
Chapter 86


The voice fell, the thief stepped forward, and the shadow attack threw himself behind Jin Hunter, and the short blade stabbed him in the waist.

Jin Chengxuan responded very quickly. Although he was injured by a knife, he immediately handed over the flash and distanced himself from the thief.

There was a slight hesitation in this operation, and the golden hunter was already dead.

Li Heran's recovery totem was inserted into Jin Hunter, making up for his lost blood in minutes.

Bai Cai was taken aback by Wei Xiao's words, but he didn't take the shot slowly. He knew this beast too well. He could eat him for a mistake at such a critical moment!

Guangmu's first skill flew out, poking out the grass field, and at the same time fixed the nearest target.

Li Heran stood in front of Jin Chengxuan and took this control.

Wei Xiao: "Tsk."

The thief didn't even pause for a moment. Once the skill had cooled down, he immediately jumped up again. Although he didn't have a big move, he couldn't brush the arc, but with the combo of the first and second skills, it was enough to deal burst damage.

Li Heran was not in a hurry, and the totem in his hand switched extremely quickly, smashing the bag full of thieves.

Kim Sung Hyun hid behind the captain, and the golden arrows fell like raindrops...

Are you going to explode the first head!

Who is the blood on

Everyone stared nervously at the screen, watching the thief who was not afraid of tigers and the golden hunter who trampled thieves under his feet all the year round.

Who exactly...

"Fuck!" The barrage screamed.

"I thought it was dry wood and raging fire, why did you die?"

"I've put all my bets on it, you won't fight?"

"Go on, the thief is going to hunt for gold."

"Shoot, Jin Hunt kills the thief!"

After encountering each other and changing a set of skills, both sides retreated rationally and chose to avoid the battle.

Commentary: "The two sides in this game are very cautious. It seems that there will be no fighting in the early stage. It should develop for a while. After all, the thieves are also very aggressive..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he was madly slapped in the face by the scene on the screen.

Fucking rational retreat, fucking escapism!

These four people are clearly acting tactically.

Pretend to retreat, but in fact lure the enemy into it.

Jin Chengxuan did not expect Wei Xiao to be so cautious.

Wei Xiao didn't expect Jin Chengxuan to be so cowardly.

Halfway through the performance, the two sides watched the other side want to 'escape', then quickly counterattacked and fought together.

Barrage audience: "..."

Commentary A: "… "

Commentary B saved a colleague's life: "The thief's skills have been brushed up, the protection of the elemental shaman is very comprehensive, and the gold hunting damage is considerable!"

Commentator A's tone went smoothly, and he also talked about the battle situation.

It is impossible to retreat rationally. How can you be worthy of the affection of the cold wind by the sea without a fight

Wei Xiao targeted Jin Chengxuan, and Jin Chengxuan also locked Wei Xiao.

Shadow thieves move to avoid damage, and Jinhun is also cautious to maintain the maximum distance output, and never give thieves a chance.

Bai Cai is not a decoration, he is feeding Wei Xiao while looking for opportunities: "I will control Li Heran, you go to Jin Chengxuan."

Wei Xiao: "Wait."

A guy with a hippy smile on weekdays, once he sinks into the game, is even colder and calmer than a thief.

As an assassin, you don't have the cheetah-like nature to wait for an opportunity, and you can't kill anyone!

Bai Cai stared at the screen, and finally found the right time: "Stop!"

Wei Xiao had already rushed up.

Bai Cai's control was only 0.5 seconds, which was too short. If they couldn't kill Jin Lie while Li Heran couldn't move, Wei Xiao and Bai Cai would be dead.

By strengthening the short-range displacement of the basic attack, Wei Xiao sneaked behind Jin Hunter.

Jin Chengxuan is very calm, not panic at all, a thief without a big move, want to kill him? dream.

Wei Xiao smashed all three skills on Jin Chengxuan, Jin Chengxuan's blood volume plummeted, and he fell seriously injured in minutes.

But he was not in a hurry, the backhand was an overwhelming rain of arrows, shooting at Wei Xiao.

Bai Cai's control was gone, Li Heran's hand was astonishingly fast, and a stack of totems landed on Jin Chengxuan, returning him to a half-blooded state in minutes.

The thief is still brushing, and with the perfect positioning, the blue bar can be used to empty even the trick without making a mistake.

"Old White!"


Only Li Heran has milk? Brother Cai has it too!

The blood that the thief had consumed by Jin Chengxuan was lifted again.

The players showed their operations in a calm manner, but the audience was so nervous that they jumped with goosebumps.

"It's not fucking dead!"

"This is not dead?"

"It's not yet level six, how did these four people play the second half of the game?"

"I didn't expect Brother Cai to be so strong that he could keep up with this rhythm."

"Haven't you found out, Brother Cai who assists Quiet and Brother Cai who assists Close are not the same thing."

CP fans cried: "So Brother Cai's true love is Quiet? Are the big devil and the little wife who have been knocking for a season fake?"

It seemed like a century had passed, but in fact it was only a few tens of seconds.

In the middle, Ning Zhehan desperately held Bingfa and prevented him from supporting him.

The Pro jungler squatted on Yue Wenle, preventing him from making up for the damage.

The two sides are too far away on the road, and rushing over to support will inevitably lose the tower, which is not worth the loss.

This is the battle between Wei Xiao Bai Cai and Jin Chengxuan Li.

Who wins and who loses depends on the four players!

system notification-

FTW.Quiet kills Pro.succe.

The thief killed the golden hunter!

Quiet got a blood!


"But the thief is also cold..."

System announcements start again.

Pro.Ran kills FTW.Quiet.

The bloody Wei Xiao was taken away by Li Heran.

"No loss, this wave of FTW blood earned."

"That's right, let's not talk about winning a blood, the head of the thief is also given to the opponent's assistant, and the profit is guaranteed."

Only by winning the head is the economy. The last thing in the team that does not need the economy is the support. Li Heran killed Wei Xiao, which means nothing to Pro.

On the contrary, Wei Xiao killed Jin Chengxuan and won the gold bonus of blood, and instantly the economy became the first in the audience.

Without such a smooth start, the momentum of FTW has greatly increased!

Fans in the Korean division were nervous: "Has Team Lee's hand not recovered yet?"

"This wave of elemental shaman made no mistakes. It was the last half-second that the golden hunter was in a hurry and moved forward."

"The dazzling state is not very good..."

"No, we're going to lose to FTW?"

"Fuck, Lao Tzu's quiz currency is going to go bankrupt in this wave!"

"What's the hurry, it's only been a few minutes since the game started, so what if you get a blood? When the golden hunter stands up, the thief will die on his knees crying and begging for mercy."

The Chinese division is naturally full of joy.

"Love, love, Quiet always surprises me."

"A thief who survived from Daddy Xuan, Quiet is awesome!"

Black fans also have to add drama to themselves: "If FTW can win the championship in the winter training competition, I will become a fan for three minutes."

Fan collective: "Go upstairs."

Wei Xiao showed momentum in the lower jungle area, and Lu Feng missed a pawn in the top lane.

No matter how determined Rao is, he will be shocked when he hears such a sentence suddenly.


After almost confirming Wei Xiao's mind.

Life Events.

After winning the game, Wei Xiao has to do a major life event.

It's about him.

Lu Feng suddenly remembered the words Wei Xiao rushed out with wet hair in the hotel corridor not long ago—

Captain, I like you.

Lu Feng's fingers trembled slightly, trying to stabilize the operation without making any mistakes.

Has it been since then...

Ten days ago, Wei Xiao…

Lu Feng took a light breath and didn't dare to think about it.

Win the game, win the game as soon as possible.

He wants to ask him, to ask clearly!


The death knight has risen to level 6 and become a death lord who can switch forms.

The first form dashed forward, the second form was surrounded by black mist, and the air was filled with killing intent, like a death god walking out of hell.

system notification-

FTW.Close kills Pro.UU.

After Wei Xiao grabbed the blood, FTW has another victory!

"The Great Demon King is steady!"

"FTW should change lanes a long time ago, Close's strong solo ability, put it on the road is a solid wall!"

"Really, this road is an iron plate, and whoever hits it will break the head."

The commentators started to frantically milk FTW, and the audience also felt that FTW had a good chance of winning the game this time.

Chen Feng under the stage leaned back in the seat with a calm demeanor.

He was not nervous because he had already prepared himself mentally.

Winning is not necessarily a good thing.

Losing isn't necessarily a bad thing.

The advantage of two heads at the beginning, FTW firmly seized.

Pro's lineup was originally in the late stage, and the ice method in the middle was a terrible word against Ning Zhehan's magician.

Xiao Ningzi's thorn-type hero used very hard, and this game was in such a good state that he could actually press the opponent to fight.

Yue Wenle didn't understand what cowardice was, and with Wei Xiao's crazy gank, Jin Chengxuan was crushed under the tower, stubbornly trying to clear the soldiers.

No matter how you look at this situation, FTW is pressing Pro to play, and no matter how you look at it, FTW has hope of winning the game.


Calm people will know by looking at the economic panel.

It's hard to say.

FTW, with such a big advantage in the situation, has never been ahead of Pro economically.

Jin Chengxuan, who has been beaten all the time, has even a little more money than Wei Xiao.

Except for the two deaths of Pro on the road and the economic downturn, other roads are stable, and it is always on the same level as FTW.

This is not a good sign. With such a big advantage, it has not yet snowballed. It is really uncertain what will happen in the later stage.

Pro team voice has been quiet.

Apart from the normal signal exchange, there is no nonsense.

Jin Chengxuan stared at the screen, and the operation in his hand was flawless, not a shred of resources was lost, and no output was wasted.

Very precise micro-manipulation, I don't know how long it took, and I don't know how much effort I put in.

ADC is very tired. A profession that relies on basic attack needs to constantly click the mouse and operate the position.

If nothing else, ordinary people are just mechanical blind-spot mice, and their fingers can't stand it, not to mention their precise operation.

How many shooters' hands are ruined by this endless overwork.

In the middle of the game, in a competition for ancient creatures, Wei Xiao once again disappeared into the golden hunt, and the two perished together!

The ancient creature was taken over by Lu Feng, and the Pro lost another wave.

The further back in the game, the longer the resurrection time.

Kim Sung Hyun stared at the dim screen: "I want to win."

Three words rang in the headsets of the four people, making them hold the mouse tightly.

Li Heran: "..."

Jin Chengxuan tightened the corners of his mouth, his voice hoarse: "Brother, I want to win."

I don't know how long it took, maybe only one second, maybe three or five years.

Li Heran whispered: "Okay."

The Pro, who won the double world championship and competed in the global finals, woke up.

FTW team voice.

Bai Cai said nervously, "Li Heran started to swim away!"

Lu Feng: "Be careful with thieves."

Before Wei Xiao could speak, the sound of breaking through the air came. He looked at the golden light arrow coming towards his face and was stunned.


The light arrow hit him, and the 3.5 seconds of strong control made him unable to move.

Bai Cai: "Broken!"

Wei Xiao immediately said, "Don't come here!"

Bai Cai stopped in his footsteps, knowing that it was too late, and it was death in the past.

The elemental shaman filled his teammates with acceleration totems, and the force thief who flew over smashed Wei Xiao with a set of skills.

The crispy skin is like a thief, how can it withstand such a concentrated fire.

Pu Guizhi killed Wei Xiao, and Pro finally took the head.

Kim Sung Hyun didn't show up the whole time, but the head is his credit.

The Golden Hunter's ultimate move is a full-map attack. The farther the enemy is from him, the longer the arrow will take to control the back.

What does three and a half seconds mean

It only takes one or two seconds to finish a set of skills, and you can die twice in 3.5 seconds!

The Pro started fighting back.

Li, who followed Jin Chengxuan the whole time, was not scary, but once he started to wander, it was the real horror.

The tacit understanding of the duo was amazing, Li Heran gave him a vision, and Jin Chengxuan's golden arrows could not be missed.

Why is it said that Kim Sung Hyun can rub thieves on the ground

With Li Heran's cooperation, he can make all junglers collapse.

One shot, followed by a kill.

Jin Chengxuan did not take his head, and Wei Xiao died three times.

The audience in the live broadcast room was stunned.

"Jin Hunter's real surname is Jin."

"This predicts God, how can we make sure that every arrow will hit."

"The key is not Jin Chengxuan, but Li Heran."

"Li Heran is too familiar with Golden Hunt. The signal he gave is an estimate of the starting time and trajectory."

"Li Heran..."

"After all, he was the number one shooter in the past."

Switching to the support position, he is also the person who knows the shooter best.

In just ten minutes, the situation on the field was reversed. Pro took five heads and even pushed down a tower in the bottom lane. Their economy was ahead of FTW by 3,000, and they started the road of absolute suppression.

Pro's tactics are tough enough.

The middle road and the top road two contain Close.

Jin Chengxuan guarded the bottom road alone, and Li Heran led Park Guizhi around to arrest people.

All the killings start from that golden arrow, as long as it hits, the force thief can take it away with a set of skills.

Wei Xiao and Ning Zhehan died three times and two times respectively, and they couldn't think of a counterattack.

If they can't break this 3.5 seconds of strong control, they can only be slaughtered.

How to do

How can we stop this constant failure.

Wei Xiao sweated on his palms.

He wants to win, he wants to win, and he has something to do after he wins!

Lu Feng's voice came from the earphone: "Lead people to Longkeng."

Wei Xiao was taken aback: "Captain..."

Lu Feng: "Trust me."

Wei Xiao gritted his teeth: "Okay!"

Lu Feng, who was entangled by two people on the road, breathed a sigh of relief and focused on Bingfa's mistake.


The death knight switched to the dexterous form, and a set of combos brushed out the control-free passive, ignoring the Pro's battle of gods, and protruding into the face of Bingfa.

The Pro mid laner yelled: "Not good!"

Pu Guizhi, who was dragged to Longkeng by Wei Xiao, couldn't keep up.

The support was too late, and the messenger of hell exuding a strong sense of death tore apart the soul of the ice method.

The ice method fell to the ground, the spear of the battle of the gods slammed into the face, the dead horse took a position to avoid it, switched to the heavy armor form again, and slashed away with the long knife, and the battle of gods was half-blooded in an instant.

system notification:

FTW.Close kills Pro.UU.

FTW.Close kills Pro.Cui.

Besieged by two people, Close won the double kill!