Gluttonous Crown Princess

Chapter 56



Tao Ti suddenly "thumped" in her heart, her face full of astonishment.

Are these assassins targeting the prince? Who sent that

Princess Mu's resentful and hateful eyes immediately appeared in her mind...

Could it be Princess Mu? But Prince Mu is also outside, so she won't go crazy, and even her husband won't care about her.

Tao Ti propped her hands on the table and got up, the clanging and fighting outside became more and more intense, and her calves felt a little weak when she heard it.

"What to do, with so many officers and soldiers guarding, how could there be assassins!"

"Ah, my husband is still outside, woo woo woo..."

"Guard, where's the guard? Help!"

The other female relatives in the private room were in a mess for a moment, screaming in a panic, some hid in the corner, and some hid under the table, their survival instinct made them careless of their status and etiquette at the moment.

Tao Ti didn't care about them either, her delicate red lips were tightly pressed together, and she was about to walk out.

Linglong stopped her immediately, "Crown princess, don't go, it's dangerous outside!"

Tao Ti grabbed Linglong's hand and said anxiously, "Linglong, you also know martial arts, go out and protect His Highness quickly, these assassins should come after His Highness!"

Linglong was startled, although she was also worried about the situation outside, but thinking of His Highness's special order last night, she gritted her teeth and said, "Princess Concubine, Your Highness tells my slaves that your safety must come first in everything."

"I'm fine, you see they didn't come in!"


Seeing that Linglong was silent, Tao Ti frowned. The feeling of hearing voices but not being able to see the situation outside was too bad. She was suffering from heart-scratching pain, and she said, "Then don't stop me, I have to Go see."

Linglong wanted to stop her, but Tao Ti tugged at her sleeve, and acted pitifully, "I know I don't know martial arts, and going out would be a mess, so I'll just hide by the door to see what's going on with His Highness, if you don't see it with your own eyes, I'm worried."

Her dark eyes were full of water, and her voice was soft and soft, Linglong hesitated for a while.

Taking advantage of this stall, Tao Ti hurried to the door, poked her head and looked out through the crack of the door—

The fighting outside was very fierce. The guards on the ship were wrestling with a large group of men in black. The flashes of swords and swords shook people's hearts. There were already many corpses lying on the ground, including assassins and officers and soldiers. Thick smell of blood.

The lantern was shaken by the wind, Tao Ti wrinkled her face, trying to find Pei Yan's figure.

She saw Fu Yin Sun shivering in the corner, Prince Mu surrounded by guards for protection, Zhan Ping fighting fiercely with five or six assassins, and rolling his eyes while clutching his shoulders in pain. Fu Xirui... searched around, but didn't see Pei Yan.

Tao Ti was in a hurry: What about the prince, how big is the prince!

She wished she could squeeze her whole head out of the door, and said anxiously, "Linglong, where is Your Highness, why can't I see him?!"

Seeing her stomping her feet anxiously, Linglong's heart sank slightly.

Tao Ti frowned tightly, not seeing Pei Yan, she was very flustered, and she had already imagined countless bad situations in her mind.

Was he stabbed? Or was it taken away by assassins? Or accidentally fell into the river

No, no, she can't just watch.

"I have to go out and have a look—" Tao Ti said, just as she was about to open the door, she thought of something and searched around in the private room.

Tables and chairs, no, they are too heavy to move.

Incense burner, no, it's hot and hard to handle.

This elongated vase is... not bad.

Tao Ti strode forward, pouring out the flowers and water inside, holding the neck of the vase, and was about to open the door, when a lady called out, "Prince Princess, Prince...His Royal Highness!"

Tao Ti was stunned, and looked in the direction the lady pointed, only to see Pei Yan and several guards outside the window on the right side of the painting boat being besieged by a dozen men in black.

Those men in black were like cockroaches, pouring out from all corners in a steady stream, cutting one after another.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer guards around Pei Yan, Tao Ti's heart was clenched tightly, and her hand holding the vase was trembling.

When she saw that Pei Yan's arm was slashed, and the blood stained her light-colored clothes, Tao Ti couldn't stand anymore, and her voice broke due to excessive tension, "Your Highness!"

Ahhh damn assassin, how dare you hurt him!

Tao Ti was trembling with anger!


Pei Yan was being attacked by the leader of the man in black. He kept dodging with a sword in his hand. If so, he was hit by the sword on his waist and arm, and blood continued to flow out.

The man in black with fierce moves stared at Pei Yan, and his sharp eyes shone brightly on the masked black scarf.

Looking at each other, Pei Yan's face was pale and his gaze was firm.

The leader of the man in black suddenly changed his sword move, the long sword glowed coldly in the night, the next moment, the tip of the sword pierced the wind, and went straight towards Pei Yan's chest——

"Pierce!" The sound of the sword piercing through brocade and flesh.

"Bang!" The sound of the vase hitting the man in black's arm.

Before the two could react, they saw a petite figure swiftly rushing towards them, "Your Highness, run!"

Pei Yan was shocked.

I saw that figure directly hit the waist of the man in black, and the man in black dodged deftly. Tao Ti didn't even have time to brake, and directly smashed through the railing—


What shabby railings!


"Your Highness—"

In the dark night, two figures "plopped" into the water one after another.

The man in black swayed and almost jumped down. He raised his eyes and saw Zhan Ping break through the encirclement and came with a group of guards.

"Princess Concubine, Concubine Crown Prince!" Linglong yelled down from the broken railing, her eyes were red.

"Where's Your Highness? Where's the Crown Princess?" Zhan Ping hurriedly asked.

"The princess fell, and His Highness followed."

When Zhan Ping heard this, he cursed anxiously, and then hurriedly said to the guards, "Everyone who knows how to swim, go down, make sure to find the prince and princess!"

Soon, the guards went into the water to salvage.

After a while, Prince Mu and Fuyin Sun also rushed over, "Lord Zhan, how is Your Highness doing?"

Zhan Ping looked at their unscathed appearance, his stern face was tense, and he sneered, "Didn't you hide quickly just now, now you know you care."

Lord Mu and Sun Fuyin, "..."

Zhan's face was as sinking as water, "Your Highness, what happened in your Luoyang territory. Tonight's farewell banquet on a boat was also arranged by Yin Fu Yin and you. If something happens to His Highness, you can't escape it!"

After all, he didn't bother to make excuses with them, so he hurriedly got off the boat, changed boats, and organized people to start salvaging.

Prince Mu and Fuyin Sun stood at the same spot, each looking ugly.

Sun Fuyin asked, "My lord, what the hell is going on here? For the safety of the crown prince, the lower officials specially added heavy troops on both sides of the river today. Where did these assassins come from and how did they get on the boat?"

Prince Mu glared at him angrily, "Why do you ask me, how would I know!"

Sun Fuyin, "You, you..."

Prince Mu guessed what Sun Fuyin meant, and cursed angrily, "You think I'm an idiot? How many heads do I have to chop off an assassination at this kind of banquet?!"

Sun Fuyin trembled from being yelled at, and resentfully said, "My lord misunderstood, that's not what I mean by being an official."

Prince Mu stroked his beard and looked at the soldiers salvaged in the dark with a complicated expression. What happened to the assassination tonight

Could it be arranged by Chang'an? Or... Princess? ! !

As soon as this guess came out, the more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible, and he cursed in his heart, narrow-sighted woman, this is going to kill their entire Mu Palace!

"Hey, my lord, where are you going?"

"This king will go back to the mansion first, Sun Fu Yin, you stay here, if you have any news, please send someone to my mansion to inform you immediately." After leaving these words, Prince Mu left in a hurry.

Sun Fuyin clenched his fist and hammered his palms twice, his face collapsed, what is this all about!


Batch after batch of soldiers dived into the river, bringing back disappointment again and again.

"Master Zhan, the current is too fast, and at night, it's pitch black underwater, so you can't see anything. It's really hard to find."

"It's hard to find but you have to find it. If you can't find the prince, let's wash our necks and wait for the beheading!"

"Master Zhan, why don't you wait until dawn and send more people to look for it?"

"What kind of bastard words are you talking about? When it dawns, the prince and princess don't know where to go."

Zhan Ping was almost pissed off by these people. If he hadn't had to stabilize the situation on the shore, he would have plunged into the water to find it.

He clenched his fists and stood on the bank, looking at the surging Luo River under the darkness of night, his thick eyebrows tightly frowned into the word Sichuan.

Tao Ti knows how to swim, so she fell into the river suddenly, except that she started to choke on a few mouthfuls of water, but nothing serious happened.

The problem is that she never expected that Pei Yan would also jump down—

At first, he tried his best to swim towards Tao Ti, but he had several wounds on his body, especially on his chest. The more he swam, the faster the blood flowed.

When he finally took Tao Ti's hand, he was exhausted, and under the cold moonlight, his handsome face was pale.

"Ah Ti." He called lightly, and his hands and feet felt extremely heavy.

Seeing his frail appearance, Tao Ti became anxious and quickly grabbed his shoulders, "Your Highness, hold on, I'll take you ashore..."

She tried her best to swim to the shore, but Pei Yan was tall and burly, coupled with the turbulent current, the more she swam, the less strength she had.

The feeling of physical strength draining from the body is too clear, so clear that it makes people panic.

When this happened, she wasn't afraid of death, at worst she died and just went to the underworld to reincarnate.

But she can't give up, Pei Yan is still by her side, she can't let him die.

Before her strength was almost exhausted, Tao Ti hugged his arm tightly, pulled off her belt, and tied their wrists tightly together to prevent them from being washed away by the river.

After finishing this step, she had no strength left, and she was in a state of collapse of "doing everything and obeying the fate", she relaxed her body and floated down with the river.

I don't know how long it has been floating, as if she still fell into a deep sleep. When Tao Ti opened her eyes again, the sky was blue with crab shells, and the water flow was much slower.

Tao Ti bit her tongue hard, using the pain to stay awake, looking at Pei Yan floating beside her with closed eyes, she swam to the dark shore with the last bit of strength.

The moment her body touched the ground, she almost didn't cry.

Finally landed!

She gasped for breath twice, and without taking a break, she turned over to check Pei Yan's condition.

"Your Highness, we're on the shore, wake up!" She reached out and patted his face.

Pei Yan's face was as pale as paper due to excessive blood loss. He tried to open his eyes when he heard the call, and Tao Ti's face gradually changed from blurred to clear in front of his eyes.

Tao Ti was overjoyed, "Great, you still have consciousness..."

She turned her head and looked at the surrounding environment. At this moment, the sky was slightly bright, reflecting the scene of a remote forest.

She didn't have much idea of the direction, only that they seemed to be drifting far away.

Looking back, Tao Ti looked at the torn robe on Pei Yan's body. His arms, chest, and back had arrow wounds of varying degrees, and the blood that had only been diluted by the river water stained the robe red again.

Tao Ti hurriedly wiped the water off her face, dragged him to a big rock on the shore with all her strength, "His Royal Highness, I will tie the wound for you first, so that there will be no more bleeding."

She said something offensive in a low voice, and her little hands unbuttoned his robes, one layer after another, until his thin and strong upper body was completely exposed in front of her eyes.