
Chapter 18


Bai Cai watched the live clip and said, "Lao Wei, you are a sinful man."

There are more than a dozen professional players in the video, except for the three top-ranked players, the others are also newcomers, and even Xia Dan and the others.

Xia Dan had a lot of dramas, so he wiped away tears and cried: "To be honest, the master was empty a while ago. Lao Yu and I were summoned, and it took us a full six hours."

Yu Fei happened to be in a double row with him, and then said, "Can you imagine it? The sour feeling of your famous hero being pressed on the ground and rubbed on the ground."

Xia Dan did not hesitate: "No, you fish gods are dignified and wild kings, and you were slapped in the face by the eight arcs of the master."

Well, these two lose each other, and the video is even more lively!

Some viewers caught the point: "Why is the master empty?"

Xia Dan: "This is something that can't be said..."

Yu Fei: "The secret..."

In the next section of the video, a real man who dared to speak, Yue Ye sneered: "He heard about the training match between Close and Gary."


Moonlight said expressionlessly: "Close won the championship in 2019. After watching the live broadcast, he asked me and Ou Xing to Solo for eight hours."

The barrage exploded: "Hastily, is it so high up!"

The next clip cuts to the smiling Ou Xing: "That's right, I've switched to the bottom since then."

Listening to the obsession inside and outside the words, passers-by can't help but feel distressed!

What happened to them in those eight hours!

Wei Xiao also saw this video clip. He watched it at twice the speed and called Bai Cai: "What's going on with these guys? They're all star players, so can't they be burdened by idols?"

What does all this say? How can a group of professional players be abused by passers-by, how can they speak out so frankly!

Bai Cai laughed: "When one person is abused, he has to take care of his face; when a group of people are abused, the crowd is excited!"

"Besides, they know that you are going to be a professional, so you can't make a good preparation, and you will be ashamed?"

Wei Xiao paused and immediately retorted: "Who said I'm going to be a professional!"

Bai Cai was surprised: "Ah, the captain didn't invite you?"

Wei Xiao choked: Really invited.

Bai Cai: "Fuck, brother, you are really good. You rejected the big devil twice. You really are extraordinary, not an ordinary person."

Wei Xiao felt a little guilty for some reason: "If you don't have anything, don't talk nonsense."

Bai Cai: "No way, you two stayed in the same room for a few hours, and the captain didn't do anything to you?"

Wei Xiao was silent: "Old Bai, I suspect you are driving, and there is evidence."

Bai Cai: "When the driver sees the car, Brother Xiao, you should wash your mind."

Wei Xiao was too lazy to be poor with him: "In short, you all think too much, I won't be a professional."

Bai Cai hit the nail on the head: "Then why are you cowardly?"

Wei Xiao was taken aback.

Bai Cai was just about to stab him while the iron was hot, but who knew that this guy slapped his thigh: "Yes, as long as I don't play a career, their revenge won't burn me!"

Bai Cai: "Eh..."

That's not the case. He wanted Wei Xiao to see clearly his eager professionalism, so why...

Wei Xiao: "Good brother, you gave me some advice!"

Bai Cai: "…"

Wei Xiao: "In that case, you don't have to be too shy. I'll make an appointment with those star players in the future. I think they are looking forward to it. We can't favor one over the other."

Bai Cai: "guna!"

Wei Xiao: "Huh?"

Bai Cai: "Go away!!!"

Wei Xiao rolled away, and after a while he rolled back: "Old Bai! I only knew you were shameless before, but I never thought you were so shameless!"

Bai Cai's head hurts: "What's wrong?"

Wei Xiao threw him a screenshot: "This... this... you fucking give me back my eyes!"

In the screenshot is the Weibo that Bai Cai just posted this morning, oh, it was posted by the trumpet Guadi.

What's inside...

To be honest, Bai Cai looked at himself and his eyes hurt: "Wei Xiao, you have a problem, what are you staring at my trumpet?"

Wei Xiao: "Do you think I want to watch it? I'm searching for my own gossip, who would have seen the sweetness between you and Close... I'm sorry I vomited."

Wei Xiao didn't pay attention to Bai Cai's trumpet at all. He was seriously searching for Master Yideng, trying to recall how many enemies he had set up. Who knew that a certain wave had pushed the famous Gu Di in front of him according to the same kind of push. .

Guadi's latest Weibo has over 10,000 comments shortly after it was posted, and the popularity is astonishingly high.

Wei Xiao glanced at it, then hugged Erha and stared blankly.

- The e-sports demon king and his assistant wife.

The content was so hot that Wei Xiao's eyes hurt. Guadi wrote a small paper and carefully analyzed the double-row crash last night.

Only Bai Cai and Wei Xiao collided with Lu Feng and Ning Zhehan.

Lu Feng killed Bai Cai nineteen times, and was judged to be jealous.

Lu Feng did not protect Ning Zhehan once, and was analyzed as being forced to operate.

Even the double row of Bai Cai and Wei Xiao was kicked in the end, and there was another layer of explanation—

He is going to fight the "rival" one-on-one!

Wei Xiao got goosebumps when he saw it: "Old Bai, you are really a wolf, you are so cruel to yourself..."

Although no one knows that Emperor Gua is a white talent, but Brother Cai sacrifices the ego to fulfill everyone's spirit, it really makes people want to shout out - shameless!

Bai Cai's mouth twitched: "You think I want to post this!"

Wei Xiao: "Everything is for traffic, Lao Bai, it's not easy for you to make money."

Bai Cai: "Fuck!"

He opened Guadi's private message and started taking screenshots frantically: "Look at it, give me a fucking look, I received 800 private messages yesterday, and 700 of them were YY you and Lu Shen!"

He kindly diverted his attention for them, but this guy still doesn't appreciate it!

Wei Xiao was speechless by this screenshot.

Compared with the private messages of the girls, Guadi's small essay is simply too clear.

Bai Caiqi said, "Understood?"

Wei Xiao: "… "

Bai Cai rolled his eyes: "I don't appreciate it for protecting you, you are heartless..."

"No..." Wei Xiao asked seriously, "Why am I suffering?"

Bai Cai: "Huh?"

Wei Xiao was very dissatisfied: "Why do they all think that I am suffering, am I not strong? Isn't it beautiful? Isn't it A!"

Bai Cai: "..."

Wei Xiao tasted it: "Oh, I seem to be shorter than Close, but I can still grow, how can I grow three centimeters longer, 185 is not a problem, emmm... It seems to be shorter than Close... "

Bai Cai: "Old Wei."

Wei Xiao: "Huh?"

Bai Cai: "Get out of here!!!"

Let's chirp and hang up the call.


What the hell did he do, to be brothers with this madman!

After fighting Bai Cai, Wei Xiao was refreshed and got up to walk the dog.

It was almost the end of January, the weather was very cold, and Wei Xiao didn't wear much clothes, but Erha slipped out a sweat.

He had just returned to the house when the phone rang.

This special voice was on the platform. Wei Xiao took out his mobile phone and saw that it was his boss.

LU: "In?"

Wei Xiao made a direct voice: "Go home soon." He ran out of breath.

LU paused: "Exercise?"

Wei Xiao: "It's okay to walk the dog!"

Wei Xiao: "Boss, wait a moment, I'll take a shower first."

LU: "No hurry."

Wei Xiao took a shower, wiped it clean, and looked in the mirror.

Is 182 considered short? Why does he suffer!



Tsk, Wei Xiao remembered Lu Feng's figure, and he was sore: "How can there be such a teenager who is addicted to the Internet? Incompetent!"

After getting dressed and coming out, Wei Xiao picked up the phone: "Boss?"

LU: "In."

Wei Xiao: "I'm on the game."

The low-score game is too easy for Wei Xiao, just play casual show and let the other side call Dad.

After about seven or eight games, the two became more and more familiar.

Wei Xiao is the type who knows more and more. At first, he was serious enough to give the boss a popular science game, and he started to brag about himself.

"See, this skill is well connected, and it can kill the opponent's hometown in one breath."

"Look at my shadow attack, handsome or not!"

"To be honest, most professional players can't do this."

After the more and more familiar, LU typed: "You are very good."

Wei Xiao: "It's average, it's a little worse than the world's number one."

The corners of Lu Feng's mouth bent down and asked him, "Why don't you play a career if you are so strong."

Wei Xiao was taken aback.

LU: "It's more promising to play professionally than to play with me."

If anyone asked him this question, even if it was a white talent, Wei Xiao would just walk past him and never speak his mind.

But LU is not in the professional circle, he is just an ordinary player, and he takes great care of him and is gentle and kind.

Wei Xiao liked him very much, and didn't mind telling the truth: "You may not believe me. I was going to sign a contract two years ago, and I was thinking about earning money to take my grandma to travel around the world, but..."

Lu Feng was slightly startled.

Wei Xiao: "My grandmother heard that I was going to be a professional, and when she came over with a cane, she almost maimed me!"

Lu Feng: "The older generation doesn't really understand e-sports."

Wei Xiao laughed and said, "I grew up with my grandmother, and I've been afraid of her all my life. I won't do what she doesn't let me do. Besides, it's annoying, tiring and stressful to look at. If you earn a lot, you don’t even have time to spend it, so what’s the use of earning more.”

The two happened to be in the game, and Lu Feng didn't say anything.

Wei Xiao thought of his grandmother, and his nose was pantothenic.

He brought Erha over and rubbed it several times before holding back the tears.

The two lined up for three or four more rounds, and Lu Feng said, "I have something to do here, let's go first."

After playing for so long, Wei Xiao's mood has long since recovered, and he replied, "Okay!"

The boss went down, Wei Xiao changed into a large size, and just about to match the game, WeChat popped in.

Close: "Come on duo?"

Wei Xiao's eyes lit up, he hurriedly closed the single row page, and replied to him: "Come on!"

Close: "Have you eaten yet?"

Wei Xiao said, "Not yet."

Close asked casually, "Just woke up?"

Wei Xiao: "Wake up early, accompany the boss..."

He just typed these three words and didn't feel very good.

Don't look at him playing with him for so long, but he didn't do it once before the boss. He made a fortune by abusing professional players all the way.

The name of Master Yideng is quite cool...

Wei Xiao is usually faceless and skinless, but here at Close, he is extremely burdened.

He changed his words: "I woke up early and played a few games with my girlfriend."

After posting it, Wei Xiao took a selfie of his thigh: I'm so fucking smart, look at the tone of this winner in life, cool BOY!