Go to Hell, White Lotus

Chapter 45


Come on, he is the only great god in the minds of many players.

Maybe you started worshiping me from that time? An ordinary player's admiration for game masters. He left comments on the master’s post many times, but unfortunately he never received a reply. Sometimes he will optimistically regard this as a way to hone his thickness. Until that person stood in front of him... colder than expected, occasionally serious like their high school teacher "Mo Gou Xiong". It wasn't until later that he discovered that the great god was his roommate...

He looked down at the keyboard. SY, roommate, this was the name he gave to his roommate. Inexplicably, Bai Lianhua remembered what her roommate said not long ago. "Lianhua Liangliang, actually I really like you! QAQ". Is it a joke? Surely? Subconsciously, he looked at the chat system at the bottom left of the display screen. Because the chat history could not be displayed, it was empty and blank, which gave White Lotus a subtle illusion: in fact, nothing happened, everything was just It's just his imagination.

Is it such a real fantasy? Bai Lianhua felt that she should not be so hungry and thirsty...

The monsters on the screen fell one by one, Lonely Ruxue's blessing state never stopped, White Lotus occasionally came up to knock once or twice, and the entire copy was very harmonious. Just a little bit silent. This weird feeling made him feel very uncomfortable. When Bai Lianhua put her hand on the keyboard and wanted to say something, the gang system suddenly lit up.

[Gang] Yun Yu: You are so ruthless in masturbation, even Li Shenzhou became impotent due to your anxiety.

[Gang] Bairihong: Yun Yu, your metaphors are as obscene as ever.

... It seems that everyone in the gang is well aware of what happened this afternoon.

[Gang] Yun Yu: I, Yun Yu, look upright. By the way, go download the Peach Blossom Spring instance at night.

[Gang] Smiling half-step: God has changed.

[Gang] Yun Yu: @白莲花 Let’s download the dungeon together in the evening.

[Gang] Bai Lianhua: ...Okay.

[Gang] Master: I’ll go too

A master who has never spoken in the gang system actually spoke?

[Gang] Bairihong: The master actually bubbled up! I must have opened it the wrong way!

Hundred Days Red, you are not alone! Bai Lianhua also felt that the way he opened the game today was wrong, otherwise how could so many fantastic things happen.

Since I have decided to download the copy of Peach Blossom Spring at night, it is inevitable to stay up late. I looked at the time and saw that it was only four o'clock in the afternoon, which meant that there were still eight full hours left in the Peach Garden copy. It was long enough for him to have a good sleep. It should be too late to go back and play now - just go back to the dormitory when the payment time comes. Bai Lianhua, who had decided to go or stay happily, was in a good mood.

But perhaps Bai Lianhua's life was too smooth sailing, and Grandpa God seemed displeased with him - this time, he really couldn't move out of the Internet cafe.

The cause of the matter is this. Lonely Ruxue and Bai Lianhua went to clear the level 70 dungeon again. Of course, Bai Lianhua was extremely happy with the experience. Then, he reached level 60... This speed is simply a rich and everlasting glory in Bailianhua's gaming career! One and a half months to go from fifty to sixty, which makes other people who take three or four months to reach this level have no choice but to kill themselves with a knife.

Then, the legendary dragon, which Bai Lianhua had only seen once so far... the nominal master, Abbot Jingzhen, appeared! Looking at the dialog box that suddenly refreshed on the screen, Bai Lianhua was undoubtedly very surprised deep in her heart.

[Abbot Jingzhen: Disciple, I haven’t seen you for a few days. I am very pleased that you have achieved such an achievement. →]I’m glad you’re big! Ever since he became an abbot, he has lost all his skills! It’s so sad to see Abbot Jingzhen’s white lotus! This guy is definitely the source of all evil!

[Abbot Jingzhen: Since you are like this, I can trust you with my secrets as my master! In fact, the Great Leiyin Temple no longer exists. You and I are the last two descendants of the Great Leiyin Temple in the world. →]Who cares about you entrusting me with secrets? Hey, what does it have to do with me if Daleiyin Temple is not here? Hey... Is Daleiyin Temple gone? No wonder the three SBs who killed him were not hunted down by the people from Da Leiyin Temple. It made him depressed for a long time...

[Abbot Jingzhen: Nowadays, evildoers are causing trouble everywhere. As the successor of my Great Leiyin Temple, you have a duty to save all sentient beings! →]Sorry! Bai Lianhua sincerely stated that he did not see the monster with both eyes!

[Abbot Jingzhen: Young man! Let us run towards the stars and the sea together! →]Hurry to commit suicide or reincarnate

Bai Lianhua, who was complaining deeply in her heart, was frightened to pee by the system prompt the next moment.

[System prompt: You have obtained the mission [Slay Demons and Demons]].


44. The three views of this article are very correct

[44.The three views of this article are very correct]

So this dialog box that pops up suddenly is actually a hidden task? White Lotus is not calm anymore. Clicking on his task panel, Bai Lianhua, who was already not calm, felt that he was even more unstable... Who can tell him what [blackening light] is? He has never heard of it in the game! One hundred more? It is said that you have to fight [Blackened Little Demon] to get it? What is the blackened little demon? The system is playing tricks on me! Not calm! What a tragedy!

[Gang] White Lotus: Help! Where to fight the blackened little demon

[Gang Gui] smiled half-stepped: Why do you ask

[Gang] White Lotus: Mission!

[Gang] Hundred Days Red: There is a blackened little demon in the Qixi Festival copy. very many.

[Gang] White Lotus: ... Team up to clear the Qixi Festival dungeon.

[Gang] Yun Yu: Good luck to White Lotus.

[Gang] Bairihong: I don’t think I’ll go to the dungeon to find abuse...

[Gang] Smiling Half-step Epilepsy: What is your mission as a little demon

[Gang] White Lotus: Collect the blackened light of the blackened little demon.

[Gang] Lonely Ruxue: ... What do you mean? I have some, eleven, is that enough

[Gang] Bairihong: I have one. I died as soon as I turned into a little demon...

[Gang Gui] smiled half-stepped: I have seventeen.

[Gang] Bai Lianhua: I want a hundred...

There was suddenly a dead silence in the gang, and it was as gloomy and gloomy as if they had entered the cemetery area by mistake.

Finally, after a long time, someone spoke again.

[Gang] Master: Smiling Half-step Epilepsy, White Lotus, team up

The meaning is self-evident.

After Bai Lianhua clicked on the character Great God, she chose to join the team. After a while, Hanbu Pian came in with a smile.

[Team] With a smile on his face, he said: Oh my God, I didn’t expect that we would have the opportunity to play a dungeon together.

[Team] Bai Lianhua: Didn’t he play a copy of Lonely Ruxue with you

[Team] smiled half-stepped: Hey, Lotus, you know your roommate is a great god

[Team] Master: Quiet

The last two words were like magic, making the entire chat channel silent for an instant. The great god is truly worthy of being a great god. With just such a sentence, Bai Lianhua, who was as hot as a steamed bun, couldn't help but feel a slight chill. Although the air conditioning is on in the Internet cafe, it can't handle the crowds! What's more, there are only three or four air conditioners in the hall... I suddenly long for the master to say a few more words, what's wrong with him!

[Team] Bai Lianhua: Wait a moment, I'll pay.

Bai Lianhua glanced at the remaining time and entered it.

[Team] With a smile on his face: Pay the fee

[Team] White Lotus: Yeah. I'm in an Internet cafe.

[Team] Master: Speed

He stood up and walked to the front desk. The network administrator in the Internet cafe was sitting lazily on a chair with a half-drunk bottle of Coke in his hand.

"Network manager, are there any private rooms with air conditioning turned on?" Bai Lianhua took out her wallet and asked.

Sure enough, it’s still more comfortable to sit in a private room! Even the chair is softer than outside. I changed the computer, changed the position... and restarted the computer. White Lotus happily logged into the game and chose to join the team again.

[Team] Bai Lianhua: I just changed the machine. Sorry for the wait.

[Team] smiled half-stepped: Don't be in the way, let's go and download the dungeon.

Bai Lianhua clicked on the master's account and chose to follow. The three of them walked all the way to the place where they entered the dungeon.

[Team] Master: Do you have the medicine

[Team] Smiling Half-Step Epilepsy: There are so many!

[Team] White Lotus: Yes.

After a moment, the scene suddenly changed... Then, it suddenly changed again... Bai Lianhua stared at the intact scene with her mouth open, extremely... shocked!

[Abbot Jingzhen: How can the land of fireworks be entered by people like us! Disciple, you are naughty again.]

You naughty bear! If he wasn't going to fight that Shi Laozi [blackened little demon], do you think he wanted to download the dungeon? And isn’t it your mission to fight the [Blackened Little Demon]? what is this? It's not me who's naughty! It's you who are naughty, Abbot! Are you forcing me to become the Roaring Emperor? —Bai Lianhua finally understands that this task does not depend on skill or level; it depends on whether you have enough friends and whether you are strong enough...

After playing games for so many years... he still underestimated how fucked up they were. Bai Lianhua looked up at the sky at a melancholy forty-five degree angle... Although he could only see the ceiling, there were still faint tears in the corners of his eyes. too painful…

[Gang] smiled half-stepped: Lianhua, why did you quit the team

[Gang] Bai Lianhua: QAQ! Abbot Jingzhen said I can't go to the place of fireworks...

[Gang Gui] Smiling half-step epilepsy: I @¥#%…

[Gang] Yun Yu: 233333!
