Global Examination

Chapter 4: Erjin Palace ┃ Are you planning to live here?


You Huo came out of the confinement room, and the corridor was quiet.

The bald head on the opposite side was silent, and the blood oozing from the room was dripping everywhere.

He frowned slightly in disgust and let the bloodstain go out.

Not long after walking, he suddenly stopped.

An eerie feeling of being watched followed, as if something hooked its head down and stared at him with lifeless eyes.

Youyou raised his head.

There was a white ceiling overhead, and nothing but a dim light.

"Oh, fuck! I almost slept illegally, but the face of the dying coffin doesn't—" Someone hurried downstairs, and just turned around the corridor, the muttering stopped suddenly.

"You! Cough, are you out?"

You Huo retracted his gaze from the ceiling.

The person here is invigilator No. 922.

When he saw Wandering, he immediately returned to his business-like tone, said "borrowed" and strode deep into the corridor to open the bleeding door.

After a while, the bald head was released.

922 carried the limp middle-aged man, walking like a hemiplegia.

"Why are you still here?" he asked.

You Huo put his pocket in his pocket and said lazily, "Wait for you, I have no interest in turning into ashes."

922: "What about 154?"

Confused: "I don't know."

"A deadly prude and lazy again?"

922 grunted in the bottom of his throat.

He lifted the bald head that was gradually slipping up, and without bothering, he tilted his head toward the door and said, "Let's go, I'll take you back to the examination room."

The second floor of Xiaoyang Building.

Qin Qiu folded his arms, reclining lazily by the window, his eyes drooping.

The lights in the room were projected into the woods, and 922 walked through the light and shadow with two candidates, and soon drowned in the snow and fog.

Qin Qiu narrowed his eyes, staring at that place a little distracted.

The black bird suddenly croaked twice.

After a while, Qin Qiu "tsk" straightened up.

He walked back to the table, fiddled with the black bird's pointed beak, fed it a piece of food, and said, "Does it seem like something is missing?"

The black bird sneered vividly: "Oh."

Qin Research: "An invigilator?"

Blackbird: "Huh."

Qin Qiu knocked on the bird's beak, opened the door and went downstairs.

Before taking two steps, the black bird flapped its wings and followed.

He looked around the hall and turned into the corridor. There was a faint sound of chairs moving from one of the confinement rooms, and it was the one that you had just shut down.

Qin Qiu raised his eyebrows and knocked on the door three times in a hurry: "Anyone?"

The chairs inside were smashed a few times.

Qin Research: "Is it convenient for me to go in?"

The chair almost collapsed.

Qin Qiu removed the lock.

The door opened, revealing the missing Invigilator No. 154.

He was leaning into the chair tiredly, with both hands behind the chair, rope tied around him, and a huge ball of paper stuffed into his mouth.

On the ball of paper, someone calmly wrote a few words with a marker:

Fuck you little girl.

Qin Qiu suddenly laughed.

154 was about to jump with the chair, reminding Qin Qiu to let him go first.

As a result, I was a little cowardly when I saw the smile, and I put the chair down gently.

Fortunately, Qin Jiu didn't appreciate the swearing words for too long.

After a while, 154 finally threw off the rope and regained his freedom.

He rubbed the wrist that had been strangled and scolded: "I have been an invigilator for three years, and I have never seen such a candidate! People cry and grab the ground, but he sleeps? People are afraid to provoke the invigilator, so he will tie me up when they come up. How many times?"

Qin Jiu supported the table and listened, and said lazily, "It rhymes quite a bit, let's continue."

154: "…"

If possible, he would like to show the boss the "Fuck you" on the paper ball.

"As an invigilator, is it embarrassing to be tied up in the confinement room by the examinee?" Qin Qiu asked with narrowed eyes.

154 said with a sullen face on the coffin: "I lost it. Fortunately, 922 didn't see it, otherwise he would be able to laugh for two years."

Anyone familiar with this mechanism knows that invigilators are selected from previous candidates. Only the best people can complete this identity transformation.

These people are arranged in order of execution and toughness, which is the current invigilator number.

The serial numbers are in single digits, and they are all big bosses, and no one dares to provoke them.

Such as 001.

"You said just now, that one..." Qin Zhuo paused, as if he was considering an adjective, but finally raised his eyebrows and said, "The candidate is sleeping in the confinement room?"

"Yes. When I came in, the nose was still the nose, the eyes were still the eyes, what the confinement room was like or what it was like, nothing changed. He had nothing to be afraid of."

154 thought for a while, and then asked in doubt: "Is it possible? How can there be such a person? I have seen such a person in my life."

Qin Qiu narrowed his eyes and fiddled with the neck of the black bird on his shoulders with his fingers.

"Maybe it's because life is so smooth that I haven't encountered anything I'm afraid of?" 154 guessed, "But the so-called "success" ends today. This group of candidates was lucky enough to get the toothpaste question on the first question. ."

Qin Qiu glanced at him.

"The title is the same as squeezing toothpaste. I don't know if it's a bug."

Qin Qiu: "Which other name is it replaced by?"

"The fool at 922 took it, it has nothing to do with me." 154 said with a sullen face, "but it's still a good image. When I took the exam, I was most afraid of this kind of question! It's not really how difficult, but the original The amount of information is about 0, and I can't find any points to get points, so the first time the paper is collected, it is invalid by default, and it is destined to have a companion to sacrifice to the sky."

154 thought back for a moment, and then murmured fearfully: "Fortunately, I only met once in total, but luckily I wasn't selected... I wonder who this group of candidates will be today?"

He glanced at the time: "It's not a few seconds."

In front of the Snow Mountain Lodge.

Tired to death, 922 put his face so tight that he could not breathe because of his face, and called out You Huo again before he left.

"Anything else?" You Huo's face was impatient.

The time for the first roll-up was coming, and across the roaring snow and wind, he could feel the panic in the hut.

Really can't afford to delay a second.

922 said: "There is also a stipulation that as people who have been in confinement, the two of you cannot answer the questions in this round of papers."

You Huo's face turned cold again.

922 waved his hand: "Don't stare at me, anyway, the first round of this kind of question is fatal, and you can't step on the bonus point—"

Before he finished speaking, You Huo had turned his head and opened the door.

At the moment when the heat was blowing, the sound of roosters sounded without warning.

It's time to rewind.

The bald head was so frightened that he fell to his knees and shrank to the corner of the wall, his eyes trembling blankly.

He played a leading role, and several people who were stupid in the room were paralyzed.

Yu Wenban knelt on the ground, his knees pressed against the fallen tattooed man, holding something in his hand, as if he had just grabbed it.

He looked blankly at the sound of chickens, raised his hand and muttered, "Brother, I found the knife, but the time... is it?"

and then

Everyone slumped to the ground in a daze, so frightened that they forgot to breathe.

The crowing of roosters made them panic.

"Really... will I be kicked out of the exam room?" someone murmured very lightly.

Will it really be wiped out in the wind and snow? Like that tin can that turns into powder when you throw it out

Peng! !

The locked door suddenly popped open and hit the wall hard.

everyone trembled

Outside the door, 922, who had not left, also stood still.

An unprecedented wind swept over, as if a high-altitude aircraft suddenly unloaded the door, and the huge suction force pulled everyone desperately.


Lao Yu exclaimed, suddenly fell to the ground, and slid out of the door.

It was as if an invisible pair of hands were pulling at his ankles to throw him out.

"The rooster crows 9 times, and the winding is over."

"Also, there is a trick in the first round of this mentally handicapped question, tsk... It's shameless."

These two words suddenly came to mind.

Wandering didn't have time to think about it, grabbed the thin-handled folding knife in Taiwen's hand, jumped over the long table that was in the way, and stood in front of the answering wall.

In the last rooster, he scribbled one word:


922 outside the door: "..."

Is it okay to ride a horse? ? ?

This really works.

The crowing of the roosters and the blizzard came to an abrupt end.

Lao Yu's head stood by the door, and the top hair was gone. Yu Wen hugged one of his legs and rolled on the ground in embarrassment.

Their hearts were beating wildly, their faces were blank for a while, and then they turned to look at the answering wall.

After a century, there is a red comment next to the word "Solution" of the dragon flying phoenix dance:

Everyone was stunned.

922 looks drunk.

He stood in the cold wind for a few seconds, then turned his head and rushed back to report.

After a long while, the people in the room digested this scene.

He got up from the ground with soft legs.

"Oh, I'm going, but I'm scared to death..." Lao Yu was shaved into the Mediterranean Sea, his scalp was broken, and blood was gurgling down.

Fortunately, people are still alive.

Yu Wen let go of his dad's legs and collapsed on the ground like a dead dog.

After a few seconds, he sat up again and clapped to himself: "Look at my pig brain! How can I forget this stubble! Before the exam, the teacher told me thousands of times that I don't care if I get the paper. Write all the words first, each word is worth two points!!! Brother, how are you so powerful!"

"… "

You Huo put away the knife without saying a word, and didn't think it was a compliment.

In order to prevent the mentally retarded from continuing to mention the word "jie", he opened his mouth with respect and took the initiative to ask Yu Wen a question: "Who held the knife?"

At the mention of the knife, Yu Wen instantly lowered his face: "Who else!"

He pointed to the tattooed man and said, "He! I found it from him! I said something was wrong with him, and everyone was looking for clues. He was like a dog with winter food, and he put all kinds of knives in his pockets. If it wasn't for Sister Yu Yao who was hit in the stomach by him, everyone was in a commotion and dropped the knife, and I don't know when they would find it!"

Thinking of the scene just now, he couldn't help but be afraid for a while.

If those quarrels and confusions hadn't happened, if they were unlucky and found the knife a little later, they wouldn't be able to catch up with the first roll up even if they returned from wandering.

Then his father was older than...

The tattooed man was held down on a chair, and everyone was about to ask the teacher to ask the guilt.

The answer wall suddenly changed.

Question: A group of travelers came to the snow-capped mountains and stayed overnight in Orion A's hut. A said: I have 13 sets of tableware, but the food is limited, so I can only entertain 12 people. There are secrets hidden in the tableware, and there is a person destined to die. Will you be spared? It's actually not that hard, after all, light is the most wonderful thing in the world.

REQUIREMENTS: Find the right damn cutlery set (but don't damage the cutlery)

Test knowledge point: optics

Everyone: "… "

Just when everyone looked at the title in a daze, another line of words appeared below.

Violation warning: Candidates who have been punished for answering questions in violation of the rules have been notified to the invigilator.

Invigilator: 001, 154, 922.

Everyone: "… "

ten minutes later.

On the second floor of Xiaoyang Building, in the invigilator's office. The invigilator No. 001 and the illegal candidates who entered the palace were silent.

Confused: "… "

Qin Research: "..."

After a long time, the invigilator who fiddled with the pen hummed, raised his eyelids and asked lazily, "Are you planning to live here?"