Gluttonous Crown Princess

Chapter 73


Seeing this beautiful and soft kitten, Tao Ti was startled for a moment.

Mrs. Zhang said she was going to give her a gift, but all the things that flashed in her mind were jewelry or silk and satin, but she never thought it would be a cat.

Mrs. Zhang turned her face and looked at her expression. Seeing that her face was more surprised than expected, she paused for a moment, and asked softly, "Ah Ti, don't you like it?"

Tao Ti came back to her senses and smiled, "I like it, this cat is very beautiful."

Mrs. Zhang breathed a sigh of relief, "As long as you like it."

Tao Ti stared at the cat, and suddenly a past event came to her mind—

That happened when the original owner was eight years old. During the Chinese New Year, the original owner's uncle gave the original owner a Linqing lion cat. The original owner was very happy and cared about the cat very much.

Unexpectedly, Tao Sirou, the second cousin's cousin, took a fancy to it and went to ask the original owner for it. The original owner refused to give it, so Tao Sirou took advantage of the adults' presence and acted like a coquettish fool to ask Zhang for it.

Mrs. Zhang was concerned about face, thinking that it was just a cat, so she decided to give it to Tao Sirou.

For this reason, the mother and daughter quarreled again. One felt that the mother was biased and unreasonable, and the other felt that the daughter was fussy.

A few days later, Tao Sirou wanted to test whether the cat could swim, so he threw the kitten into the pond.

In winter, cats froze to death.

The original owner was extremely angry, stepped forward to fight with Tao Sirou, buried the kitten, locked himself in the house and cried all day and night.

So far, the original owner's personality has become more and more withdrawn, and he has become more and more alienated from the Zhang family.

After many years, Mrs. Zhang sent a cat again, probably to make up for the regrets of many years ago, right

Tao Ti looked at this well-behaved cat that was as white as snow, and felt a little mixed in her heart—

Some injuries are irreparable.

For example, no matter how much Zhang does now, the original owner is long gone.

Tao Ti took the kitten. The kitten was extremely obedient, looking at her with round eyes.

It's a pity that Tao Ti wasn't in the mood to pet the cat at the moment, she petted it casually twice, and then let Linglong carry it down.

Seeing her reaction, Mrs. Zhang was even more upset. Does Arti like it or not

Tao Ti didn't mention the cat anymore, she just looked at Zhang and said, "Is mother hungry, let me get some snacks?"

Mrs. Zhang was taken aback, and she could see that she was avoiding the topic, so she also went down the slope and said with a smile, "Okay."

Tao Ti got up, "Then mother, please sit down first."

She went out, leaving Mrs. Zhang sitting in the hall.

The afternoon sun was bright and warm, and Mrs. Zhang was full of sadness. She said to the woman beside her, "Do you think Artie still remembers the past? She is angry."

The mother-in-law comforted, "Ma'am, don't worry, the old slave thinks that the Crown Princess likes this cat, and if you want to blame the incident back then, you can blame the second room's Si Niang, not Ma'am."

Mrs. Zhang sighed heavily, only feeling heavy in her heart.

Not long after, Tao Ti came back. The palace people behind them carried a tray, a plate of chicken feet with pickled peppers, two bowls of fresh shrimp and small wontons, four pieces of beef pot helmets, and a plate of braised duck wings, full of aromas.

Mrs. Zhang took a look, clicked her tongue and said, "Why did you do so much?"

Tao Ti said, "They're all snacks. Seeing a lot of them, I don't think it's too much to eat while chatting. Pickled pepper chicken feet and braised duck wings are made in the morning, so it's just right to eat now."

She makes these food mainly because it is awkward to chat dryly, and it is more casual to chat while eating. Secondly, she is also hungry, every afternoon, she has to eat some snacks to satisfy her appetite.

After the food was set, Tao Ti picked up the spoon and ate the bowl of fresh shrimp and small wontons first.

The wontons are still steaming, with a layer of green onion on the surface, it looks very appetizing. The wonton skin is smooth, the meat filling is delicious, the shrimp meat is plump and rosy, and the delicious and light soup is simply delicious.

Seeing that she was eating with gusto, Mrs. Zhang was not very greedy at first, so she couldn't help swallowing, scooped up a wonton with a spoon, and put it in her mouth.

After eating it, the deliciousness and smoothness just right made her eyes shine, "This wonton is well made, the soup is good, the skin is good, and the filling is also good."

Tao Ti has already wiped out less than half of the bowl, and she chuckled at her, "If you like to eat, eat more."

As she said that, Tao Ti picked up another piece of crispy and golden fried beef pot helmet, and took a bite. The pot helmet is so crispy, the crust is salty and crispy, the beef filling is still a little hot, the meat is fragrant and tempting, chewing carefully, you can taste the finely chopped lotus root and diced mushroom inside, the addition of these two ingredients, Let the taste of the pot helmet be richer.

Mrs. Zhang saw that she finished a cake in two or three mouthfuls, and asked softly, "Is it the same when you eat before His Highness?"

Just as Tao Ti picked up the second pot helmet, she was taken aback when she heard Zhang's question, and then nodded honestly, "Yeah."

Mrs. Zhang resentfully said, "This... Although the prince has a gentle temperament and doesn't care about these things, the girl should be more reserved and gentle."

Tao Ti blinked, "But His Highness said that he likes to watch me eat, and if I eat a lot, he will eat a lot."

Zhang was taken aback.

Tao Ti bent her eyes and smiled, "Mother, don't worry, Your Highness has treated me very well."

Hearing this, Mrs. Zhang realized that her daughter's state was completely different from before. Optimistic, lively, and active, there is always a warm smile on his brows and eyes.

Is it because of being with the prince? If so, it can be seen that the prince is really kind to Ati.

After finishing the wontons and pot helmets, Tao Ti gnawed on the braised duck wings and soaked chicken feet.

Seeing her eating one after another, Mrs. Zhang couldn't stop eating, thinking to herself, is it so delicious

After a moment of hesitation, she also picked up a braised duck wing.

The marinated duck wings exude a tempting and delicious aroma. Once you put it under your nose, you can smell the spicy and unique aroma of the marinated material. When the tip of the tongue touches the duck wings, the taste buds are instantly ignited by the spicy and delicious taste, and the mouth involuntarily secretes saliva. Every shred of meat in the duck wings fully absorbs the aroma of the brine, which is tender and delicious, and the more you chew, the better it is.

Chicken feet with pickled peppers, which is comparable to braised duck wings, is also unremarkable at first glance, but once you taste it, you can't stop eating. The soaked white and tender chicken feet are hot and sour, the skin on the claws is tender and smooth, and the little meat in the palm is springy and chewy.

Unknowingly, Mrs. Zhang gnawed on several of them. When she came back to her senses, she lowered her head and saw that there was already a pile of bones in front of her.

She was a little embarrassed, pursed her lips, and secretly raised her eyes to look at Tao Ti on the opposite side. Seeing that she was completely immersed in eating and didn't notice her side at all, Zhang was relieved.

While heaving a sigh of relief, he couldn't help laughing at himself: eating with his daughter, and still caring about the rules and image, the prince doesn't care about these... Sigh, when did I become such a rigid person

Years ago, she also ate whatever she wanted, drank whatever she wanted, and lived wantonly.

"Mother, why don't you eat, are you full?" Tao Ti asked curiously, with some chili on the corner of her mouth.

"Well, I've eaten enough." Mrs. Zhang squeezed out a smile, "If you haven't eaten enough, keep eating and leave me alone."

Tao Ti nodded, and quickly killed the remaining chicken feet.

Mrs. Zhang watched Tao Ti eat, but in her mind she remembered her appearance when she was young, how wonderful she was at that time, free and easy, happy and unrestrained.

Suddenly, a thought hidden deep in my heart gradually emerged. It looks like a small emerald green bud that just broke out of the ground, growing vigorously upwards.

After drinking another cup of tea, the sky gradually darkened.

Mrs. Zhang also got up to leave, and Tao Ti personally escorted her to the door.

When the palace people were loading gifts on the carriage, Mrs. Zhang suddenly took Tao Ti's hand and said earnestly, "Ah Ti, remember, no matter what happens in the future, I will always stand by your side."

Tao Ti was taken aback, but she didn't expect Mrs. Zhang to say such emotional words.

Mrs. Zhang gave her a gentle smile, and seeing that the carriage was also loaded, she said, "Okay, I'll go back first, you'll be fine in the East Palace."

Tao Ti nodded, "Mom, go slowly."

When the carriage gradually left, Tao Ti frowned. Why did she feel that Mrs. Zhang's words just now had no deep meaning

Just purely lyrical? No wonder it didn't fit her personality.

She walked back while thinking, Linglong walked up to the lion cat with her arms in her arms, and asked, "Crown Princess, are you planning to keep this cat, or...?"

Compared with keeping pets, Tao Ti prefers to tinker with food.

She looked up at the cat, and wanted to say, "Make a nest for it outside, you can take care of it", but the cat suddenly "meowed" in a soft tone, as if acting like a spoiled child.

Those beautiful mandarin duck eyes were still staring at her, full of cuteness.

Tao Ti, "..."

All right, for your cuteness' sake.

Tao Ti stepped forward, took the cat in Linglong's arms, walked around the hall, finally chose a corner, and ordered, "Press a cat nest here, um, and prepare a cushion, two Small basins, one for drinking water and one for food... Oh yes, and a basin for bathing, it has such long fur that it is easy to get lice if it is not cleaned."

After Linglong responded one by one, she suggested, "Crown princess, since you plan to keep this cat for a long time, why don't you go to Siyuan to find an eunuch who can take care of cats and dogs? Let the eunuch take care of these trivial matters, you have to If you want to tease the cat when you are free, just let him hug you directly."

When Tao Ti heard it, she was happy, "This is great, and I can pet cats without shoveling shit."

Linglong didn't delay, and immediately went to Siyuan.

Tao Ti carried the cat back to the hall and sat down. The cat was very docile in her arms, not cold at all, allowing her to masturbate in various ways.

One person and one cat played together for a long while, and suddenly, the cat let out a wronged "meow meow" twice.

Tao Ti was wondering when Linglong just came back with a fifteen or sixteen year old eunuch in blue.

Linglong pointed to the little eunuch and introduced, "Crown Princess, this is the little eunuch that Si Yuan gave us. As soon as I heard that you have a cat, I immediately picked someone with quick hands and feet and a quick mind."

The eunuch student has delicate features and is very clever, "Slave Taisheng pays homage to the Crown Princess, and the Crown Princess is blessed with Jin'an...Princess Concubine, this cat is hungry."

"You can see that you are hungry at a glance. It seems that you have some skills." Tao Ti smiled at Taisheng, "Then I will trouble you to take care of this cat from now on."

Tai Sheng was flattered and said, "It's my honor to work for the Crown Princess, how can I afford the Crown Princess' trouble."

Tao Ti didn't say much, she lowered her head and patted the lion cat's head lightly, "I'm hungry, then just wait here, I'll fry up dried fish for you."

The little cat seemed to understand what she meant, and called "meow meow" a few times.

Tao Ti asked Linglong to hold the cat, and asked Taisheng to make the cat litter, while she went to the dining room to fry dried fish.

The imperial dining room is full of fresh big fish, there is no small dried fish specially for cats; the dried small fish fried for kittens was brought from Siyuan when Taisheng came.

From this little detail, Tao Ti could tell that the little eunuch was smart enough to be useful.

To cook food for cats, you don’t need to be too meticulous, just handle it simply, boil the hot oil on a high fire, and drop the small whitebait fish that are as thin as bamboo leaves into it, only to hear a burst of hot oil tumbling, and the fried fish The fragrance came out immediately.

The kitten in Linglong's arms smelled the scent and meowed excitedly.

Linglong hugged it and said with a smile, "Don't worry, you'll have something to eat later."

Taisheng sniffed and sighed, "Don't say it's the cat, even I feel greedy after smelling it. The fried fish is really delicious."

Linglong pursed her lips and said with a smile, "Where is this? Our princess's cooking skills are excellent. If she cooks seriously, the smell will be so delicious! You just wait, remember to look for it when the time comes." A handkerchief to cover up the saliva."

Taisheng didn't quite believe it in his heart, but on the surface he agreed with Linglong's words.

Soon, Tao Ti came over with a small bowl of dried fish. The dried fish was fried crispy and golden.

"Little cat, come here, dinner is ready."

Tao Ti put the bowl on the ground, and the kitten ran over with two short legs and started to eat.

As the sun sets, the afterglow of the setting sun fills the sky.

Under the orange-yellow and wine-red rays, a girl in a magnolia-colored dress squatted, her profile was gentle and charming, with a faint smile on her lips, her black eyes drooping down, quietly looking at the snow-white little girl. Cats eat dried fish.

When Pei Yan stepped into the Yaoguang Palace, he saw a peaceful and harmonious scene, and unconsciously relaxed his steps.

Tao Ti was fascinated by watching the cat eat, until a golden and cold voice sounded above her head, "Ah Ti, where is the cat?"

She was startled, raised her little head, and was slightly relieved when she saw that it was Pei Yan.

Looking at Pei Yan from this angle, his jaw line became more and more distinct, it is really a fairy face with 360 degrees and no dead ends——

After sighing secretly, Tao Ti remembered to answer, "My mother came to see me in the afternoon, and she sent me this."

Pei Yan raised his eyebrows and said lightly, "This way..."

After waiting for a while, seeing that Tao Ti didn't intend to stand up, he pursed his lips.

When she saw him in the past, she always greeted him happily, but now that they had talked, she had no intention of getting up to welcome him into the hall...

Is there no time to pay attention to him and let him go into the house by himself

After pondering for a moment, he took the initiative, "Ah Ti, let the cat eat slowly, shall we go in?"

Tao Ti, "...well, good."

After a pause, she looked at him with big watery eyes, with a look of embarrassment on her face.

Pei Yan, "What's wrong?"

Don't you still miss this cat

Tao Ti, "My legs seem to be numb from squatting."

Pei Yan, "..."

After a while, he laughed softly, and his chest trembled.

Tao Ti was both embarrassed and aggrieved, "'re still laughing."

"Okay, stop laughing, I'll help you."

Pei Yan bent down and stretched out both hands towards her.

Tao Ti thought that he was going to pull her up, but he didn't expect that he hugged her legs with one hand and her back with the other, and directly hugged her horizontally.

Tao Ti, who was suddenly hugged by the princess, "???"

Just... crazy heartbeat!

She stared at the man's clear and delicate profile, the corners of her lips couldn't help but crazily raised, and her cheeks became hot again.

By the time she regained her sanity, she had already been carried to the couch.

Pei Yan sat down beside her, gently squeezed her calf with her slender hands, her long eyelashes drooped slightly, and asked, "Is it still numb, let me rub it for you."

Tao Ti blushed, and whispered, "It's, it's okay."

Pei Yan pinched her legs, the two chatted for a while, and the topic returned to cats.

Hearing that Tao Ti decided to raise her, Pei Yan had no objection, and asked her, "Have you decided on a name for this cat?"

Tao Ti shook her head and said, "I'll wait for you to come back and think about it together."

So, the two seriously considered the name of the cat together.

Linglong and Fu Xirui stood on one side, seeing the faces of the masters discussing the cat's name in a serious manner, they couldn't help but glance at each other—

This kind of thoughtfulness, those who didn't know thought it was naming the little emperor's grandson

Finally, Tao Ti thought of the pastry shop she was about to open, patted her thigh, and made a decision, "It's a good sign, why not call it Yuanbao?"

Pei Yan smiled casually, "That's fine."

After naming the cat, seeing that it was getting dark outside, Tao Ti thought of the ingredients marinated in the kitchen, got up and said, "Your Highness, you sit down first, I will go to the small kitchen to cook two dishes, and I can eat later gone."

When she left, Pei Yan planned to go to the study to practice calligraphy for a while, but when she was about to get up, she accidentally brought a soft pillow with her.

He lowered his eyes carelessly, only to see a book protruding from under the soft pillow.

Pei Yan thought to himself, why did that little fool stuff the scriptures under the pillow? If you can't find it by then, you have to worry.

He bent down, stretched out his hand and pulled out the book.

""Treasure of Appreciation of Flowers"...?"

Pei Yan narrowed her eyes slightly, and turned straight to the page with folded marks, and saw that it said—

"Chapter 6, Chu Niang's Fragrance House. Cui Shusheng saw Chu Niang, his heart was full of elation, he stepped forward and hugged his slender waist, pressed against his delicate face, shouted, kissed, what a wonderful person. Chu Niang also A witty, winking eye, pink face, and touch his..."

Pei Yan closed the book with a "snap", her temples twitched and her eyes darkened a little.