Global Examination

Chapter 38: do you smoke? ┃Why ask this question?



Someone snapped their fingers on the side of You Huo's face.

The force was deliberately light, perhaps for fear of disturbing the monster, perhaps for fear of shocking people.

Confused for a moment, he turned around.

Qin Jiuzheng put his hand away: "What are you thinking about and stay still?"

"No." Youhu shook his head.

The lighter lingered on and went out again.

The cabin was pitch black, and only Qin Qiu's eyes shone faintly.

You Huo moved his finger holding the cigarette, and the feeling of deja vu flashed past again.

He turned his head to stare at the monster.

After a while, suddenly in the dark, he said, "Are you smoking?"

This question was endlessly asked, and Qin Qiu was stunned for a moment: "Now?"

Only then did You Huo react with ambiguity: "It's not..."

A moment of feeling passed, suddenly a little dull.

He has met Qin Qiu so many times, and he has never seen him buy cigarettes. What's more, it's too strange to grab someone casually and ask this. Thinking back on what he just asked now, he felt very stupid.

"Forget it, when I didn't ask."

You Huo regained his languid tone.

Qin Qiu seemed to want to say something.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, he suddenly stopped, and his fingers tapped on You Huo's shoulder twice, like a reminder.

Behind the stone pillar, the monster finally recovered from the cough.

Start moving quietly.

It seems to have a little fluorescent light on it, or maybe the abnormal fleshy white is more conspicuous in the dark.

Confused enough to see its movement.

Its huge eyes protruded a little from the back of the stone pillar, and turned up and down, left and right. The body that was enough to fill half the cabin rose and fell in the breath, and the countless extending limbs tapped lightly on the wooden floor with the rhythm of the ups and downs.

cluck clack.

This monster looks like a mutated big octopus, its limbs are tentacles, and the inside is even covered with suckers.

But it looks more blind than an octopus.

You Huo held his breath in disgust.

The tentacles of the ugly octopus are still extending, the huge head is tilted behind the stone pillar, and the eyes are turned away.

Suddenly, one of its tentacles stretched out instantly.

Like a gecko's tongue flicking a mosquito, jerking it somewhere.

With a bang.

The stacked wooden boxes collapsed all over the place.

The one hit directly by the tentacle had broken into several wooden boards.

Unfortunately, there is no one there.

The ugly octopus tilted its huge head to the other side again, and rolled its eyes.

Perceive carefully.

The cabin was silent, except for the murmur of water when it moved.

Youhuo felt that his shoulder was quietly poked twice again.

He turned his head and saw Qin Jiuchong open his palm to him, with a rotten cork on his palm.

The other party made a gesture.

You confused instantly.

Qin Zhuo stretched out his index finger with his spare hand:

The moment when three fingers stood up.

You Huo threw the half of the cigarette butt out of his hand, and at the same time, Qin Qiu threw the cork in the opposite direction.


The tentacles stretched out ridiculously fast, with the sound of wind.

The ugly octopus didn't move at all, and the two tentacles flicked in two directions at the same time.

Not surprisingly, a wooden cabinet was hit by seedlings and was directly knocked down.

In the process of falling, one end was stuck on the stone pillar, forming a triangular frame.

At the other end, the mountains of human bones were scattered by it.

The pelvis, skull, and leg bones flew all over the place.

Some were scattered in front of Youyou.

Youyou and the skull looked at each other.

Also many years ago, it was still flesh and blood, and it was the last crew of captains who were trapped. Or a certain candidate who was caught for the exam.

You Huo's fingers that stretched out to the bones stopped for a while, and instead grabbed a few nails and pieces of wood.

Without saying a word, he threw these things out one by one.

Every time one is thrown, the ugly octopus flies out a tentacle.

Throw another one, and fly another.

Not a single step, very excited...

How to say it, You Huo suddenly understood the meaning of the dog owner throwing the Frisbee.

The same goes for Qin Qiu.

For a time, the cabin fell into a strange confrontation.

He didn't move, Qin Jiu didn't move, and the ugly octopus didn't move.

Only the arms and tentacles are flying.

Just a few minutes.

The cabin was torn down into complete rubble, the tables, chairs, and cabinets were criss-crossed, and the food for the two of them remained untouched.

Ugly Octopus: "… "

The two bosses glanced at the probe and expressed their basic satisfaction with the current chaos.

They stopped for a while.

The cabin was suddenly quiet, the ugly octopus's eyes rolled again, and the body heaving slowed down.

It seemed to calm down again.

It's like playing a game with the food that comes to your mouth, not in a hurry.

Today this pair of food is more skinny.

But that's okay, it doesn't mind playing hide-and-seek for a while before eating.

Proper consumption will always increase the appetite and make the food look more delicious.

It thinks generously.

Food that resists is delicious.

Frightened, the meat loosened and lost its chewiness.

It even feels that it is too boring to eat in one go. It is best to let it eat two mouthfuls of pads, play for a day, and then eat two pads.

Maintain a certain hunger, and every bite will become extra satisfying.

It is also not afraid of food running away.

Anyway, no matter how to escape, at 0:00 at night, the food will be delivered to it, with panic, despair and a little helplessness.

The flavor is exceptionally rich.

You don't know what the ugly octopus is thinking.

I only saw that it squeezed the soft meat in its mouth hard, smashed it twice, and then leaked a few saliva.

The dim light outside the porthole just reflected in the past, shining brightly.

Confused: "… "

As soon as the monster drooled, the smell in the cabin became even more ecstasy.

You Huo held his breath and compared his eyes... Finally, he couldn't take it anymore.

He didn't even turn his head, and even scolded Qin Zhu several times.

Then use your fingers to compare the numbers quietly:

He bowed and rushed out.

On the other hand, Qin Jiu did not disappoint him, and at the same time moved.

The ugly octopus suddenly became excited, and more than a dozen tentacles attacked one after another.

Wherever there is movement, the tentacle hits.

Not one, but two.

Three if you don't catch two.

The messy cabin was deliberately created by the two of them, and it was beneficial to them without any harm.

When one crossed the stone pillar, the other just jumped over the stairs with arms.

While one leaned sideways against the iron cabinet, the other passed under the sloping wooden cabinet.

Less than two minutes later.

Youyou stood still behind the stone pillar.

Ugly octopus' tentacles are pointed and thin, and he grabs a handful in his hand...

Qin Qiu was half-squatting on the stairs, next to another stone pillar, and he stepped on the rest.

As for the ugly octopus...

Its tentacles were divided into two groups, and it went around the road with nine twists and eighteen bends in the sundries, and was stretched by two big men.

The huge head was shortened a bit, and he clawed on the spot with a split split.

You Huo asked Qin Qiu, "Did you bring that rope?"

"I've always regretted that the invigilator's things are not allowed to be brought..." Qin Qiu said regretfully, but his eyes swept around.

He reached out and fished out a piece of rope from the corner of the stairs, and glanced at it: "I just saw this, it should be used to tie the sails, here."

Qin Jiu stretched out his hand and threw the rope over.

You Huo caught it, and immediately tied the ends of a tentacle in his hand together and tied a ponytail.

"You really..." Qin Qiu said.

It looks cold and arrogant, how can I play with anything.

Youhu threw away his tied ponytail, raised his eyelids and looked at him, expressionlessly waiting for him to finish talking shit.

Qin Qiu gave a "uh" and changed his words: "It's funny and interesting."

As he spoke, he also groped from the stairs, found another rope, and tied the ends of the tentacles that he stepped on.

This is the double ponytail.

Ugly Octopus: "… "

Qin Jiu jumped down from the stairs with one hand supported.

The tentacles tied up by him drooped down from the side of the stairs and hung down like they were dead.

Qin Qiu flipped through it and said, "Can you eat this thing?"

Ugly Octopus: "… "

You confused: "...No."

Qin Qiu was quite surprised: "No? It looks no different from squid whiskers."

You Huo glanced at him in disbelief.

Qin Qiu thought he would say something like "Are you a pervert?", but the big guy said, "The head is too ugly."

Ugly Octopus: "… "

As he spoke, the ugly octopus's head quickly grew bigger.

It's suffocating...

Just listening to a few snaps, the ends of the tentacles that were bound suddenly snapped together.

Once the ugly octopus is freed from its captivity, it immediately retracts all its tentacles.

Seeing that the flesh-white huge body suddenly shrunk, and retracted freely into the gap in the wall.

In the blink of an eye, it slid away and disappeared, leaving only two bundles of ponytails that voluntarily gave up.

Haircut to save life

… Fine.

Youhuo turned on the lighter again and walked to the place where the ugly octopus disappeared.

I saw a few pieces of the wooden boat board there, leaving a hole less than one meter in diameter. Through the hole, you can see uneven reefs and several deep gaps.

The salty smell of sea water came from the gap, and a little sound of waves could be vaguely heard.

After a while, Qin Jiu whistled softly beside the porthole.

Wandering attention is drawn to the past.

"Run." Qin Qiu knocked on the window glass.

Outside the porthole is the deep sea.

On one side is the reef, and on the other is the sea under the ice.

It seems that the abandoned ship is still on the island, but it is stuck in a tricky edge position, so that they have not been able to find it here before.

You Huo thought, walked to the porthole and looked out.

In the sea not far away, a flesh-white shadow flashed past and swam away without looking back.

In an instant, the sea returned to its quiet and deep appearance.

"I don't smoke." Qin Qiu said suddenly.

Confused for a moment, he straightened up. I saw Qin Jiu was leaning against the porthole looking at him: "Is that what you asked before?"

You Huo didn't expect that he still remembered this stubble.

Qin Qiu said again, "Why do you want to ask this?"

"It's nothing." You Huo paused for a moment, "Pick up a cigarette butt and ask the owner."

Qin Qiu raised his eyebrows high when he remembered the moldy thing.

Confusion is gone.

The cabin was a mess.

You Huo and Qin Jiu swept the "battlefield" and found a lot of useful things from broken boxes and collapsed cabinets.

Includes candles, wind lanterns, compass.

There are even medieval-style badges, pocket watches, and a rusted case.

You Huo lit the lantern and finally gave the lighter a chance to breathe.

The two dialed the compass and followed the wind leaking in from the cabin to find the exit.

Shortly after.

In the cave, a group of candidates held torches and entered the cave one after another, exchanging news.

"Did you find it?"

"We went around there and walked along the coast for half an hour, but we didn't find any trace of the monster."

"Then... are there any bones?"

"No no."

"Oh oh oh that's good, I didn't see any bones and at least there is hope of surviving."

After You Huo and Qin Qiu disappeared, they were quite afraid.

But Shu Xue, a pregnant woman, took the initiative to grab the torch to find it, how could the others sit still, and immediately formed a team to go out.

But after searching for nearly an hour, nothing could be found.

It is said that there is still hope if there is no body.

But how small the hope is, they know clearly in their hearts...

Everyone suddenly fell silent for a while, and sighed with a sad look on their faces.

Before he could sigh to the end, two figures appeared at the entrance of the cave.

As soon as everyone turned their heads, they saw two people whose hearts were about to become bones, carrying two bundles of squid whiskers and a lantern in an iron box...

It came back in small packages.

Everyone: "..."

At this time, one of the two bosses also glanced at the score wall and muttered in a low voice in front of the dead rabbit: "Why didn't I violate the rules this time..."

Dead Rabbit: "..."

This is so illegal and addicting, isn't it? ?