Gluttonous Crown Princess

Chapter 72


In the East Palace, Pei Yan accompanied Tao Ti back to Yaoguang Palace.

After traveling for so many days, and having drank two glasses of wine at night, Tao Ti fell into a drowsy sleep as soon as her head touched the pillow.

The window was half open, and the breeze blew the candlelight flickering, reflecting on her sleeping face through the smoky pink curtain.

Pei Yan bent down, tucked in the quilt for her, and stared at her for a while.

Thinking of how she was fighting for him in front of her father, a very gentle smile appeared on Pei Yan's handsome face, and her fingers lightly brushed her face.

He murmured, "Ah Ti is so kind."

Not long after, Pei Yan lowered the curtain, left the sleeping hall with gentle steps, and went to the side hall.

The door of the side hall was closed tightly, but the windows were wide open, with the wind blowing in.

Gu Feng, who was wearing a black robe, had been waiting at the table with his sword in his arms.

Seeing Pei Yanlai, he stood up and saluted, and said jokingly, "Your Highness, have you put the Crown Princess to sleep?"

Pei Yan smiled gently, "The little girl is very good, she fell asleep as soon as she lay down, no need to coax her."

Gu Feng, "..."

What's the matter with this ostentatious tone

Gu Feng shook his head and sighed, "I didn't expect the Crown Princess to look so delicate and soft, but she was quite courageous. The bottle hit me last time, and my heart skipped a beat."

Seeing them both falling into the water later, he was very nervous, but due to the situation, it was not easy to rescue them, so he had to go first.

"It was indeed very sudden, and even Gu was taken aback." Pei Yan spread his hands helplessly, and smiled with bent eyes, "But she made a mistake this time, which made my father believe that the assassination was done by King Mu. What a mess. Father is determined to get rid of King Mu..."

Gu Fengdao, "This is a good thing. King Mu has been doing evil in Luoyang for all these years, and he should have been punished long ago."

Pei Yandao, "If Gu guessed correctly, the imperial decree issued to King Mu will be sent to Luoyang tomorrow. At that time, King Mu's family will be escorted back to Chang'an... King Mu and the Zhou family are colluding. If something happened to King Mu, the Zhou family must be in trouble. At the dinner today In front of the Zhou clan, Father said that he wanted to kill King Mu. Firstly, it was a beating, and secondly, it was a warning. It is very likely that the Zhou clan will kill and silence King Mu on the way to escort him to Beijing."

Gu Feng frowned and said, "Then the subordinate sent someone to secretly escort Mu Wang's family?"

Pei Yan gave a low "hmm", "at least let them bite the dog and make a fuss."

Gu Feng responded, as if thinking of something, and said, "Zheng Xuan's decree to take over as governor of Luoyang has been sent out this morning. As for the person who will take over the position of Mu Wang's shepherd, according to our inquiring information, it is very likely to be the son of Prince Yu. "

Pei Yan narrowed his black eyes, "Young Prince Yu."

Gu Fengdao, "Although Prince Yu has always favored you, His Royal Highness, this son of Prince Yu has been in frequent contact with the third prince recently..."

Pei Yan pondered for a moment, "Well, Gu will find a suitable opportunity to visit fourth uncle and play two games of chess with him."

Knowing that His Highness had plans in mind, Gu Feng stopped talking, and instead cared about Pei Yan's injury.

Seeing Pei Yan's face full of happiness, Gu Feng smiled lightly, "It seems that the relationship between His Highness and the Crown Princess has improved a lot during this time of distress."

Pei Yan raised her lips, and there was a smile on Qingjuan's brows and eyes, "Well, everything is fine now."

Gu Feng nodded, "When the master and his family return to Chang'an, seeing your highness, you and the princess concubine are loving each other, I will definitely be happy for you."

Speaking of this, he added, "Master's family has already arrived in Jincheng, the old lady is getting old, and the weather is getting hotter, the master is afraid of rushing on the road, and the old lady's health will not be able to bear it, so I will walk slowly all the way, at least I have to On the road for a month."

Pei Yan nodded, and said in a low voice, "That's good too. The old house of Gu's mansion has been abandoned for so many years, so Gu can take advantage of this time to renovate it."

The two chatted for a while, then broke up.

The night deepened.

Pei Yan lay down on the bed lightly, and after a while, the little girl beside her entangled her hands and feet like an automatic induction heat source.

She slept soundly with her eyes closed, but she muttered something with her small mouth, her soft cheek pressed against his chest.

Although it was early summer, the weather was hot and stuffy, and the pajamas on her body were not as tightly covered as before. The material of the pajamas was silky and light, and the collar was still half open, revealing a section of the scarlet pocket coat.

Under the snow-white neck, there is a delicate and obvious collarbone, and further down, there are undulating curves...

A casual glance is enough to upset one's mind.

Pei Yan hugged her soft body, thinking a little helplessly, it's only early summer, and it's so difficult.

If in a few more days, the weather is even hotter, so hot that he can't even wear a silk jacket, how can he bear it if she sneaks into his arms without defense

The slightly callused fingertips gently kneaded her earlobe, he looked at her quiet and sweet sleeping face, and his mind was full of thoughts on how to bully her, make her cry, bully her to the point of begging for mercy...

Unfortunately, I can only think about it now.

The little girl had just accepted his love, and he was afraid that it would frighten her if it progressed too quickly, so he made her shrink back.

Pei Yan closed his eyes, thinking to himself, the future will last forever, if you bear it now, you will get it back with interest in the future.

Tao Ti didn't know that she had been clearly arranged by a certain wolf with a big tail. She had a good night's sleep carefree. When she woke up the next day, the sky was bright and the sun was high.

After lunch, she lay lazily on the couch and flipped through the script while thinking about what to have for dinner.

At this moment, Linglong came over and reported respectfully, "Crown Princess, Madam Yongwei please see me."

Mrs. Zhang is here

Tao Ti was startled, and hurriedly stuffed the love story book under the cushion, and sat up, "Linglong, is my attire okay? Is my hair not messed up?"

Linglong felt that she was fine, and comforted, "Mrs. Hou is your biological mother, the Crown Princess, even if the Crown Princess dresses casually, she won't take it to heart."

Tao Ti thought to herself, although this is the truth, but Zhang has always been strict with the rules, so he might not be picky.

But it was too late to dress up now, she looked in the mirror and after confirming that she was still neat, she asked Linglong to invite Mrs. Zhang in.

Mrs. Zhang is wearing a stone blue dress and a bun, not luxurious. I haven't seen her for a few months, she has lost a lot of weight, and Fu Fen can't hide the haggard look on her face.

Tao Ti was surprised, why is Mrs. Zhang like this? Could it be that he knew about Luoyang's distress and was worried

She was thinking, Mrs. Zhang wanted to salute her, she hurriedly stepped forward to support her, "Mother, you don't need to be too polite."

Just then Zhang got up, took a step back, raised her beautiful eyes, and looked at Tao Ti carefully, with tears glistening in her eyes.

This expression was exactly the same as Emperor Zhao Kang looked at Pei Yanshi yesterday.

Tao Ti sighed in her heart, feeling sorry for the parents of the world. Although Zhang is not good at expressing love, she still cares about her daughter from the bottom of her heart.

After thinking about it, Tao Ti walked in front of Mrs. Zhang, stretched out her arms and hugged the middle-aged woman who was no longer young in front of her, patted her on the back lightly, and said in a low voice, "Mother, don't worry, my daughter is fine."

This sudden warm hug made Mrs. Zhang tremble.

Afterwards, she couldn't help but raised her hand, hugged the daughter in front of her, choked and said, " long as you're fine. Arti, it was all my mother's fault before, it was my fault, I shouldn't have done that The one who treats you so harshly... I am confused..."

These days, Mrs. Zhang thought a lot.

She felt that she had failed terribly, that her marriage was a mess, and her relationship with her daughter was a mess.

She self-righteously imposes her thoughts on her daughter, but forgets that her daughter is also a living person with thoughts and feelings...

Fortunately, it's not too late for her to wake up, at least her daughter is still there, and she can make up for it and try her best to repair it.

Mrs. Zhang hugged Tao Ti tightly for a long time.

She couldn't remember the last time she held her daughter in her arms. It seemed that it was many years ago when her daughter was still a child.

Thinking of the separation between their mother and daughter for so many years, Zhang's heart is full of guilt and self-blame, heavy and uncomfortable.

After the hug, Tao Ti sat on the couch with Mrs. Zhang.

Tao Ti handed a clean handkerchief to Zhang, whose eyes were red from crying, and said softly, "Mother is worried."

Mrs. Zhang wiped her tears, and waited until her mood calmed down before she said, "In your letter from Aunt Lu, you reported good news but not bad news. You simply mentioned that you sprained your ankle. How do you feel now? Is it a big problem?"

Tao Ti smiled embarrassingly, "It's okay, just a simple sprain, and it will be fine long ago."

As she spoke, she got up and walked around in front of Mrs. Zhang with ease.

Only then did Mrs. Zhang feel relieved, and said hello, and couldn't wait to ask about Pei Yan's injuries and the circumstances of his assassination that day.

Tao Ti said the matter again while eating the pastry, preserved fruit and beef jerky. When she said it herself, like Pei Yan yesterday, she didn't elaborate, but summarized it briefly.

She was afraid of going into too much detail, and Mrs. Zhang was worried when she heard it.

Even so, Mrs. Zhang frowned more and more, gritted her teeth and cursed, "Those goddamn assassins, as well as that King Mu, are not good people!"

Tao Ti poured her a cup of rose tea and pushed it in front of her, "The wicked will be rewarded with evil, and His Majesty will deal with them. Mother, you should try this tea, it will beautify your skin."

Mrs. Zhang picked up the rose tea, and the rich fragrance lingered on the tip of her nose. It was fragrant and slightly sweet.

Taking advantage of the good atmosphere, Tao Ti stopped talking about those heavy things, and only brought the topic to the interesting news in Luoyang, and then talked about Aunt Lu, "Aunt Lu is very kind, gentle and kind. When she was leaving, she gave me a big gift The gift of the carriage, and some special products she gave you. I also bought some fabric jewelry for you in Luoyang, and you will take them back with you later."

Hearing that her daughter did not forget to buy a gift for herself when she went to Luoyang, Mrs. Zhang was moved and even more ashamed.

Why was she so stubborn in the past, picking on her daughter's bad things and not seeing her good things

Mrs. Zhang put down the teacup in her hand, and said to Tao Ti, "Ah Ti, mother came today and brought you a gift."

Tao Ti was stunned, her black and clear eyes were full of curiosity, "What is it?"

Mrs. Zhang chuckled and called out.

After a while, a woman came in with a cage, and inside was a snow-white Linqing lion cat.

The kitten is fluffy, with a pair of beautiful mandarin duck eyes, one is bright golden yellow, the other is crystal clear blue, as clear as glass beads.

The kitten was lazily sleeping, but after being carried out of the cage, its two round eyes looked around the surrounding environment, and finally its little head was fixed on Tao Ti, and it gave a soft "meow".