Global Examination

Chapter 63: Lord Duke ┃ He suddenly felt that the collar around You Hun's neck was too tight


The invigilator No. 1006 is highly qualified and has seen the world, and the blood in one hand did not frighten him to death.

He just pulled a cloth towel, wiped his hands and neck, and covered the wound.

"What dress, your expression?"

With what happened just now, Gao Qi's attitude towards Qin Qiu was a little better.

He opened the bedroom door to look out, and said with a hoot, "And what about the skirt?"

"It's pretty, who wears it?" He winked at the two in the room narrowly.

As soon as he squeezed, he found that the two were looking at him with a terrifying look.

How terrible is it

It was a natural, unquestionable look, as if he just stayed a few more seconds before the big skirt would wrap around his neck.

"… "

Gao Qi stopped laughing in an instant, hesitated for a moment, and ran away.

"See you at the dinner party!" He grunted onto the balcony and fled back to the next door in a swift and violent manner 15 years younger.

He slipped too fast, and the footman outside the door noticed that the movement was wrong, but when he came in, he came face-to-face with You Huo.

"What happened sir?" The valet glanced into the room.

You Huo held the door, blocking most of his sight: "It's okay."

He was about to close it when the valet reached the door and said, "I heard something—"

"It's none of your business."


Wandering interrupted him impatiently: "Do you want to see Madam's dress up?"

After speaking, Peng-di closed the door.

Inside the house, Qin Jiu just came out of the bedroom.

He was holding the big skirt and said, raised his eyebrows and said, "Which lady changed her clothes?"

Just kidding, this is a bastard, and he took a skirt and compared it on You Huo, and said "uh".

Confused: "… "

Well your grandma.

He was carrying the knife used by Gao Qi for "self-cutting" in his hand, the tip of the knife pointed to the next door and said, "Go to the next door and change your dress."

Qin Jiu smiled and put down the dangerous objects, jumped onto the balcony and left.

This castle is really huge.

When a pair of guests came out of the house wearing dresses and masks, it actually gave people an illusion.

It seems that time and space are already chaotic, and the other guests in the castle are real old-century aristocrats.

Zhou Qi originally looked around to see the layout of the castle. At this time, he cautiously approached You Huo a few steps.

Youyou glanced at her: "Afraid?"

Zhou Qi smiled embarrassingly and said, "The clothes are almost the same, and the masks are similar. I can't tell who is who. I just stood two steps away to look at you, and I feel like you are from here, and I am the only candidate who sneaked in. Kind of scary…”

Wandering hands on the stone wall of the promenade, looking down at the people coming and going below, no intention to leave.

The footman urged: "Sir, ma'am, I'll take you to the banquet hall."

You Huoyan didn't raise his eyes: "Wait someone."

The valet said, "The dinner party is about to begin."

Confused: "Oh."

The valet said: "The duke is waiting for you."

Confused: "Wait."

Servant: "Madam is already here, who else are you looking for?"

As an NPC, he doesn't seem to understand relationships other than "husband and wife".

Wandering ignored him.

The footman added, "You can go to the banquet hall first and then look for it."

You are deaf.

Servant: "..."

While speaking, the wooden door next door creaked open.

Qin Jiu pushed the door and saw You Huo standing by the corridor.

The dress made him tall and straight, and when he turned his head to look at him, the fabric between his waist and crotch was slightly wrinkled. The mask covered the upper half of his face, with intricate and gorgeous patterns, which contrasted sharply with the cold lip corners of the lower half of his face.

Qin Qiu paused.

At that moment, he suddenly felt that the collar around You Hao's neck was too tight.

So much so that he wanted to rip off the top button, take off half of the mask, bite or kiss it, in short, he wanted to do something to destroy the meticulousness and let the cold lips show some other emotions.

Perhaps the wall lamp overhead was dim and ambiguous.

He actually felt that such confusion was not unfamiliar, and he could even imagine the other party's indifference.

It was almost as if it had been seen before.

But only almost.

That subtle familiarity is fleeting, as fast as a passing illusion.

"Is it all right now?" the servant asked again, his face was straight, but his eyes flickered a little uneasy, as if he was confused and didn't move, he could cry on the spot for everyone to see.

Youhuo let out an "um" and stood up straight.

He saw Qin Qiu tugging at the collar of his dress and walked over unhurriedly, just about to say something.

The other door also opened, Gao Qi moved out embarrassedly, and complained to Zhao Jiatong while pulling his sleeves: "This thing is really uncomfortable to wear, the collar is not the collar, the waist is not the waist, are you bullying us with short necks... eh? Is this waiting for me?"

He grabbed the hem of his clothes and asked Youyou.

You Huo paused, nodded to Gao Qi and said, "Hurry up."

Gao Qi was moved.

The big man felt a little guilty.

They lived the furthest away, and they were in no hurry to change their dresses.

When they left, there were no other candidates on the third floor.

The three pairs of guests actually have three servants who lead the way.

The three footmen were fast, and if they could, they would probably choose to drag these candidates to run down.

The overall tone of the castle is dark.

The duke seemed to have a special liking for the color that was close to blood, the curtains, the drapery and the tablecloth.

There is a portrait oil painting every tens of meters on the corridor wall.

The painting shows a family of three.

A woman in a red dress sat in an armchair with her left elbow on one side, her snow-white neck and shoulders were soft and beautiful, looking gentle and dignified... She held a mask in her right hand, covering the upper half of her face.

The exposed lips were bright red and plump, and the corners of the mouth were raised in a smile.

There was also a little boy standing beside her, his hair was meticulously combed, and he was wearing a delicate little white dress. With one hand on the woman's wrist, the other hand also holds a mask.

Behind the mother and son stood a tall, thin man. He bent slightly, leaning against the back of the armchair. He also covered his face with a mask in one hand, with a smile on his lips.

This should be the Duke's family.

But now the wife and child have died, and only the Duke is left.

The three footmen led them all the way, through the colonnade and several empty rooms, and finally came to the end of a corridor.

There, the tall and rich door was ajar, and the voices of people were vaguely heard.

The valet glanced at the time, and finally heaved a sigh of relief and said, "It's okay, I caught up."

He pushed several guests through the door and went out by himself.


In the banquet hall, the long table continued from one end of the room to the other, which was enough for 13 groups of candidates to sit down and eat, and there were even plenty of seats.

The few empty seats at the end should be left to confuse them, and the man sitting at the head of the table should be the Duke.

Although the old butler Douglas called him "Master" and "Master", he was not old, even very young.

It's like... twenties.

More than a dozen children, dressed in snow-white dresses and masks, stood on the high platform in the corner of the hall and sang songs.

The duke looked at them, and tapped the cup with the silver spoon.

He "shhh" and the whole hall fell silent.

"Douglas, are these guests late?" the Duke asked the butler beside him.

His voice was very strange, as if he was used to a low voice, which was deliberately suppressed, a little hoarse. Not very comfortable to hear.

Douglas shook his head and said, "No lord, the time is just right."

"Oh..." The Duke nodded.

Although he looked young, he did not behave like a lad. Maybe it's because he's used to being a high-ranking person, and his aura dictates it.

"Not late..." the Duke repeated softly.

He smiled again and said, "Then just sit down, the wine has been poured, don't be restrained."

The food on the table was very tempting.

Under the shaking, there were clear wine tears hanging on the wall of the glass, which were illuminated by the lights. The roast chicken skin is browned, plump and oily, and it exudes the aroma of hot...

These are in stark contrast to the dry bread served on the carriage.

The students couldn't bear it one by one.

But they dare not eat it.

After several exams, they were very vigilant.

But he was confused, and after sitting down, he picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

Zhou Qi made an "eh" sound and didn't stop him.

"Do you really drink?" she whispered, glancing at the duke.

Youhuo said: "Drink when you're thirsty, what's the problem."

The food this time was much better than the previous exam room, and the craftsmanship was not bad compared to 922. Of course he was able to speak.

"but… "

Zhou Qi felt that he was not a friend and could not stop him, so he turned to ask Qin Qiu for help.

As a result, Qin Qiu drank a little more than You Huan.

Zhou Qi: "…"

The Duke laughed and said, "I like such guests..."

He turned to Douglas again and said, "I like it, I don't mind giving them more rest."

Douglas nodded and said, "Okay, sir."

The candidate closest to the Duke vaguely heard these words, hesitated for a few seconds, and started to move.

People are like that, as long as two or three take the lead, the others will quickly join.

In the blink of an eye, those who were holding the wine glasses and not touching them all tried to take a sip. It didn't feel like poison, and they moved their knives and forks one after another.

Just then, the door opened again.

A couple of men and women came in in a hurry. The necklines of the men's dresses were all wrongly buttoned, looking anxious and embarrassed.

The woman's large skirt was not arranged, she shrank behind the man, holding the other's hand nervously.

Youhuo glanced at them, the Heart Dao System is not a purebred animal, at least not all "couples" are forced together, some should be real couples.

Even if it is not a couple, it is somewhat of a drawbridge effect to have a partner in such a life-and-death exam.

The Duke put down his glass and turned to the butler, "Douglas, must these guests be late?"

Douglas nodded and said, "Yes, sir."

He looked at the pair of candidates with his old eyes, and said to the duke calmly, "It's been a while."

The Duke nodded and said, "Got it."

His voice is not high.

But the hall was very quiet, and everyone else was silent and did not interrupt, so it was very clear.

The pair of candidates immediately began to tremble, and their faces turned pale.

The Duke raised his hand and said, "It's okay, it's okay, don't be afraid. I'm just asking, come, sit here, and reserve a seat for you. The wine has been filled."

The man clapped the woman's hand, took a deep breath, and bravely walked towards the long table.

There were indeed two vacancies beside the Duke, as if they were specially prepared for late guests.

Zhou Qi still stared at the Duke, and after a while whispered to You Huo: "I know the candidates. We were in the same examination room in the first round. The man's name is Zhang Pengyi, and the woman's name is He Jiajia.

She said, looking at the Duke and muttering in a low voice: "My boyfriend was there, but unfortunately we got separated in the second game."

Youyou asked her, "What game are you playing?"

Zhou Qi said: "The fourth game."

Her grades were barely okay, so that she held out a little hope that her boyfriend was better than her, and as long as she didn't encounter too strange test questions, she should be better than her. So five games are over... maybe they can go out together.

As she spoke, she looked at the duke for a long time.

Youyou asked, "Are you afraid of him?"

Zhou Qi was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and nodded: "I'm afraid I'm afraid, he's the subject, who knows what he'll do. But I keep watching him because... His mouth looks a bit like my boyfriend. I'm quite miss him."

She drank a little wine aggrievedly, glanced at You Huo, and then at Qin Qiu.

With a long sigh, he said, "I want more."

Confused: "… "

Halfway through the meal, the duke knocked on the glass wall again and said, "Thank you for coming from afar to accompany me to miss my Eliza and Colin. I believe... I believe they will be very moved if they know about it. I heard Douglas say, You promised to save the townspeople here."

He paused and said in a gentle voice, "Those poor people, I thank you for them."

"Douglas will take you to town by car and horse during the day, but be sure to come back before evening. I can't do anything, but please give me a chance to provide you with a good meal and a warm bed."

He said, and suddenly tilted his head and coughed a few times.

It was stuffy, but the whole person was shaking, as if trying to suppress the cough in the chest cavity.

Douglas supported him.

He wiped the corners of his mouth with a towel, and his lips were bright red when he turned his head.

The people at the table exclaimed softly.

The duke said, "I've been a little uncomfortable these two days. I've got a little ailment, so don't worry."

"By the way, if you live here, don't take off your masks." The Duke suddenly added: "It's so neat and beautiful."

"… "

Who wants to look neat

This duke is probably not obsessive-compulsive.

But since everyone was mentally prepared in advance, knowing that the Duke must have some quirks, they didn't take it too seriously.

Then the duke said, "My house is a little big, and it's easy to get lost at night, so drink a little more wine and get a good night's sleep, so that you don't have to get up at night."

He laughed lightly: "There is another request, I just said it, I am not very comfortable, I don't sleep well at night, and I don't want to be disturbed, so if you have friends who like to get up at night, please don't go to the West Tower. First floor. When I can't sleep, I have a bad temper, and I'm afraid of offending everyone."

Everyone nodded, and a little panic.

But the good wine and good food were very attractive, and the Duke always behaved very mildly, and it didn't take long for the candidates to bury their heads and eat again.

The children's singing is used as the background, which is light and makes people feel a little sleepy unconsciously.

But everyone is trying to stay awake and chatting internally.

The exam questions this time are a bit weird. In the past, something would happen on the first day, or some hidden question requirements would be given.

Or there will be a penalty for ranking the last one.

But this time it was weird and nothing was mentioned.

Gao Qi and Zhao Jiatong mumbled a few words, then turned around and asked Youyou, grabbing the bread in their hands, "...A, what do you think?"


"I'm discussing with Zhao Jiatong. Shall we go to the town tomorrow to check the situation? Or we should check the situation of the castle while no one is around. The duke is estimated to be a big trouble, so don't provoke him for now." He told Zhao Jiatong about himself Dreaming things, brooding over that dream.

He felt that there was something wrong with the castle.

"Zhao Jiatong supports going to the town, which is more secure. I support visiting the castle. Who do you vote for?"

Youhuo said: "I want to go to the proctoring office first."

Zhao Jiatong: "?"

Gao Qi: "???"

"No... The proctoring office provoked you to provoke you. Why do you probe them first?" Gao Qi didn't understand.

He turned his head to look at Qin Qiu again, pinched his nose and asked in a good voice, "What about you? Now Zhao Jiatong supports visiting the town, I support visiting the castle first, this A is going to visit the invigilator. One person, one vote, Just look at you?"

"Me?" Qin Qiu said, "I want to provoke the Duke."

Gao Qi: "..."

Why did he take the exam with these two perverts

Not far away, at the head of the table, the Duke coughed a few more times against the corner of his mouth, turned his head to the late candidates Zhang Pengyi and He Jiajia and said softly, "Are you free tonight?"