Gluttonous Crown Princess

Chapter 98


Pei Yan just stood there straight, his handsome face showed no expression, but his slender fingers were clenched little by little, and his eyes were cold.

Not only did she smile at herself like this, she also smiled so happily at the man next to her.

What is the relationship between her and this Ashina Qi? It would be too weird if they were so familiar at first acquaintance.

Many guesses flashed through Pei Yan's mind, but those rational guesses were gradually covered up by anger and uncomfortable emotions.

He wanted to kill Ashinaqi.

Then lock Tao Ti up, let her stay by his side obediently, and never let her go out to attract bees and butterflies,

Although it was a distance away, Linglong couldn't help but feel frightened when she saw the prince's expressionless face.

Seeing that the concubine was still chatting enthusiastically with Prince Rongdi, Linglong didn't care too much, thinking that she could save a little bit, she bit the bullet and walked into the pavilion.

She whispered, "Crown Princess, it's almost noon, and it's time for us to go back."

Tao Ti was stunned for a while, and looked at the bright sun with her head, "Yes, time flies so fast, one morning has passed."

Qiongqi glanced at Linglong, thoughtful.

Tao Ti asked Linglong to go down first, and seized the opportunity to say to Qiongqi, "It's a pity that it's not convenient for you to go back with me, otherwise we can chat while eating. Alas, your status is too inconvenient..."

Qiongqi shrugged her shoulders and spread her hands helplessly, "Is there any way to do this? Prince Rongdi is the most suitable member of the royal family who died recently. I want to vote for a princess. I can't just take it away. It will be punished by God." .”

Tao Ti originally wanted to ask "Why are you so obsessed with the status of a member of the royal family", but after thinking about it, it is understandable that the higher the status is, the better it is in the ancient times where the hierarchy is strict.

"Okay, let's look at it from another angle. Apart from being inconvenient to meet with me, your status is quite convenient in ancient times. At least you can go out at will without wearing a hat to hide it, and go wherever you want."

Tao Ti stood up and said relaxedly, "Anyway, you're going to stay here for ten days, and we can always find a chance to meet again."

Qiongqi also stood up, "Well, you go back first, I also want to go back and prepare, I plan to take a stroll around Chang'an City in the afternoon, and feel the prosperity of the ancient metropolis."

The two said goodbye and parted.

Linglong sneaked a peek behind the rockery, and that slender figure left at some point.

But being so silent made Linglong even more uneasy.

"Linglong, what are you looking at?" Tao Ti asked casually.

"Ah, no, this servant didn't see anything." Linglong came back to her senses, lowered her head and said, "My servant lost his mind, the Crown Princess forgives me."

"Hey, it's okay. Let's go, let's shake some golden osmanthus. While the sun is shining these two days, let's dry some more dried osmanthus."

It didn't take long for a basket of sweet-scented osmanthus to be filled, and Tao Ti happily returned to Yaoguang Hall to reunite with her old friend, which made her feel very good, and even walked humming a little song.

While drying the sweet-scented osmanthus in the Yaoguang Palace, Linglong couldn't help asking, "Crown Princess, did you and this Prince Rongdi... know each other before?"

Tao Ti's humming came to an abrupt end.

Oops, it's hard to explain why I just forgot about meeting Qiongqi.

And Linglong belongs to Pei Yan, if Linglong reported this to Pei Yan, Pei Yan would also feel suspicious.

After thinking for a long time, Tao Ti bit the bullet and replied, "I didn't know her before, and I found it strange that she wrote a letter. But after meeting and chatting, I think it's quite interesting. Is it right to make a new friend?"

Well, she knows that this answer is a bit far-fetched, but forgive her for not knowing what to say for a while, so she can only say "like old friends at first sight".

Qiongqi said that they must not reveal their identities no matter what, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Tao Ti is also aware of this point, in this feudal and superstitious ancient times, time travel, mythical beasts and the like, if you say it, you will definitely be burned to death as a different kind, not to mention that this is still in the royal family, and these things are even more taboo.

Hearing her answer, Linglong said, "..."

There was something unspeakably wrong.

At dusk, Pei Yan came.

Tao Ti stroked Yuan Bao's soft and snow-white hair, raised her eyes and saw Pei Yan approaching, and smiled with frowned eyes, "Your Highness, look, is Yuan Bao getting fatter?"

She was sitting on a rocking chair, Pei Yan was tall and straight, looking down at her crooked smiling eyes, black eyes were quiet.

Today, she also smiled at Ashina Qi like this.

This cognition made Pei Yan very unhappy.

Tao Ti didn't get his response for a long time, she was stunned for a while, and looked at him with doubts on her face, seeing his handsome face tense, she frowned and said, "Your Highness?"

Pei Yan's eyes moved slightly, pretending to be in a daze, and lowered his eyes and said, "Sorry, I was thinking about business just now, so I didn't pay attention for a while."

He returned to his usual calm expression, Tao Ti cared, "Business is busy, but your body is more important."

She put the ingot on the ground, stood up, patted the dress, and said softly, "Come on, you go to the house to rest, and I'll have someone make you a cup of wolfberry honey tea to refresh your mind."

Pei Yan hooked his lips, "Okay."

The two entered the hall together, as usual, very calm.

But Linglong looked at her but didn't dare to show her anger. Sometimes, silence is more terrifying than quarreling.

Because Tao Ti is still in her menstrual period, the meals for these few days are provided by the dining room of the East Palace.

This night, the dining room made a dish of boiled shrimp.

Pei Yan peeled the prawns slowly. His slender fingers gave him an extremely elegant feeling when peeling the prawns.

He peeled a plate of shrimp meat, handed it to Tao Ti, and motioned her to eat it.

Tao Ti happily enjoyed her husband's thoughtfulness, and every mouthful of delicious shrimp felt that her life was complete.

Pei Yan washed his hands, and asked seemingly unintentionally, "What did Arti do today?"

Tao Ti stopped eating shrimp, thought for a while, and said casually, "The weather is fine today, so I went for a stroll in the Imperial Garden and picked a basket of sweet-scented osmanthus. How about cooking a table of dishes, calling Qing He, Xiao Wu Xiao Liu, and having an sweet-scented osmanthus feast?"

Her porcelain white face was full of interest.

With a lazy smile on his face, Pei Yan looked at her quietly, "Okay, you can arrange it."

Tao Ti then continued on the topic of the osmanthus feast, talking about a lot of dishes made with osmanthus, without noticing the undercurrent in Pei Yan's black eyes.

Until the meal was over, Pei Yan didn't wait for Tao Ti to mention Ashinaqi.

Is she avoiding it on purpose

If it was frank and frank, according to her usual temperament of sharing every bit with him, she would have mentioned it long ago.

Pei Yan raised her hand and pinched the center of her brows fiercely, her slender eyelashes drooped, and there was an inexplicable blunt pain in her chest.

It was late at night, and the two were lying on the couch.

Tao Ti soon became sleepy, and when she was drowsy, she felt a strong arm pull her over.

She was firmly imprisoned in a hard embrace, and the fiery palms pressed tightly against her waist, as if trying to melt her.

Tao Ti was confused and mumbled, "Hot..."

Pei Yan turned sideways, staring at her fair and tender cheeks with deep eyes.

hit it off? He doesn't believe it.

But if it wasn't for hitting it off right away, how did she get to know Prince Rongdi

As far as he knew, this was Ashinaqi's first visit to the Central Plains, and Tao Ti, the prostitute of the Yongweihou Mansion, had never left Chang'an for sixteen years.

The speculation hidden in my heart for a long time was turned out again, who is she? Is it really Tao Ti

Or the secret work sent by Rongdi, or other identities.

In the dim light, Pei Yan did not hide the coldness and darkness in his eyes at all.

Although he can't find clues to explain his doubts so far, he can get rid of Ashina Qi.

Kill him, once and for all.

No matter what entanglements he had with Tao Ti in the past, a dead person no longer poses any threat.

As for Tao Ti...

Pei Yan narrowed his eyes, and gently rubbed the back of her neck with his knuckle-knuckle hand. Seeing her frowning because of discomfort, he twitched the corner of his mouth—

Ati, if Gu locked you up, would you hate Gu

But you are disobedient, and I can't find any other better way...

He buried his face deeply into her neck, sniffed her warm fragrance obsessively, and murmured softly, "Be good..."

Perhaps hearing his voice, Tao Ti let out a lazy moan, half-opening her sleepy eyes, "Your Highness? What's wrong with you."

Her voice was hoarse and delicate, like a feather passing through her heart.

Pei Yan didn't speak, just pinched her chin and kissed her lips.

Tao Ti's consciousness was awakened by this aggressive kiss, her hand was placed between the bodies of the two, and her overwhelmed posture made her very passive.

"Uh... Hall..."

He held her hand hard and kissed her hard, with a sense of punishment.

When this long kiss was over, he held her tightly in his arms, breathing quickly, like a lion panting.

Tao Ti was dazed by the kiss, her mind was full of: who am I, where am I, what happened.

When her consciousness returned, she felt Pei Yan's heat, subconsciously tightened her body, and whispered, "I, my one hasn't left yet..."

Pei Yan's sanity also came back, and her thin lips moved to her ear, "It's okay, I just want to kiss you suddenly."

Tao Ti, "..."

You woke me up! Hey!

Forget it, for the sake of your good looks.

Pei Yan gently stroked her back, his tone was always gentle, "Go to sleep."

Tao Ti was very sleepy, she just thought he had a sudden sexual interest, she didn't think much about it, she rubbed her little head in his arms, found a suitable angle, and fell asleep peacefully.

Her intimate snuggle made the hostility in Pei Yan's eyes less than half.

She has him in her heart.

He said to himself: Give her another chance.