Gluttonous Crown Princess

Chapter 84


Two days later, Princess Jingyang's guard of honor entered Chang'an City.

Tao Ti was pulled up from the bed by Linglong early in the morning, and she was pressed in front of the vanity mirror to get dressed up.

As a show of respect, she changed into a complete set of dresses made by the princess today. Although the material is all silk, but the inside and outside are three layers, plus the complicated and gorgeous embroidery, the whole person is wrapped like a white glutinous rice dumpling .

In addition, Linglong also combed her a complicated Luanfeng Lingyun bun. Her hair was already thick and dense, and in order to support this bun, she had to add a fake bun.

After finally combing her hair in a bun, she also wore hair crowns, gold and silver bead hairpins, and even her neck, ears, and wrists were all full...

From the gray sky to the bright sky, Linglong let out a long sigh of relief, "Crown Princess, you're done dressing up, are you satisfied?"

Tao Ti raised her hand to support her heavy head, and stared at the mirror for a while, feeling like a shiny money tree that could drop gold with a shake.

At the beginning of Sichu, Tao Ti, supported by Linglong, got into the sedan chair to Ganlu Palace.

She looked up at the clear blue sky, and sighed softly. In the midsummer of July, it would be fatal to dress like this.

The concubines of the fifth rank and above in the harem, the wives of the fourth rank and above in the previous dynasty, and the female relatives of the princes and royal relatives are already waiting outside the Ganlu Palace, and several princesses have also arrived one after another.

Tao Ti's sedan chair came to a steady stop, and everyone saw her and greeted her one after another.

This was the first time Tao Ti saw so many noble women, her heart tightened, but her face was calm and calm, she smiled politely and nodded to them one by one.

Whether you know someone or not, just smile.

Walking around the group of women, Tao Ti saw that they were all dressed so grandly and complicatedly, and the resentment of being wrapped in rice dumplings early in the morning also balanced a lot.

Everyone is miserable, and the sun will come out later, and we will be drying together.

Thinking of this, Tao Ti's eyes could not help but fall on Pei Lingbi's face, thinking a little viciously, how terrible it would be if this guy had such thick makeup on his face, and it would fade away later.

Pei Lingbi noticed her gaze and glanced over.

Seeing that it was Tao Ti looking at her, she rolled her eyes and turned her face away.

Tao Ti pursed her lips, but didn't care.

Not long after, the well-dressed Empress Zhou came out with the help of the palace servants. I saw her wearing a stone blue gown embroidered with five phoenixes facing the sun, and a delicate and gorgeous phoenix crown on her head. The pearl in the center of the phoenix crown was as big as a dove's egg. Under the bright sunshine, it was shining bright and clean The gloss is very eye-catching.

Everyone saluted Queen Zhou together.

Empress Zhou smiled dignifiedly and motioned for everyone to get up.

After saying some courteous words, a young eunuch soon came to report that Princess Jingyang's guard of honor had arrived at Suzaku Gate, and Emperor Zhaokang and the others had gone from the Golden Dragon Hall to Taiji Palace.

Empress Zhou responded, looked around, and said with a light smile, "Then all of you will go to Taiji Palace with me."

She said, beckoning to Tao Ti again, with a kind smile, "Crown Princess, come, come to Ben Gong."

Tao Ti, who was reciting the mantra "calm and cool naturally", was called out suddenly, and she was still a little dazed, but after realizing it, she walked forward.

Empress Zhou took Tao Ti's hand, "My mother and I will walk together, we can still talk on the way."

Tao Ti, "..."

Who is with your mother and daughter.

Pei Lingbi also stared at the side, and Tao Ti was inexplicably relieved by the unbelievable look in her eyes, and she readily agreed.

From Ganlu Palace to Taiji Palace, Tao Ti and Queen Zhou sat together in a spacious sedan chair, which was covered by a shed, and there was ice in the sedan chair, so it didn't feel hot.

Empress Zhou cared about the prince's health all the way, Tao Ti answered according to the situation, she would say more if she could, and she didn't say anything more if she couldn't.

Such dry and awkward chatting, also survived the whole way.

Arriving at the Taiji Palace, Emperor Zhaokang sat majesticly on the upper seat, Pei Yan was on his right, and the princes, princes and nobles, civil and military officials of the fourth rank and above stood on their heads.

In front of the huge Taiji Palace Square, the men gathered together, and the female relatives stood together, the dragon-patterned flag fluttering in the wind.

When a group of guards of honor slowly entered from Chengtian Gate, the square resounded with magnificent ceremony and music.

Rao Tao Ti was so hot right now that she was in a trance, she became sober when she first heard the music, and opened her eyes to look down the stage—

Hey, what a grand scene!

Three gorgeous carriages stopped at the bottom of the steps, and the graceful lady who came down first was Princess Jingyang. The next two cars are Xie Yunshi, the young prince of the Duke of Jin's mansion, and the head of Qinghe County.

When he saw Princess Jingyang, Emperor Zhaokang's unsmiling face became much kinder. Three years later, when the siblings met again, their eyes were red.

Princess Jingyang is nearly forty years old and well maintained. She looks like she is in her early thirties. She is a mature and charming beauty.

After she warmly greeted Emperor Zhaokang, she said hello to Empress Zhou, her eyes fell on Pei Yan, she looked him up and down, and nodded, "Yan'er looks taller than three years ago." Quite a lot, and my complexion has improved a lot.”

The young man behind him and Qinghe county master had just bowed to the emperor and queen in an orderly manner, when his mother asked, "Yan'er, where is your newly married princess?"

Tao Ti was shocked.

When Princess Jingyang's family followed Pei Yan's gaze and looked at her, she straightened up unconsciously, stepped forward hurriedly, and greeted her in a neither humble nor humble way, "My niece and daughter-in-law Tao pays homage to Her Royal Highness, Your Highness Jinan Wanfu."

Princess Jingyang squinted her phoenix eyes for a while, and then said leisurely, "Well, she is a polite person, get up."

When Tao Ti got up, the little father-in-law and the head of Qinghe county also saluted her.

Tao Ti returned the salute, and looked at him calmly, only to see that the young man, the Duke of Jin, was handsome and clear, with an extraordinary bearing, exuding the elegance of a scholar.

And the Qinghe County Lord next to him, with slender shoulders and slender waist, has a petite figure, with an oval face of a classical beauty, fresh lychee cheeks, goose fat nose, beauty is beautiful, but there are some deficiencies. , like a full orchid.

After greeting each other, all the people went back to the hall and took their seats, and the palace people poured tea.

The main thing was that Emperor Zhaokang chatted with Princess Jingyang, Empress Zhou occasionally added two or three sentences, and the rest were silent, just sat and listened peacefully.

After the pleasant short conversation, Emperor Zhaokang asked Princess Jingyang and his family to go back to the palace to rest, and to have a good chat at the palace banquet in the evening.

Everyone dispersed in an orderly manner.

Tao Ti thought that Pei Yan was still busy and planned to go back first, but she didn't want to hear Pei Yan call her name before she reached the sedan chair.

Holding her heavy bun, she turned her head slowly, and saw him walking towards her, her black eyes widened, "Your Highness, are you not busy?"

Pei Yan stood still in front of her, and said calmly, "Well, I will accompany you back to the palace first."

As he spoke, he helped Tao Ti get into the sedan chair first, and then also sat on it.

After sitting down, Pei Yan took out the handkerchief from his sleeve, and wiped her sweat very naturally, "Are you tired?"

Tao Ti enjoyed his caring and tenderness, and smiled at him with her eyes bent, "With His Highness wiping my sweat for me, I won't be tired."

Pei Yan lowered his eyebrows and smiled slightly.

As soon as she returned to Yaoguang Temple, Tao Ti let herself go, taking off while walking, and shouted, "I'm so hot, I'm so hot..."

Linglong followed behind and picked it up all the way, wanting to remind the princess to pay attention to her image many times, but seeing His Highness the prince not only didn't feel displeased, but walked to the vanity mirror gently to undo the princess' bun, Linglong silently chose to shut up , picked up the clothes and went back.

Pei Yan unhurriedly took off the pearl hairpin for Tao Ti. When the last long hairpin was pulled out, the black hair hung down like splashed ink, and a faint fragrance lingered around the tip of her nose.

Tao Ti raised her hand and rubbed her neck, muttering softly, "The neck is going to be broken."

Before the words finished, a pair of slender and cold hands touched her shoulders and neck.

Tao Ti was stunned.

Pei Yan has already massaged her, and a gentle voice said, "Is this strength too heavy?"

Tao Ti blinked her eyes, raised her hand, pressed his hand, raised her fair face, and said softly, "Your Highness, you don't need to pinch it for me, you've been tired all morning..."

Pei Yan looked at her quietly with a smile on his face, "Pinch it for the lady, I won't be tired."

His words instantly brought Tao Ti back to the days when she was still in Taoyuan Village. Those ordinary and stable days are really... nostalgic.

Pei Yan pinched Tao Ti's shoulders and neck, and Tao Ti felt relieved, and went to beat his back too.

The weather was hot, and the two of them ate a meal of locust leaves and then took a nap.

It's just that when Tao Ti woke up, Pei Yan was gone. After asking Linglong, she found out that not long after she fell asleep, Pei Yan quietly left and went back to Zixiao Palace to handle business.

Hearing this, Tao Ti's heart warmed up, and she couldn't help worrying about Pei Yan's body.

He has so many official duties every day, can his body handle it? So did the emperor, who didn't know how to assign less work to the prince!


The sky was getting darker, and the lanterns were just coming on, and the palace people were busy coming and going with all kinds of pastries and drinks.

At the palace banquet, the music of silk and bamboo orchestras was overwhelming, singing and dancing gracefully, creating a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere.

Emperor Zhaokang occupies the upper seat, Empress Zhou is on the left, and Princess Jingyang is on the right.

Probably in order to promote the relationship, Emperor Zhaokang asked Pei Yan to sit with Grandpa Xie, and Tao Ti to sit with Lord Qinghe.

At this time, Tao Ti had already changed into another outfit, wearing an ai-green palace dress with a waist, and her hair was combed back into a dignified concentric bun. With a set of pearl jewelry, she looked refreshing and gentle.

The Lord of Qinghe County also changed her attire, wearing a simple and elegant royal blue dress, and combing the bun of an unmarried girl. She should have taken a rest in the afternoon, and now she looks better than in the morning.

Although Qinghe County Mistress has reached Ji, her face is very small, she doesn't talk much, after calling Tao Ti softly "cousin", she sat quietly.

Seeing her timid and polite appearance, Tao Ti felt a little fond of her, and took the initiative to find a topic to chat with her, "Master, would you like to try these fried quail with three fresh bamboo shoots, it tastes very good. "

Qinghe was a little surprised, looking at Tao Ti with her dark eyes, obviously did not expect her to talk to him—

On the way here, the mother repeatedly told her that the princess's mother was domineering and arrogant, and the daughter she gave birth must not be easy to get along with.

But now it seems that it is not what my mother said.

Qinghe blinked her eyes and said softly, "Then I'll try."

She took a piece with chopsticks, tasted it, put down the chopsticks again, and smiled at Tao Ti, "It's pretty good."

Tao Ti said again, "Then do you want to try this sweet-scented osmanthus wine again?"

Qing He was startled, shook his head and said, "I can't drink."

Tao Ti said, "This wine is not intoxicating, the wine our family members drink is different from theirs."

Qinghe showed an apologetic smile, "Don't blame my cousin, I have been suffering from insufficiency since I was a child, and I have been taking medicine, so I can't drink alcohol."

Tao Ti was taken aback, no wonder when she saw her, she felt weak and weak, it turned out that she was really in poor health.

Alas, just like Pei Yan, they are all pitiful.

"Then don't drink it, I'll ask them to bring you another pot of warm water." Tao Ti gave her a comforting smile, turned around and told the palace servants.

When she turned her head, she saw Qinghe staring at her curiously.

Tao Ti asked, "What's wrong?"

Qinghe shook her head and smiled, "Thank you cousin."

"Hey, why are you being so polite?" Tao Ti waved her hand and chatted with her about other things.

On the seat, Princess Jingjing glanced at the audience, and saw that the little princess was having a good time talking with her Qing He, while on the other side, her good nephew looked at the little princess from time to time, afraid that the little princess would The daughter-in-law ran away.

Jingyang raised his eyebrows and said in his heart:

Zhang Yunsu is a savage and unreasonable woman, but she gave birth to a pretty good daughter.

And that Gu Yan, although he has a soft temper and a fake appearance, he is quite accurate in picking his daughter-in-law.