Global Examination

Chapter 66: It is a very scary thing for a patient who is looking for death to be infected, and it will die


The medicine was very effective, and Zhou Qi's fever finally subsided.

Miss Yang tied her skirt and raised her chin, and proudly turned back to her room. Gao Qi and Zhao Jiatong also breathed a sigh of relief and muttered: "Maybe we think too much, it's just a normal fever."

You are confused but don't think so.

He asked Qin Qiu the time, and then looked at the sky outside.

Gao Qi has worked as an invigilator for several years, and he is a little bit knowledgeable about exams. Intuition is not as sensitive as serious candidates, he asked strangely: "What's wrong? What's the problem?"

Just as You Huo was about to open his mouth, Qin Qiu said, "I think the time is a bit coincidental."

Youhu closed his mouth again: "Well."

"What coincidence?" Gao Qi asked again.

"It's time for Miss Zhou's fever to subside." Qin Qiu said.

"What's the meaning?"

"Don't you think Miss Zhou woke up just at the right time?" Qin Qiu pointed to the balcony: "It's dawn, all the taboos at night have been lifted, and her fever has subsided."

It's like... the fever is to make sure she stays in the house quietly and doesn't go anywhere.

Gao Qi laughed and said, "No way, why are the exam questions so kind? How can it be possible with such a function?"

"Yeah, it's quite strange." Qin Qiu pointed at You Huan and said, "Isn't Mr. Examiner confirming?"

Confused: "… "

Someone finished speaking, and he didn't even speak.

He stood behind the door and listened to the voices outside, and glanced at Qin Qiu: "Your surname is Ascaris?"

Qin Qiu said: "Occasionally, this function can be triggered."

He walked behind You Huo and walked to the door, his hand was already holding the door handle, and suddenly added: "But there are preconditions."

You Huo looked at him for a moment: "... For example?"

"Like... Who is it directed at?"

After Qin Qiu finished speaking, he opened the door a crack.

Outside the door, the servants who had disappeared all night suddenly came back, standing there respectfully, one on the side.

Their faces were expressionless and their postures were rigid, as if they had been sitting there motionless all night.

The morning light came in from several windows, as if nothing had happened overnight.

Hearing the sound of the door, the servant turned his head and met Qin Qiu's eyes.

Qin Zhuo greeted calmly and said, "Good morning."

The valet said, "Good morning."

The door slammed shut again.

Two seconds later, the footman suddenly turned his head and stared at the door: "???"

Another asked hoarsely: "What's wrong?"

"The gentleman who lives in this room... looks like this???"

"seems not."

Inside the door, Qin Jiu pressed the door and rushed to Youhu with a smile and said, "Run quickly."

Confused: "… "

In the next second, Gao Qi felt two figures flash past in front of his eyes, went to the balcony in a blink of an eye, flipped over, and disappeared one after another.

When he passed by, he pushed him and ran him directly to the door.

The valet opened the door from the outside regardless of etiquette, and what he saw was Gao Qi, who was leaning against the door.

The two looked at each other.

The valet said, "Did you just open the door?"

Gao Qi: "Yes."

Servant: "..."

Although wearing a mask only has the lower half of the face, but...

He went to the next door in disbelief again. As soon as the door opened, Qin Jiu came out of the bedroom with his coat in hand, with a slightly surprised expression: "Is something wrong?"

Yang Shu was sitting on the carpet with her big skirt spread out and handling her bags. She turned to the manservant and said, "Who taught you etiquette to enter the lady's room without knocking on the door? Get out."

Servant: "..."

He closed the door and stayed calm outside for two seconds, thinking I was blind


Although Zhou Qi's fever has subsided, his overall condition is not good.

As Yang Shu said, he seemed frightened and didn't eat breakfast.

In this way, the confusion of the same group has a little more concern.

So this morning, he was honest with Qin Jiu for the first time, or he changed his strategy according to the situation, and decided to accept Zhao Jiatong's opinion and follow the plot line to go to the town to see.

At 8:00 in the morning, a black carriage was parked outside the castle, waiting lifelessly.

The guests got on the bus one after another, went around the corner of Calton Hill, and disappeared on the road.

In the west tower of the ancient castle, the duke stood behind the window, pulling the curtains and watching from a distance.

"Master." Butler Douglas stood behind him and asked respectfully, "What are you looking at?"

The Duke said: "I don't know, suddenly look at those guests, I don't know how many will come back today intact."

After he finished speaking, he pursed his lips, the corners of his mouth sank, and he seemed to be in a very bad mood.

The whole room was filled with a dangerous sense of oppression, and the rotten breath of death was silent.

Douglas did not speak.

After a while, the duke suddenly said, "This time it didn't work."

He turned to the housekeeper and said, "This is... why?"

He touched his chest, this place has been replaced, Zhang Pengyi's heart is beating in his chest, slowly becoming one with him.

"I can feel that he likes that woman." The Duke bowed his head and said, "Just like I like my Eliza, although that woman's face is far from Eliza's, but... Eliza is so gentle. Man, you shouldn't blame her too much. Why? Why hasn't Alicia come back to me, Douglas?"

The butler stood with his hands down, and an old voice said, "I don't know, maybe that lady doesn't love this gentleman enough."

The Duke's mood finally improved a little.

He thought about it and said, "Yes, that's it."

"I'm not happy, though," said the Duke softly. "I've tried too many times, and I've waited too long. My patience is running out."

The housekeeper said, "There must be such a day."

The Duke said, "By the way, have you dealt with these kind guests?"

He said softly, "Although my Alyssa didn't come back, they helped me a little and made a little contribution. They can't just be displayed there."

The housekeeper lowered his eyes and said, "It's done, as you ordered, let them rest in peace as before."

"That's fine, that's fine..." said the Duke. "It won't cause me any trouble, will it?"

The butler's old voice said, "No, sir."

The duke patted him on the shoulder: "I don't worry about your work... How old did you come here?"

"Four years, sir, you saved my life and I've been here forever."

The Duke said, "You are the best to me in this world, except for Eliza."

"Yes, sir."

"You'll never betray me, will you?" said the Duke, looking him in the eye.


"You'll always listen to me, won't you?"

"Yes, sir."

"Then hurry up and change to a younger body, I see that... that guest's name is fine."

The duke pondered and said, "The bodies of those two guests are too perfect, their height, muscles, lines, strength... You and I are divided, right?"

Douglas hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay."

"It's a pity that the guests are always shy and timid. I observed those two for a long time at breakfast today, and I think they are too gentleman and too quiet. Can you think of a way to make those two perfect gentlemen make mistakes? The one that makes me less happy, so I have every reason to give them a little punishment."

Douglas thought for a moment and said, "I'll try."

Douglas, the violent butler, ponders for a while, and decides to follow the guests to town - where there is a whole day to lure them into making mistakes.

Don't make a big mistake.

They have seen a lot of visiting guests, and those cowards don't dare to do anything too outrageous.

A little mistake was enough to make them tremble.


The midsummer weather was hot and humid, and the town was still lifeless.

It was not until a large number of carriages stopped in the town and formed a circle around the pool that the townspeople stuck their heads out of the windows in twos and threes.

"Is it here to heal?" they asked.

Some of the candidates responded: "Yes, that's right!"

Not far away, the door of the chapel opened, and a nun in a black dress ran to the carriage and said, "You are finally here, come with me."

The candidates looked at each other and followed the nun one after another.

The nun reached out and counted: "There are 24 people in total, right?"

Many people nodded subconsciously.

After a while, someone suddenly whispered: "No, isn't there 26 candidates?"

Everyone was quiet for a moment, and the discussion buzzed.

"Zhang Pengyi and his girlfriend..."

"Yes, those two who were late last night, where are they? Didn't come?"

"Maybe... maybe slept? Or planning to give up points on this side of town?"

A lot of people come up with some terrible ideas, but no one wants them to come true. So everyone is making guesses.

After a while, they fell silent again.

"Which room do those two candidates live in?" You Huo suddenly asked.

Zhao Jiatong said: "I didn't pay attention, it seems to be downstairs?"

"It's right below your room." Qin Qiu said.

"How do you know?" Zhao Jiatong asked in surprise.

"I took a look at it last night."

You Huo looked at Qin Qiu, but didn't speak.

Qin Qiu nodded and said, "Okay, I'll take a look later."

Zhao Jiatong: "..." Am I deaf


The chapel is dark and gloomy.

Once inside, everyone couldn't help holding their breath.

This smell is horrible.

The sour smell of sweat, the smell of rotten flesh, and the smell of blood are mixed together, how unpleasant it is to smell.

The tables and chairs of the church have been removed, and there are more than 20 shabby beds everywhere. A mass of objects curled up on each bed…

"Oh my God… "

"Is that a person???"

Exclamations sounded one after another.

Some of those with shallow throats were already retching.

The nun lowered her eyes and said, "These are all patients who have been ill for a long time. The duke is kind-hearted and will always invite some guests here. It is said that they are all people with good medical skills, just like you."

Gao Qi muttered, "This is pure rumor..."

Youhuo looked at the bed nearby.

I saw big and small sores on the face of the person on the bed, and one side of the chin was dripping with blood.

He huddled under the quilt that couldn't see the primary color, grabbed his face in the sound of mourning, and his fingertips were red.

The nun sighed and added, "Unfortunately, there are not many doctors who can really help patients. Some doctors have not been able to free them from their illnesses, but have been infected."

As she spoke, she led the candidates into place.

They found out that there were 26 beds in total. If Zhang Pengyi and his girlfriend were still there, then there would be exactly one candidate for one patient.

It can be seen that helping the patient should be the first scoring point.

Of course, it may also be the first fatality point.

The nun walked to the last bed and gave a soft "ah".

The bed was just a dirty quilt and no one was there.

"Hey, I'm thinking about it again." The nun muttered to the ears.

She walked quickly to the door and said to everyone, "A disobedient patient has slipped away, and I have to go and find him. As for the rest of the patients, I'll leave it to you."

"By the way, just a reminder, they've been sick for too long and have a bad temper, you... be careful. Also, don't touch their sores, they'll be contagious if they get on them."

She held the door with both hands, tilted her head and said to everyone, "Being infected is a very scary thing, it will die."

"Wish you guys good luck."

After speaking, she closed the door.

The sound of the lock came from outside.

Just as the door lock fell, a hand suddenly grabbed You Huo's forearm, with a stench of damp and sticky feeling.

Youhuo looked down and saw that the patient he was in charge of had a bloody sore on his hand and grabbed him tightly...

And face crying at him.