Global Examination

Chapter 50: The past ┃ make persistent efforts, big examiner


"Mr. 001, even though your ranking is very high, you almost became my immediate boss. I'm glad that you were close." 021 turned around and added stubbornly: "But I have to remind you that you are now under , penalty, period."

She especially emphasized the last three words.

After speaking, she turned to You Huo and said, "You too."

Qin Jiu nodded: "Thank you for reminding me, but if I remember correctly, there doesn't seem to be a rule that says: The invigilator who has been punished for the penalty period can't go home by the way?"

After he finished speaking, he also asked 922 and 154: "Is there any?"

922 was in the midst of the shock of "the boss invited examiner A to go home". He dropped the call for a long time and didn't speak.

154 said: "No."

154 has always been on the side of his boss, and the report is not enough, and he repeated to 021: "It's really not."

"… "

021 glared at him.

Of course, there are no rules for those who want to ride a horse, because there was no examiner like your boss before, so I have a little bit of it in my heart, okay

She was determined to go back directly, anyway, as we all know she doesn't like 001.

But the worst thing is that the amnesiac examiner A has a good relationship with him, and if his attitude is too bad, it will affect her image.

She could only hold back and say another sentence: "A candidate can't enter the invigilator's residence for no reason. This is clearly stipulated, I'm afraid you forgot."

This Qin researcher really forgot.

He gave an "oh" and said calmly, "It's okay if there is a reason."

Because of your uncle.

021's Leng Yan face couldn't hold back: "The accommodation for the punished candidates for the past three days has been arranged. If you have any objections, go to the system. If you have time to go home after the punishment, that's your business. I don't care."

After speaking, she slammed into the building with her high heels on.


The Twin Towers are much like ordinary commercial buildings, with three elevator doors on the first floor.

There are warning lights of different colors on the top of the door, red, white and blue.

922 was absent-minded, and subconsciously stood in front of the red lighted elevator, and was glanced at by 021.

"Wrong." 154 dragged him to Lan Lan's side and reminded: "The boss didn't violate the rules in the living area. He counted these rounds according to the candidates."

When You Huo heard this sentence, he understood in his heart—

The three elevators cannot be mixed and should be distinguished by identity.

The blue light is only for candidates.

The red light is for invigilators only.

What about white lights

NPC only? Exclusive use for rest area bosses, drivers and waiters

You are a little curious.

There were two "dings" in the hall.

The blue light elevator they were waiting for opened, and the red light elevator on the far side actually opened.

Two people walked out one after the other.

The one in front is a young man, dressed meticulously, and has a match with 154.

Seeing other people in the hall, he was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Good evening."

Maybe it was because of Qin Jiu's presence, he nodded his head in a big way, with a kind of honest respect.

When he raised his head, he glanced at 021 quietly, with a serious expression and red ears.

A middle-aged man came out behind.

Her hair was untreated, it was messy like a chicken coop, and there was a circle of stubble around her chin, as if she hadn't shaved in days.

The moment he saw him, 021 froze.

Because this is also an early invigilator who also knows examiner A.

It is said that he was once very powerful, and age seems to have no effect on him. But after an injury, his physical function began to decline in an all-round way, and he ended up in the 1006 ranking.

This is the result of a compromise with his early achievements.

If you only count the past two years, he may be ranked last.

021 thought that it would be quite difficult to see these people at ordinary times, but today, for some reason, they came out one after another, causing her to be blocked.

Fortunately, 1006 is an old fritter.

He half-opened his eyes and raised his finger here. He probably didn't even see anyone clearly, and mumbled, "Okay."

Turn around and leave.

021 breathed a sigh of relief.

She blocked the elevator door and urged, "Come in quickly."

While talking, 078 hurried over and got into the elevator according to the time.

There is no floor button in the elevator, so go up by yourself.

Youyou glanced at it.

Qin Qiu explained: "It's all random on which floor you stop at."

You confused: "What's the difference?"

He thought that Qin Jiu would say "difficulty" or something, but the other party said, "The difference between good luck and bad luck."

Youhuo immediately ignored him.

After a few seconds, he suddenly remembered: "Who was the invigilator just now?"

It was the first time he had seen an invigilator of this style.

021 wanted to answer the question, but she had to try her best to hold back her coldness.

But the next second, she regretted why she didn't speak.

Because the person who answered was Qin Qiu again.

"An invigilator who just finished his punishment." Qin Jiao said.

"What? Who?" 078 didn't keep up with the rhythm.

154 said: "Just met 1006."

078 suddenly realized: "I seem to have seen it. I ran too fast to say hello. He was punished again?"

154: "Hmm."

078 said: "That face must be bad."

154: "Yeah, quite haggard."

078 glanced at You Huo, and bluffed and said, "After all, punishment is still tough."

He smacked his mouth a few times, and glanced at You Huan again.

The other party was indifferent.

"… "

078 felt that he had blinded his acting skills.


The elevator stopped quickly.

The metal door opened, but the four invigilators did not move.

"It's here, let's go. The punishment this time is to clean up the exam room." 078 took out his mobile phone and glanced at the time, and said, "It's 9:30, it's a little late, I hope you can get it done in one night, and see you later."

After speaking, the elevator door was closed again, and the four invigilators went down.

"What do you mean by cleaning up the exam room?" You Huo retracted his gaze from the closed elevator door.

"After an exam is over, some exam rooms will become more ugly, which requires some cleaning." Qin Qiu said: "The system uses this as a means of punishment, because the trouble encountered in the cleaning process is not necessarily better than the exam. few."

After he finished speaking, he paused and added: "Except for the destroyed examination room."

Youhuo nodded.

The floor they were on was a large flat and empty.

There is a large floor-to-ceiling window facing the elevator, and sitting by the window is an old gray-haired man who is dozing off with his head down.

The conversation and movement just now didn't wake him up.

"Looking for him?" You Huuchong raised his chin to the old man.

Qin Qiu glanced around and said, "It should be, I didn't see the second living creature."

What should be...

Youyou: "You haven't been here before?"

"You can be a little misunderstood. Generally speaking, I am very disciplined." Qin Qiu said.

He walked towards the old man and tapped his fingers in front of him.

After knocking, he turned his head to You Huo and said, "This is the first time."

The old man shuddered and finally woke up.

He raised his head, and as soon as he saw Qin Qiu, he said, "Why are you here again?"

Qin Research: "… Who?"

Old man: "You."

Qin Qiu said angrily, "I admit the wrong person."

The old man seemed a little confused.

His old eyes stared at Qin Qiu for a moment, then muttered in a low voice, "Are you mistaken? Oh... Maybe, my memory is not very good lately."

The old man lowered his head and thought for a moment, then brushed his hair with his fingers and said, "Forget it, I don't want to. Come on—"

He pointed to the metal table in front of him: "Press the palm of your hand, you need to register the violation information."

Qin Jiu did as he did.

The moment the palm was pressed, a few lines of words appeared on the screen:

Name: Qin Zhuo

Admission ticket number: 86010-06141729-Gi

Associated admission ticket number: 86010-06141729-82

Past record: 12 times

The old man was instantly excited: "Twelve times, I said that I did not admit my mistake, it was you!"

Qin Qiu was stunned.

He turned to look at You Huo.

Wandering: "Tell a joke, first time here."

Qin Research: "..."

"Did you miss a digit?"

Qin Zhou stared at the information, touched the side of his neck and said, "The old admission ticket number is associated with it, it should have come during the exam period."

But 12 times…

Wandering: "According to every test you have violated the rules, you have violated 12 subjects?"

Qin Research: "...about the same."

"It's a five-course system now, how many subjects did you have at that time? 15 subjects?"

Before Qin Qiu could speak, the old man interjected: "Where are the 15 doors, only 5 doors, and 9 doors in the sky."

Qin Qiu raised his eyebrows.

The old man said: "put your eyebrows down, I remember you, you can't be wrong! Although my memory is poor now, and people are a little dull. But I remember you, and the impression is too deep... "

Really impressed.

As you get older, people become slow.

What did he do before, why did he come here, when did he become a janitor... The old man can't remember these things.

On the contrary, the gatekeepers have seen candidates in the past few years, and occasionally still have an impression.

Qin Qiu was the one who left the deepest impression.

He can even recall sporadic scenes.

It was too easy for him.


It was a rainy day, and the floor-to-ceiling windows were full of blue and gray, and lightning flashed and thundered.

The dozing old man was woken up by a thunderstorm and did not fall back asleep.

He was staring out the window in a daze, when the elevator suddenly rang.

He turned to look over.

There were two people standing in the opened elevator door.

One is Qin Qiu, and the other is standing in the corner of the elevator, because of the angle problem, he never sees his face.

All I could see was a hand supporting the railing, the sleeves of the shirt were white and clean, and there were long straight black military boots.

Qin Qiu raised his finger and greeted the old man: "Good afternoon."

The old man said, "Why is it you again?"

Qin Qiu smiled: "Yes, I'm here again."

The examinee's lazy virtue is really bad.

Not only the old man felt this way, but also the one in the elevator.

When the old man saw the military boots move, the man said to Qin Qiu, "Get out of the elevator and chat again, don't hold the door, I'm in a hurry."

"What time is it?" Qin Qiu turned around and asked.

"… a meeting. Does it have anything to do with you?"

Qin Zun snorted, and replied nonchalantly, "It's okay, I've made progress."

"What progress?"

Qin Qiu: "I will answer questions. I am a little more enthusiastic than the last time I met, and it is more obvious than the last time."

"… "

The old man was itching for the man's feet.

If there were boots, he kicked.

Sure enough, he saw the military boot lifted.

Qin Qiu smiled and let go of his leg and walked out of the elevator.

He pressed the downstairs button for the invigilator, and when the elevator door slowly closed, he waved at the person inside: "Keep up the good work, big examiner."

The elevator went down.

Qin Qiu turned around and walked in front of the old man, and pressed his palm familiarly.

With a beep, a few lines of information appeared on the screen:

Name: Qin Zhuo

Admission ticket number: 86010-06141729-82

Past record: 5 times

The old man couldn't help but ask, "How many subjects did you take?"

"Five doors."

The expression of the old man became indescribable: "Do you have to come back and forth?"

"It's not. I have to retake the test twice, so it should be considered five times seven times."

"Are you quite proud?"

Qin Qiu laughed again.

The examinee is often smiling, laughing when he speaks, but also when he is too lazy to speak.

But nine times out of ten these smiles have an air of arrogance.

Maybe it's not a serious thing at heart.

All in all, it's pretty annoying.

The old man said, "You should be the last one, right? Should you go out after the punishment?"


The old man choked with a sip of water in his throat: "Aren't there five subjects aside from the re-examination?"

Qin Qiu took out a card from his pocket: "There is one left."

The old man took a closer look, and there were two bold words on the card: retake the exam.

"… "

Qin Qiu added: "But it's a pity, it may not be useful anymore."

The old man asked curiously, "Why?"

"Because I got a black card, the examination system was reformed." Qin Qiu said, "According to the grade, it is enough to stay at C."

elder:"… "

No, what is stable at C? ?

He thought the candidate might be a pervert.

He tapped the control button hard.

The floor-to-ceiling windows disappeared instantly, and the torrential rain rushed in with thunder.

The place where the old man was sitting was just outside the range where he was being pounced on.

This is the punishment area. The punishment content is to clean up the examination room, and the examination room is random.

As long as the examinee climbs down from the open floor-to-ceiling window, it will be the test room where the floor is.

The old man always felt that the process of climbing was a terrible punishment.

Don't talk about such a high building, just standing on the edge and looking at it makes your legs weak.

He has seen a lot of crying and crawling all the way.

Only Qin Zhu is an exception.

This person has been practicing in the army for a long time, and there is nothing to be afraid of.

Watching him walk towards the window, the old man couldn't help but ask, "Why are you retaking the exam? Score points?"

Qin Qiu stopped at the edge, and the rain slid down his handsome thin face.

He smiled and said, "Guess what."

Then he rolled over and jumped out.