Global Examination

Chapter 42: Don't know each other in person ┃ Has your brain been interfered with (2)


The researcher said: "Encounter? He doesn't remember me, I don't remember him, this kind of thing can't be called encounter, that is, strangers walk the same way."

154: "How about you recognize it?"

"How many of his critical illness notices?" Qin Jiu replied casually, and after a while he said lazily: "... I should ask him to stay away, regardless of whether it's true or false, it's not a good thing to get together after all."

Qin Qiu blinked, then returned to 078 and said to them: "Okay, it's time to rest, I have something to do with 922, so I don't have to be so inspiring."

A group of invigilators said that your previous movements were not what they said!

922 asked: "What are you looking for from me?"

Qin Qiu stretched out his hand: "Have you brought a charging treasure? Lend me to use it."

922: "…"

922: "..."

922: "… … … … …"

At this point, 078 finally realized that he had come up with a bad idea.

In order to stop the loss in time, he bit the bullet and separated the two big guys again. You Huo returned to the No. 1 confinement room, and Qin Jiu continued to stay in No. 2.

Before turning around and going to the next door, You Huo pulled Qin Qiu and wanted to say something.

But he remembered the words of 078 just now, those death notices and uncountable steel plates, and felt that it was not so appropriate to tell Qin Qiu that he was examiner A at this time...

It's rare that the atmosphere is not bad, so why rush to get stiff.

Moreover, he has no conclusive evidence to prove that he is Examiner A.

If you haven't even passed this level yourself, why do you need to block others

The second half of this round of confinement went by extraordinarily long.

At least the process of waiting for the phone to come back to life seemed particularly long... It looked like a century.

The phone seemed to be joking with him on purpose.

Just before 922 came to open the door again, the screen suddenly turned on.

This time, Qin Jiu didn't waste any time, and quickly clicked into the video interface.

As soon as the play button was pressed, the street came alive under the blurred light and shadow.

Chapter 54 Jumping into the sea ┃ Here, Qin Jiu called him "a top student", and the system called him "examinee wandering". In this video many years ago, he was "Examiner A".

The moment the video lights up.

Qin Jiu's first reaction was to see if the connector of the charging cable was firmly inserted, so as not to see the power cut halfway.

He was stunned for a moment until he squeezed the end of the data cable and pressed it tightly, and then he burst into laughter.

how to say…

If he was a bystander at the moment, seeing 922 or 154 make such a move, he would definitely feel that they were nervous.

He has lived for thirty years, at least in the current memory, this is the first time.

And this feeling came for no apparent reason and was inexplicable.

He is obviously just a person who doesn't think of it often and who has never shown his face in his memories, but it seems like...

He waited a long time for this look.

The scene at the beginning of the video swept quickly, from an empty street to an ordinary apartment building, to a commercial block, and finally to a boy's face.

The boy looked haggard, with a thick blue shadow at the moment, but his eyes were still bright and energetic.

This is Zhao Wentu, who has not yet become a villager.

It wasn't until he saw this video that Qin Jiu suddenly realized that the guy who kept "Brother Qin" long and "Brother Qin" short in his diary all day was a big boy who had not graduated from college.

He turned the phone on.

Zhao Wentu's voice rang out: "-I just left the apartment and went out for a walk to digest food. This is today's street, and I can't get a single person out with a stick, and there are no birds."

The camera reverts to the empty street intersection.

Zhao Wentu explained: "Did you see, there is a white fog all the way to the end. We walked from there when we came out of the examination room, and passed through the white fog to enter this resting place. I have been pondering for the past two days, if I am now If you walk over and get out of the white fog, what will you see? Will there be monsters in the fog? Or will you go back to the previous exam room? Or will you go somewhere else?”

The camera jolted gently with his footsteps.

As the boy said, he really walked in the direction of Bai Wu for a while.

"Forget it, it's a little embarrassing. I'm still following— eh?" Zhao Wentu said, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

The camera shakes.

"I'm just frightening me, why are people still sneaking in from there..." He muttered.

Because of his fright, he seemed to turn his head and run two steps.

But soon he stopped again.

"Wait a minute... That seems to be my brother Qin!"

Zhao Wentu's tone was a little happy.

The camera shakes again, accompanied by the noise of kara kara.

But it quickly stabilized again.

Judging from the passing branches, he seemed to have avoided the roadside and stood beside a certain fence.

Zhao Wentu's voice suddenly became clear, as if he was whispering close to the microphone.

"Examiner A! That examiner A is also there, standing with Brother Qin. I don't know what to say. The service desk of the apartment said that the invigilator usually doesn't come to the resting place. This is probably the only time I have photographed the invigilator. … The rounding is to capture the system. I hope that when I pass the exam alive, this video will not become a desert and snowflakes.”

"Come... see the god of plague..."

Following Zhao Wentu's words, the camera focused on that street corner again.

The originally empty place suddenly became popular.

There was a car parked on the street, low-key black, which gradually overlapped with the one-sided image in Qin Qiu's memory.

There were two people standing beside the car. They were both tall, and they were a little small compared to a dusty newsstand not far away.

However, the one on the left is a few centimeters away, and even higher.

With his coat hanging from his elbows, he leaned against the car door behind him after saying a few words, the shirt collar was unbuttoned and left open so casually. The clasped arms outline the muscles and muscles.

That was Qin Jiu himself a few years ago.

There is no change in the outline of the facial features, but the hair is slightly shorter, the expression is more arrogant, and the lazy and arrogant temperament is more extroverted.

As for the one next to him...

Even if the distance of the camera is far away, it can be seen that it is an extremely handsome young man, whose skin is still dazzlingly white under the sun setting in the west.

He wore the simplest plain shirt, army green trousers, and his calves were long and straight, wrapped in standard leather boots. When he listened to people's speech, he always lowered his eyebrows, cold and a little sleepy.

Like a narrow knife wrapped in a long sheath.

This set of clothes occasionally appeared in the system's leftover materials, and it was the uniform of the first batch of invigilators. But in those leftover images, no one can dress so well.

The phone flashed again, and there was a brief two-second blurry screen.

Qin Qiu seemed to be unaware, his eyes fixed on it, motionless.

When the blurry screen disappears, the scene in the lens gradually enlarges.

Zhao Wentu was in the middle of the shoot and felt that the distance was too far to record all the details of the two, so he pulled the long-range view into a close-up view.

The young man's appearance clearly appeared in the center of the camera...

Familiar eyebrows, familiar lips, even the impatience and the gesture of touching the earlobe when frowning occasionally... are all familiar.

The only difference was that his earlobes were clean and he didn't wear that dazzling stud.

Less than two hours ago, he was still standing in this confinement room, next to Qin Qiu.

They have known each other for less than a month.

Here, Qin Jiu called him "a top student", and the system called him "examinee wandering".

In this video many years ago, he was "Examiner A".

Qin Jiu saw himself move away from the car a few years ago, stood up straight, and said something.

Because of the angle, he couldn't read the content with his lips.

Examiner A walked right in front of him, went around to the driver's seat and opened the door.

He held onto the roof of the car and said something lukewarm.

This time, Qin Qiu saw it clearly.

He said, "By your auspicious words, it's best to never see you again."

With his back to the camera, Qin Qiu raised his hand and touched his forehead, and nodded his ear again, as if to say that he had listened in and that he would not see each other again.

The street corner in the shot should be in late autumn, and even the sun setting in the west is cool.

The dead leaves of the wall fell to the ground and swirled again in the wind vortex.

Examiner A got into the driver's seat.

After a while, the car reversed direction and gradually accelerated along the street. In a blink of an eye, it disappeared into the white fog and disappeared.

This time the confinement was lifted, it should have been 078.

After sitting in the lounge for an hour, the warrior suddenly came to his senses, realizing that he had mentioned something that should not have been mentioned before, at least something unpleasant, which made the 001 unhappy.

After thinking about it, he decided not to add to the blockage, and temporarily changed posts with 922.

922 had lingering fears about the previous rocket launcher, for fear of hitting the warhead when entering the door, so he knocked on the door before unlocking it.

No one answered...

The sound insulation of the confinement room is not bad, and it sounds quiet outside the door.

922 knocked on the door again, still no answer.

He thought for a while with a weird look on his face, but he still took the initiative to unlock the lock.

"Boss, the confinement time is over."

He said that he got into the door, and turned around and was stunned.

Qin Jiu is not absent.

He was standing there, very close to the door of the confinement room. Holding an old mobile phone in his hand, there was a rustling noise inside.

Not knowing what was being played, he stared at the screen, unaware that anyone had entered the door.


"… "

922 was puzzled and walked to Qin Qiu's side.

When he looked at the phone, the video was in the second half.

After only watching it for a few seconds, he also froze.

The early invigilator uniform 922 is known.

Youhuo's face 922 is also known.

But when the two are put together... he suddenly doesn't know each other.

It wasn't until the video started to loop again that 922 suddenly came back to his senses.

There was a knock on the door outside, and 154's voice came in vaguely.

"922? Where's the person? Did the pick-up boss get lost?"

922 was stunned for a moment, and when he turned his head again, Qin Qiu had raised his eyes.

"Boss..." 922 pointed to the screen, and then pointed to the direction outside the door: "Then why is who is in here? Isn't that the first batch of invigilator uniforms? Why is he wearing that?"

"This shot is... Who is it?"

There was a sound of the door being unlocked.

The moment the door of the confinement room opened, Qin Jiu narrowed his eyes in the light that suddenly came in.

I don't know how long they have been delayed here, but there are already several people waiting in the cabin corridor.

154 breathed a sigh of relief when he saw them, and said angrily, "scare me, I thought what happened. Today's round of confinement is really... "

Next to 021, he added a sentence: "I am exhausted physically and mentally."

154 nodded subconsciously, glanced at Qin Qiu and immediately shook his head and said, "It's alright."

Beside them, You Huo leaned against the porthole and waited lazily, subconsciously touching the earrings with one hand. He raised his eyelids, his light brown eyes were reflected transparently by the oil lamp, and looked at Qin Qiu.

At that moment, his expression gradually overlapped with examiner A in the video.

It seems like it hasn't changed over the years.

Qin Qiu's lips moved.

Surprisingly, he turned off the phone screen and put it in his coat pocket, looked at You Huo deeply, and said to 922, "No one."

922: "…"

Am I blind...

On the way back, the atmosphere of the entire cabin was very strange.

154 A person who can resist like this feels a bit unbearable. But he couldn't say for a while what was wrong.

It wasn't until the little white boat moored to the shore that he watched the two of them drill into the stone cave in the sea breeze, and then he reacted suddenly...

The two plague gods didn't rush to 922 for a late night snack

"What happened in the confinement room? Why do I feel that the boss's mood is not right? You too, what did you think about when you came out and swam like a wandering soul?"

922 crooked, looking at him fixedly.

Everything in the video is spinning fast...

It is known that the uniform was only worn by the first batch of invigilators, and then it was random.

It is also known that the first batch of invigilators have basically seen 922, and even if they have not seen real people, they have seen photos.

Except for one person...

Examiner A…

When 922 catches 154, it's a "Fuck!"

Just as he was about to speak, he stepped down.

Just listening to the sound of pop and pop, 154 was dragged straight into the sea by this unlucky colleague.