Go to Hell, White Lotus

Chapter 59


On May 1st, the game company held a player meeting in City C. Li Shenzhou said that an invitation letter was sent to the email address bound to your account, with detailed introductions in it. Food, accommodation and round trip tickets are included. Are you coming? By the way, your account is at full level, but I haven't changed the gang. You are still helping the pigs. How can we change the gang-suppressing mythical beasts we help? The gang is currently ranked 11th in the region, and if we work harder, we will be in the top ten... There are a total of one hundred and forty-four people. The Great God is also in it. Oh, by the way, there are a few girls in the group who have been clamoring to see you. Why don't you show up and let them worship you? "

White Lotus was speechless and choked. "Maximum level? Did you help me practice?"

Soon, the reply was sent. "Of course not. By the way, please don't evade the important and take the easy. You haven't answered me yet whether you will come to the foundation meeting or not!"

A meet-and-greet... He doesn't have many friends in the game, so he won't have much to say if he goes there.

"Forget it." "Don't you want to see Yun Yu? Don't want to see Bairihong? Otherwise, you can still meet Mr. Love!" "Yun Yu is downstairs in my dormitory, and there are two of me left. Not interested. "

"Then don't you want to meet your heroic and extraordinary brother Hanxiao?"

Bai Lianhua was happy in front of the screen, "You are not a beauty, why should I see you?" "You are so cruel... Lotus, my heart aches."

- "It hurts your head!" Bai Lianhua typed out four words and pressed Enter. After he finished posting, he himself was startled, and then he laughed without knowing why. Even if some things are diluted by time, the foundation is still there. This is just like the chance of having an affair at a class reunion is higher than at other gatherings. It is always a joy to see old acquaintances.

"Quality! Hey, are you coming or not? Don't waste the ticket the game company booked for you!"

After a long time, Bai Lianhua sent a leisurely reply: Okay, I will definitely come.

In the blink of an eye, another two months have passed. That day, Bai Lianhua had a quick chat with her blind date, but they broke up with her because of the question "Jia Baoyu actually loves sister Lin". The blind date girl insisted that Jia Baoyu loved Qin Zhong, and firmly said that Bai Lianhua was blacklisted.

One day on April 21st, Yun Yu brought an envelope to Bai Lianhua. When he opened it, he saw a round-trip air ticket and a note. There was a string of numbers on the note, followed by a sentence: Your brother Hanxiao’s phone number. I don’t know if Hanxiao wrote it himself or if Li Shenzhou ghostwritten it.

Bai Lianhua entered the mobile phone number into the phone, crumpled the note into a ball and threw it away.

The flight is scheduled to take off at 10am on April 30th and arrive at 2pm. So considerate, even the return air ticket was included. However, he has also participated in a game meeting once. Shouldn't the players pay for it themselves? Or are game companies really wealthy? Not short of money? Think about it, the chances behind it are too small.

Bai Lianhua curled her lips and put away the ticket. The meeting on May 1st sounds awesome.

Bai Lianhua was slightly airsick, but it wasn't serious, because considering that she was only going for a day and two nights, she didn't bring any fun clothes. She simply packed a few things and packed lightly.

The air in City C seems to be a bit turbid than that in City B, and it's so hot that it can burn. Bai Lianhua bent her eyes into the shape of a crescent moon, looking at the sky leisurely... This is actually a very artistic scene, but the wrong person, the wrong place, the wrong time, there are so many people traveling to C City on May Day that it is shocking I mean, although it's not a huge crowd, it's definitely crowded.

Walking out of the airport, even the air seemed to be a lot fresher. Even though many places in the airport have air conditioners on, it's still noisy and hot. Do you want to call Hanxiao to pick you up? Bai Lianhua's fingers slipped on the address book, but she finally took back the phone.

I'd better not bother you, it's not the weekend now, maybe you still have to work while smiling. By the way...he really didn't know how old Hanxiao was. When he thinks that even such a mature and steady master (Fog) is only 18 years old, he shouldn't be too shocked if he smiles and is actually underage, right? Um... maybe

But thankfully, no. As soon as she arrived at the hotel where she was staying, she logged into Penguin, and she sent a short message with a smile on her face. The content was too long, so Bai Lianhua directly filtered it into the following message in her mind: "Bai Lianhua, which hotel are you in now?" Naturally, Things like "Lianhua Yingying, why didn't you call me when you got off the plane?" "Lotus Lotus, let's go somewhere to play first tomorrow morning?" were perfectly ignored.

"You want to come to a country hotel that costs twenty yuan a night?" Bai Lianhua asked as she clicked on the keyboard of her mobile phone.

Soon, a reply came back with a smile: "Okay, I will be a free duck for you, as long as you give me a bed."

"Who cares!" He said this through gritted teeth, and the phone keyboard clicked as Bai Lotus pressed it fiercely.

The address given in the email was that of a hotel. Since it was a hotel, it meant that he was in charge of the meals, but if he thought about it, he couldn't be in charge of the breakfast... Did he want to lie in the hotel all morning? Think about it, this is a tragedy... Or, you can go out and play by yourself for a while? How about calling him half-step epilepsy with a smile on his face

Actually, Bai Lianhua thinks he is quite shy. The specific manifestation is that sometimes he doesn't dare to say things that he can clearly say, but he can speak smoothly when he clearly can't.

What a stupid kid who lacks middle school.

56. This chapter is full of nonsense

Chen Tian walked out of the bathroom and looked at a lot of conversations that popped up on the computer. He wiped his long hair that kept dripping with a towel, picked up his cell phone and dialed a number to someone far abroad.

"Hey, Song Qingge, you're having a great time controlling my computer remotely?" Chen Tian sat at the computer desk and moved the mouse, but it turned out that he couldn't move it at all.

Song Qingge's voice came from the other end of the phone, calm and not even a little bit ups and downs in tone, "Didn't you agree to the order yourself?"

#@¥@¥#@¥… Chen Tian’s mood is extremely complicated now. Damn it, yes, he ordered it, yes, but he still has to go to work, and he wants to finish the things he has been asked for a few days before the May Day holiday, but why does he not even take a shower after watching TV and eating dinner? After all the washing, Song Qingge was still chatting with White Lotus on his Penguin account happily!

"Song Qingge, I still have to work, can you spare some time for me? You are a god, great god, I kneel down to you."

"Yes. Chentian, your full name is Chen Chentian?" Song Qingge answered in a evasive manner.

"..." Chentian felt that he might be lucky that no one saw his current appearance, otherwise maybe someone would have seen what "jaw dislocation" means...

"How do you know?! Are you killing me? Or do you actually have a crush on me?" Chen Chentian's voice trembled.

"It's written in the Penguin information." Song Qingge's voice was light and airy, and it fell on Chen Chentian's heart.

So, with wet hair and a pink bath towel, Chen Chentian realized on this dark and windy night that penguins are at risk, so be careful with real information!

Not long after hanging up the phone, the remote was disabled. Looking through the chat records one by one, Chen Tian sighed in admiration and at the same time was absolutely sure of one thing: Song Qingge, you've done it again! If you don't tell Bai Lianhua, do you think he can guess that it's you who is chatting with him

Well, but that's not within the scope of his help. It's better to wait for them to achieve righteousness on their own, hmm... Chentian drank a cup of Nestlé, and suddenly felt that he was quite a master in the smoke.

Early the next morning, Bai Lianhua woke up. He didn't know if it was due to acclimatization, but he felt dizzy when he first woke up, making him feel as if he had a fever.

City C is a great place, and naturally you can’t finish it all in one morning. He used his mobile phone to refer to the map and went to several iconic attractions that were relatively close to the hotel. Perhaps it was because the price was too expensive that dampened his enthusiasm, or some things were not as beautiful as he imagined, or perhaps visiting the scenic spots alone was out of tune with the crowds of people around him. Bai Lianhua even felt that these high-end goods Not as fun as the aquarium in City B...

When we arrived at the hotel, it was around 11 noon. From a distance, I could see the hotel entrance decorated with lights and a promotional photo posted next to it. It was very beautiful.

Bai Lianhua followed the flow of people and walked into the second floor of the hotel. It is said that the second and third floors are where the game meeting will be held. After confirming that it was on the second floor, Bai Lianhua dug out her phone's address book and found the record of her first call with the contact person "Mianxiaobanbuepian".

The voice on the other side was very noisy, and it seemed that they were also in the hotel.

"Hello? Who is there?" The voice was very casual, and from time to time some laughter came from over there.

"It's me, White Lotus."

"Ah? Sister Lianhua? You are finally willing to call me!" Immediately, he greeted the people next to him a few times, "... Hey! You guys, please be quiet. Bai Lianhua called me." When we came out, the atmosphere was very lively, as evidenced by another burst of noise at the other end. "Where are you now?" Chen Tian asked him.

"The entrance to the lobby on the second floor." Bai Lianhua glanced at the mark above and replied honestly. "Oh, then come to private room No. 9 and ask the waiter to bring you over...or should I pick you up?"

Bai Lianhua walked into the hall, looked at the signs at the door of the private rooms one by one, and replied slowly, "No need, I can just find it myself." She walked around the path twice, and finally, Bai Lianhua At one end near the rostrum, the legendary private room No. 9 was found.

Take a deep breath,