Global Examination

Chapter 78: Casino ┃On the correct use of Koi A


Speaking of randomness, it is not the chance of the two bosses.

Candidates in the same session will be assigned to the same rest area. Others leave early, and they just keep up.

You Koi never got his wish, and this time too.

The resting place is not that old and shabby Chu Yue, on the contrary, it is prosperous like a gold-selling cave.

"Huh! Congratulations, I got one of the best places to rest." 078 rubbed his hands as soon as he came in.

You are not happy at all.

There are a total of 5 resting places, and "one".

However, Qin Jiu was in a good mood. He patted You Huo's shoulder, pointed to the distance where the traffic was crowded, and said, "Look at that tower, what do you think it is for?"

Wandering: "... Casino."

Qin Qiu said half-truth: "Our big examiner is really smart."

Confused: "… "

Are you serious

The top of the tower is a quadrangular pyramid, with a lightning rod at the tip pointing straight to the sky, with a string of dice strung on it. There are four corners at the bottom, and each corner supports a RMB symbol.

The mentally retarded can't see that it's a casino.

But speaking of casinos...

Youyou remembered what the driver of the Gypsy test had said.

He asked Qin Jiao, "Can the casino draw cards? Are there walks and the like?"

Qin Qiu nodded and was about to speak when 078 said, "Who told you this? The person who said that must have never been in a casino."

Youhu turned to look at him: "Have you ever mixed?"

078 coughed against his lips and said, "This is my favorite resting place."

"Can't you see that you are still someone who likes excitement?" Qin Qiu said.

078 didn't know if he was serious or a run.

"Anyway, the casino does have good cards. What about delays, exemptions, bonus points... If you are lucky, you can save one or two cards. As for guaranteeing such cards, don't count on them."

078 didn't meet the other three invigilators, and didn't know the card draws of You Huo and Qin Jiu, but only knew that these two had always been very lucky.

"You think, if you really have a walk card, don't hurry up and use it? This is already a top trump card, can you get it at the casino to change it? How stupid people can do it. Unless someone gets two in one exam. In the second draw, two walks are drawn at the same time, but it is even more impossible, only one card in a deck." 078 shook his head as he spoke.

He didn't notice the confused expression, and said earnestly: "As someone who has come here, let me remind you, don't indulge in casinos, you can almost accept it, especially don't think about accepting the delivery."

Youhuo took a card from his pocket with a blank expression: "We didn't plan to accept the walk, we'll go out. How stupid?"

078: "…"

He slapped himself, turned his head and ran.

Qin Qiu looked at You Huo's stern profile, leaned against the street light pole and smiled for a long time.

"Am I funny?" The handsome guy said coldly.

Qin Qiu said nonchalantly: "No, our Mr. A occasionally swears very..."

He paused.

Wandering is waiting for his next post.

Qin Qiu narrowed his eyes: "Very sexy."

You Huo was blocked.

He looked at Qin Qiu from head to toe, and suddenly replied, "Not as sexy as you."

Qin Research: "?"

He probably never thought that the other party would block back like this, and he was stunned for a while.

When he came back to his senses, You Huo had already brushed his shoulders and walked across the street along the crosswalk.


This place is really bustling.

Not sarcasm this time.

Can actually use the word "traffic".

You Huo pointed at the passing vehicles and pedestrians, and asked Qin Qiu, "Are these real people or NPCs?"

Qin Research: "Half and half."

"Half?" You Huo was surprised, "Where did so many people come from?"

"Most domestic candidates are concentrated here."

"If I remember correctly, someone said that for a period of time, only people from the same type of examination room will enter the same rest area?"

"Yes, but here is an exception."


"Because of that casino."

Qin Qiu pointed to the tower that was getting closer and said, "There are many things you can get there, both what you want and what you can't expect. For example, cards, a little combination of some cards can help candidates keep delaying the next exam. Buy more time."

One month, two months.

One year, two years.

The house and car are not as valuable as the good cards here, and it is easy to gamble.

Once you live here, you will feel that it is no different from an ordinary city.

The longer you live, the less you want to take the risk of taking the next test.

So there are more and more students.

It is inevitable that there will be a mix of people from different examination rooms.

"Because the exam rooms are different, candidates here will exchange information and sell exam room materials." Qin Qiu said: "It's also the reason why many people choose to stay here."

People have a mentality - after collecting 10 exam room information, they will worry about getting the 11th one. After collecting 100 examination room information, you will be worried that the system has 1000 waiting for you.

Always worry about omissions, never feel that it is not enough.

So... it's never going to get out of here.

"Isn't it absurd?" Qin Qiu said.

He didn't use a sarcastic tone, just a little emotional.

"Understandable." You Huo thought for a while and said, "In the final analysis, it's still a system problem... what do I do?"

Qin Qiu said, "It's nothing, how to say... You are rare."

Confused: "What?"

Qin Qiu: "There are very few people who firmly believe that the system is disgusting from beginning to end, and most of them have been shaken."

"how is this possible?"

"Of course it is possible." Qin Qiu said, "Don't you think the system can sometimes seem stupid and childish?"

Youhuo understood what he meant.

Many people are soft-hearted in nature, and they will laugh and cry because of the stupid things the system does, temporarily forgetting its cruelty.

Once or twice is fine, how about ten or twenty times

Or even... a hundred thousand times

People who stay here for a long time - candidates and invigilators who have lived for a long time, they may encounter moments like this every day.

Not to mention, the system occasionally gives some "preferential treatment" and "rewards".

Gao Qi said: "The early proctors were divided into moderates and hardliners, because moderate proctors had some feelings for the system."

Youhuo felt incredible at the time.

He couldn't understand why there were moderates; why there were people who were soft-hearted about the system and thought it could get back on track.

Now, he understands.

It's hard to say whether the system was intentional or unintentional.

But it does get a little confusing.

If it's intentional, it's really... kind of scary.


The boss was a little sad, but it only lasted for less than twenty minutes.

Because the casino is really too noisy.

As soon as he got the number plate and entered the door, the sky-shattering cheers threw a confused look on his face.

In this environment, talking is either shouting or biting your ears.

Both of them are lazy, they can't shout out, there is no doubt that they choose the latter.

The invigilator in front of No. 001 was like a tour guide, explaining to You Huo all the way: "The first and second floors are the score area. Scores are used as chips. If you win, you will get extra points, and if you lose, you will lose points. Many people expect to change their scores before the test. Go as high as possible so you only need to be steady during the exam.”

The fiery scream just now was that someone had won 26 points.

The man vented for a while, then returned to the gaming table.

Youhuo said in confusion: "I don't know if it's okay to close it?"

Qin Qiu said: "It's not that I don't know, it's that there are rules."

"What rules?"

"You must bet three games at a time."

The next second, the one who won by 26 points lost another 19 points in an instant.

After beating his chest and feet, he stood at the gaming table for the third time.

They went through an arch and up the stairs.

The third floor is also very lively, but the mood of everyone is subtly different.

Qin Qiu said, "This is the cash area."


"It's not just cash in the narrow sense." Qin Qiu said: "Including electronic transfers, houses, cars and other things that represent money in real life."

"Money is almost useless here, what are you gambling for?"

"Vent." Qin Qiu said, "Would you easily bet on a house in real life? Here it is. Bet out in three seconds and win back in five seconds. An absurd vent."

If the score area is really extremely excited, extremely anxious.

The cash area is pure catharsis, cool but not nervous.

They went up two more floors, and Qin Qiu said, "This is the card area."

The tension is somewhere between fractions and cash.

What is more special is that there are only a limited number of people who actually go to the table in the card area, and they are more on the sidelines.

See who has what cards and see who your cards can attract.

You Huo glanced at it roughly.

"Invigilator's Help", "Crambling", and "Cheat Sheet" accounted for the vast majority.

There are seven or eight tables surrounded by two or three circles of people, and the bet is "add ten points", "borrow me the answer" and this kind of high-quality card with direct effect.

There are also two tables full of people... Qin Jiu didn't even look at it, and said firmly: "It must be exempted or postponed. Here, these two are the most popular."

"right here?"

The semi-amnesiac examiner was very imposing as a gambler. He said that he was about to go to the table, and was quickly caught by Qin Qiu.

"Wait, don't worry," Qin Qiu said.

He fished so fast that he grabbed not the wrist but the fingers.

You Huo glanced down.

Qin Jiao didn't let go immediately, and he didn't take it back either.

After a few seconds, the hooked fingers slid away because they fell naturally.

You Huo rubbed the residual warmth of his fingertips and put his hand into his pocket. He swept left and right, and asked Qin Qiu, "Why don't you gamble, there are still demands?"

"We're not gambling here, we're going to another level."

"What's upstairs?"

"Comprehensive area." Qin Qiu said, "Cards, cash, and scores are mixed, let's go to catch mice."

As Qin Qiu said, half of the prosperity of this resting place is real people, half is NPCs placed by the system, and of course gamblers in the casino.

The mice that Qin Research mentioned were those NPCs that the system created.

They don't take exams and don't really care about grades and cards, let alone cars and houses.

Winning from them can be done without any qualms.

In casinos, it's the veterans who go straight to the table.

Novices always wait and see for two days.

However, a novice named You took a table when he went upstairs. Qin Jiu Youzai Youzai followed and leaned against the table.

The two of them are extremely eye-catching just by their faces.

But handsome can not bet out.

So everyone just gathered around different gaming tables and looked here, no one was going to come.

Until the croupier asked, "What are you two betting on?"

"Cards." Qin Qiu said.

There are many people who gamble on cards in the comprehensive area, but good cards are very limited.

There was an endless stream of people who were so imposing and took out "help cards". The old gamblers were already numb, and they even wanted to scoff when they heard the "cards".

Really scoffed.

The dealer is a typical NPC, and it is not likable in the same line as the system.

He nodded eagerly, and said without looking at You Huo, "Where's the card? Report the card and put it on the table."

Youhuo gave an "um", put the card on the table, and said in a low voice, "Walk."

"What's the guarantee?"

The dealer reacted for two seconds and looked over with a dull expression.

Qin Qiu clasped his fingers lightly and repeated clearly: "Guide card, one."

The entire complex was instantly quiet.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then Qi Qi stretched out their necks to two meters long and came over from all directions.

Three minutes later, everyone in the casino knew that two handsome guys had come to the third floor.

In an instant, everyone who didn't go to the gambling table flooded into the comprehensive area, and the table where You Huan and Qin Jiu were sitting was crowded with people.

The first time the dealer saw this kind of battle, his voice trembled with excitement.

"Two gentlemen choose one way to play first?"

"The easiest way is to bet on odd and even numbers."

The dealer nodded and said, "So... which gentleman or lady wants to be in this position?"

He gestured to the vacant seat opposite Youhu and Qin Zhu.

The next second, all the real candidates in the casino were killed.

The dealer trotted back to the corner and said to You Huo from a distance: "In this case, you have the absolute right to choose—"

Qin Qiu's eyes swept over everyone and the things in their hands.

Finally got a lock.

That's a very obvious rat.

That's why the rat dared to grab two good man cards to gamble, and he looked like I was very calm.

When Qin Qiu appointed, the audience went crazy.

The dealer asked blankly: "Are you here to do charity? There are so many top cards in the game, so many holding 20 or 30 points, did you pick the worst?"

How many candidates were hoarse, and the two handsome guys stood still.

The dealer took a few seconds to calm down and put the dice into the dice cup.

For the first time in history, the brave examiner A did not rush to the front line.

He said to Qin Qiu, "Come here."

Qin Qiu raised his eyebrows and asked, "Trust me?"

Youyou: "Don't believe me, your luck is not much better than mine."

Qin Qiu said with a "tsk", "Then why are you still allowed to gamble?"

You Huo raised his chin and motioned for him to continue.

The students next to them were shaking when they heard their conversation.

The croupier shook the bell and sugar palm, and slammed the dice cup onto the table with a "pop".

Qin Qiu asked, "Do you think odd or even numbers?"

Confused: "Even."

Qin Qiu nodded, decisively suppressing Qi.

Confused: "… "

On the correct use of koi examiners.

Do not imitate the end of brackets for dangerous actions.

If you are not afraid of koi hitting people and you are confident to tease them back, you can try it.