Global Examination

Chapter 99: Share photos ┃ Do you have other photos? childhood


On this day, there was a lot of scrolling information on the big screen in the proctoring office.

Many candidates survived the early stage, but they let their guard down at the last moment, unfortunately they ended up here.

Most of the information was brushed out in the middle of the night, and no one else saw it except the rotating invigilator.

922 and 154 are responsible for keeping watch in the middle of the night.

They went downstairs at 4 in the morning, went to the dining table to pick out a hot breakfast, and took a seat at a long table by the window.


There were already two invigilators sitting at the table.

They drank refreshing coffee and stared intently at the screen.

"You just swiped the screen for a while before you came." One of the invigilators said, "Dozens of people have been declared dead, and I can't even eat breakfast."

922 said "Ah" regretfully, holding up a bite of the cake he had just dug, neither eating nor not eating.

154 was calm, drinking oatmeal suavely.

They are not familiar with the two invigilators, because they are in charge of different test areas at home and abroad, and they usually do not meet each other. But it was embarrassing for the four of them to sit silently until dawn, so they soon started chatting one after another.

"Did you take the exam a long time ago?" the invigilator who couldn't eat breakfast asked 922. He was older, and he unconsciously regarded 922 as a junior when he spoke.

"Yes." 922 nodded and said, "I took the exam very early, at the same time as our boss, 001."

As soon as he mentioned 001, the invigilator made an "oh" and mumbled with a complicated expression: "001... Hey, when 001 was a candidate, the whole invigilation area knew about such a person. It's too confusing, the system has added so many rules for him. "

"… "

922 held the cake and looked at him silently.

The invigilator changed his words again: "But thinking about it now, it's really awesome."

It is not easy to pick out a good word of 001 from the mouth of this group of initial invigilators.

Seeing his constipated expression, 922 couldn't help but want to laugh: "Of course he's awesome, otherwise, can he be ranked 001?"

"He wasn't 001 in the beginning. At that time, the code name was Gin. I remember it very clearly—" the invigilator talked about the past and regained his spirit: "After you become invigilators, you all have a matching candidate card, right?"

922 didn't respond, 154 took out a room card-like face and put it on the table, and continued to drink porridge "without saying a word or saying a word".

"Oh, are you talking about this?" 922 pointed to the card and said, "I don't usually need it, but if you violate the rules, you can use it to swipe it at the rest area to temporarily display the score."

"Yes, that's it." The invigilator said, "In the beginning, there was no such thing. After becoming an invigilator, the admission ticket number will be invalid."

922 heard it for the first time: "Oh?"

"Just because 001 became an invigilator and violated the rules, the system added the invigilator's penalty rules, and then each of us got a temporary candidate card for punishment."

922: "That's actually the case? I've seen the boss's card. Someone missed a letter in the tail number. It's Gi."

"Really?" the invigilator said: "The first batch of cards was made by A himself. He is very careful, and generally he is not likely to commit—"

He wanted to say that A wouldn't make mistakes in this kind of thing, but thinking that the other party is 001, that's not necessarily the case.

Is this a deliberate provocation

Must be.

He recalled the original situation, and then thought about the current A and 001, and felt that his brain was broken.

After being stunned for a moment, he regained his senses, and said to 922, "Then you should be very good. At that time, the people who took the test were carefully selected."

922 hurriedly waved his hand and said, "I have blown it, I have met several teammates who were quite strong at the time, but I was unlucky. In the end, only 001 passed. I can't do it anyway, but luck is okay. stay for now."

"Aren't you two candidates in the first phase?" the invigilator raised his chin at 154, "I think you two are in a good relationship, and I thought you were coming from your companions all the way."

154 swallowed the food and said, "No, I am later than him."

922 nodded and said, "Yes, he was a candidate later than me, but he was a proctor a little earlier than me. After I passed the test, my vitality was severely damaged, and I spent a long time in the rest area."

During the conversation, the big screen screamed, and the death announcement message came again.

Several people stopped talking and fell silent.

This time the information was swiped like crazy, and the screen scrolled for two minutes without stopping.

The sound of ding-dong has become a film, and each sound represents a fresh life returning to silence.

No matter how many times you see this kind of thing, few people can be indifferent.

In the blink of an eye, nearly 100 candidates were swiped, and the faces of the other three invigilators were not good-looking.

922 completely put down the cake scoop, with the exception of 154.

He glanced at the screen, lowered his head in silence for a moment, and continued to drink the porridge one by one.

The eyes of those two invigilators looking at 154 were wrong.

Obviously, they took 154 as a cold-blooded person.

Many strangers will have this first impression of 154 - coffin face, stereotype, always businesslike. In the past, 922 would never see a friend misunderstood, and would always find an opportunity to explain it to 154.

He used to say, "If you've seen 154's confinement room, you wouldn't think that way."

In other people's confinement rooms, all they see are scenes related to themselves. 154's confinement room has nothing to do with him.

His confinement room will repeatedly replay the appearance of various candidates dying in the examination room.

Familiar, unfamiliar, spoken, unspoken... are all candidates he has met before.

Other invigilators sighed and regretted, but slowly they forgot. Although he never mentioned it, he remembered it all.

A long time ago, 922 ridiculed 154, saying why he was so afraid of the confinement room when he became an invigilator.

He hadn't made such a joke since he met him once.

The announcement of death sounded all night, like a final revelry.

At 8:00 in the morning, the gloomy clouds dissipated, the sun appeared over the examination room, and the early morning breeze blew past.

Countless candidates woke up from their sleep and found that the building was empty except for themselves.

The sound of the system rang in each small building:

[A cousin learned that Shirley's parents had an accident, and that there were always strange phenomena in Brandon Township, and it was too inappropriate to leave children here. The cousin had arrived at the small building early in the morning and picked up the poor siblings... 】

The poorer candidates gave their middle finger to the street broadcast.

The system paused, and reluctantly added another sentence for the sake of precision:

[Except for individual mutation examination rooms. 】


All candidates know that the serial number of an individual examination room is 197.

[Before leaving, the Shirley brothers and sisters left a cute note and gave the small building to the guests for a temporary stay, as a holiday gift for you in advance. 】

[So far, the first stage of the single-player battle has officially ended, and there are 1,427 candidates remaining in the joint examination room. 】

[Congratulations to these 1,427 candidates, you have shown due intelligence and extraordinary courage, and passed this stage smoothly. 】

[From now on, you have 4 hours of rest time, you can sleep, eat, organize personal items, etc. Please feel free to use and enjoy. 】

[4 hours later at 12:00 noon, the second stage of the exam will officially start. 】

When it said this, the eight old fritters who were punished in the invigilation area did not hear a word.

Affected by the confinement room, most of them did not get up.

Among this group of people, You Huo woke up early.

When he opened his eyes, Qin Qiu's arm was going over him to get something.

"Wake you up?" Qin Qiu asked.

Wandering for a while, he waited until his sleepiness eased before saying, "No, I just woke up. What time is it?"

Qin Jiu grabbed the phone and said, "I'm just watching, 8:30. Do you want to sleep again?"

As soon as the voice fell, You Huo had already closed his eyes.

Qin Qiu looked down at him: "Do you really want to sleep?"

You Huo breathed steadily, and after a while, he said in a hoarse voice, "No, close your eyes and rest."

Qin Qiu laughed sullenly.

Youhuo let out an "um", as if he had fallen asleep.

After a long time, he moved his lips and said, "When is the second stage?"

"There is usually a rest time, noon or afternoon." Qin Zhou said.

"I entered the examination room to talk to Lao Yu." You Huo said.

Qin Qiu flipped through his cell phone and suddenly remembered something.

He dialed the confused earlobe: "The big examiner."

Youhu closed his eyes and said "tsk", seemingly dissatisfied, but he didn't mean to avoid it at all: "Speak."

"I'm thinking... Have I seen you before?" Qin Qiu said.

Youyou: "...What nonsense are you talking about?"

"I don't mean the system, I mean when I was young." Qin Qiu thought for a moment and said, "How old are you in the solitary confinement room? Twelve or thirteen years old?"

"Twelve." You Huo said.

"Maybe the angle is a problem. I felt a little familiar when I saw it. Maybe I have seen it before?" Qin Qiu said, "Do you have any other photos? When I was a child."

Confused: "… "

Seeing that he didn't move, Qin Qiu started playing with his earrings again.

Seeing that the side of the neck became more and more red, You Huo finally stretched out an arm without groping on the bedside table.

He shoved the phone to Qin Jiu and said, "There should be one. I don't know which photo I took with Yu Wen a hundred years ago. You can find it."

When Qin Qiu got it, the fingerprint lock had been unlocked.

The entire phone was open in front of him without reservation.

However, the content of Wandering's mobile phone is very clean, concise and clear at a glance, and there are very few things in the album.

Qin Qiu found the group photo "I don't know where a hundred years ago" at a glance.

Yu Wen in the photo is very small, so small that he may not be able to walk, and he can only stay upright by being supported by the people behind him.

Supporting him was a boy with black hair, a thin physique, and very handsome facial features.

Qin Qiu was stunned when he saw him.

You Huo can feel his strangeness even if he doesn't open his eyes.

"What's wrong?" He finally opened his eyes, and when he turned around, he saw Qin Qiu frowning.

"This is you?"

Qin Qiu magnified the boy's face and confirmed it to You Huo.

"Otherwise? Have you ever seen others look like this?" You Huo said angrily.

Qin Zhuo was silent for a moment and said, "I really saw it."

Confused: "?"

After saying this, he really didn't feel sleepy.

"What's the meaning?"

"Two or three years ago, I saw a photo of him when he was a child from another person. This is the one he showed me, and he said the same thing. He said it was a photo taken with relatives and children a long time ago."

"Who?" You Huo stared at Qin Qiu.

Qin Qiu said, "… 154."

Confused and stunned.

At that moment, he almost wondered if he had made a mistake and accidentally took someone else's photo by mistake.

But this kind of thinking is obviously ridiculous, and Yu Wen and his son alone can prove the attribution of this photo.

What's more, although the photo is nearly 20 years different from now, he is still six points similar to the boy in the photo.

The man in the photo is him, no doubt about that.

So what about 154

For what reason did he take other people's childhood photos as his own