesh.

And this garbage system never does personnel.

Before everyone recovered from the ups and downs of the scores, the wind suddenly picked up in the cave.

The first to notice were the crew of the merchant ship.

These NPCs in the examination room suddenly became sleepy when the dead rabbit was talking, and they all leaned against the wall to doze off, and suddenly woke up at this moment.

The flat-headed first officer rubbed his arms and asked blankly, "Where did the wind come from? The fire at the entrance of the cave has been removed?"

he asked the crew around him.

The crew murmured, "No way, I'll go take a look."

The first officer asked the candidates again: "Did you feel it?"

A gust of wind swept through the conversation again, and it was damp and smelled of the sea.

Many students have noticed this time.

They shuddered at that moment, and a burst of numbness suddenly climbed to their scalps:

The stone cave outside is facing the entrance of the cave, even if there is occasional wind. They are all gathered in the stone cave inside, turning two corners, and there is a fire blocking it... How could such a sea-smelling wind blow

Any wet vapors passing through the fire should be dry!

Everyone glanced around, looking for the source of the wind everywhere, the more they thought about it, the more afraid they became.

Suddenly, someone panicked and shouted, "Wait, there's a voice!"

Everyone was stunned, and immediately froze in place: "What sound?"

"Listen, don't make a sound, listen carefully!"

The examinee's eyes widened, and he wandered in his eye sockets in panic, looking suspiciously from all angles.

He pressed his fingers to his lips, maintaining that position.

As soon as his eyes rolled twice, he heard a whirring sound, and several fires were extinguished at the same time.

The inside of the cave was suddenly dark, and the five fingers could not be seen.

Exclamations and screams sounded almost at the same time, and the panic atmosphere instantly reached the top.

"Don't call." You Huo snorted in a low voice.

He took the lighter out of his pocket and flicked the lid off.


A cluster of thin flames lit up in the dark. Although it was not as good as a fire, it was better than nothing.

He and the flame in his hand suddenly became the center, and more than 30 candidates and a few waking crew members all took him as the benchmark and moved closer to the center.

Crowding with people is by no means a wonderful experience.

You Huo was arched and almost stood on Qin Qiu's shoes.

The voice of the first mate with a flat head sounded: "Come here, this is what we met before... I fell asleep inexplicably, the fire suddenly went out, and then a monster suddenly attacked."

These words frightened everyone, they were all stunned, and no one dared to act rashly.

The stone cave appeared dead silent at this moment.

And then... strange voices rang out

Squeaky, it's hard to describe.

It's like some kind of soft gelatinous thing being pulled and rubbed... it sounds sour.

Not only that, but with some kind of hollow ticking.

That should be the echo of water droplets falling from a height.


Di Li's face suddenly became wet, and he touched it.


Youhuo's eyes were also wet, and the splash made him narrow his eyes.

He blinked a few times, and just as he was about to relieve himself, a hand suddenly grabbed his wrist lightly, using him to raise the lighter and sway it around his head.

Qin Qiu said, "Look up."

Everyone followed the dripping water and slowly raised their heads.

I saw something on the top of the cave, I don't know when. It has flesh-white skin, a vine-like body, and two large, dark eyes.

It silently occupied the top of the entire cave, twisted its smooth head, looked down at everyone quietly, and opened its dark mouth.


A damp, sea-smelling wind blows.

The lighter snapped off.

No one screamed this time.

The moment of real fear, in fact, can't care about screaming.

Only suffocation permeates the hole.

Di Li felt a momentary blank in his mind.

When he could make a small cry in his throat, there seemed to be something missing around him.

After another two seconds, he suddenly realized that the wandering who had just been squeezed by him was gone.

Not only confused...

He felt blind in the dark and found that Qin Qiu's seat was also empty.

Soon, more people discovered this.

The hum exploded instantly.

"What about people?"

"Not anymore! Really not anymore!"

"You Huo? Is it called You Huo? Qin Qiu?"

Someone tried calling these two names in the dark.

But no response.

Just when everyone was in a hurry, the voice of the dead rabbit sounded again:

[Unfortunately, a total of eight crew members died on this day. According to the regulations of this test, at 0:00 a.m. on that day, the candidates in the last group should bear the responsibility for death. If the number is not enough to deduct the number of dead crew members, continue the next day, and so on. 】

[This desert island is not exclusively owned by the crew members who took refuge. In the past eight months, the prey on the island and the nearby fish flow have entered the stomach of the crew members, and one of the aborigines is dissatisfied. It has been hungry for many days, hungry, and has been trying to fill its stomach, but it has never been able to do so, until today... 】

[Today is a good day for it, the dead crew is just enough to fill its stomach. But the first officer ordered that the body of his companion be hidden, ruining its plans. But it doesn't matter, some strangers are equally delicious, and it's appetite is greatly increased. 】

[So, it took them away. 】

Dead Rabbit paused, then said in a rigid voice:

[Two hours later, the remaining candidates can mourn for their companions, wishing you good luck. 】