Gluttonous Crown Princess

Chapter 10


The dining room of the Eastern Palace is very lively at the moment.

Hearing that the Crown Princess was going to cook in person, all the big and round cooks stood in a row in a neat row, as if they were on standby at any time.

Generally speaking, the wives and ladies of various prefectures "cook the food themselves" by standing by the stove, talking and asking the cook to prepare and cut the vegetables for the pot, and then they stir the food with a spatula twice before it comes out of the pot. Taste it, it's like cooking yourself.

The cooks in the dining room thought that the princess would be like this, but they never expected that the princess would do it

You can only hear the rhythmic sound of "Duo Duo Duo" chopping vegetables, shred black and plump fungus, cut mushrooms into diced pieces of equal size, red pepper shreds are uniform in thickness, and white and tender tofu is as thin as a hair …

The chefs of the Eastern Palace were dumbfounded: This knife skill... seems to be better than them? !

At the beginning, Tao Ti just wanted to visit the kitchen to learn about the food development of the Dayuan Dynasty, which did not exist in Chinese history, and did not intend to cook today.

But when she saw that the configuration of the dining room was almost the same as that of modern times, there were all kinds of pots, such as carrots, sweet potatoes, peppers, corn, peanuts, tomatoes, and onions, which were imported in the late period of Chinese history. The ingredients are also available here, so it's unavoidable to be scratchy, so I rolled up my sleeves and got busy.

What she's cooking now is hot spicy soup, and even after eating light soup for several days, the birds have faded out of her mouth, she must have a spicy meal to enjoy herself. So this soup has a good dose of pepper, and finely chopped peppers.

Someone in the kitchen couldn't bear the overbearing spicy smell, raised his arm to cover his mouth and nose, and sneezed several times.

Old Sun, the head of the dining room, smelled the pungent and alluring smell, and asked cautiously, "Crown Princess, do you put too much chili pepper?"

Tao Ti smiled slightly, "Hu spicy soup, what I want is this delicious, spicy taste." Then, she walked to the side and looked at the decocted buns steamed in another pot.

Outside the dining room, Pei Yan could smell a seductive fragrance from afar.

The palace people gathered outside the dining room to watch the excitement were also immersed in this strange fragrance, and they didn't notice the prince's arrival at all.

It was Fu Xirui who coughed on purpose, and the palace people came back to their senses, and hurriedly greeted Pei Yan.

Pei Yan asked them to stand up, and ordered a little palace man, "What are you all watching here?"

Na hung his head and said, "Go back to Your Highness, the Crown Princess is cooking inside."

Pei Yan was slightly startled, and his thick eyebrows frowned slightly, "She... Cooked?"

Xiao Gongren, "Yes."

Pei Yan pursed her lips and walked towards the kitchen.

As soon as he stepped into the kitchen, a strong scent rushed over his face, making him a little dazed, and his throat was itchy, and he couldn't help coughing.

Hearing this movement, the people in the kitchen rushed to greet the prince. Tao Ti turned around with a spoon, and was also surprised to see Pei Yan at the door of the dining room, who was breezy and breezy.

When she regained her senses, she quickly put down the spoon, wiped her hands on the apron, and quickly walked up to him, "Your Highness, why are you here? The kitchen is full of oily smoke and the chili is still choking your nose. You should go out quickly."

Pei Yan looked at her and said, "Why are you cooking?"

Tao Ti was just about to say "greedy", but before she could open her mouth, a blunt voice interjected, "I didn't expect the princess to be so virtuous, and she would cook by herself? But what is this, so suffocating, Can I eat it?"

Tao Ti was startled, and looked up at the tall man in black clothes behind Pei Yan, her brows furrowed, who is this? Talk so rudely.

Pei Yan glanced at Zhan Ping indifferently, and introduced to Tao Ti, "This is the second son of Marquis Wu'an, led by the left guard of the Eastern Palace, Zhan Ping."

It turned out to be the chief guard of the Eastern Palace.

Tao Ti glanced at Zhanping. In her memory, she had nothing against Zhanping... So his attitude towards him was because he committed suicide by taking poison? Alas, I don’t know how long it will take for the black history of taking poison to be cleared up...

"It turned out to be the guard Zhan." Tao Ti nodded to him, and said, "You will know if you can eat it or not."

Zhan Ping curled his lips, "Who would eat it?"

Tao Ti glanced at him and said lightly, "I will never let you eat."

Zhan Ping choked and turned his face away, who cares!

Tao Ti ignored him, and looked at Pei Yan, "Your Highness, have you eaten your lunch? I made hot pepper soup and fried buns, and they will be ready soon. Would you like to try them?"

Pei Yan looked at the pair of clear and bright eyes in front of him, and said softly, "Gu has already eaten." After a slight pause, he added, "But Gu wants to taste your cooking."

"Okay, then just wait a moment, it will be ready soon." Tao Ti smiled at him, and walked to the stove again.

Seeing that the soup was almost thick, she took a white porcelain soup bowl and scooped up the soup, sprinkled a layer of minced green onions, and dripped a few drops of golden sesame oil.

The cooks on the side couldn't help stretching their necks to look at the stove. This soup doesn't look very good, it's a sticky bowl, not elegant enough, but there are rich ingredients in it, including golden shredded eggs, shredded tofu, and shredded green onions , tender mutton, shredded fungus, and crystal clear vermicelli, steaming hot and attractive.

Tao Ti fried the packaging plate again, and sprinkled a layer of diced green onion and black sesame seeds. Twelve on a plate, the buns are small and plump, the surface is white and tender, but the bottom is fried golden and crispy.

Tao Ti originally planned to take it home to eat, but now that Pei Yan came, she asked a little more, "Would you like to taste it now, or come back to Yaoguang Palace with me, and sit down and eat slowly?"

Pei Yan said, "Gu will follow you back to Yaoguang Palace."

Tao Ti couldn't wish more, with a bright smile, "Okay!"

Seeing the Crown Princess snatch the Crown Prince away with a bowl of soup and steamed stuffed buns, everyone in the dining room: The Crown Princess is a good trick!

Zhan Ping curled his lips disapprovingly: Tsk, Your Highness has never tasted delicacies from mountains and seas, how could he care about the sticky soup and steamed buns? That is to say, His Highness has a good temper and can't bear to embarrass her in front of everyone.

Mr. Sun saw that there was still some hot and spicy soup in the pot, and out of curiosity, he took a spoonful and put it into his mouth.

In the next second, his big round face froze.

Everyone came forward and chatted, "Old Sun, how is it? Is it delicious?"

"Yes, yes, what does it taste like?"

"Oh, what kind of expression do you have? Anyway, the princess has gone far away, so please tell me."

General Manager Sun swallowed a mouthful of soup, and sighed, "The meat is rotten and the soup is fresh, spicy and soft. After taking this bite, the stomach is warm and comfortable!"

Everyone was amazed: Is it so delicious

Before they could react, Manager Sun scooped up a bowl of soup quickly and took a piece of biscuit with lightning speed. He took a mouthful of biscuit and a mouthful of soup. He inhaled hotly without stopping.

Everyone:! ! !

Those who responded quickly also quickly took a spoon to scoop up soup, and then showed the same expression as Master Sun.

The corners of Zhan Ping's mouth twitched as he watched from the sidelines: It's just a bowl of soup, what about it

As he thought this way, the spicy and delicious smell kept drilling into his nose, and he subconsciously glanced at Mr. Sun's bowl.

Manager Sun was startled, then silently held the bowl and turned his back.

Flatten, "..."

He is not rare! ! !

Yaoguang Palace.

Tao Ti stared straight at Pei Yan with her bright eyes, full of anticipation, "Your Highness, how is the taste?"

Pei Yan tasted the fried buns first, and took a bite. The first thing his teeth touched was the soft skin, and then the crispy but not hard burnt bottom. The oily aroma of sesame seeds mixed with the rich fillings, and the full juice was on the tip of his tongue. Blooming, fresh and rich, refreshing and not greasy.

The fried buns are small, and after eating one, he put another one into the bowl, with a relaxed look on his brows, and said softly, "This fried bun is crispy on the outside and fresh on the inside, and the taste is very good."

"When I prepared the stuffing, I added scallops, shrimps and mushrooms to the minced beef, so it tastes more delicious." Tao Ti smiled, and gave him another small bowl of Hu spicy soup, "Try this Hu spicy soup again. Soup...but don’t eat too much, this one has a strong taste and has a lot of peppers, you always eat light food, I’m afraid your stomach won’t be able to take it, just try something new.”

Pei Yan took it and tasted it lightly.

The moment the soup entered the lips and teeth, a burst of strong spicy stimulated the taste buds, and the fragrant soup was thick but not sticky. After savoring the ingredients wrapped in the soup, the tofu is tender and smooth, the fungus mushrooms are soft and chewy, and the fresh and tender mutton is mixed with the unique aroma of pepper to enrich the taste.

Tao Ti saw that there was a thin layer of sweat on his smooth forehead, and his fair face was also slightly red, so she quickly handed him a glass of warm water, "It seems that your highness can't eat spicy food very much, if it's too spicy, don't eat it. It’s too late, lest the stomach can’t bear it.”

"Gu has never eaten such a spicy food before..." Pei Yan took a big sip of water and said slowly, "It's both numbing and spicy, but I have to say, the taste is very good."

"Then I'll make you some non-spicy food next time. Here, you can eat more fried buns, this one is not spicy." Tao Ti pushed the fried buns to him, and scooped up a big bowl of hu The spicy soup was drunk.

Not long after, she was also sweating from eating, her cheeks were flushed, and her full lips were a little red and swollen, as if she had applied a layer of bright-colored lip balm.

Looking at her small red mouth, Pei Yan inexplicably felt a little hot, and his slender eyelashes drooped slightly. He picked up his teacup and took a sip of the tea.

The cool tea dispelled some of the heat, he took out a handkerchief from his sleeve and handed it to her, "Wipe the sweat."

Tao Ti poured down the last mouthful of Hu spicy soup, took the handkerchief with a satisfied face, her cheeks flushed red, "Thank you."

Pei Yan glanced at the empty soup bowl, a trace of surprise flashed across his indifferent eyes, "I didn't expect you to be so good at spicy food."

"It's alright, alright." Tao Ti inhaled, fanning the wind with her palm, and asked casually, "Your Highness, why did you come to the dining room suddenly?"

Pei Yan didn't mention those outrageous rumors, but said in a low voice, "Gu heard that you cook by yourself, and I was curious, so I went to see it."

Tao Ti didn't even think about it, she responded with "Oh", and after thinking about it for a moment, she looked at him cautiously, "Your Highness, I have a merciless request..."

Pei Yan's dark eyes moved slightly, staring at her, "Huh?"

Tao Ti said softly, "That's... can I open a small kitchen in Yaoguang Palace?"

Pei Yan, "..."

Seeing that he didn't make a sound, Tao Ti looked at him embarrassedly, and explained, "Don't get me wrong, the food made by the royal chefs tastes very good, but I'm a greedy person, and I like to make food by myself when I have nothing to do. The dining room is some distance away from the Yaoguang Hall, and it is not very convenient to come and go... "

Pei Yan raised his eyebrows slightly, "That's all?"

Tao Ti looked at him steadfastly, nodded, and said softly, "Well... If it's troublesome, it's okay not to open it..."

"You are a princess, so there is nothing wrong with opening a small kitchen."

"Hey, so I can drive it?" Tao Ti said pleasantly.

"Well. There is a small kitchen in Yaoguang Palace, and I will order it to let them tidy it up. If you want to buy anything, you can tell the palace people to do it." Pei Yan showed a slight smile on his lips. , making him look very soft.

"That's great!" Tao Ti looked at Pei Yan with a happy face, her clear eyes were shining brightly, "Your Highness, when the small kitchen is on fire, I will make you a delicious meal first."

Pei Yan replied "Yes" with a light smile on his face, but his black eyes were deep and unpredictable.

But it's just a small kitchen, so happy like this? It's too easy to be satisfied.

Tao Ti was feeling elated, and vaguely felt that someone was looking at her, subconsciously raised her eyes, and Pei Yan happened to stand up.

"It's getting late, it's time to go back to Zixiao Palace."

"Alright, get on with your work."

Tao Ti got up and sent him straight to the door, but when he was no longer in sight, she turned back and discussed with Fu Xirui about the small kitchen.

Outside Yaoguang Hall, holding a sword and pestle like a flattened wooden stake, when seeing Pei Yan coming out, he immediately went to meet him, looked him up and down carefully, "Your Highness, are you okay? "

Without waiting for Pei Yan to answer, Zhan Ping spoke impassionedly on his own. The main idea was "Don't just eat what strangers give you", just like an old mother who is worried about her children.

Pei Yan, "..."

With a blank expression on his face, he left without looking back.

Zhan Ping, "Hey, Your Highness, wait for your subordinates—"

It was night, the moon was dark and the wind was high, and the shadows of green bamboo were reflected on the white wall, making the surroundings seem more quiet and quiet.

Pei Yanli stood in front of the study window, and after explaining some confidential matters to the secret guard, he added, "Check the Crown Princess to see if she cooks at home, and how is her cooking skills?"

The dark guard was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect that the master would order them to investigate the princess, and it was such a trivial matter

But in an instant, the dark guard's expression returned to normal, and he cupped his hands and said, "This subordinate obeys."