Global Examination

Chapter 69: Quick fight ┃ Duke suddenly can not get excited


This night, the guests slept as well as the night before.

Maybe they only touched a few bites because of the food at the dinner party, maybe because they knew what happened to the castle.

They had already felt gloomy here, and now they were even more disturbed.

As sensitive as Zhou Qi, he said that he smelled a stench, which was stronger than before.

Zhao Jiatong searched the bottom of the bed and the cabinet, not even the pillow and quilt.

Before going to bed, Zhou Qi suddenly lay on the wall beside the door, sniffed for a while with the tip of his nose against the stone wall, and said, "Sister Tong... It seems that it came from the wall."

In a word, Zhao Jiatong's hair stood on end when he heard it.

But when she got close, she couldn't smell anything.

"Xiao Zhou, honestly, what did you do before?" Zhao Jiatong joked with her, trying to ease the atmosphere.

Zhou Qi waved his hand and said, "No, it's really not a magician. It's just a dog's nose."

She pulled her coat as a quilt, lay down on the carpet, and looked at the candle chandelier above her head for a while, and suddenly said, "But I've never been so sensitive before, maybe this exam is special."

Zhao Jiatong lay down beside her, thinking in her heart: It's really special.

Especially... It's as if there is something in the exam room that has been warning Zhou Qi all the time.

Zhao Jiatong closed his eyes and thought to himself, while carefully paying attention to the movement next door.

As for the bastards that A and 001 teamed up to do, she would be crazy if she was a duke. Once the duke came looking for trouble, she secretly followed out to see.

However, when there was real movement outside, she didn't go as planned.

Because Zhou Qi has a fever again.

The girl was burning hot and had a nightmare.

She frowned, and murmured vague dreams, but she couldn't wake up.

Zhao Jiatong approached and barely heard her say, "...I think...why don't you let me see..."

Then weeping and whimpering.

It's weird to have a high fever for two nights in a row.

Zhao Jiatong couldn't help thinking of Qin Qiu's words... This disease seems to be pressing Zhou Qi on purpose to prevent her from running out late at night.

You don't want her to have anything to do with it

Still don't want her to see anyone


In the middle of the night, the walls of the promenade were dimly lit, the servants that filled the castle in the evening were nowhere to be seen, and the doors of the rooms were empty, as if they had never existed.

Suddenly, footsteps came from the stairs.

Several of the servants turned up to the third floor, the lead one had an oil lamp in his hand, and the others lined up behind him.

Their faces were half-bloomed in the flickering lights, their facial features were tense, their expressions were stiff and indifferent, and there was an air of death.

The poor housekeeper Douglas was turned into a pig and could not help the duke for a while, so the task of arresting fell on their shoulders.

"Just ahead," whispered the lead footman.

He pointed to the door not far away and instructed another servant: "Knock on the door, others will surround the room."

"Where's the other one?" The servant who knocked on the door raised his hand and asked hesitantly, "Don't you want us to catch two of them?"

The leader said, "It's next door. After inviting this one, go to that one. We have a large number of people, so don't be in a hurry."

"Oh well."

The companions formed a semicircle, and the servant knocked on the wooden door.

Benedict —

After the first knock, the door opened.


You Huo held the door and looked at him without any disturbance.

The valet opened his mouth and forgot his words for two seconds, then said mechanically, "Sir, good evening. You… haven't slept?"

"What do you think?" Youhuo is taller than this manservant, and his eyes are turned down when he looks at him. People who are neither dead nor alive are frozen in panic when they look at him like this.

The servant got stuck again and didn't answer for a long time.

The one who carried the lantern added: "It's just right before I slept. The duke would like to invite Mr. over to have a chat."

When he was talking, one of the servants on the side had his hands behind his back, clenching an iron rod.

The impression is that guests always panic and try to shout when they are invited.

Butler Douglas always carried a few tools with him, and this iron rod was his usual one.

The valet was ready, and as soon as the guest called, he swung over.

Who knows that the other party said: "Oh."

The valet was so stubborn that he almost turned the stick on the leader's face.

An embarrassed expression slowly squeezed out of their pale faces, and the one who carried the lantern took a step back to make way for You Huo.

Unexpectedly, the guest took a step and paused, then turned to the bedroom and said, "Let's go, hurry up."

The servant was stunned for a moment, and said, "Why, Madam hasn't slept yet?"

Youhuo heard the word "Mrs." and glanced at him.

The valet straightened his face and said, "The duke only invites the gentleman by name, husband—"

He wanted to say that Mrs. would talk later.

As a result, You Huo widened the crack in the door, revealing the man behind him who was a little taller than him.


His "husband" can't go on.

He stared at the lower half of Qin Zhou's face, crashed for a second, stepped back and glanced at the house number, and then asked calmly, "Master Duke said that husband and wife have a room, and it is midnight, sir, why are you here?"

"What do you think?" Qin Qiu said.

Servant: "..."

He tasted it, and his expression became numb: "The Duke doesn't like unfaithful people. We were looking for you. Since that's the case, both of you, please come with me."

Qin Qiu didn't care, and came out calmly.

Then, he turned to look inside the room.

Inside, a third voice yawns and mumbles, "Hey, wait until I put the shoe covers on."


Gao Qi jumped out while pulling his boots, and the unshaven and the servant came face to face.

"… "

The servant's bluish-white face was unpredictable, and after a while he waved his hand: "Take it all away!"

Just kidding, three men...

How can there be such a mess in the castle!

Just at this point, the master will scare them into tears.


The corridor is still dark, and the same oil paintings hang high on the stone walls. Half of the people in the paintings are hidden in the darkness, as if they are peeping at them from top to bottom through masks.

Qin Jiu was followed by three male servants, surrounded him in a half-packed posture, walking at the front.

There are also three male servants behind You Huo, seven or eight meters behind them.

Two steps back, it was Gao Qi and the rest of the servants.

The oil lamp in the servant's hand creaked, and the light was like a puddle of unsettled water, flickering on and off, leaving a long, swaying shadow behind Qin Qiu.

You Huo retracted his gaze from the oil painting, and what he saw was such a scene.

He suddenly felt that he seemed to have seen such a scene many times...

The same long corridor, the same lingering sense of voyeurism.

Qin Qiu always followed a group of people behind him, and it was the same behind him, and occasionally he could hear Gao Qi's long yawn.

Sometimes they came head on, sometimes they walked in tandem, just like now.

Either way, it's always a short distance away.

Do not know why…

He always felt that Qin Jiu would suddenly stop, hold a document or something, and talk lazily with the people surrounding him.

And he, with Gao Qi's gang... kept his footsteps.

When passing sideways, Qin Jiu will cast his eyes in the middle of the conversation, and take it away with a touch.

"Why are you walking faster and faster, right?" Gao Qi's voice sounded.

Wandering back to his senses, he realized that he unknowingly sped up his pace, only a few steps away from the people in front of him.

Qin Qiu stopped when he turned the corner, and his eyes fell on You Huo over the three male servants.

This time, there was no one-touch closing, he blinked at Youhu and said, "Come on, don't make the Duke wait."

When they went down to the first floor and got closer to the bedroom at the bottom of the west tower, other rooms in the castle began to move.

If the valet walked more slowly, they would hear cell phone alarms blaring through the wooden doors.

After a while, a door on the third floor quietly opened.

A head stuck out, looked left and right, turned to the people in the room and said, "It's time to go down, I heard a little movement just now."

Immediately afterwards, another door opened not far away.

The second head stuck out and waved at this side.

Then the third, the fourth...

In the blink of an eye, most of the candidates got out of the room.

This is their previous agreement.

Since killing the duke can lift the curse, when will it be better to not do it at this time

Finish the exam early and take a rest early.

They lowered their voices, made gestures quietly, and dived to the first floor at the same time.


The huge bedroom on the first floor of West Tower was eerily silent.

The duke wore a long hood, the silk hem sweeping across the ground.

He was placing candles around a Douglas.

His face was astonishingly white, and he thought that the blood had stopped flowing, and the curvature of the corners of his mouth indicated that he was in a very bad mood at the moment. He was very angry, both at the pig who pretended to be dead in front of him, and at the upcoming guests.

After the candles were set, he straightened up and carefully wiped the bone cutter with a cloth towel.

Squinting and licking his lips, he said, "Douglas, your negligence worries me a little bit. Without you, it would take some effort and time for me to restrain the two of them."

"Of course, that little effort and time is insignificant."

After all, most of the time, the guests are in a state of dizziness.

"I hope those stupid servants dragged those two gentlemen with their faces up. I told them, but it's hard to say if they'd remember, after all... they're so stupid after all, they're still alive. gap."

He touched the blade and muttered, "But when I was alive, I didn't see them being so smart. I always remember that there was a time when Alicia just caught a cold, and those idiots could take her more and more seriously. , it took a month to get better."

The Duke paused, glanced under the bed, and said, "My Eliza... hey... when I've dealt with those two gentlemen, I'll go find their wives for you, wait a minute, wait a little longer. A moment..." He joked softly, "Let's make our butler look like a person first."

Footsteps came from outside the door.

The Duke hummed a tune excitedly, put the knife behind him, and stood at the gate to welcome the poor guest.

As soon as the door opened, the servant bowed his eyes respectfully and greeted three people.

three men...

Three men taller than the Duke and stronger than the Duke's feet.

"… "

The Duke immediately stopped laughing.

The tallest Mr. Perfect glanced at the pig and the candle and said with a smile, "Yo, are all the preparations done?"

As he spoke, he took out two pairs of white gentleman gloves from his pocket, patted them, and handed them to his side.

Another cold and perfect Mr. took it over, put it on his hand, then took out a knife and said, "Quick fight, clean up."

Chapter 86 Malicious Score ┃ Do you think you have a problem with your mind? No one fouled and sighed.

The duke, who was stitched up, actually had blood flowing in his body.

The last knife nailed it down, and blood spattered out.

Youhuo tilted his head to avoid it, but still got a few stars on the side of his neck.

The dark red blood flowed down, and traces of winding traces were drawn along the thin neckline.

Qin Qiu clamped the duke's frantically struggling hands, knelt down on one knee on his palms, and saw this scene when he looked up.

The wall fire shook, and they were very close.

They were so close that they could feel the warmth of each other's movements.

Qin Qiu stared at the two meandering blood lines for a few seconds, then tapped his neck with his finger and said, "Here..."

"Huh?" You Huo raised his head when he heard the sound, his light-colored eyes revealed doubts, but he pressed the knife deeper with both hands without hesitation.

He has a cool and dangerous temperament when he does this kind of thing, and it has the same charm as the red marks running on the neck of porcelain white.

Qin Qiu picked up the voice, watched for a while in the shaking firelight, and said, "It's nothing, blood almost got on the collar."

He said, reaching out and wiping the blood.

The cloth of the white gloves is thicker than silk, and when you rub it against the skin, you can almost feel the clear texture on it.

Youhuo's neck was tense for a moment, but he didn't let go.

He just turned his head slightly, squinted his eyes lightly and quickly, and his eyes fell back to Qin Jiu's hand.

The gloves didn't fit perfectly, wrapping loosely around each other's slender fingers.

"Wipe it off." Qin Qiu rubbed the belly of his fingers and showed him the bloodstains on his thumb and index finger, "But... Is it because my hands were heavy just now, or was the examiner's skin too thin?"

He glanced at the side of You Huo's neck and said, "This side of your neck is a little red."

Gao Qi contributed a wave of swords and swords and was cleaning up the surrounding battlefield.

He looked through the things in the duke's house, and was about to say something to You Huo and Qin Qiu, when he just took a step and instinctively retracted his feet.

The duke was still twitching, and the atmosphere between the two was strange.

I can't tell what's wrong, but he couldn't get out that leg.

Maybe that circle of candles has an enchantment.

Gao Qi said heartily.


The Duke's movements became smaller and smaller, and finally his fingers twitched twice, the eyes under the mask were wide open, and the pupils slowly opened.

You Huo let go of his hand, stood up with a knife drawn, touched his neck and kicked his calf and said, "Finally dead."

"Really dead?" Gao Qi leaned over only now, circled around the duke's stiff corpse, stretched out his hand to lift his mask, and used the tip of a knife to poke at his collar.

The fine traces are like stitches, which form a dividing line and separate the different skins. Looking at it up close, it makes one feel shivering and nauseated.

"Fuck... it's really hard to beat." Gao Qi scolded lowly.

As soon as the voice fell, a long-lost voice suddenly sounded in the room—

[Score item detected. 】

[The candidates You Huan, Qin Zhu, and Gao Qi have a total of one trigger point. 】

[1. The Duke's heart stopped beating. 】

[The specific scores are as follows:]

[Assassination of the Duke has a total of 9 points, distributed according to the proportion of output. The last cut totals 1 point. 】

[The scores of each candidate have been recalculated. 】

Gao Qi added 2 points.

Qin Qiu's assassination adds 4 points.

Wandering assassination adds 3 points, and the last knife adds 1 point.

Gao Qi was stunned for a long time, then muttered, "It's too indulgent to follow you guys, I almost forgot to count the points."

Not to mention him, even You Huo and Qin Qiu were stunned for a moment.

The exam system was so quiet that they almost forgot it existed.

"But it's a little weird." Gao Qi said: "The Duke is dead, shouldn't those patients be relieved? Then we should meet the conditions. Why not just end the exam, but add points?"

"It may take time for the patient to recover." Qin Qiu said.

Gao Qi nodded: "It shouldn't be long before, maybe it will be all right at dawn tomorrow."

The thought cheered him up.

He straightened up, only to find that You Huo was staring at the Duke's face with a thoughtful look.

"What's wrong?" Gao Qi asked.

Youhuo said: "The face is a little familiar."

"Know?" Qin Jiu also looked over.

Youhu shook his head.

This kind of familiarity is far from the level of acquaintance. He feels that he has seen this face in the past two days, but he just swept it away and was not impressed.

It wasn't until Gao Qi took out his mobile phone and planned to leave a memorial for the duke who sewed and mended, You Huo suddenly remembered.

"Zhou Qi's boyfriend."


Gao Qi and Qin Qiu were both stunned.

"How do you know what Ren Xiaozhou's boyfriend looks like?" Gao Qi wondered.

"Mobile phone screensaver photos." You Huo explained.

Zhou Qi's mobile phone screensaver is a photo of her boyfriend. Whether it's a daze at the dinner party or pulling out the phone for lighting, this face is bright and dark in Zhou Qi's hands every day.

When they were in the same room at the beginning, Zhou Qi mentioned something to You Huu in order to avoid embarrassment.

When he spoke, his face and ears were red, and his expression was mostly worried, but there was also a smile that could not be hidden.

Anyone with eyes can see that this young couple is in a good relationship.

Zhou Qi said that if she can get out of here alive, the first thing she has to do is drag her boyfriend straight to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

"I remember you saying that!"

Gao Qi's complexion changed drastically, he squatted down and stared at that face for a long time, looking over and over again, and murmured, "It seems really... That Xiao Zhou—"

He got stuck talking, and sighed for a long time: "If that girl knew, my God..."

The bedroom was silent.

The three looked at the pale face of the Duke with mixed emotions.

Once it is quiet here, the movement outside becomes obvious.

Gao Qi couldn't help looking up at the door, frowned and said, "What's the situation? What's going on outside?"

They suddenly realized that the other candidates should have come out. According to the agreement, they were only a few minutes behind them.

It's just crawling... It's time to crawl through the door, why haven't you seen anyone yet


There was another movement outside, as if someone lifted something heavy and hit the wall.

Then there were vaguely muffled human voices, mingled with shouts.

Sounds like a mess.

"Go out and have a look." Qin Qiu said.

You Huo threw off the blood on the tip of the knife and walked to the door.

Just two steps away, he came back as if remembering something.

He picked up the mask on the ground and put it back on the Duke's face.

I wonder if Zhou Qi will go downstairs.

She should have looked at the young man's face again, but not in this situation and in this way.


As soon as the three of them walked out of the bedroom, they were startled by the Guikulanghao in the ancient castle.

Never had it been so intuitive to realize how good the soundproofing of a room is.

In the long, narrow and dark corridor, the oil painting was shaking, and the wooden frame was knocked on the stone wall, as if it would fall down at any time.

At first glance, it looked like an earthquake, and the entire castle was shaking.

But the truth was that they were steady under their feet, and only the long damp wall shivered.

The cries of ghosts came from the walls.

It's like... Countless people are sealed in this heavy stone wall.

As the wall fire swayed, the shadow on the wall seemed to be alive, struggling to break away from the stone wall, with the sound of damp water, strangling towards the people in the corridor.

The students were in a mess.

Smashing walls, tearing, rolling...

Some are evading, some... as if caught by evil.

The three of them didn't even want to rush over, and pointed at each other into knives.

When he turned to the second floor, Gao Qi saw the doors of two rooms on the third floor open, and immediately shouted, "Old Zhao!!! Are you awake! Sober them first—"

Zhao Jiatong and Yang Shu stuck their heads out at the same time, Yang Shu glanced at it and bent down.

Wander suspects that she is taking off her high heels.

Sure enough, the next second, the shoe flew out in an arc, and I don't know who threw it in the face.

Zhao Jiatong picked up the hem of the big skirt and turned into a flying kick.

Don't forget to shout back: "Fuck you old!"

"Little Zhao!! You're good at skills!" Gao Qi said, knocking them out again.

"What's the situation—" Zhao Jiatong shouted, "Xiao Zhou has a fever again, should I get her down?"

"Don't!" Gao Qi remembered the Duke's face, and immediately said: "Don't do it first, the downstairs is even worse, and there are fewer people upstairs. You can close the door and lock it in a while, and we will do the rest!"

Youhu slashed towards the shadow with a knife, but it seemed like he was plunged into the water.

The shadow sank down and quickly climbed up his arm.

You Huo gave a "tsk" in disgust, pulled the knife away, and avoided it.

He easily pulled back a candidate who was about to jump off the building, and when he turned his head, he was dazzled by a white light.

That was the cell phone light that Qin Jin opened.

Where the light swept, a dark shadow that stretched towards Youyou was scattered and quickly shrank back.

"… "

Wandering speechless for a moment, he also took out his mobile phone.

"How can this be so?" Gao Qi dragged a candidate away from the wall and turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone, as if holding a lightsaber.

Following the changing shadows, the black shadow quickly wriggled on the wall, just came out, and was photographed back by Gao Qi.

He sprang out again, and was photographed back by You Huo.

Channeling again, Qin Jiu waited for it.

Shadow: "..."

At the end, Gao Qi stood in the corridor, shaking the phone to the left for a while, and to the right for a while.

Upstairs, Miss Yang's crisp voice came down: "Let you lift your skirt! Lift it again!"

"It's so annoying—this thing—how to fight!" Zhao Jiatong pulled back the skirt.

Miss Yang dodged a sneak attack, turned around and rushed to the other end of the corridor. She hooked her head and looked down, and saw that Gao Qi didn't move his feet, so he calmly shook the phone.

"... Who are you supporting?"

Just after asking, Miss Yang suddenly reacted, knocked on her head and said, "It's stupid at the critical moment."

Soon, the shadow was supported by the light... No, there was nothing to hide under the light.

They surged back and forth on the stone wall in various twisted postures, making the two girls disgusting.

The mixed male and female ghost cry was unusually harsh, and it continued for a while.

A bell rang suddenly from somewhere in the tower, the crying stopped abruptly, and the black shadow spread out on the stone wall in an instant. Looking at it again, it had become a normal shadow.

The tremor like an earthquake subsided, and wandering aside the examinee who almost jumped off the building.

This is a small boy.

Thanks to his short legs, he struggled to climb the stone fence, otherwise You Huo wouldn't be able to catch him.

He stood still for a moment, then shook his head sharply, and only then did he wake up. As soon as he regained his senses, he slid down the stone fence, looking weak and frightened: "I... I... Did I almost go down just now?"

Wandering comfortably said, "Yes."

The little boy leaned against the wall for a while and said, "Thank you, you scared me to death..."

"What's going on?" Gao Qi and Qin Jiu came over and asked.

"I don't know. Didn't we set the alarm clock, and when we saw you reached the first floor, we followed." The boy pointed to the direction of the west tower and said, "At that time, there were many servants guarding outside. Had a fight with them."

"I wanted to knock them out, so I went in and looked for you. I didn't know what to do, but the servants suddenly ran away."

"Run?" Qin Qiu asked.

The boy thought about it and said, "You can't call it to run, just go to the gate, and then... disappear. I feel like they were a little scared, and then the wall began to shake. We thought the castle was about to collapse, and we were still preparing. I rushed into the bedroom and called you out. As soon as I rushed over, the shadows on the walls were alive and crying!"

He rubbed the hairs on his arms: "I cried so much that my head was dizzy, it felt like a dream... I saw... I saw someone beheaded. The duke was like this, pulling his hair in one hand and holding the knife in the other... That man I was kicking my legs so hard I wanted to run, and I was running too. But someone grabbed me by the collar and wouldn't let me move."

The boy glanced at Youhuo and said, "Then you'll know."

This state sounds familiar.

You Huo and Qin Qiu looked at Gao Qi at the same time, Gao Qi scratched his cheeks and said, "That's about the same as my first day."

I'm afraid it's not just the two of them, the candidates who just fell into evil should have a similar situation.

"So, what I saw was a candidate who was cut down?" Gao Qi's face was a little ugly.

He thought of the woman who suddenly collapsed on the bed in the dream, and the head of Xiao Zhou's boyfriend, and felt very uncomfortable.

"It's normal for so many people to die." Gao Qi sighed.

Who can be willing to be cut like that and spliced into someone else's body.

He turned his head, saw You Huan staring at the wall, and wondered, "But why does the wall react so much? Is there something wrong with the oil painting?"

When it comes to walls, everyone's first reaction is those paintings.

Hanging a picture every few meters, the painting is of the perverted Duke and his family, it is really weird to see it at night.

The candidates woke up one after another, discussing what had just happened.

A few candidates with big hearts walked to the Duke's bedroom, wanting to see what happened to the Duke's death.

Youhuo stood by the stone wall and was about to reach out to touch it when he suddenly heard a noise not far away.

He turned his head to look, and saw a group of candidates retreating like a flood next to the Duke's bedroom, as if they had seen something scary.

In the next second, he understood.

A candidate exclaimed: "Isn't the Duke dead?"

You Huo and Qin Qiu looked at each other.

The other frowned and said, "It won't be what I think, will it?"

You confused: "... go and have a look."

They hurried to the Duke's bedroom, where candlelight leaked from the half-open door.

The candidate next to him gestured frantically, and wandered to the crack of the door to take a look—the duke who had just been killed by them was standing in front of the mirror, moving his neck and buttoning the torn collar.

He finally understood why the system didn't send people out of the exam room directly.

Because the exam is not over at all, the bastard Duke is alive again.

As if everything just now was fake.

If it wasn't for the system saying [The Duke's heart stopped beating], he would even suspect that it was an illusion created by witchcraft.

Qin Qiu pulled on his gloves, rushed into the door, tilted his head, and said, "One more time?"

Youhuo expressed his affirmation with practical actions—

He pushed the door with the knife and went in.

Everything is like a scene replay.

The Duke straightened his hair, picked up the knife on the table, and turned around...

The three men lined up again.

Duke: "..."

This time, the Duke persisted for 3 minutes. The second time he was nailed to the ground by a knife, he died slowly in convulsions.

The system tone sounded again, giving three more points.

And then…

The Duke is alive again.

This time, the three of them were silent for a few seconds, handed the knife to the daring candidate, gave a few words and then let it go.

One hour.

A full hour.

The Duke has refreshed 8 times. The candidates do not compete or compete, and they form a group to take turns.

Basically achieved the same development and common prosperity.

After 8 times, this part of the examinees present added satisfactory scores.


On top of Kelton Hill, a spire hut stood alone in the night.

The hut has two floors, one above ground and one underground.

154 came up from the basement with the oil lamp and said to the other two, "It's so late, aren't you going to sleep?"

021 Manicure with long legs: "The basement is flooded?"

"It's alright, there was some water accumulated at the door of a confinement room, I cleaned it up." 154 said.

922 leaned back on the floor, shook his feet and said, "Hey..."

154 asked angrily, "What are you doing? It's been a dozen times a night."

"No." 922 shook his feet again and said, "Don't you think this exam is particularly quiet? I'm used to the state that the confinement room is always open. The boss and A... oh, who is so honest, I can't sleep."

He was almost bald, but fortunately, he reacted quickly and came over.

021 glanced at him: "Do you think you have a problem with your mind? No one fouled and sighed."

In fact, 021 is also "hey" in her heart, but she has to maintain her character and not collapse.

154 thought for a while and said, "Quiet and quiet is good, isn't it the boss himself who is punished for too many fouls. I wish them quietness to the end this time."

As soon as the voice fell, the system stepped on the button and sent a notification.

Half a minute later, they were holding a violation notice and shut up in amazement.

On the notice it was written in black and white:

Candidates You Huo, Qin Zhu, and Gao Qi led 16 candidates to maliciously score points. A total of 19 people violated the rules. Please deal with the invigilator immediately!

922: "…"

021: "..."

154: "..."

The proctor is going bald.