Go to Hell, White Lotus

Chapter 4


When you die, you will have a permanent light-effect suit.

Looking at the man's ID again, Bai Lianhua's heart started beating wildly again. He made a decisive decision to let the other two people run away!

[Bai Lianhua: Roommate, Lin Danda, you two should run away if you don’t want to be reincarnated at Level 1 again!]

[Roommate: why?]

[White Lotus: Grass! That person is a great god! In Mahler Desert, the great god actually participated in the fight between ordinary people? Nimanu is ready to be turned white!]

Bai Lianhua's thoughts are very simple. He still remembers in his statement that the great god once pinched him and even made the situation go further, but... He thought that it was a miracle that a person like the great god could actually visit the forum. No. Thinking that he actually didn't even have to give up upgrading and fight monsters all the way to find his location...

What? Are you saying that great gods only pass by occasionally? ... Bai Lianhua swore that he had been playing "Shenzhou Shenlu" for a year, and he had never heard of a master having a hobby of hanging out in Novice Village! Then there is only one possibility... The great god doesn't like him and wants to vent his dissatisfaction.

[Roommate: Who is the great god?]

…Who is the great god? You actually have the nerve to ask who the great god is? Bai Lianhua wanted to stab him to death with a knife while she was dissecting and analyzing the structure of his brain!

The name "Great God" is probably very familiar to anyone who plays online games. The Great God is a legend in the online gaming world. No matter what game he plays, his ID is called "Master", and he will definitely become the "Master" that people talk about. There was once a stupid kid who used the ID "Master" in a new game... One day later, the ID "Master" disappeared. Well, a few hours later, there was another ID named "Great God" in the gaming world. Moreover, this ID did not remain silent. Two months later, this ID ranked among the top ten in the combat power list.

People also have different opinions about the identity of the great god. Some people say that the great master is a master of micro-manipulation, and he is very powerful in the "key technique" dance. Some people say that the great master is a hacker who directly hacks the server to achieve his own unknown purpose. Some people think that the great master is a domestic leader. The successor of the company has forced all online games to give face to the master.

The great god is a legend. When the great master became a legend, Bai Lianhua was still a freshman in high school. Now, Bai Lianhua is in his third year of college. It can be seen that the great master can be regarded as an "old man" who has witnessed the rise and fall of China's online games.

And his private post bar, Baidu Great God Bar, has become a paradise for game fans, because the great god himself appears from time to time to guide people on their puzzles... The great god is a god-like figure, and this god-like figure is now standing alive. In front of him... oh no, in front of the game character. This made White Lotus so nervous that she even sweated while holding the mouse.

[Nearby] Master: White Lotus

[Nearby] White Lotus: I am.

[Nearby] Master: Are you the shemale White Lotus in the forum

Bai Lianhua was sweating in front of the computer. Is this the Great God? Why is it so different from the majestic, awesome and coaxing feeling he believes in? Even so, Bai Lianhua still responded to the great god's words conscientiously, without even using the usual "slave" self-title, as if she was talking to the leader seriously.

[Nearby] White Lotus: Hello, great god, I am White Lotus, but I am not a transvestite.

[Nearby] Master: Oh, have sex with me, I will protect you.

Bai Lianhua felt that her forehead was pinched by the door today. Otherwise, how could he still imagine such a dream? Great God... Are you talking about covering him up? ! Did he read that correctly? The great god Nima actually said to protect him

Could it be that the great god is actually a gay? No wonder the master never seems to get married in the game... No, some games that the master has played, such as Penguin Speed, allow men to get married. It is because the master has been reluctant to get married and has difficulty completing the "Someone likes me" achievement task of Penguin Speed. That’s why I didn’t make it to the “achievement list.”

For a moment, Bai Lianhua felt that the "great god" in front of her might just have the same name as the "great god" who was first in the combat power rankings, first in the level rankings, and sixth in the PK rankings of "Shenzhou Shenlu"! But he clicked on the "Jianghu Ranking". The appearance of the great god at the top of the ranking list was no different from the person in front of him. There was just a series of numbers under the ranking list: 25,421 people worshiped him today, and 3,214 people despised him...

[Nearby] White Lotus: Great God... Has your account been hacked or infected with a virus or something

[Nearby] Master: You think too much

[Nearby] Master: I just think you are interesting

[Nearby] White Lotus: I'm so grateful. When will the master plan to take my turn? Can you let me store the equipment in the warehouse first and then let you take your turn

[Nearby] Master: I didn’t say I’d take your turn

[Nearby] Bai Lianhua: Okay, that slave will leave first. If the master wants to turn to White slave, he can call him at any time.

[Nearby] Master: OK.

[Nearby] Master: Goodbye.

It took a lot of effort for Bai Lian to resist the urge to throw the keyboard. When it comes to relationships, you don’t level up, PK, or download dungeons. When you find his coordinates, you just say these useless words to him? ! It made him so scared that he lost all face in front of Chu Zhongtian and his roommates!

[Bai Lianhua: Damn it, today I feel that the image of the great god has collapsed in my heart!]


[Chu Zhongtian: Who is the great god?]

[White Lotus:...]

[White Lotus:... Come to Male Desert, I will take you to kill poisonous scorpions.]

[Roommate: Yes, right away.]

The real name of "Male Gobi" is "Loulan Desert", which is the nickname of "Loulan Desert" by many game fans.

"Male Gobi" is most suitable for people at levels 10 to 25. White Lotus is now at level 45. Killing some poisonous scorpions, desert snakes, etc. to let the two roommates gain experience is simply a piece of cake.

[Chu Zhongtian: Lianhua, I just reached level ten and am choosing a career. You should take your roommate first.]

Damn it, so fast

I think back then, it took him two and a half days to go from level 1 to level 10 by himself! Once again sighing that it's great to have someone to take care of her, Bai Lianhua sent a pleasant message: [Bai Lianhua: Not bad, what career are you going to choose?]

The setting of "Shenzhou Sinking Land" is slightly different from other games. The most obvious thing is that in other games, you have to select a profession from the beginning, but in "Shenzhou Sinking Land", you have to reach level ten. In order to choose a profession, each person had a white novice uniform and a blue weapon - Liu Er's dagger.

At level ten, you can choose your first career. There are five first professions, namely archer, swordsman, physician, Taoist priest, and assassin.

Moreover, you can also choose a sect and become a disciple at this time. You can take NPC as your teacher, or you can take players above level 45 as your teacher.

When you reach level 50, you can choose to change jobs.

There are fifty-six secondary professions in total. In addition to sixteen life professions, there are also forty combat professions.

There are now thirty-one known professions revealed on the official website, and the remaining twenty-five are all in the shape of a question mark card.

[Chu Zhongtian: What do you think I should choose?]

[White Lotus: I can chew it...]

[Chu Zhongtian:?]

[Bai Lianhua: It’s better for you to choose this kind of thing yourself.]

[Chu Zhongtian: -_-#!]


5. Wuling young people quarreled

[5. Wuling young people quarrel]

Bai Lianhua doesn't know what career Chu Zhongtian chose in the end. He is giving experience to his roommates in Male Desert. How can he be in the mood to care about Chu Zhongtian's affairs

The roommate looked like he was obviously a newcomer. He was trying his best to control the monster so that there was only a layer of blood left. When he looked back, his roommate was still standing there stupidly. He didn't even know that the monster had been taken away by someone else. .

Although it is true that he is forming a team with his roommates, the experience is not equally divided. The one who kills the monster in the end gets 70%, and the others share the remaining 30%... So leading people is really a technical job, and one is not good at it. , the experience is given to yourself, but you get less experience, and the people you lead get even less! The purpose of upgrading is simply not achieved. You know, in "Shenzhou Shenlu", the experience of leapfrogging monsters is much more than the experience of "super" level monsters... It's no wonder that there are "shenzhoushenlu" "trainers" everywhere on the Internet.

But now, his roommate leaves him alone as a "trainer" and is too stupid to know how to kill monsters. If Bai Lianhua didn't have a good attitude, he would have kicked him out of the team long ago. What JP teammates, if they are those on the Internet He has a bad temper and would rather refund the money than "take" him!

After all, who can tolerate the fact that the monsters he worked so hard to defeat only have a layer of blood skin left, only to gain an advantage over others in vain

However, this situation is becoming more and more obvious.

There are already several novices of about ten levels surrounding Bai Lianhua and her roommates, just waiting to take advantage! It's annoying, it's really annoying!

Even though this anger was not directed at the roommate, the roommate who was obviously terrible at operations and failed repeatedly in grabbing monsters became a good target for complaints.

[Team] Bai Lianhua: Roommate, are you becoming a zombie

[Team] Bai Lianhua: You masturbated too much yesterday, did you lose strength or something? If your eyes are dazzled, just sleep more. Damn it, I told you not to masturbate too much...

[Team] White Lotus: Hey, hey, hey! You should at least answer it!

[Team] Roommate: Oh.

[Team] White Lotus:…! ! ! !

Bai Lianhua was really angry.

Whoever sees the monsters he has worked so hard to defeat being taken away by outsiders, and his teammates are not cooperating at all.