Global Examination

Chapter 91: Don't close your eyes ┃ nothing... can't help it


The distracting bandage was taken away, and You Huo grabbed nothing.

For some reason, Qin Qiu suddenly became very entangled, kissing kisses at the end of his eyes, unlike any other time before.

He was pecked a little itchy, but didn't let go.

Qin Qiu turned his head sideways, the line of his lower jaw was thin and deep, and the protruding Adam's apple and shoulder muscles were full of strength. Even when he was at his most relaxed and lazy, this man had a vigilant temperament, and that sense of aggression seemed to be innate.

But at this moment, his kiss was actually gentle and tender, like an intimate and cherished comfort...

"... What's wrong?" You Huo asked in a low voice.

Qin Jiu's eyes were half-closed, and there was light in the slits of his long and narrow eyes.

He still stubbornly kissed You Huo's eyes, and after a long time, he answered solemnly from the bottom of his throat: "Nothing... I can't help it."

You Huo was stunned for a moment, but did not speak.

In fact, he forgot most of the things that Chu Yue said, and he couldn't even remember the clips. Maybe he didn't care when he grew up. After a long time, even he himself felt that he was born with a cold heart and cold lungs.

But at this moment, all the emotions he thought never existed were easily picked up by Qin Qiu.

He was silent for a moment, then suddenly pressed the back of Qin's neck and kissed him...

This scene almost coincides with the past.

Many years ago, this was also the case with Qin research at the end of the exam. He pulled down the bandage in the middle of the entanglement, and said in a low voice: "My big examiner has beautiful eyes..."

"Very, very beautiful."

The examiner at the time, You Huo, closed his eyes, his chest heaved up and down with rapid breathing, and suddenly grabbed Qin Qiu's shoulders, raised his body and kissed him, just as he did many years later.

He bent one long straight leg, changed positions in the kiss, and when he pressed down and sat down, his usual indifferent and downcast eyes were half raised, with misty moisture.

The hoarse voice was muffled between the lips.

You Huo suddenly thought of another sentence—

I don't know what season, what day, and why. Qin Jiao, who was already an examiner, said to him, "Don't close your eyes to me, big examiner, don't avoid anything from me, never."

I won't be afraid of you, I won't alienate you, I won't think of you as some disturbing monster.

I love you so much.

The scene in the confinement room remains the same.

It's been a while since they came in, but nothing has changed.

The lonely ruins did not appear, there was no smell of gunpowder smoke in the distance, there was no high sky, and there was no dark night that was gradually falling.

The confinement room in the mirror has no real punishment.

It's just a room full of memories.

Remindable, unremembered, confrontational, intimate...

all here.

Ridiculous to say.

The world in the mirror is illusory, but the truth can be found.

The examination room has no boundaries, but only this small confinement room does not limit freedom.


At 8:00 in the morning, there was finally a human voice in the small building.

Everyone wakes up one after another according to the schedule, the first thing is to count the heads, so as to avoid another werewolf killing plot, and open their eyes and "die" halfway.

Fortunately, everyone is still there.

"The two little devils didn't make a sneak attack in the middle of the night?" Yang Shu was a little puzzled.

"I cried like that yesterday. It's normal not to attack." Yu Wen scratched his head and said, "Do you still want them to do something?"

"I don't want them to do something, but I don't think it fits the logic of the title." Yang Shu said.

Yu Wen was dumbfounded: "When did the title have logic?"

Yang Shu: "..."

"I know what you mean." Wu Li said calmly, "I also feel a little strange."

Seeing the others staring blankly, she explained: "If these two children are ordinary characters, it is normal for them to get angry. But they are the core of the problem. If they are scared and do nothing, then how can they be the problem? core?"

Yang Shu added: "They should be crying while reluctantly continuing to find fault."

Just like the octopus monster on the desert island, even if it encounters the most ferocious food in history, it still has to go out to eat people when it is time to eat people.

Shu Xue suddenly said, "Actually... I vaguely heard a little noise last night."

"what sound?"

Shu Xue recalled for a moment, her face flushed and said: "Forget it, it seems like..."

She clenched her fingers for a long time, and said, "The sound of hitting a ball?"

"Shooting a ball?"

Everyone looked at the second floor suspiciously.

Sally and Shirley had just woken up, still in their pajamas, holding hands behind the railing.

It may be that the hair is messy, the color of the pajamas is the same, and it is impossible to tell who is the younger sister and who is the older brother.

Lao Yu said with a lingering fear: "I heard the little girl hitting the ball yesterday, and when I opened my eyes, I saw her at the door."

The cold air started to blow from behind everyone.

The most troublesome thing about this exam is the forced sleep. When it comes to sleep time, they are no different from being in a coma, and they don't even have a night watchman.

Most of those present had been attacked and were deeply impressed by the sense of helplessness in loneliness.

The most frightening thing is not that the kid suddenly appears beside you, but when the kid appears, you can't wake up other people.

Just then, a bell rang suddenly.

Everyone is excited.

Yu Wensan took out his phone, "I'm sorry, I forgot to turn off my alarm clock."

Seeing the phone, Shu Xue suddenly let out an "ah".

"That's right!" She took out an old black phone and muttered, "I touched my phone when I heard the sound yesterday, and it seemed like I took a picture. I'm afraid I'm dizzy and can't remember anything today."

She still won this mobile phone from the casino. It is only used to check the time, and it is usually not used much.

"But don't get your hopes up too much, I may not have photographed anything." Shu Xue added bluntly.

Everyone responded with an "umm", but their eyes were fixed on the screen.

In the photo interface, there is a little more under yesterday's date.

Not a single picture, but a video.

Shu Xue opened it.

The video is not long, only five or six seconds.

The first two seconds were muddy, and the last two seconds were muddy again. That should be the moment when Shu Xue raised his hand and put it down.

Only one second in the middle captured something.

Yu Wenyan quickly pressed pause and stopped the screen at one of the frames.

In the picture, the master bedroom door is open, and a figure is standing under the door, looking down at the phone.

Neither Shirley nor Sally.

The figure was much taller than the siblings, with hair hanging down from the side of his face and tucked behind his ears. Although the picture was out of focus and blurry, everyone recognized it at a glance.

It's Yang Shu.


Yang Shu's face turned pale: "I'm sleeping, why am I standing here? When was this shot yesterday? Is it wrong?"

She pokes the screen, and the shooting time above shows—

2:13am last night.

She clicked on the video again to make it move.

So her face turned even paler.

Because she saw herself in the video, her palm raised and fell... She was shooting a ball that a child was just playing.

The picture turned into flowers in a blink of an eye, but the sound of "dong dong" continued, and stopped abruptly after three seconds.

Yu Wen groaned in his heart.

If he didn't know Yang Shu, he would have jumped three meters away now.

No one spoke for a while in the living room, and an inexplicable sense of horror climbed above everyone's heads, making the scalp tingle.

Yang Shu panicked for a moment, then quickly calmed down.

"Should I prove myself first that I wasn't replaced by someone in the mirror?"

Hearing her words, everyone suddenly understood why they felt creepy.

Because they are afraid of appearing in the mirror, they unknowingly replace a partner, and they are still ignorant of the danger.

Wu Li said: "What you just said can prove it. There is no other person who can say such a thing if he is so scared that his face is pale."

Yang Shu was a little moved by her trust, but still said, "Aren't you one?"

Wu Li said: "I will not be pale."

Yang Shu: "..."

It was good that it was not replaced, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

But still think it's terrifying.

They took the two little devils down and asked, "What did you do last night?"

"Sleep." Brother and sister said in unison.

"Didn't shoot the ball?"

Shelly twitched her lips.


"It was filmed before, but I didn't play last night." Shirley suddenly smiled strangely.


In the mirror, the timetable at 8 o'clock failed to wake you up.

He frowned, habitually covering his brows with his elbows and preparing to go back to sleep, but his stomach protested first...

The arms around his waist moved.

He wore a shirt yesterday, buttoned loosely. The hand on his waist went up along his thin waist and abdominal muscles, Qin Qiu's voice was sleepy: "Get up and eat something?"

You Huo held his hand without opening his eyes, trying to sleep for a while.

As a result, the stomach groaned again...

The boss was impatient with ten thousand, and was finally woken up by himself.

It's very rare to get up and get angry on your head.

Seeing his face, Qin Qiu leaned against his back shoulder and laughed twice.

Laugh fart.

You Huo patted his hand, motioned him to take it away, and then sat up.

For a moment, there was a slight stiffness in his movements.

But he made a "tsk" and quickly brought it over.

Qin Qiu got up behind him, and the two tall and tall men got together, and the room was compared to a circle.

They took a shower and went out of the room one after the other.

The scene in the mirror is in sync with reality, and there is even sunlight falling through the window panes on the wooden steps.

Compared to the dimness of the basement, the light was a little dazzling.

Qin Qiu walked upstairs with his hands in his pockets, he squinted in the sunlight, and suddenly stopped.

"Why don't you go?" You Huo asked, one step behind him.

"I missed something."


Qin Qiu turned around, lowered his head and touched the corner of his mouth, and said, "Morning."

Wandering: "...Early."

In the living room, Chu Yue just came over and then backed back and said, "Are you finished early? Let me ask you something."

Qin Qiu stood up straight: "What's the matter?"

"Do you think you are particularly hungry?" Chu Yue said.

Examiner A, who woke up from hunger in the morning, echoed reservedly: "Well, it's a bit."

Chu Yue pressed her stomach and frowned, "I don't know if I'm suspicious or what. Generally speaking, I don't feel so uncomfortable when I'm hungry all day. I'm a little too hungry now... I'm hungry when I see you both."

Chapter 113 New title ┃ Don't get too close to me, I'm afraid to open my eyes and see a pile of gnawed bones.

In the early days, the invigilators were basically from the army, so people like Chu Yue were actually very tolerant. Unless they deliberately exaggerated and joked, they would not care about minor problems.

If she said it was uncomfortable, it was really hard.

So what's it like to be hungry? ?

Youhuo had some doubts at first, but he didn't expect to have a resonance after half an hour.

Resonance in the physical sense—Chu Yue's stomach protested, and his stomach responded, and Qin Qiu almost laughed when he sang it.

"My heart is burning now, and I'm a little dizzy." Chu Yue circled around the sofa, so hungry that she couldn't sit down.

Youhuo remained silent, sitting on the sofa with two long legs, starving into a low-energy mode.

Chu Yue turned around and couldn't help turning to the kitchen again.

"Oh, by the way, where did those two onions on the refrigerator go?"

Both You Huo and Qin Qiu looked at her in shock.

"No, what are you two looking at. I didn't plan to eat it alone, but if I find something, I can cut a stir-fry to season it."

The lady was so hungry that she began to dream.

"Forget it, I guess you don't know either. I'll take a look, in case I can find something to eat." She said unwillingly: "Even if it's just a chili, I can cook it on the spot. There are three or five , and a plate of tiger skin peppers."

"There's no vinegar here, otherwise it's sweet and sour tiger peppers."

She is also abusive. She was so hungry that her chest was sticking to her back, and she had to verbally seek stimulation.

Going further away, the back of the sofa behind You Huo creaked.

He turned his head to look, Qin Jiu pressed his elbow on it, lowered his head and asked him, "Are you uncomfortable?"

"General." Youhuo subconsciously understated.

After he finished speaking, he paused, and then added to Qin Qiu: "It's almost like what Chu Yue said, I want to bite when I see you now."

This sounds strange for some reason.

Qin Qiu lowered one hand, raised it to You Huo, and said, "It's not that I didn't bite last night. Look at the teeth marks of our big examiner."

Confused: "… "

Who can figure out the details after making such a mess

Just as he was about to turn his face away, he found that there were no teeth marks on his outstretched hand at all.

What about coaxing ghosts again

Under the confused and numb stare, Qin Qiu rubbed his downed fingers against his face and said, "Just kidding."

"Just before your brother entered the bathroom, I tried to make some movement in the mirror. He should have seen it."

You Huo thought about Yu Wen's reaction and asked, "Are you scared to death?"

Qin Qiu said, "It's alright, hold on."

"Are you sure he knows what you mean?"

"It should be, it depends on your brother's understanding."

Youyou looked at the floor-to-ceiling mirror.

Sure enough, seeing the other side of the mirror, Yu Wen came out of the bathroom and went straight to the sofa.

While shaking the water in his hand, he called from a distance, "Old Yu! The mirror trembled just now. It must be my brother who called me."

Qin Qiu raised his eyebrows and readily took the title of "my brother".

"How do you say it?" Lao Yu Diandian ran to the sofa.

"Definitely urge me to get them out."

This time, Yu Wen's comprehension ability was very good, and he accurately grasped the thoughts that confused them.

The others also returned to the living room one after another.

"Just write a wrong answer." Yang Shu said.

Her complexion is still not very good, but it is not as ugly as before. It is obvious that Shu Xue and Wu Li have comforted her.

"Are you ready?" Yu Wen grabbed the pen and asked.

All he had to do was write an error and cross it out. The so-called things in this building that can illuminate people will become killers. Before You Huo, Qin Qiu, and Chu Yue come out, they must ensure their own safety.

Wu Li rubbed her stomach and said, "Stomach hurts a bit, maybe I'm hungry. If anything happens in a while, you can do it in a way that maximizes the benefits."

"Don't worry, I can't let you have anything." Yang Shu turned to Wen and said, "Write it."

Yu Wen grabbed the pen, and everyone tensed up.

In the mirror, Chu Yue stopped dreaming and went back to the sofa to wait to be released.

"I remember discussing with my sister that the answer was 1..." Yu Wen muttered to himself.

How many Shirleys can there be in the house

If all the Shirleys in the mirror are phantoms and fakes, then there is only one Shirley.

Yu Wen said, and wrote a 0 below the second question.

As soon as he wrote the pen, he said, "Wait a minute."

It's a pity that Yu Wen outside the mirror can't see him, let alone hear him.

Fortunately, someone reached out to stop it.

"Wait." It was Yang Shu who spoke.

Yu Wen just wrote an arc, but he was stuck halfway and didn't dare to move.

"We exchanged information in the mirror before, and from Shirley's diary and her parents' diary, she may have been replaced by herself in the mirror." Yang Shu said, "You must have watched horror movies, here comes the routine. Say so."

Yu Wen had never entered the mirror, nor did he bother to read the owner's diary.

He was startled and said hesitantly, "The answer is... 0?"

Wu Li said: "Actually, I'm not sure, because the question is a bit vague. If Shirley is really replaced, and the person in the mirror is a phantom even if she can't come out, then the answer is 0. Counting phantoms, what you can touch is real, then the answer is 1, if you don’t care about anything, just count everything, and the answer is countless.”

"Now that countless are ruled out, 0s and 1s can't be determined yet."

Yu Wen thought about it and said, "Then to be on the safe side, I won't write a 0 nor a 1."

He said, and continued to write along the arc, and simply wrote a 3.

Sally and Shirley recovered from the shadows of yesterday, and went out the door hand in hand, clapping a huge ball in each hand, and the thumping sound went all the way to the basketball court across the street.

The people in the room looked at Shirley's back, the atmosphere was stiff, and no one spoke.

Shortly after the brothers and sisters left, red handwriting slowly appeared on the paper, tick 3 and added 12 points.


The question mark on Yu Wen's forehead burst out.

It is lucky to get the correct answer at random.

Full of confidence, if you answer the wrong answer on purpose, but the mother is right, it's not luck, it's sarcasm.

subject to ridicule.

You Huo, Qin Jiu, and Chu Yue couldn't get out.

There are three Shirleys at home.

I don't know which of these three things is more chilling.

Anyway, superimposed together, the people inside and outside the mirror are desperate.

You are confused, they are hungry, and when you hear them, they are startled.

The sound of thumping the ball came into the house through the street, and the two children giggled, echoing in the empty street, setting off the dead silence in the house.

"Three Shirleys? How could there be three Shirleys? There are only two children in total." Lao Yu looked out.

The more he looked at it, the more horrified he became.

Because in many moments, ignoring the issue of hair loss, the two children look too similar...

It's so similar, almost exactly the same.

In the mirror, You Huo patted Qin Qiu and said, "Don't you know how to recite Xue Li's diary? Do it again."

Qin Research: "..."

It's okay to play with you, but it's a bit scary to memorize those contents in a serious manner with other people.

Qin Qiu said, "I know what you want to hear, about Sally, right?"

Chu Yue also sat up straight and said, "Yeah, when I read the diary, I thought something was weird. Now that I think about it, in the diary, every time Xue Li mentioned her parents, she was talking about her mother. What did she reward her, what did her father give her, her parents... never seemed to give Sally anything?"

This time there is no need for Qin Qiu to memorize it, You Huo remembers a certain page very clearly.

Shirley wrote in one of them: She made a bet with Sally, she won, and Sally should give her a candy. But Sally doesn't have sugar... Mom never gives him sugar.

Wander looked through the diaries of Shirley's parents again, and found that they didn't mention Sally at all.

As if in their eyes, this "son" doesn't exist at all, they only have one daughter.

"Also, Xue Li lost one tooth, and Sally lost one too." Chu Yue said, "At first glance, it was nothing, but I felt... ."

In addition, the "brother and sister" often speak in unison.

Even if it is negotiated, even if it is twins, it is impossible to be so consistent all day long.

The people inside and outside the mirror instantly thought of—

Sally is Shirley.

"Wait!" Lao Yu suddenly remembered something and went straight to the guest room.

Others hurried to follow.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Lao Yu open the mattress, everyone was a little puzzled.

"Didn't I get trapped in the mirror before, so I wondered if I could find some clues in the guest room." Lao Yu greeted Yu Wen and put his hand away, removed the mattress, stretched his hand inside for a few times, and said, "This is at the head of the bed. Isn't there a gap on the side, I saw a book under the bed at the time, I tried to dig it out but couldn't find it."

The book under the bed in the guest room, either someone accidentally fell into it or found something hidden there.

Old Yu prefers the latter.

The book was finally taken out, Lao Yu blew off the dust on the cover, and solemnly spread it out on the coffee table.

At the same time, there was an identical book in front of the three of them, and the pages were opened in the exact same position.

This is still a diary.

Judging from the naive brushstrokes, it is still Xue Li's, but the time is earlier than the one Qin Jiuhui memorized.

February 19

I want to have a brother, I'll call him Sally.

Mom said that it could have been there, and Dad even made it to get in and out of bed, but unfortunately it didn't.

What is it that could have been

February 22

I have a brother, so happy!

He was right in my bedroom, sleeping under me.

I told my mom about it, she was cutting cabbage and she dropped her knife.

February 24

Mom and Dad have been loving hugging me lately, as they do when they're sick.

But I am not sick.

It's nice to have a brother, and Sally accompanies me to shoot the ball every day.

February 25

I asked my mom if Sally and I were twins, and she didn't seem happy.

She's weird, she doesn't seem to like Sally.

March 5

Sally finally wore something different from me, and I cut his hair off.

We are two different.

He doesn't cry when I cry and makes me laugh.

March 7

Mom bought me a lot of candy, so happy.

When my dad told me stories, he asked me why I had a brother.

Because I made a wish, I make a wish in the mirror every day before going to bed.

But I don't tell him.

Sally said it was a secret between us.

April 2

I asked Sally to come in with me during the photo shoot today, and Mom agreed.

We took a lot of pictures.

I can put them on the stovetop or let Dad hang them on the wall.

April 15

Mom and Dad still didn't like Sally.

it's a pity.

Although this diary can also see the hair on people's backs, it is obviously much gentler than the previous one.

Everyone looks at these contents and understands the whole story after a little bit of reasoning.

This house originally only lived in a family of three, the hostess and the daughter Shirley.

Shirley made a wish in the mirror every day, so one day, the mirror copied one of her, which was Sally.

Sally started out looking exactly like Shirley, from the looks to the clothes to the crying and laughing. A day later, Sally cut her hair and changed her clothes, so she didn't have to look exactly like Shirley.

It's starting to get real...

After half a year passed, the mirror started to move again. This time the whole family noticed something was wrong with the mirror.

It should have copied another Shirley, this time instead of playing with her, instead of just playing with her.

Possibly jealous or competitive? Or some other mentality.

So the style of painting behind the second diary suddenly changed.


On the court, the "brother and sister" were still shooting the ball and smiling happily.

Everyone saw their scalps go cold.

If that's two "Sherrys", where is the third

Both questions were answered correctly, and Yuyou was forced to stay for a long time.

Yu Wen ran to the mirror to confess and said, "Brother, I accidentally answered the question correctly, and I won't be able to scribble it off after that. I can only wait for the questions that are refreshed at night to let you out, and you can bear with it a little longer."

Chu Yue licked her teeth and said, "I can't take it anymore, so I'd better shut myself in the room. When I see this kid now, I just think his skin and tender meat should taste good. You two should stay away from me too, I'll wait. Come out in the evening."

She ran away.

The door to the guest room slammed, and there was no movement.

You Huo raised his eyelids, and his eyes fell on Qin Qiu's neck.

He could keenly feel the meridians in Qin Jiu's neck beating along with his heart.

He is also very hungry.

Qin Qiu leaned forward, looked into his eyes and asked, "There are still a few hours, can you hold back?"

Wandering suddenly returned to God.

He licked his lips and looked away, and said in a low voice, "Force, so I'll go to sleep. You... don't get too close to me, I'm afraid to open your eyes and see a pile of gnawed bones."

Qin Jiu is very obedient... there is a ghost.


This afternoon was extremely difficult, in every sense.

When it comes to nap time in the evening, the hungry and restless are quiet. In the small building, she fell asleep neatly, and Shirley's "brothers and sisters" also crawled under the covers.

They slept hard this night, because the candidates answered the questions correctly. Also because of some... other changes.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, a new topic was written on the white paper in the living room on time:

One Shirley didn't speak, and the two Shirleys laughed haha. Shirley always likes to play some small games, such as hiding somewhere and waiting for parents or guests to find out. The game has troubled her since she had three Shirleys.

Shelly's favorite place to hide is in the low cabinet under the master bed. A low cabinet can hide up to two sherry, or a sherry and a ball, or two balls.

Shirley always likes to hold a ball when she plays, so how many low cabinets do three Shirleys need